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Biological invasions are a major driver of global change, for which models can attribute causes, assess impacts and guide management. However, invasion models typically focus on spread from known introduction points or non‐native distributions and ignore the transport processes by which species arrive. Here, we developed a simulation model to understand and describe plant invasion at a continental scale, integrating repeated transport through trade pathways, unintentional release events and the population dynamics and local anthropogenic dispersal that drive subsequent spread. We used the model to simulate the invasion of Europe by common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), a globally invasive plant that causes serious harm as an aeroallergen and crop weed. Simulations starting in 1950 accurately reproduced ragweed's current distribution, including the presence of records in climatically unsuitable areas as a result of repeated introduction. Furthermore, the model outputs were strongly correlated with spatial and temporal patterns of ragweed pollen concentrations, which are fully independent of the calibration data. The model suggests that recent trends for warmer summers and increased volumes of international trade have accelerated the ragweed invasion. For the latter, long distance dispersal because of trade within the invaded continent is highlighted as a key invasion process, in addition to import from the native range. Biosecurity simulations, whereby transport through trade pathways is halted, showed that effective control is only achieved by early action targeting all relevant pathways. We conclude that invasion models would benefit from integrating introduction processes (transport and release) with spread dynamics, to better represent propagule pressure from native sources as well as mechanisms for long‐distance dispersal within invaded continents. Ultimately, such integration may facilitate better prediction of spatial and temporal variation in invasion risk and provide useful guidance for management strategies to reduce the impacts of invasion.  相似文献   
The little owl Athene noctua is a widespread species in Europe. This mainly sedentary owl experienced reduction in population sizes in some areas due to habitat loss and modification of the landscape. To assess the genetic structure of the populations of western and central Europe, we analysed 333 specimens from 15 geographical areas at 13 microsatellite loci. Statistical analyses and Bayesian clustering procedures detected two major genetically distinct clusters, the first distributed from Portugal to the Czech Republic and the second from the Balkans to Italy. The second cluster was further split into three groups, located in Italy, Sardinia and the Balkans. These groups match four previously‐described mtDNA haplogroups, and probably originated from the isolation of little owl populations in Sardinia and in three glacial refugia (Iberia, south Italy and Balkans) during the ice ages. High genetic admixture was recorded in central and northern Europe, probably as a consequence of the expansion from the refugia during interglacial. The main colonization route originated from the Iberian Peninsula towards central and northern Europe. Contact zones with colonization events from Italy and the Balkans were detected respectively in northern Italy and central Europe. Genetic indices show the existence of moderate levels of genetic variability throughout Europe, although evidence of recent evolutionary bottlenecks was found in some populations. Estimation of migration rates and approximate Bayesian computations highlighted the most likely phylogeographical scenario for the current distribution of little owl populations.  相似文献   
Rabbits at different stages of development were immunized with different doses of heatinactivated suspension ofEscherichia coli 086 andSalmonella paratyphi B. The dynamics and the site of formation of bactericidal and haemolytic antibodies during the primary reaction was investigated. An increase and an acceleration of antibody formation after increasing the dose of antigen was found in the serum and at the cellular level. The magnitude of the response and the rate of the reaction were directly proportional to the age of the experimental rabbits. The site of antibody formation depends on the character, route of administration, antigen dose and age of rabbits. After intraperitoneal and also after intravenous immunization withEscherichia coli andSalmonella paratyphi B antigens the site of antibody production in 15-day-old rabbits was the lymphatic tissue of the intestine, the appendix, and mesenteric lymph nodes. As the antigen dose was increased and the age of rabbits rose, i.e. in correlation with the increase of the antibody response, antibody formation shifted to the spleen which is the chief site of antibody production following immunization by these bacterial antigens from the first month of life of rabbits. In contrast with this type of antigen, after intraperitoneal or intravenous immunization with sheep erythrocytes of new-born or older rabbits antibody formation was concentrated in the spleen. The development of the immunological competence and the significance of intestinal lymphatic tissue as one of peripheral type is discussed.  相似文献   
