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Summary In brush border membrane vesicles from the midgut ofPhilosamia cynthia larvae (Lepidoptera) thel- andd-alanine uptake is dependent on a potassium gradient and on transmembrane electrical potential difference. Each isomer inhibits the uptake of the other form: inhibition ofl-alanine uptake byd-alanine is competitive, whereas inhibition ofd-alanine uptake byl-alanine is noncompetitive. Transstimulation experiments as well as the different pattern of specificity to cations suggest the existence of two transport systems. Kinetic parameters for the two transporters have been calculated both when Kout>Kin and Kout=Kin.d-alanine is actively transported also by the whole midgut, but it is not metabolized by the intestinal tissue.  相似文献   
Washed ejaculated boar sperm and sperm from the cauda epididymis bind to the zona pellucida of fixed porcine eggs in large numbers. Sperm incubated in the presence of dextran sulfate (8 K daltons or 500 K daltons) or fucoidan and then washed no longer bind to eggs. Other acid carbohydrates (heparin, chondroitin sulfates, inositol hexasulfate, carboxymethylcellulose) fail to block sperm-egg binding even when added directly to sperm-egg suspensions. Seminal plasma and the seminal vesicle secretion contain basic proteins which bind tightly to sperm and bind reversibly to eggs preventing sperm from binding to eggs. When dextran sulfate or fucoidan are mixed with the vesicular secretion, from which seminal plasma basic proteins originate (Hunt et al., '83), the secretion loses the capacity to prevent sperm from binding to eggs; this suggests that seminal vesicle proteins can bind to the same site on zonae as do sperm and thus seminal plasma may modify sperm-egg interactions. Corpus and cauda epididymal sperm also bind in large numbers to the zona pellucida of isolated eggs but high concentrations of caput sperm, which exhibit high motility in the presence of caffeine, bind only in few numbers. Thus a component that enhances sperm-zona binding is apparently formed on the plasma membranes of uncapacitated sperm during passage through the epididymis. This finding, and an earlier observation that antibodies raised against uncapacitated sperm plasma membranes block sperm-egg binding in vivo (Peterson et al., '83) suggest that this component may be involved in sperm zona interaction in vivo.  相似文献   
To better understand the immunologic effects of lymphoid irradiation (LI), blood levels of T cell subsets were sequentially monitored in 15 patients before, during, and after irradiation treatment for Hodgkin's disease. Blood levels of all lymphocytes, T cells, and T cell subsets (defined by OKT4 and OKT8) fell dramatically and in similar proportions during early therapy, reaching levels less than 20 to 25% of control by the completion of mantle irradiation, and continuing at very depressed levels through the completion of therapy. Blood levels of OKT8-reactive (OKT8+) cells returned to pretreatment levels (402 +/- 38/mm3 vs 360 +/- 32/mm3 pretreatment) between 6 to 8 mo after LI, whereas blood levels of OKT4-reactive (OKT4+) cells returned to only 42% of previous values (242 +/- 22/mm3 vs 584 +/- 34/mm3 pretreatment) over the same period. The pre-LI ratio of OKT4+ to OKT8+ cells was 1.85 +/- 0.24 and fell to 0.65 +/- 0.05 between 6 to 8 mo after LI. During the recovery period, discrepancies of 208 +/- 32 cells/mm3 (3 to 5 months post LI) and 198 +/- 32 cells/mm3 (6 to 8 mo post LI) developed between the blood levels of OKT3+ cells and the sum of OKT4+ and OKT8+ cells. This suggests the emergence of OKT4+/OKT3-, OKT8+/OKT3-, and/or OKT4+/OKT8+ cells. In five patients, the sum of OKT4+ and OKT8+ cells was compared with the number of cells simultaneously co-stained by OKT4 and OKT8. It appeared that a significant proportion of the cells were OKT4+/OKT3- and OKT8+/OKT3- lymphocytes. We concluded that LI is similarly cytotoxic to peripheral blood T cell subpopulations. The reversed ratio after LI is a result of a slower repopulation of the peripheral blood by OKT4+ cells relative to OKT8+ cells. T cells after LI show a high degree of antigenic immaturity. It is postulated that the bone marrow that lies outside the fields of treatment and contains predominantly immature OKT8+/OKT3- cells is a major source of T cells repopulating the peripheral blood after LI.  相似文献   
Summary The organization of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repcat unit in the standard wild-type strain of Neurospora crassa, 74-OR23-1A, and in 30 other wild-type strains and wild-collected strains of N. crassa, N. tetrasperma, N. sitophila, N. intermedia, and N. discreta isolated from nature, was investigated by restriction enzyme digestion of genomic DNA, and probing of the Southern-blotted DNA fragments with specific cloned pieces of the rDNA unit from 74-OR23-1A. The size of the rDNA unit in 74-OR23-1A was shown to be 9.20 kilobase pairs (kb) from blotting data, and the average for all strains was 9.11+0.21 kb; standard error=0.038; coefficient of variation (C.V.)=2.34%. These data indicate that the rDNA repeat unit size has been highly conserved among the Neurospora strains investigated. However, while all strains have a conserved HindIII site near the 5 end of the 25 S rDNA coding sequence, a polymorphism in the number and/or position of HindIII sites in the nontranscribed spacer region was found between strains. The 74-OR23-1A strain has two HindIII sites in the spacer, while others have from 0 to at least 3. This restriction site polymorphism is strain-specific and not species-specific. It was confirmed for some strains by restriction analysis of clones containing most of the rDNA repeat unit. The current restriction map of the 74-OR23-1A rDNA repeat unit is presented.  相似文献   
