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Photobleaching in the unicellular green alga Dunaliella parva 19/9   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The change in the pigment composition of the unicellular alga Dunaliella parva 19/9 during exposure to high light (4000 mol m-2 s-1) has been investigated. During photobleaching the carotenoids were lost at a greater rate than the chlorophylls. In these photoinhibitory conditions, -carotene and especially the minor carotenes, - and -carotene, were more susceptible to oxidative destriction than the xanthophylls. Lutein, the major carotenoid present, was the most stable of the carotenoids in these conditions. In addition to the direct photobleaching of carotenoids and chlorophylls, high light treatment induced the de-epoxidation of violaxanthin to antheraxantin and zeaxanthin. Small amounts of zeaxanthin were present in cells prior to illumination but the amount increased 2.4 fold following high light treatment. The effects of extremes of temperature during exposure to high light intensities were also investigated. The destruction of chlorophylls was found to be more temperature sensitive than that of the carotenoids. The general pattern of loss for the individual carotenoids was similar to that found at 25°C, i.e., the carotenes were more readily degraded than the xanthophylls.  相似文献   
Genetic studies have uncovered many genes that are involved in the first steps of neuronal development inDrosophila.Less is known about the intermediate steps during which individual precursor cells follow either the neuronal pathway or the glial pathway. We report the identification of a novel bHLH gene,biparous,expressed in neuronal and glial precursors inDrosophila.Unlike most bHLH genes,biparousexpression continues to the final stages of neurogenesis in the embryo. Expression ofbiparousis not observed in end stage postmitotic neurons and precedes the expression ofrepo,a gene activated in later stages of glial differentiation. The bHLH domain is sufficiently different from previously described bHLH domains to imply a novel function.  相似文献   
The reactions of cadmium halides with the 15-membered macrocyclic crown ethers, 15-crown-5 and benzo-15-crown-5, have been carried out and six new complexes have been isolated and structurally characterized. Metal to ligand stoichiometries of 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 and 3:2 have been observed with a variety of different formulations. Examples of charge separated ion pairs ([(NH4)(benzo-15-crown-5)2]2[Cd2I6]), halogen bridged monomers, dimers or polymers ([Cd(15-crown-5)(OHMe)(μ-Br)CdBr3], [Cd(15-crown-5)(μ-Br)2CdBr(μ-Br)]2(isolated from the same reaction mixture) and [(CdCl2)2CdCl2(15-crown-5)]n), and hydrogen bonded finite chains or polymers ([(Cd(OH2)2(15-crown-5)][CdI3(OH2)]2·2(15-crown-5)·2CH3CN and [CdI2(OH2)2(THF)]·benzo-15-crown-5) have been isolated. Three different types of 15-crown-5 coordination modes have been observed in these complexes. In-cavity coordination resulting in pentagonal bipyramidal geometries about Cd2+ was observed in [(CdCl2)2CdCl2(15-crown-5)]n, [Cd(15-crown-5)(OHMe)(μ-Br)CdBr3], and [Cd(OH2)2(15-crown-5)][CdI3(OH2)]2·2(15-crown-5)·2CH3CN, [Cd(15-crown-5)(μ-Br)2CdBr(μ-Br)]2 displays out-of-cavity coordination with one etheric donor distorted into an axial position of a distorted pentagonal bipyramid. The third coordination mode is secondary sphere coordination via hydrogen bonding which is observed for [Cd(OH2)2(15-crown-5)][CdI3(OH2)]2·2(15-crown-5)·2CH3CN. The good fit of Cd2+ within the cavity of 15-crown-5 results in shorter bonding contacts and a more narrow distribution in Cd---O values (2.273(7)-2.344(6) Å) than observed for cadmium halide complexes of 18-crown-6 (Cd---O = 2.69(1)–2.81(1) Å).  相似文献   
Synopsis The reproductive biology of the concha wrasse, Nelabrichthys ornatus, at Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic Ocean is described. Histological evidence shows that the species is a monandric protogynous hermaphrodite. N. ornatus displays full permanent sexual dichromatism with all males occurring in the upper size classes of the population. Size specific habitat preference is described. Aspects of the mating system of the species resemble a lek although the possibility of mating site selection by females is not discounted. Spawning groups have a sex ratio of between 4 and 7 females per male.  相似文献   
The PMP22/EMP/MP20 gene family includes four closely related proteins, peripheral myelin protein-22 (PMP22), epithelial membrane protein-1 (EMP-1), epithelial membrane protein-2 (EMP-2), and epithelial membrane protein-3 (EMP-3), which share amino acid identities ranging from 33 to 43%. In addition, the lens-specific membrane protein MP20 represents a more distant relative. Functionally, this family of proteins is likely to play important roles in the control of cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and cell death. In particular, mutations affecting thePMP22gene are responsible for various hereditary peripheral neuropathies in humans and mice. We report the isolation and characterization of a mouse EMP-1 cDNA and the correspondingemp-1gene. Mouse EMP-1 displays 93% amino acid identity to rat EMP-1 and 39% identity to mouse PMP22. The cDNA-predicted EMP-1 protein contains four putative membrane-associated domains and can beN-linked glycosylatedin vitro.EMP-1 is encoded by a single-copy gene with the positions of introns exactly conserved betweenemp-1andPMP22,corroborating the hypothesis that both genes belong to the same family. Computer-predicted structural domains of EMP-1 are partially mirrored by the exon/intron structure ofemp-1.Most interestingly, exon 4, which covers the potential second transmembrane domain, a small intracellular loop, and half of the third transmembrane domain, encodes the most highly conserved regions between the EMP-1 and PMP22 proteins and is also remarkably conserved in the MP20 gene, indicating some shared functional significance for this module in the PMP22/EMP/MP20 family.  相似文献   
