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An isolated rat liver was perfused with deoxynivalenol (DON) at a dose of 3 mg in a recirculating perfusion system. To identify glucuronide conjugates equal amounts of bile samples, perfusate and liver homogenates were incubated with and without (control) a β-glucuronidase preparation and analyzed by thin layer chromatography and capillary gas liquid chromatography — chemical ionization mass spectrometry. A total of 40.4% of the administered dose of DON was found to be conjugated with glucuronic acid (perfusate 20.4%, bile 19.2%, liver 0.8%), while only 1.3% of the parent DON (perfusate 1.1%, bile 0.2%) was detected. The cleavage of DON-glucuronide was demonstrated by incubating DON-glucuronide containing bile samples with intestine contents under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   
Many commonly used anesthetics cause hypothermia by inhibiting central and peripheral thermoregulatory mechanisms. Although it is probable that a loss of thermal homeostasis contributes directly to the high mortality frequently reported following anesthesia of laboratory rodents, this adverse effect has been investigated rarely in the past. This study compared the effects of three parenteral anesthetics (pentobarbital, ketamine-xylazine and ketamine-diazepam) and a neuroleptanalgesic (fentanyl-droperidol) on core and surface body temperature regulation in rats. Results showed a profound hypothermia with all dosages of pentobarbital, while ketamine-xylazine and ketamine-diazepam caused a dose-dependent depression in core and surface body temperature. All dosages of fentanyl-droperidol (Innovar-Vet) caused minimal depression in thermoregulation, suggesting that it is the drug which requires the least external thermal support. Results of this study also suggested that inability to compensate for heat loss, particularly from the body core, may profoundly influence anesthetic toxicity and the safety of anesthetic procedures.  相似文献   
Although anesthetics are known to cause respiratory and cardiovascular depression in humans, these adverse effects rarely have been investigated in laboratory rodents. This study evaluated the effects of four different injectable drugs, pentobarbital, fentanyl-droperidol (Innovar-Vet), ketamine-xylazine and ketamine-diazepam on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of rats. Results showed marked acidosis, hypercarbia and hypoxia with high doses of Innovar-Vet, moderate respiratory depression with all dosages of pentobarbital and minimal respiratory depression with ketamine-xylazine and ketamine-diazepam. Innovar-Vet, ketamine-xylazine and pentobarbital caused profound hypotension, particularly at high dosages, while ketamine-diazepam caused the least depression in mean arterial blood pressure of all drugs evaluated. None of the drugs studied produced significant alterations in heart rate. Throughout all dosages investigated, the ketamine-diazepam combination showed the least overall effects on ventilation and perfusion of the four parenteral drug combinations studied.  相似文献   
A mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 lacking pyruvate dehydrogenase and phosphoenolpyruvate synthase was used to study the transport of pyruvate by whole cells. Uptake of pyruvate was maximal in mid-log phase cells, with a Michaelis constant for transport of 20 microM. Pretreatment of the cells with respiratory chain poisons or uncouplers, except for arsenate, inhibited transport up to 95%. Lactate and alanine were competitive inhibitors, but at nonphysiological concentrations. The synthetic analogs 3-bromopyruvate and pyruvic acid methyl ester inhibited competitively. The uptake of pyruvate was also characterized in membrane vesicles from wild-type E. coli K-12. Transport required an artificial electron donor system, phenazine methosulfate and sodium ascorbate. Pyruvate was concentrated in vesicles 7- to 10-fold over the external concentration, with a Michaelis constant of 15 microM. Energy poisons, except arsenate, inhibited the transport of pyruvate. Synthetic analogs such as 3-bromopyruvate were competitive inhibitors of transport. Lactate initially appeared to be a competitive inhibitor of pyruvate transport in vesicles, but this was a result of oxidation of lactate to pyruvate. The results indicate that uptake of pyruvate in E. coli is via a specific active transport system.  相似文献   
The specific tolerance induced in mice by conjugates of human monoclonal IgG (HIgG) with monomethoxypolyethylene glycol (mPEG) was transferred to normal mice by spleen cells or a surface immunoglobulin negative (sIg-) Lyt-2+ subpopulation of these cells. Although transferable tolerance was demonstrable 6 to 14 days after treatment of the cell donors with tolerogen, the state of tolerance persisted in the treated mice for at least 43 days. Moreover, an extract prepared by freezing and thawing of the sIg- spleen cells obtained from mice 6 days after treatment with HIgG(mPEG)20 was capable of reducing (greater than 85%) the immune response of normal mice to heat aggregated HIgG. On the basis of these results, it is suggested that similar tolerogenic mPEG derivatives of xenogeneic monoclonal immunoglobulins (XIg) may prove to be useful therapeutic agents in man when administered before treatment with the unmodified XIg.  相似文献   
