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Two unicellular marine algae cultured in media containing sodium selenite were examined for glutathione peroxidase activity. The 400 g supernatant from disrupted cells of both the green alga Dunaliella primolecta and the red alga Porphyridium cruentum were able to enhance both the H2O2 and the tert-butyl hydroperoxide dependent oxidation of glutathione. The glutathione peroxidation activity of D. primolecta was reduced only slightly by heating the 400 g supernatant, a 30% decrease in the rate with H2O2 and 10% decrease in the rate with t-BuOOH being observed. Heating caused the H2O2 dependent activity in P. cruentum to be reduced by only 30%, but the activity with t-BuOOH was reduced by 90%. Freezing decreased the t-BuOOH dependent activity of P. cruentum by 90%, but did not lower the t-BuOOH dependent activity of D. primolecta or the H2O2 dependent activity of either alga. It was concluded that the heat and cold stable, glutathione peroxidation was non-enzymatic in nature. A variety of small molecules (ascorbate, Cu(NO3)2, selenocystine, dimethyldiselenide and selenomethionine) were shown to be able to enhance the hydroperoxide dependent oxidation of glutathione in the assay system employed in this study. Such compounds could be responsible for the activity observed in algae. The heat and cold labile t-BuOOH reductase activity of P. cruentumwas possibly enzymatic, but was not attributable to the presence of glutathione-S-transferase. Both algae, when cultured in the presence of added selenite, displayed an approximate doubling of the non-enzymatic H2O2 and t-BuOOH dependent glutathione oxidase activities. The heat and cold labile t-BuOOH reductase activity of P. cruentum was unaltered when the alga was grown in the presence of added selenite. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that selenium compounds present in the algae are responsible for the selenium induced glutathione peroxidation.  相似文献   
Sex ratio and intrasexual kin competition in mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Asymmetries in both intrasexual competition and generation overlap occur in Antechinus (Dasyuridae; Marsupialia). We show that the range of interpopulation variation in the sex ratio of pouch young spans and exceeds the range of sex ratios at birth hitherto recorded from eutherians (Clutton-Brock and Albon 1983). Although postweaning dispersal and male mortality are similar among all Antechinus populations, interpopulation variance in female longevity leads to variable duration of mother/daughter interaction. As this duration increases, parental investment is increasingly biased toward males, supporting the view that local competition among female kin for resources may influence mammalian sex ratios.  相似文献   
A nonintrusive auxonometric system, based on the DARWIN image processor (Telewski et al. 1983 Plant Physiol 72: 177-181), is described and demonstrated in the analysis of gravitropism and thigmomorphogenesis in corn seedlings (Zea mays). Using this system, growth and bending of regularly shaped plants or organs can be quickly and accurately measured without, in any way, interfering with the plant. Furthermore, the growth and bending curves are automatically plotted. Thigmomorphogenesis in the aerial part of corn seedlings involves growth promotion at a low force load and growth retardation at higher force loads. The time courses of the two kinds of response are somewhat different, with retardation occurring immeditely after mechanical perturbation and growth promotion taking somewhat longer to begin. Gravitropic experiments show that when dark-grown corn seedlings are placed on their side in the light, the resulting curvature is due to two consecutive morphological mechanisms. In the first instance, lasting for about 15 minutes, the elongation of the bottom edge of the plant accelerates, while the elongation of the top edge remains constant. After that, for the next 1.75 hours, the elongation of the top edge decelerates and stops while that of the bottom edge remains constant at the increased rate for most of the period. The measurements taken from both experiments at relatively high resolution (0.08-0.1 millimeter) show that the growth curves are not smooth but show many small irregularities which may or may not involve micronutations.  相似文献   