Juniperus excelsa subsp. polycarpos (K. Koch) Takhtajan is found in mountain areas from Turkey through to India and as an isolated population on Jebel Akhadar in the northern mountains of Oman. Juniperus is one of the dominant plant species in these mountains and a major landscape feature of several proposed National Nature and Scenic Reserves and of Hayl Juwari, a wooded valley at 2250 m altitude proposed as a Botanical Site of Special Interest. Above 2400 m altitude the Juniperus woodlands generally appear to be regenerating and in good condition, both on exposed slopes and in wadis and sheltered gullies, whereas below 2400 m most stands are in poor condition and exhibit few signs of regeneration. If the apparently poor condition of the lower altitude woodlands is due to any long term change in climatic conditions, both tree status and regeneration would be poorer in relatively more xeric habitats. To test this prediction we have carried out a detailed survey of the status and ecology of a 32 ha area of Hayl Juwari, and analysed differences in tree status and regeneration between wadis (relatively more nesic sites) and non-wadi areas (relatively more xeric). Approximately one third of the trees are dead, and an analysis of the height, condition, regeneration, female cone production, preferred germination sites and spatial distribution of trees indicates the importance of topography, hydrology and microclimate for growth. However, although there are relatively greater numbers of dead and poor-condition trees in the more xeric non-wadi habitat, there is no unequivocal evidence that the present distribution of small, sexually immature trees in both habitats could not form a pattern of larger, sexually mature trees similar to that seen today. We speculate, however, that the climate at this altitude may be marginal for the survival of a J. excelsa subsp. polycarpos woodland and that even small increases in climatic stress could imperil the woodland's present status.  相似文献   
Eicosanoids have been demonstrated to play a central role in immune regulation in mammals brought about by their direct effects on cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes or by their indirect effects via cytokines. Studies have shown that fish mononuclear phagocytes, granulocytes and thrombocytes synthesize and release both cyclooxygenase- and lipoxygenase-derived products such as prostaglandin E2, leukotriene B4 and lipoxin A4. Whether lymphocytes have the ability to generate leukotrienes and lipoxins is still unclear but they do appear to have 12-lipoxygenase activity that leads to the generation of 12-hydroxy fatty acid derivatives. As in mammals, leukotriene and lipoxin biosynthesis requires the presence of a 5-lipoxygenase activating protein-like molecule that is sensitive to the action of the specific inhibitor, MK-886. The prostaglandin-generating ability of trout macrophages can be altered by incubation with lipopolysaccharide suggesting the possible presence of an inducible cyclooxygenase activity. Prostaglandins have been found to suppress the mitogen-induced proliferation of trout leucocytes and the generation of humoral antibody and plasma cells both in vivo and in vitro. The lipoxygenase products, leukotriene B4 and lipoxin A4 have more variable effects ranging from inhibition to stimulation depending on the assay system employed. Overall, there is clear evidence that eicosanoids play a role in immune regulation in fish in a similar way to that reported in mammals.  相似文献   
The process of ligand binding to a cluster of membrane-associated receptors is examined theoretically. The theoretical model proposed involves the diffusion of ligands from the solution to the disc-like cluster of receptors on the surface of the spherical cell. When the ligand hits the internal part of the disc-like cluster, it begins to move laterally until it leaves the disc through its outer surface or is bound by one of the receptors inside the disc. If the ligand leaves the cluster, it returns to the solution and hits the disc again after a certain period, etc. According to our model the transition from a diffusion-limited to a reaction-limited process of binding is determined by the dimensionless parameter Dt c/a 2, where D is the lateral diffusion coefficient,t c is the characteristic time of reaction, anda is the radius of the disc-like cluster. The forward rate constantk f turns out to be a function of . Comparing the results of our calculations ofk f with some experimental data we found that agreement is achieved at high , i.e. the process of ligand binding by clustered receptors is predominantly reaction-limited.  相似文献   
Previous work has shown that streamside salamander larvae (Ambystoma barbouri; Ambystomatidae) exhibit an adaptive ‘sink to the bottom’ response to chemical cues from predatory green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus; Centrarchidae), that is, larvae sink to the bottom more quickly (thus minimizing exposure time to sunfish predation) when they are dropped into water with sunfish chemicals (as compared to Ashless controls). Here, we examined this anti-predator behaviour in early hatchlings and the effects of age and experience on subsequent expression of this behaviour. Hatchlings responded significantly to fish chemical cues within the first 18 h after hatching. Age did not significantly influence this response, i.e. regardless of age (1, 7, or 14 days after hatching) larvae showed a significant response during their first exposure to fish chemical cues. Experience also did not significantly influence the larval response to fish chemicals i.e., repeated exposures over 2 weeks did not significantly influence the magnitude of the response. Finally, comparisons of 3 siblingships detected significant variation among siblingships that might reflect genetic variation in this behaviour.  相似文献   
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