Frequency selectivity of hearing was measured in the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea. A psychophysical technique based on reflex modification was used to obtain masked threshold estimates for pure tones (300-5,400 Hz) presented against two levels of broadband masking noise. A pure tone (S-1) presented 200 ms prior to a reflex-eliciting stimulus (S-2) inhibited the motor reflex response to S-2. The magnitude of this reflex modification effect varied systematically with the sound pressure level (SPL) of S-1, and threshold was defined as the SPL of S-1 at which the reflex modification effect disappeared. Masked thresholds were used to calculate critical ratios, an index of the auditory system's frequency selectivity. The frequency selectivity of the treefrog's hearing is greatest and critical ratios are lowest (22-24 dB) at about 900 and 3,000 Hz, the two spectral regions dominant in the male treefrog's species-specific advertisement call. These results suggest that the treefrog's auditory system may be specialized to reject noise at biologically-relevant frequencies. As in other vertebrates, critical ratios remain constant when background noise level is varied; however, the shape of the treefrog's critical ratio function across frequencies differs from the typical vertebrate function that increases with increasing frequency at a slope of about 3 dB/octave. Instead, the treefrog's critical ratio function resembles its pure tone audiogram. Although the shape of the treefrog's critical ratio function is atypical, the critical ratio values themselves are comparable to those of many other vertebrates in the same frequency range. Critical ratio values here measured behaviorally do not match critical ratio values previously measured physiologically in single eighth nerve fibers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Abstract The increased content of negatively-charged phospholipids in membranes of Vibrio costicola grown at high salinities is mediated by increased phospholipid synthesis of phosphatidylglycerol relative to phosphatidylethanolamine. This phenomenon provides a system for investigating the factors involved in triggering and controlling haloadaptation in this moderately halophilic bacterium. We review recent experiments, which show that when subjected to sudden increases in external salinity, V. costicola senses both the absolute NaCl concentration and the magnitude of the salt shift. We show that the latter is sensed at least in part via osmotic pressure effects, since shift-up into sucrose-containing media triggers comparable changes in growth and in phospholipid composition and synthesis.  相似文献   
The incidental catch of northern sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) in the walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) joint-venture fishery in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, was studied during 1982–1984 to assess the nature and magnitude of the catch. Data were obtained by placing U.S. observers on foreign processing vessels. Dead sea lions recovered from trawl nets were counted, sexed and measured, teeth were removed for age determination by dental laminae; and stomach contents were analyzed. Although the fishery has continued to expand both in number of boats and estimated total catch (74,136 metric tons [t] in 1982 to 171,539 t in 1984), the estimated incidental catch of northern sea lions has declined (ranging from 958 to 1,436 in 1982, 216 to 324 in 1983 and 237 to 355 in 1984). Of the sea lions processed, 73 percent were caught between 2000 and 0500 h, probably during net retrieval. Most caught sea lions were females ranging in age from 1–25 yr with a mean age of 6.43 yr; 79 percent of the females were sexually mature and probably part of the reproducing population. Males had a mean age of 4.8 yr and only 12 percent were old enough to obtain and defend territories. Analysis of stomach contents showed that the sea lions consumed pollock the same size as that taken by the commercial fishery. The impact of the incidental catch on the Gulf of Alaska sea lion population is unknown.  相似文献   
Fermentation of Peptides by Bacteroides ruminicola B14   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The maximum growth rate of Bacteroides ruminicola B14 was significantly improved when either Trypticase or acetate and C4-C5 fatty acids were added to defined medium containing macrominerals, microminerals, vitamins, hemin, cysteine hydrochloride, and glucose. The organism was unable to grow with peptides as the sole energy source, but growth yields from glucose were significantly improved when Trypticase was added to batch cultures containing basal medium, acetate, and C4-C5 volatile fatty acids. During periods of rapid growth, very little peptide was deaminated to ammonia, but after growth ceased there was a linear increase in ammonia. Fifteen grams of Trypticase per liter resulted in maximum ammonia production. In glucose-limited chemostats, ammonia production from peptides was inversely proportional to the dilution rate, and 87% of the variation in ammonia production could be explained by retention time in the culture vessel. Chemostats receiving Trypticase had higher theoretical maximum growth yields and lower maintenance energy expenditures than similar cultures not receiving peptide. Cells from the Trypticase cultures contained more carbohydrate, and this difference was most evident at rapid dilution rates. When corrections were made for cell composition and the amount of peptides that were fermented, it appeared that peptide carbon skeletons could be used for maintenance energy. B. ruminicola B14 was unable to grow on peptides alone because it was unable to utilize peptides at a fast enough rate to meet its maintenance requirement.  相似文献   
Generalized Transduction in the Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Bacteriophages isolated from culture supernatants of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and from sewage transferred various chromosomal genes to P. syringae PS224. Linkage between arginine and tryptophan loci was demonstrated. The number of transductants recovered per milliliter was not altered appreciably by UV irradiation of selected phage isolates. In addition, the presence of the IncP2 plasmid R38 in a P. syringae PS224 arginine auxotroph did not increase the transduction frequency as it does in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Increasing the multiplicity of infection of transducing phage Pssy15 from 1 to 10 resulted in up to a 10-fold increase in the number of transductants recovered, although the actual transductional frequency remained about the same. Treatment of transduction mixtures with DNase did not affect transductional frequency.  相似文献   
We report the results of experiments which, while not specifically designed to study the possibility of rDNA amplification during different developmental stages in the N. crassa life cycle, clearly indicate a relative constancy in the rDNA content of conidia (asexual spores) and mycelial cells. We also report the results of restriction enzyme studies which indicate that the Neurospora rDNA repeat units are homogeneous in length and restriction site pattern within any given Neurospora strain. These results directly contradict the recent report of Dutta et al. (1983), in which the authors concluded that the rDNA of germinating conidia is amplified, relative to mycelia, and that up to 10% of the rDNA units are heterogeneous.  相似文献   
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