Juvenile Corbicula fluminea Müller (1774) were cultured at 15.3 °C in the laboratory on eight combinations of suspended sediment and phytoplankton. Sediment concentrations were 2.6, 25, 50, and 150 mg l–1. Chlorophyll a levels were 15.6 and 62.5 µg l–1. Clam tissue growth was found to be independent of silt concentration but increased at the higher chlorophyll level (p < 0.05). The growth experiment was repeated at 24 °C with chlorophyll a concentrations of 18.9 and 112.6 µg l–1. Growth was again greater at the higher phytoplankton level (p < 0.05). These results demonstrate that Asiatic clam populations are food-limited most of the growing season in the Northern and Western portions of California's eutrophic Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta where chlorophyll a levels average less than the lower of these values. Comparisons of clam growth in the laboratory and estuary support the food limitation hypothesis as at the higher food concentration laboratory tissue growth was 2.3 and 3.8 times greater during the high and low temperature evaluations than in the estuary.  相似文献   
The nitrogen cycle in lodgepole pine forests,southeastern Wyoming   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
Storage and flux of nitrogen were studied in several contrasting lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta spp.latifolia) forests in southeastern Wyoming. The mineral soil contained most of the N in these ecosystems (range of 315–860 g · m–2), with aboveground detritus (37.5–48.8g · m–2) and living biomass (19.5–24.0 g · m–2) storing much smaller amounts. About 60–70% of the total N in vegetation was aboveground, and N concentrations in plant tissues were unusually low (foliage = 0.7% N), as were N input via wet precipitation (0.25 g · m–2 · yr–1), and biological fixation of atmospheric N (<0.03 g · m–2 · yr–1, except locally in some stands at low elevations where symbiotic fixation by the leguminous herbLupinus argenteus probably exceeded 0.1 g · m–2 · yr–1).Because of low concentrations in litterfall and limited opportunity for leaching, N accumulated in decaying leaves for 6–7 yr following leaf fall. This process represented an annual flux of about 0.5g · m–2 to the 01 horizon. Only 20% of this flux was provided by throughfall, with the remaining 0.4g · m–2 · yr–1 apparently added from layers below. Low mineralization and small amounts of N uptake from the 02 are likely because of minimal rooting in the forest floor (as defined herein) and negligible mineral N (< 0.05 mg · L–1) in 02 leachate. A critical transport process was solubilization of organic N, mostly fulvic acids. Most of the organic N from the forest floor was retained within the major tree rooting zone (0–40 cm), and mineralization of soil organic N provided NH4 for tree uptake. Nitrate was at trace levels in soil solutions, and a long lag in nitrification was always observed under disturbed conditions. Total root nitrogen uptake was calculated to be 1.25 gN · m–2 · yr–1 with estimated root turnover of 0.37-gN · m–2 · yr–1, and the soil horizons appeared to be nearly in balance with respect to N. The high demand for mineralized N and the precipitation of fulvic acid in the mineral soil resulted in minimal deep leaching in most stands (< 0.02 g · m–2 · yr–1). These forests provide an extreme example of nitrogen behavior in dry, infertile forests.  相似文献   
Summary A fine network of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-immunopositive fibers was found in the posterior lobe of the pituitary of the rat. The intermediate and distal lobes were free of CRF-immunoreactivity. Varicose, terminal-like axons were frequently observed around capillary vessels. Surgical isolation of the paraventricular nuclei resulted in a complete disappearance of CRF-immunoreactive fibers from the posterior lobe. CRF-immunopositive fibers show the general characteristics of peptidergic axons. These ultrastructural observations support the idea that CRF is secreted into capillary vessels.  相似文献   
beta-Lactamases, enzymes that catalyse the hydrolysis of the beta-lactam ring in beta-lactam antibiotics, are divided into three classes, A, B and C, on the basis of the structures so far determined. There are relatively few effective inhibitors of class C beta-lactamases. A beta-lactam sulphone with a hydroxybenzyl side chain, namely (1'R,6R)-6-(1'-hydroxy)benzylpenicillanic acid SS-dioxide (I), has now been studied. The sulphone is a good mechanism-based inhibitor of class C beta-lactamases. At pH8, the inhibition of a Pseudomonas beta-lactamase is irreversible, and proceeds at a rate that is about one-tenth the rate of concurrent hydrolysis. The labelled enzyme has enhanced u.v. absorption and is probably an enamine. At a lower pH, however, inhibition is transitory.  相似文献   
