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Implications of cytochromeb 6/f location for thylakoidal electron transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cytochromeb 6/f complex of higher plant chloroplasts is uniformly distributed throughout both appressed and nonappressed thylakoids, in contrast to photosystem II and photosystem I, the other major membrane protein complexes involved in electron transport. We discuss how this distribution is likely to affect interactions of the cytochromeb 6/f complex with other electron transport components because of the resulting local stoichiometries, and how these may affect the regulation of electron transport.  相似文献   
Summary The human prostate tumor subline 1-LN-PC-3-1A (1-LN) is reproducibly metastatic in adult athymic nude mice. Cells surviving a brief in vitro exposure to ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) exhibited a profound decrease in capacity for experimental lung metastasis in nude mice. Thirty days after EMS treatment, 1×106 uncloned EMS-treated 1-LN cells (1-LN-EMS-10) were injected IV into groups of 6 to 8-week-old male athymic nude mice (BALB/cAnBOM). A median of 8.5 colonies/lung was observed among 20 1-LN-EMS-10-injected mice, which was significantly different from the median of 51 colonies/lung produced among 14 1-LN-injected mice (P=0.0002). This altered phenotype remained stable during 150 days of continuous culture. However, the 1-LN-EMS-10 cells were tumorigenic in 10/10 nude mice injected SC. Single lung tumor colonies recovered from 1-LN-EMS-10-injected mice and reinjected IV into nude mice produced medians of 32–63 colonies/lung. The altered metastatic phenotype resulting from treatment of 1-LN with EMS was reversed by exposure to a noncytotoxic dose of 5-azacytidine, but unaffected by a second exposure to EMS. Collectively these data demonstrate that the metastatic phenotype of these human tumor cells in athymic nude mice can be heritably altered by in vitro exposure to EMS and 5-azacytidine. Analysis of the mechanisms underlying these phenotypic changes may provide insight into parts of the complex process of tumor cell evolution.  相似文献   
Summary Three nodulation-deficient (nod) mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum were isolated following insertion of the transposon Tn5 into pRL1JI, the R. leguminosarum plasmid known to carry the nodulation genes. DNA adjacent to the nod: Tn5 alleles was subcloned and used to probe a cosmid clone bank containing DNA from a Rhizobium strain carrying pRL1JI. Two cosmid clones which showed homology with the probe contained about 10 kb of DNA in common. The R. leguminosarum host-range determinants were found to be present within this 10 kb common region since either of the cosmid clones could enable a cured R. phaseoli strain to nodulate peas instead of Phaseolus beans, its normal host. Electron microscopy of nodules induced by Rhizobium strains cured of their normal symbiotic plasmid but containing either of the two cosmid clones showed bacteroid-forms surrounded by a peri-bacteroid membrane, indicating that normal infection had occurred. Thus it is clear that this 10 kb region of nodDNA carries the genes that determine host range and that relatively few bacterial genes may be involved in nodule and bacteroid development.  相似文献   
We have investigated the induction of mutants resistant to 6-thioguanine (6TG) following 254 nm ultraviolet light exposure of density-inhibited cultures of human diploid fibroblasts. Phenotypic expression of 6TG resistance was maximal within 9 days and remained stable through 19 days after irradiation. In reconstruction studies, complete recovery of 6TG-resistant mutants occurred at cell densities of up to 35 000 cells per 100-mm petri dish. The induced mutation frequency increased linearly with dose over the range of 3–9 J/m2; the D0 of the survival curve was 4.2 J/m2. Delaying subculture to low density for 1.5–24 h after irradiation produced unexpected alterations in induced mutation frequencies. An increase in UV-induced mutations of approximately 3-fold was observed in cultures maintained in confluence for 3 h. This trend was reversed with longer holding times: the mutation frequency declined sharply in cultures held for 6 h compared to the 3-h value, and thereafter showed a steady and gradual diminution to background levels.

