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Summary In brush border membrane vesicles from the midgut ofPhilosamia cynthia larvae (Lepidoptera) thel- andd-alanine uptake is dependent on a potassium gradient and on transmembrane electrical potential difference. Each isomer inhibits the uptake of the other form: inhibition ofl-alanine uptake byd-alanine is competitive, whereas inhibition ofd-alanine uptake byl-alanine is noncompetitive. Transstimulation experiments as well as the different pattern of specificity to cations suggest the existence of two transport systems. Kinetic parameters for the two transporters have been calculated both when Kout>Kin and Kout=Kin.d-alanine is actively transported also by the whole midgut, but it is not metabolized by the intestinal tissue.  相似文献   
Frequency selectivity of hearing was measured in the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea. A psychophysical technique based on reflex modification was used to obtain masked threshold estimates for pure tones (300-5,400 Hz) presented against two levels of broadband masking noise. A pure tone (S-1) presented 200 ms prior to a reflex-eliciting stimulus (S-2) inhibited the motor reflex response to S-2. The magnitude of this reflex modification effect varied systematically with the sound pressure level (SPL) of S-1, and threshold was defined as the SPL of S-1 at which the reflex modification effect disappeared. Masked thresholds were used to calculate critical ratios, an index of the auditory system's frequency selectivity. The frequency selectivity of the treefrog's hearing is greatest and critical ratios are lowest (22-24 dB) at about 900 and 3,000 Hz, the two spectral regions dominant in the male treefrog's species-specific advertisement call. These results suggest that the treefrog's auditory system may be specialized to reject noise at biologically-relevant frequencies. As in other vertebrates, critical ratios remain constant when background noise level is varied; however, the shape of the treefrog's critical ratio function across frequencies differs from the typical vertebrate function that increases with increasing frequency at a slope of about 3 dB/octave. Instead, the treefrog's critical ratio function resembles its pure tone audiogram. Although the shape of the treefrog's critical ratio function is atypical, the critical ratio values themselves are comparable to those of many other vertebrates in the same frequency range. Critical ratio values here measured behaviorally do not match critical ratio values previously measured physiologically in single eighth nerve fibers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Larvae of the cockroach Diploptera punctata were reared in isolation, in pairs, or in groups of 8–10. Duration of larval development, age at each ecdysis, weights at birth and ecdyses, and adult head-capsule width were measured. Duration of larval development was longer and adult size was larger in isolated animals than in animals reared in pairs and groups. The effect of isolation on development was more pronounced in males. All females had 4 larval instars, whereas males had 3 or 4 instars. The proportion of males with 4 larval instars was higher among animals reared in isolation. There was no difference in the duration of larval development or adult size between pair- and group-reared animals. The sex of animals in the group did not affect adult size or the duration of larval development. Males which underwent 3 or 4 larval instars had different schedules of moulting. Rates of growth of males of both instar types reared in isolation and pairs were similar. Greater adult weight of isolated animals and 4-instar-type males was a result of their longer duration of larval development. Both a higher rate of growth and longer duration of larval development contribute to the larger adult size of females than males.  相似文献   
The human immunoglobulin heavy-chain constant region gene locus is organized in three main gene groups, the physical distances of which are unknown. Different types of gene deletions, originated by unequal crossingover, have been found to encompass one or more genes in the locus. We have analyzed some of these deletions by means of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, which allows resolution of large DNA fragments. By identifying a fragment containing two of the main gene groups and by observing the size reduction of this fragment in subjects with deletions, we were able to estimate the distance between the two groups and better locate the pseudogene in-between.  相似文献   
The monoclonal L5 antibody reacts with an N-glycosidically linked carbohydrate structure which is present on the neural cell adhesion molecule L1, neural chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, and other not yet identified glycosylated proteins. Using this antibody, we isolated and characterized proteoglycans from adult mouse brain and cultured astrocytes biosynthetically labeled with Na2 35SO4 and a 3H-amino acid mixture. Our data suggest that the L5 proteoglycans of both sources are identical in their biochemical properties. The apparent molecular mass of the L5 proteoglycan is approximately 500 kDa. Digestion of the iodinated L5 proteoglycan from mouse brain and of the [35S]methionine-labeled L5 proteoglycan from cultured astrocytes with proteinase-free chondroitinases ABC and AC revealed three major core proteins with apparent molecular masses of approximately 380, 360, and 260 kDa. These represent molecularly distinct protein cores.  相似文献   
