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Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) is a powerful and widely applied method for the study of biological systems, biomarker discovery and pharmacological interventions. LC-MS measurements are, however, significantly complicated by several technical challenges, including: (1) ionisation suppression/enhancement, disturbing the correct quantification of analytes, and (2) the detection of large amounts of separate derivative ions, increasing the complexity of the spectra, but not their information content. Here we introduce an experimental and analytical strategy that leads to robust metabolome profiles in the face of these challenges. Our method is based on rigorous filtering of the measured signals based on a series of sample dilutions. Such data sets have the additional characteristic that they allow a more robust assessment of detection signal quality for each metabolite. Using our method, almost 80% of the recorded signals can be discarded as uninformative, while important information is retained. As a consequence, we obtain a broader understanding of the information content of our analyses and a better assessment of the metabolites detected in the analyzed data sets. We illustrate the applicability of this method using standard mixtures, as well as cell extracts from bacterial samples. It is evident that this method can be applied in many types of LC-MS analyses and more specifically in untargeted metabolomics.  相似文献   
半矮秆基因brh1在大麦中的精细定位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选用从大麦、小麦和水稻中分离的RFLP标记 ,构建了大麦半矮秆基因brh1精细图谱。以快中子处理六棱大麦品种Steptoe的种子 ,从M2 代中选择出brh1突变体FN5 3。brh1是一个极易鉴别的形态学标记 ,通过对FN5 3×Morex的F2 代群体进行鉴定表明 ,brh1基因为隐性 ,前人通过BSA法将其初步定位在大麦第 1染色体 (7H)短臂上 ,靠近端粒区。这一区间还有一个控制秆锈病抗性的显性基因Rpg1。所以 ,brh1的精细定位不仅对研究其本身具有重要意义 ,同时 ,也为Rpg1的图位克隆和功能研究提供了更大的重组配子群体。定位实验全部以F2 中具有brh1特征的个体为对象完成 ,鉴定工作在苗期进行。在该精细图上 ,brh1区间长15 .2cM ,各标记间的平均距离为 0 .8cM。其中 ,大麦的cDNA克隆MWG2 0 74B与brh1共分离。 2 0 74A在靠近着丝点一侧 ,与brh1相距 0 .8cM。BCD12 9和R3139在定位群体内呈现与MWG2 0 74A共分离。CDO5 4 5位于端粒一侧 ,距离brh1为 0 .8cM。根据禾谷类作物基因组的共线性原理 ,CDO5 4 5成功定位在水稻的同源染色体即第 6染色体短臂brh1区间内。然而 ,由于在定位亲本间缺乏多态性 ,BCD12 9和MWG2 0 74的 2条主带A和B均未能定位在水稻的共线性区段内。推测MWG2 0 74的其他各带可能被定位在水稻的目标区间内 ,从而有  相似文献   
Preharvest sprouting (PHS) can be a problem in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) especially malting barley, since rapid, uniform, and complete germination are critical. Information has been gained by studying the genetics of dormancy (measured as germination percentage, GP). The objective of this study was to determine if the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) discovered in previous research on dormancy are related to PHS. PHS was measured as sprout score (SSc) based on visual sprouting in mist chamber-treated spikes and as alpha-amylase activity (AA) in kernels taken from mist chamber-treated spikes that showed little or no visible sprouting. GP was also measured. All traits were measured at 0 and 14 days after physiological maturity. Evaluation of the spring six-row cross, Steptoe (dormant)/Morex (non-dormant) doubled haploid mapping population grown in greenhouse and field environments revealed QTL regions for SSc, AA, and GP on five, four, and six of the seven barley chromosomes, respectively. In total, seven and eight regions on five and six chromosomes had effects ranging from 4 to 31% and 3 to 39% on PHS and dormancy, respectively. One chromosome 3H and three chromosome 5H QTLs had the greatest effects. All PHS QTLs coincide with known dormancy QTLs, but some QTLs appear to be more important for PHS than for dormancy. Key QTLs identified should benefit breeding of barley for a suitable balance between PHS and dormancy.  相似文献   
Approaches utilizing microlinearity between related species allow for the identification of syntenous regions and orthologous genes. Within the barley Chromosome 7H(1) is a region of high recombination flanked by molecular markers cMWG703 and MWG836. We present the constructed physical contigs linked to molecular markers across this region using bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) from the cultivar Morex. Barley expressed sequence tags (EST), identified by homology to rice chromosome 6 between the rice molecular markers C425A and S1434, corresponded to the barley syntenous region of Chromosome 7H(1) Bins 2–5 between molecular markers cMWG703-MWG836. Two hundred and thirteen ESTs were genetically mapped yielding 267 loci of which 101 were within the target high recombination region while 166 loci mapped elsewhere. The 101 loci were joined by 43 other genetic markers resulting in a highly saturated genetic map. In order to develop a physical map of the region, ESTs and all other molecular markers were used to identify Morex BAC clones. Seventy-four BAC contigs were formed containing 2–102 clones each with an average of 19 and a median of 13 BAC clones per contig. Comparison of the BAC contigs, generated here, with the Barley Physical Mapping Database contigs, resulted in additional overlaps and a reduction of the contig number to 56. Within cMWG703-MWG836 are 24 agriculturally important traits including the seedling spot blotch resistance locus, Rcs5. Genetic and physical analysis of this region and comparison to rice indicated an inversion distal of the Rcs5 locus. Three BAC clone contigs spanning the Rcs5 locus were identified. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Adjuvant formulations boost humoral responses by acting through several, yet incompletely elucidated pathways. In this study, we show that oligomycin or 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribonucleoside (AICAR) enhances Ab production when coinjected with T cell-dependent Ags. Oligomycin and AICAR lead to intracellular ATP reduction, suggesting that metabolic stress could be sensed by immune cells and leads to increased humoral responses. AICAR promotes IL-4 and IL-21 by naive Th cells but does not affect dendritic cell activation/maturation in vitro or in vivo. Accordingly, the adjuvant effect of AICAR or oligomycin does not require MyD88 or caspase-1 expression in vivo. Because AICAR is well tolerated in humans, this compound could represent a novel and safe adjuvant promoting humoral responses in vivo with a minimal reactogenicity.  相似文献   
