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Summary The subtidal coralline flats of northeastern New Zealand support a characteristic guild of grazing herbivores. The most important members of this guild are an echinometrid echinoid, patellid, turbinid and trochid gastropods. Densities of these herbivores fluctuate through time. Interactions within and among the different species of echinoids and gastropods were investigated experimentally. Different combinations of species were caged at densities up to 5 times that of ambient for a 24 week period in an experiment designed to differentiate between intra- and interspecific competition.The echinoidEvechinus chloroticus and the turbinid gastropodCookia sulcata exhibited reduced mean dry weight with increasing intraspecific densities. There was little evidence of density-related mortality in these species. The limpetCellana stellifera showed comparatively large losses of weight and enhanced mortalities in intraspecific experimental treatments but this was not related to density.Investigation of interspecific interactions amongstEvechinus andCookia revealed no evidence of a negative influence of one species on the other. In terms of dry weight,Cookia was indifferent to the presence ofEvechinus, andEvechinus benefited in the reciprocal interaction.Cookia also enjoyed an enhanced mean dry weight when in the presence ofCellana compared to the equivalent intraspecific treatments. There were no coherent trends in proportional mortality in any treatments with enhanced interspecific densities. Cellana, in the presence ofCookia, exhibited a dramatic decrease in mortality rate and increase in mean dry weight. The presence of the turbinid gastropod was clearly beneficial to the limpet when compared to the intraspecific treatments with enhanced intraspecific densities and the control cages containingCellana at ambient density. We suggest that subtidal areas constitute poor habitats for limpets in the absence of agents such asCookia which may provide or maintain suitable sites for attachment and grazing.For the combinations of densities and species investigated there was a consistent trend towards positive interspecific interactions. It seems unlikely that at the sites investigated interspecific competition could act to restrict distributions, or limit abundances of species.  相似文献   
Using HeLa S-3 cells synchronized by selective detachment, in this paper we report a parallel study of nuclear morphology and autoradiography grain patterns between middle G1 and middle S phases: Our results show two distinct [3H]-thymidine labeling patterns. The first “peripheral” labeling pattern has a characteristic nuclear size distribution, in contrast to the heterogeneous and varying size distributions of Feulgen-stained nuclei, and apparently is characteristic of very early S phase. The sizes of the second labeling pattern—homogeneous or inhomogeneous grain distribution throughout the nucleus—are equal or larger than the first and vary with S phase progression. Together, the corresponding nuclear sizes of the labeled nuclei represent the larger extreme of nuclear areas, and the labeling index closely parallels the fraction of nuclei with areas larger than the minimum size of the labeled nuclei. These results suggest a characteristic nuclear size (reflecting unique intranuclear DNA distribution) as a necessary, if not sufficient, requirement for S phase initiation. Parallel experimentation with rat liver cells—synchronized in vivo by partial hepatectomy and analyzed by thin section autoradiography—confirms the existence of a peripheral labeling pattern in both the very early part and the very late part of S phase, which reconciles our data with previous results and points to the fact that both initiation and termination sites for DNA replication are near the nuclear periphery.  相似文献   
Two unicellular marine algae cultured in media containing sodium selenite were examined for glutathione peroxidase activity. The 400 g supernatant from disrupted cells of both the green alga Dunaliella primolecta and the red alga Porphyridium cruentum were able to enhance both the H2O2 and the tert-butyl hydroperoxide dependent oxidation of glutathione. The glutathione peroxidation activity of D. primolecta was reduced only slightly by heating the 400 g supernatant, a 30% decrease in the rate with H2O2 and 10% decrease in the rate with t-BuOOH being observed. Heating caused the H2O2 dependent activity in P. cruentum to be reduced by only 30%, but the activity with t-BuOOH was reduced by 90%. Freezing decreased the t-BuOOH dependent activity of P. cruentum by 90%, but did not lower the t-BuOOH dependent activity of D. primolecta or the H2O2 dependent activity of either alga. It was concluded that the heat and cold stable, glutathione peroxidation was non-enzymatic in nature. A variety of small molecules (ascorbate, Cu(NO3)2, selenocystine, dimethyldiselenide and selenomethionine) were shown to be able to enhance the hydroperoxide dependent oxidation of glutathione in the assay system employed in this study. Such compounds could be responsible for the activity observed in algae. The heat and cold labile t-BuOOH reductase activity of P. cruentumwas possibly enzymatic, but was not attributable to the presence of glutathione-S-transferase. Both algae, when cultured in the presence of added selenite, displayed an approximate doubling of the non-enzymatic H2O2 and t-BuOOH dependent glutathione oxidase activities. The heat and cold labile t-BuOOH reductase activity of P. cruentum was unaltered when the alga was grown in the presence of added selenite. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that selenium compounds present in the algae are responsible for the selenium induced glutathione peroxidation.  相似文献   