A significant increase of the content of corticosterone in the blood collected from intravenous cannula or by intracardiac punction has been detected using radioimmunoassay in non-operated and adenohypophysectomized frogs Rana catesbeiana subjected to dehydration in 6.2% mannitol solution during 24 hours. The osmolality of the blood plasma of these animals also increases although less significantly than the growth of plasma corticosterone content. There is a tendency to substantial increase of plasma arginine-vasotocin level prior to the growth of corticosterone level, already after 6 hours of dehydration. Based on the present results and literature data, it is suggested that in adenohypophysectomized frogs lacking endogenous ACTH just the increase of blood arginine-vasotocin level results in a substantial activation of corticosteroid-producing cells of the interrenal gland and in the growth of plasma content of corticosterone.  相似文献   
Intact and hypophysectomized rats were treated with graded doses of testosterone via subcutaneous Silastic implants over a 13-week period. Serum inhibin concentrations fell 50% (P less than 0.001) after 2 weeks of hypophysectomy, remaining suppressed at this level for 13 weeks. The administration of testosterone to hypophysectomized rats (serum testosterone values 2-12 ng/ml; control values 5.5 ng/ml) was without effect on serum inhibin values. In contrast, administration of testosterone to intact animals for 7 weeks resulted in an initial fall (P less than 0.05) in inhibin levels to 50-70% of controls then increasing to reach control levels at higher doses. Serum FSH concentrations were similarly biphasic with increasing dose of testosterone and values for these two hormones were significantly correlated (r = 0.44, P less than 0.01). Segments of seminiferous tubules in culture from rats after various times of hypophysectomy showed a partly suppressed secretion of inhibin. The administration of testosterone did not modify inhibin production although inhibin production was sensitive to FSH. It is concluded that (1) serum inhibin concentrations are partly suppressed after hypophysectomy and testosterone has no effect on serum inhibin values; and (2) the suppression of serum inhibin in intact rats treated with increasing doses of testosterone is attributable to the concomitant fall in serum FSH concentrations.  相似文献   
Experiments based on four accessions of maca (Lepdium meyenii) disclosed higher developmental rates in plants grown in neutral pH (6.6) soil when compared with those grown in acidic soil (5.3). Photoperiod response studies revealed similar growth rate for plants grown under either long day or short day condition. Plants in the field and growth chambers completed their life cycle in 11 months or less, therefore maca can be considered an annual crop. These results suggest that the range of adaptation of maca is not as narrow as previously believed, and therefore it can be successfully produced outside its natural habitat. Chromosome counts and predominance of bivalents in diakinesis and metaphase I disclosed that maca is a disomic octoploid of 2n=8x=64 chromosomes. Field and growth chamber observations and morphological uniformity of the plants within accessions indicate that maca relies mainly on self-fertilization for its reproduction.  相似文献   
Meningiomas are benign tumors of the central nervous system. They are usually sporadic but can also occur associated with the neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) syndrome. The gene responsible for NF2, recently isolated from chromosome 22, encodes a membrane-organizing protein that shows high sequence homology to a protein family thought to link the cytoskeleton with membrane proteins. Mutations of the NF2 gene have been described in sporadic meningiomas, exclusively in tumors that show loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of 22q. These preliminary results indicate that the NF2 gene is involved in the pathogenesis of at least a subset of meningiomas, where it does indeed behave as a tumor suppressor gene. In order to characterize better the role of the NF2 gene in the genesis of meningiomas we have examined the entire coding sequence of the gene in 125 meningiomas by single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis; furthermore, LOH analysis for markers of 22q has been carried out. Inactivating mutations were identified in 30% of our samples, all of which also showed LOH of 22q. The majority of mutations identified were frameshifts and nonsense mutations, which are predicted to produce a truncated or non-functional protein. We also found two missense and three in-frame deletions that may pinpoint specific regions of the protein critical to its function. Furthermore, the distribution of mutations throughout the gene, suggested that exons 2, 3, 5, 11 and 13 are more frequently involved. Our results reconfirm the importance of the NF2 gene in the pathogenesis of meningiomas and also suggest that there may be a nonrandom clustering of mutations throughout the gene.  相似文献   
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