Corridors are thought to reduce the negative biological effects of habitat loss and fragmentation by providing connectivity and suitable habitat for many species, including carnivores. Although corridor structure maintenance is considered to be an essential tool for carnivore conservation in a human-dominated landscape, surprisingly little is known about the effects of different factors at various spatial scales. The main aim of this study was to determine how local and landscape-scale habitat characteristics and prey availability influence the corridor use by carnivores in a Central European agricultural landscape. Moreover we investigated carnivore corridor occurrence in two contrasting landscapes that differ in level of habitat loss and fragmentation to evaluate relative effect of species-specific response to regional context. Results show that the availability of principal prey (small mammals) was the most crucial factor affecting carnivore corridor use. Other important factors influencing corridor use were corridor width (positive), proportion of shrubs (positive) and presence of local, low-traffic, roads (positive). Single species models revealed interspecific and area-specific differences in carnivore preference at both spatial scales. Our findings confirm the general importance of multi-level approach to evaluating species-specific habitat requirements as a crucial tool for determining suitable methods for carnivore efficient conservation in human-dominated agricultural landscape.  相似文献   
In the last decade, taxonomic studies have drastically increased the number of species known to inhabit the Arabian deserts. While ongoing phylogenetic studies continue to identify new species and high levels of intraspecific genetic diversity, few studies have yet explored the biogeographic patterns in this arid region using an integrative approach. In the present work, we apply different phylogenetic methods to infer relationships within the Palearctic naked‐toed geckos. We specifically address for the first time the taxonomy and biogeography of Bunopus spatalurus Anderson, 1901, from Arabia using multilocus concatenated and species tree phylogenies, haplotype networks and morphology. We also use species distribution modelling and phylogeographic interpolation to explore the phylogeographic structure of Bunopus spatalurus hajarensis in the Hajar Mountains and the roles of climatic stability and possible biogeographic barriers on lineage occurrence and contact zones in this arid mountain endemism hot spot. According to the inferred topology recovered using concatenated and species tree methods, the genus ‘Bunopus’ is polyphyletic. Bunopus tuberculatus and B. blanfordii form a highly supported clade closely related to Crossobamon orientalis, while the two subspecies of ‘Bunopus’ spatalurus branch together as an independent highly supported clade that diverged during the Miocene according to our estimations. Within B. s. hajarensis, three geographically structured clades can be recognized that according to our estimations diverged during the Late Miocene to Pliocene. The paleodistribution models indicate climatic stability during the Late Pleistocene and the lineage occurrence, and predicted contact zones obtained from phylogeographic interpolation therefore probably result from the older splits of the groups when these lineages originated in allopatry. As demonstrated by the results of the multilocus molecular phylogenetic analyses and the topological test carried out in this study, the genus ‘Bunopus’ is not monophyletic. To resolve this, we resurrect the genus Trachydactylus Haas and Battersby, 1959; for the species formerly referred to as Bunopus spatalurus. Considering the morphological differences, the high level of genetic differentiation in the 12S mitochondrial gene and the results of the phylogenetic and the cmos haplotype network analysis, we elevate Trachydactylus spatalurus hajarensis to the species level Trachydactylus hajarensis (Arnold, 1980).  相似文献   