Sex ratio and intrasexual kin competition in mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Asymmetries in both intrasexual competition and generation overlap occur in Antechinus (Dasyuridae; Marsupialia). We show that the range of interpopulation variation in the sex ratio of pouch young spans and exceeds the range of sex ratios at birth hitherto recorded from eutherians (Clutton-Brock and Albon 1983). Although postweaning dispersal and male mortality are similar among all Antechinus populations, interpopulation variance in female longevity leads to variable duration of mother/daughter interaction. As this duration increases, parental investment is increasingly biased toward males, supporting the view that local competition among female kin for resources may influence mammalian sex ratios.  相似文献   
A nonintrusive auxonometric system, based on the DARWIN image processor (Telewski et al. 1983 Plant Physiol 72: 177-181), is described and demonstrated in the analysis of gravitropism and thigmomorphogenesis in corn seedlings (Zea mays). Using this system, growth and bending of regularly shaped plants or organs can be quickly and accurately measured without, in any way, interfering with the plant. Furthermore, the growth and bending curves are automatically plotted. Thigmomorphogenesis in the aerial part of corn seedlings involves growth promotion at a low force load and growth retardation at higher force loads. The time courses of the two kinds of response are somewhat different, with retardation occurring immeditely after mechanical perturbation and growth promotion taking somewhat longer to begin. Gravitropic experiments show that when dark-grown corn seedlings are placed on their side in the light, the resulting curvature is due to two consecutive morphological mechanisms. In the first instance, lasting for about 15 minutes, the elongation of the bottom edge of the plant accelerates, while the elongation of the top edge remains constant. After that, for the next 1.75 hours, the elongation of the top edge decelerates and stops while that of the bottom edge remains constant at the increased rate for most of the period. The measurements taken from both experiments at relatively high resolution (0.08-0.1 millimeter) show that the growth curves are not smooth but show many small irregularities which may or may not involve micronutations.  相似文献   
Summary A fine network of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-immunopositive fibers was found in the posterior lobe of the pituitary of the rat. The intermediate and distal lobes were free of CRF-immunoreactivity. Varicose, terminal-like axons were frequently observed around capillary vessels. Surgical isolation of the paraventricular nuclei resulted in a complete disappearance of CRF-immunoreactive fibers from the posterior lobe. CRF-immunopositive fibers show the general characteristics of peptidergic axons. These ultrastructural observations support the idea that CRF is secreted into capillary vessels.  相似文献   
We evaluated in a double-blind study the bronchodilatory properties of 2-decarboxy-2-hydroxymethyl prostaglandin E1 (PGE1-carbinol), described recently as a nonirritant bronchodilator in animals. Fifteen asthmatic patients received by inhalation single doses of 1, 10, and 30 μg PGE1-carbinol, 55 μg PGE2, and placebo (10% ethanol in normal saline, which was also used as diluent for the PGs). Such pulmonary function tests as forced expiratory volume in 1 second, forced vital capacity, and maximal expiratory flow were monitored during 2 hours following inhalation of each compound. 10 and 30 μg PGE1-carbinol produced significant but short-acting bronchodilation, similar to that caused by 55 μg PGE2. One-third of the patients reported mild cough and throat irritation during and shortly after inhalation of 30 μg PGE1-carbinol or 55 μg PGE2. Placebo and 1 μg PGE1-carbinol produced minimal side effects, but neither agent caused bronchodilation. In an adjunctive, unblinded trial, the same patients received 400 μg fenoterol. Fenoterol caused greater bronchodilation 15 and 30 minutes after inhalation than did the PGs in the double-blind study.  相似文献   
The major factors thought to control the distribution of associations on the sea cliffs in Britain are discussed in relation to the zonation of cliff vegetation, and some experiments to investigate the effects of these factors are described.The seeds of the maritime cliff species are able to germinate in higher salinities than those of closely related inland species.Relative growth rates of maritime cliff species indicate stimulation at low salinities over non-saline conditions, and less reduction in growth at higher salinities than those of closely related inland species.Increasing salinity reduces both photosynthesis and dark respiration in Lavatera arborea. Mesophyll and stomatal resistances are increased while transpiration is reduced.The distribution of ions within Lavatera arborea grown at different salinities indicates differential accumulation between young leaves, old leaves and roots.Nomenclature follows Clapham, Tutin & Warburg (1962).  相似文献   
To determine the effectiveness of precleansing with chlorhexidine gluconate-cetrimide in reducing the contamination rate of bagged urine specimens, 62 infants admitted to a children''s hospital were randomly assigned to either receive (32 infants) or not receive (30) cleansing before bag application. Perimeatal swabs were taken before bag application and, in the treated group, after cleansing. Of the specimens from the treated group 69% were found to be contaminated, compared with 73% of those from the no-cleansing group. Chlorhexidine was ineffective in eliminating the perimeatal flora in 75% of the infants. The same organisms were present on the perimeatal swab and in the urine specimen in 95% of the infants in the treated group and 96% of those in the no-cleansing group. To estimate the contamination rate of urine specimens routinely cultured in the laboratory, 200 consecutive specimens (142 midstream and 58 bagged) were cultured. The contamination rate of the midstream urine specimens was 15%, compared with 66% for the bagged speciments. The cost of laboratory processing of contaminated bagged urine specimens at the hospital in 1983 may have been as high as $13 365. Chlorhexidine cleansing does not appear to be cost-effective. Further randomized controlled studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of other cleansing agents in reducing the contamination rate of bagged urine specimens.  相似文献   
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