Recurrent cyanotic episodes associated on some occasions with loss of consciousness due to cerebral hypoxia were investigated by long term tape recordings of breathing activity, oxygen saturation, air flow, electrocardiographic activity, and in some cases electroencephalographic activity. In 51 infants and children the mechanisms for the cyanotic episodes were identified (prolonged expiratory apnoea in 45, sleep related airway obstruction in three, seizure induced apnoea in one, behaviour induced apnoea in one). In one child apnoea was suspected as being caused by suffocation (smothering) by the mother. This was confirmed after enlisting the help of the police, who undertook covert video surveillance during cyanotic episodes. Each cyanotic episode was associated with a pattern of disturbance on the multichannel tape recordings which may be pathognomonic of this type of apnoea. A second infant with cyanotic episodes in whom smothering was suspected was referred for similar investigation after the availability of video recordings became established. Maternal smothering was again supported by specific patterns on multichannel tape recordings and confirmed by video surveillance. Diagnosis by video surveillance produces unequivocal evidence in these cases and avoids the need for medical and nursing staff to confront the mother with a possibly incorrect suspicion or in a court of law.  相似文献   
Extracts of denitrifying bacteria grown anaerobically with phenol and nitrate catalyzed an isotope exchange between 14CO2 and the carboxyl group of 4-hydroxybenzoate. This exchange reaction is ascribed to a novel enzyme, phenol carboxylase, initiating the anaerobic degradation of phenol by para-carboxylation to 4-hydroxybenzoate. Some properties of this enzyme were determined by studying the isotope exchange reaction. Phenol carboxylase was rapidly inactivated by oxygen; strictly anoxic conditions were essential for preserving enzyme activity. The exchange reaction specifically was catalyzed with 4-hydroxybenzoate but not with other aromatic acids. Only the carboxyl group was exchanged; [U-14C]phenol was not exchanged with the aromatic ring of 4-hydroxybenzoate. Exchange activity depended on Mn2+ and inorganic phosphate and was not inhibited by avidin. Ortho-phosphate could not be substituted by organic phosphates nor by inorganic anions; arsenate had no effect. The pH optimum was between pH 6.5–7.0. The specific activity was 100 nmol 14CO2 exchange · min-1 · mg-1 protein. Phenol grown cells contained 4-hydroxybenzoyl CoA synthetase activity (40 nmol · min-1 · mg-1 protein). The possible role of phenol carboxylase and 4-hydroxybenzoyl CoA synthetase in anaerobic phenol metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   
In this publication, some special aspects of the topography in the nuchal region were examined as anatomical support for the dorsal approach to the posterior cranial fossa. The suboccipital muscles rectus capitis posterior minor and rectus capitis lateralis were measured concerning important characteristics as for instance their length and width. The proportions of some muscles arising from the atlas and the relations of the vertebral artery to defined points were evaluated.  相似文献   
Estimated were the number, the course, and the width of the superficial cerebral veins. The veins on the superolateral surface of the brain are the prefrontal superficial lateral superior, the precentral superficial lateral superior, the central superficial lateral superior, the parietal superficial lateral superior, and the occipital superficial lateral superior veins which drain to the superior sagittal sinus, to bridging veins, and to the falx cerebri. The veins which drain the lateral surface of the brain downwards are the middle superficial cerebral veins, the temporal inferior, occipital inferior, and anastomotic veins. The diameters of these veins were measured at the perforation of the arachnoid membrane and the diameters of the anastomotic veins on their narrowest area. On the medial side of the hemispheres, we divided in precentral superficial superior medial, central superficial medial, parietal superficial medial, occipital superficial medial dorsal veins of the corpus callosum, and internal occipital veins. On the basal surface of the hemispheres, we studied and described the uncal veins and the inferior hemispheric veins. Studied and discussed are also the bridging veins in the course of the inferior cerebral veins, the paracavernous sinuses, and the last course of the veins and their connections with the dura mater or the course inside the dura. Given are besides the numbers of these veins, the area of perforation of the arachnoid membrane, and their width and medical importance.  相似文献   
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