The phylogeny of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera), one of the most diverse insect groups in terms of morphology and ecology, has been the focus of attention for decades with respect to several deep nodes between the suborders of Hemiptera and the infraorders of Heteroptera. Here, we assembled a phylogenomic data set of 53 taxa and 3102 orthologous genes to investigate the phylogeny of Hemiptera–Heteroptera, and both concatenation and coalescent methods were used. A binode-control approach for data filtering was introduced to reduce the incongruence between different genes, which can improve the performance of phylogenetic reconstruction. Both hypotheses (Coleorrhyncha + Heteroptera) and (Coleorrhyncha + Auchenorrhyncha) received support from various analyses, in which the former is more consistent with the morphological evidence. Based on a divergence time estimation performed on genes with a strong phylogenetic signal, the origin of true bugs was dated to 290–268 Ma in the Permian, the time in Earth's history with the highest concentration of atmospheric oxygen. During this time interval, at least 1007 apomorphic amino acids were retained in the common ancestor of the extant true bugs. These molecular apomorphies are located in 553 orthologous genes, which suggests the common ancestor of the extant true bugs may have experienced large-scale evolution at the genome level.  相似文献   
Epidemiological studies suggest that Mediterranean diets rich in resveratrol are associated with reduced risk of coronary artery disease. However, the mechanisms by which resveratrol exerts its vasculoprotective effects are not completely understood. Because oxidative stress and endothelial cell injury play a critical role in vascular aging and atherogenesis, we evaluated whether resveratrol inhibits oxidative stress-induced endothelial apoptosis. We found that oxidized LDL and TNF-alpha elicited significant increases in caspase-3/7 activity in endothelial cells and cultured rat aortas, which were prevented by resveratrol pretreatment (10(-6)-10(-4) mol/l). The protective effect of resveratrol was attenuated by inhibition of glutathione peroxidase and heme oxygenase-1, suggesting a role for antioxidant systems in the antiapoptotic action of resveratrol. Indeed, resveratrol treatment protected cultured aortic segments and/or endothelial cells against increases in intracellular H(2)O(2) levels and H(2)O(2)-mediated apoptotic cell death induced by oxidative stressors (exogenous H(2)O(2), paraquat, and UV light). Resveratrol treatment also attenuated UV-induced DNA damage (comet assay). Resveratrol treatment upregulated the expression of glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and heme oxygenase-1 in cultured arteries, whereas it had no significant effect on the expression of SOD isoforms. Resveratrol also effectively scavenged H(2)O(2) in vitro. Thus resveratrol seems to increase vascular oxidative stress resistance by scavenging H(2)O(2) and preventing oxidative stress-induced endothelial cell death. We propose that the antioxidant and antiapoptotic effects of resveratrol, together with its previously described anti-inflammatory actions, are responsible, at least in part, for its cardioprotective effects.  相似文献   
Two natural isolates from fallow-deer rumen identified as Selenomonas ruminantium were found to produce a restriction endonuclease which we called Sru4DI. This enzyme was isolated from cell extracts by phosphocellulose chromatography. Analysis of the Sru4DI recognition site showed that Sru4DI recognizes the hexanucleotide sequence 5-AT/TAAT-3 generating 5 dinucleotide protruding ends upon cleavage and thus is a true isoschizomer of VspI, a restriction enzyme isolated from Vibrio sp.  相似文献   
Summary Most of the auditory neurons in the ventral nerve cord ofLocusta migratoria carry information not only from the tympanal organs but also from the subgenual organs (vibration sensors). Six of the eight neuron types studied electrophysiologically respond to at least these two modalities. Artificial sounds (white noise and pure tones varying in frequency and intensity) and sinusoidal vibration (200 Hz with an acceleration of 15.8 cm/s2 or 2000 Hz and 87 cm/s2) were used as stimuli.Complex excitatory and/or inhibitory interactions of the signals from both tympanal organs form the discharge patterns of auditory ventral-cord neurons in response to stimulation with air-borne sound. Normally the input of the ipsilateral sense organ dominates. The response patterns of these same neurons elicited by vibration stimuli are formed differently, as follows: (1) the sensory inputs of all subgenual organs are integrated in the responses of the ventral-cord neurons; in a single neuron they have either excitatory or inhibitory effects, but not both. (2) The more legs vibrated, the larger is the response. (3) The subgenual organs in the middle legs are most effective, those in the hind legs least so. (4) Ipsilateral vibration has more effect than contralateral.The six auditory neurons react to vibration combined with air-borne sound in different ways. The B neuron is the only one inhibited by vibration stimuli. The G neuron has been studied more intensively; because its anatomical arrangement and the location of the endings of the subgenual receptor fibers are known, it could be inferred from effects of transection of the connectives that interneurons are interposed between receptor cells and the G neuron.Part of the program Sonderforschungsbereich 114 (Bionach) Bochum, under the auspices of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, with the support of the Slovenic Research Society (RSS)  相似文献   
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