The virus-neutralising domain III (DIII) of the West Nile virus glycoprotein E was exposed on the surface of RNA phage AP205 virus-like particles (VLPs) in mosaic form. For this purpose, a 111 amino acid sequence of DIII was added via amber or opal termination codons to the C-terminus of the AP205 coat protein, and mosaic AP205-DIII VLPs were generated by cultivation in amber- or opal-suppressing Escherichia coli strains. After extensive purification to 95 % homogeneity, mosaic AP205-DIII VLPs retained up to 11–16 % monomers carrying DIII domains. The DIII domains appeared on the VLP surface because they were fully accessible to anti-DIII antibodies. Immunisation of BALB/c mice with AP205-DIII VLPs resulted in the induction of specific anti-DIII antibodies, of which the level was comparable to that of the anti-AP205 antibodies generated against the VLP carrier. The AP205-DIII-induced anti-DIII response was represented by a significant fraction of IgG2 isotype antibodies, in contrast to parallel immunisation with the DIII oligopeptide, which failed to induce IgG2 isotype antibodies. Formulation of AP-205-DIII VLPs in alum adjuvant stimulated the level of the anti-DIII response, but did not alter the fraction of IgG2 isotype antibodies. Mosaic AP205-DIII VLPs could be regarded as a promising prototype of a putative West Nile vaccine.  相似文献   
Thermal stability and pH optima of NADH-nitrate reductase-associated cytochrome c reductase and FMNH2-nitrate reductase from wild type, cv Steptoe or Winer, and mutants nar 1d, nar 1g, nar 1h, Xno 18 and Xno 19 were compared to determine if structural differences in the nitrate reductase protein could be detected. Also, the nitrate reductase-associated cytochrome c reductase from nar 1d was purified and compared with the wild type by peptide mapping. The pH optimum for FMNH2-nitrate reductase from Steptoe and nar 1h, and for NADH-cytochrome c reductase from Steptoe, nar 1d, nar 1g and nar 2a was 7.5. Thermal stabilities of the nitrate reductase-associated activities (FMNH2-nitrate reductase or NADH-cytochrome c reductase) from nar mutants were less than the Steptoe wild type, while Xno mutants were equal to the Winer wild type. Cleveland peptide maps of nar 1d NADH-cytochrome c reductase and Steptoe nitrate reductase were identicalwhen digested with endoprotease lys-C but were distinctly different in one peptide when digested with Staphylococcus aureus endoprotease V8. These results provide evidence that nar 1 gene codes for the nitrate reductase polypeptide.  相似文献   
Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and Apple mosaic virus are economically important viruses infecting fruit tree species worldwide. To evaluate the occurrence of these pome fruit viruses in Latvia, a large‐scale survey was carried out in 2007. Collected samples were tested for infection by DAS ELISA and multiplex RT‐PCR. The accuracy of the detection of the viruses in multiplex RT‐PCR was confirmed by sequencing amplified PCR fragments. The results showed a wide occurrence of viruses in apple and pear commercial orchards established from non‐tested planting material. More than 89% of the tested apple trees and more than 60% of pear trees were infected with one or more pome fruit viruses. Analyses showed that the high occurrence of viruses in several apple cultivars is due to the propagation of infected clonal rootstocks and scions from infected mother trees. Sequence analyses targeting the 3′‐terminal region of the tested viruses showed various degrees of genetic diversity within respective virus isolates. This is the first report of the occurrence of ACLSV, ASGV and ASPV in apple and pear trees in Latvia and demonstrates their genetic diversity in different host genotypes.  相似文献   
It is widely reported that partisanship in the United States Congress is at an historic high. Given that individuals are persuaded to follow party lines while having the opportunity and incentives to collaborate with members of the opposite party, our goal is to measure the extent to which legislators tend to form ideological relationships with members of the opposite party. We quantify the level of cooperation, or lack thereof, between Democrat and Republican Party members in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1949–2012. We define a network of over 5 million pairs of representatives, and compare the mutual agreement rates on legislative decisions between two distinct types of pairs: those from the same party and those formed of members from different parties. We find that despite short-term fluctuations, partisanship or non-cooperation in the U.S. Congress has been increasing exponentially for over 60 years with no sign of abating or reversing. Yet, a group of representatives continue to cooperate across party lines despite growing partisanship.  相似文献   
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