These data suggest that the repair of potentíally mutagenic damage is a complex phenomenon which can lead to an increase or decrease in mutation frequency as a function of holding time. Although the decline in mutation frequency observed following longer holding intervals is consistent with the notion of an error-free process, we hypothesize that the increased mutation frequency produced by a short holding period reflects the existence of a cell-mediated process which enhances the mutagenic potential of at least some UV-induced DNA photoproducts.  相似文献   

Cells of the human promyelocytic HL60 line were induced to differentiate into granulocyte-like cells with dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) or macrophage-like cells with 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). The synthesis of Cathepsin B by these cells was studied by immunoperoxidase staining and assay of cell lysates using the fluorimetric substrate benzoyloxycarbonyl-phenylanalyl-arginine-4-methyl-7-coumarylamide. Only 2–5% of the uninduced HL60 cells and DMSO-induced cells were immunohistochemically positive for Cathepsin B, compared with over 80% of the TPA-induced cells. Cathepsin B activity was lowest in the lysates of uninduced HL60s. DMSO-induced cells contained 1.5–2-fold the enzyme activity of HL60s and TPA-induced cell lysates demonstrated 5–14-fold the activity of uninduced HL60s. Induction of Cathepsin B synthesis was therefore associated with differentiation of the promyelocytes into cells of the monocyte/macrophage type, but not granulocyte-like cells. Cathepsin B was located immunohistochemically in human palatine tonsils. The enzyme was only demonstrated within macrophages in these tissues. Cathepsin B may therefore be a useful immunohistochemical marker for malignant and nonmalignant cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage.  相似文献   
Human monocytes synthesize large amounts of the second complement component (C2) after incubation with a T-lymphocyte product called monocyte complement stimulator (MCS). The human monocyte-like cell line, U937, also synthesizes C2 and can be stimulated to increase this synthesis by lymphokine-rich culture supernates. Additionally, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), an agent which induces maturational changes in other macrophage-like cell lines, also stimulates C2 synthesis by U937 cells. Lymphokine and PMA stimulation of C2 secretion by U937 are both reversibly inhibitable by cycloheximide. At optimal concentrations for stimulation of C2 synthesis, PMA inhibits [3H]thymidine incorporation by U937 indicating that increased C2 is not due to increased numbers of U937 cells.  相似文献   
The identification and regionalization of four pituitary parenchymal cell types, gonadotrophs, mammotrophs, somatotrophs and thyrotrophs, were studied in the baboon (Papio cynocephalus) hypophysis using immunocytochemistry. The gonadotrophs were homogeneously distributed throughout the entire pars distalis. Both mammotrophs and somatotrophs predominate at the superior and inferior poles of the organ. The medial and anteromedial regions are populated by mammotrophs and thyrotrophs, while the lateral and posterior portions of the pars distalis contain large numbers of somatotrophs.  相似文献   
Summary The properties of agglutination by plant lectins, along with chromosome patterns, were examined in a variety of mammalian cell types. Untransformed adult and embryonic cells in culture, direct mouse spleen cell preparations, SV40-transformed 3T3 cells, and trypsinized 3T3 cells were all highly agglutinable with concanavalin A and with wheat germ agglutinin. In contrast, untreated cells of the contact-inhibited 3T3 line were alone among the cells tested in their low agglutinability. Chromosome analysis of the cultured cells showed that karyotypic variation from the diploid to an aneuploid state in mouse and rat embryo cultures was not accompanied by a change in agglutinability. Adult rat lung, adult monkey kidney, and embryonic human lung cells, which were all highly agglutinable, showed the normal diploid pattern. Thus, agglutination of cells by plant lectins appears to be a cellular property often associated with non-neo-plastic cells. This investigation was supported by Grants CA-12503 and ES-00260 from the National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   
Wild-type chloroplast membranes from Chlamydomonas reinhardi exhibit four faces in freeze-etchreplicas: the complementary Bs and Cs faces are found where the membranes are stacked together; the complementary Bu and Cu faces are found in unstacked membranes. The Bs face carries a dense population of regularly spaced particles containing the large, 160 ± 10 A particles that appear to be unique to chloroplast membranes. Under certain growth conditions, membrane stacking does not occur in the ac-5 strain. When isolated, these membranes remain unstacked, exhibit only Bu and Cu faces, and retain the ability to carry out normal photosynthesis. Membrane stacking is also absent in the ac-31 strain, and, when isolated in a low-salt medium, these membranes remain unstacked and exhibit only Bu and Cu faces. When isolated in a high-salt medium, however, they stack normally, and Bs and Cs faces are produced by this in vitro stacking process. We conclude that certain particle distributions in the chloroplast membrane are created as a consequence of the stacking process, and that the ability of membranes to stack can be modified both by gene mutation and by the ionic environment in which the membranes are found.  相似文献   
Cholest-5-ene-3beta,26-diol, isolated from human brain, was further characterized by oxidation to 3-oxocholest-4-en-26-ol and to 3-oxocholest-4-en-26-oic acid. Identification was achieved by comparison (by t.l.c., g.l.c. and g.l.c.-mass spectrometry) with corresponding reference compounds derived from kryptogenin.  相似文献   
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