Family members heterozygous for the congenitally abnormal fibrinogen designated fibrinogen Manchester, A alpha 16Arg----His, have previously been shown by h.p.l.c. and amino acid analysis to release a variant fibrinopeptide, [His16]fibrinopeptide A, from plasma fibrinogen after the addition of thrombin. The present study was designed to determine if the same abnormal phenotype was also present in the intraplatelet fibrinogen pool. Fresh platelets were washed in buffers containing EDTA until it could be shown that all washable plasma fibrinogen was removed. Normal platelets were then lysed by freezing and thawing to release their intracellular proteins, which were then treated with thrombin. The fibrinopeptides, cleaved from the intraplatelet fibrinogen, could be detected by an optimized h.p.l.c. technique. Quantification of the intraplatelet fibrinogen gave a result (means +/- S.D., n = 5) of 110 +/- 30 and 90 +/- 30 micrograms/10(9) platelets, when determined by h.p.l.c. quantification of fibrinopeptide B content and fibrinogen fragment E radioimmunoassay respectively. Examination of fibrinopeptides released from the platelet fibrinogen from the family with fibrinogen Manchester with the same techniques showed elution peaks in the same positions as both [His16]fibrinopeptide A and normal fibrinopeptide A. The identity of these peaks was further substantiated by analysis of the h.p.l.c. peaks by using specific radioimmunoassay to fibrinopeptide A. Our results therefore demonstrate that platelet fibrinogen expresses the heterozygous A alpha 16His phenotype. This supports the view that the A alpha chains of platelet and plasma fibrinogen are produced from a single genetic locus.  相似文献   
Synthesis, secretion and post-translational proteolysis of the storage proteins in cotyledons of Lupinus angustifolius L. (lupin) have been examined in vivo and in vitro by using a combination of pulse-chase experiments with [3H]- or [35S]-labelled amino acids, subcellular fractionation and cell-free translation from poly(A)+ (polyadenylylated) RNA or membrane-bound polyribosomes. Related polypeptides were identified by immunoprecipitation, separation on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gels and fluorography. The synthesis and processing of two proteins were compared. Conglutin alpha, the 11 S protein, was found as a family of precursor polypeptides of Mr 68000-88000 when translated from poly(A)+ RNA under conditions where signal segments were not cleaved, and Mr 64000-85000 both when sequestered into the endoplasmic reticulum and when accumulated in the protein bodies. Pulse-chase labelling showed that cotyledons from early stages of development were completely incapable of further proteolysis of these precursors. Nevertheless, in the same juvenile cotyledons, the precursors of the minor storage protein conglutin gamma, two polypeptides with Mr 50000-51000, were proteolytically cleaved to mature subunits of Mr 32000 and 17000 within 2 h. Further cleavage of the precursors of conglutin alpha into families of mature subunits of Mr 21000-24000 and 42000-62000 was detected in more mature cotyledons. A model is proposed which suggests that the mature subunits are produced by a single proteolytic cleavage of each of the three major precursors of conglutin alpha and also suggests that a close similarity exists between these subunits and those of other legumin-like proteins. The enzyme responsible for this cleavage, which appears at a specific stage in the middle of cotyledonary development, seems to be an integral part of the programmed developmental sequence in these pods.  相似文献   
We evaluated in a double-blind study the bronchodilatory properties of 2-decarboxy-2-hydroxymethyl prostaglandin E1 (PGE1-carbinol), described recently as a nonirritant bronchodilator in animals. Fifteen asthmatic patients received by inhalation single doses of 1, 10, and 30 μg PGE1-carbinol, 55 μg PGE2, and placebo (10% ethanol in normal saline, which was also used as diluent for the PGs). Such pulmonary function tests as forced expiratory volume in 1 second, forced vital capacity, and maximal expiratory flow were monitored during 2 hours following inhalation of each compound. 10 and 30 μg PGE1-carbinol produced significant but short-acting bronchodilation, similar to that caused by 55 μg PGE2. One-third of the patients reported mild cough and throat irritation during and shortly after inhalation of 30 μg PGE1-carbinol or 55 μg PGE2. Placebo and 1 μg PGE1-carbinol produced minimal side effects, but neither agent caused bronchodilation. In an adjunctive, unblinded trial, the same patients received 400 μg fenoterol. Fenoterol caused greater bronchodilation 15 and 30 minutes after inhalation than did the PGs in the double-blind study.  相似文献   
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