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Clostridium propionicum is the only organism known to ferment β‐alanine, a constituent of coenzyme A (CoA) and the phosphopantetheinyl prosthetic group of holo‐acyl carrier protein. The first step in the fermentation is a CoA‐transfer to β‐alanine. Subsequently, the resulting β‐alanyl‐CoA is deaminated by the enzyme β‐alanyl‐CoA:ammonia lyase (Acl) to reversibly form ammonia and acrylyl‐CoA. We have determined the crystal structure of Acl in its apo‐form at a resolution of 0.97 Å as well as in complex with CoA at a resolution of 1.59 Å. The structures reveal that the enyzme belongs to a superfamily of proteins exhibiting a so called “hot dog fold” which is characterized by a five‐stranded antiparallel β‐sheet with a long α‐helix packed against it. The functional unit of all “hot dog fold” proteins is a homodimer containing two equivalent substrate binding sites which are established by the dimer interface. In the case of Acl, three functional dimers combine to a homohexamer strongly resembling the homohexamer formed by YciA‐like acyl‐CoA thioesterases. Here, we propose an enzymatic mechanism based on the crystal structure of the Acl·CoA complex and molecular docking. Proteins 2014; 82:2041–2053. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a globally significant human pathogen responsible for nearly 1 million deaths annually. Central to the ability of S. pneumoniae to colonize and mediate disease in humans is the acquisition of zinc from the host environment. Zinc uptake in S. pneumoniae occurs via the ATP‐binding cassette transporter AdcCB, and, unusually, two zinc‐binding proteins, AdcA and AdcAII. Studies have suggested that these two proteins are functionally redundant, although AdcA has remained uncharacterized by biochemical methods. Here we show that AdcA is a zinc‐specific substrate‐binding protein (SBP). By contrast with other zinc‐binding SBPs, AdcA has two zinc‐binding domains: a canonical amino‐terminal cluster A‐I zinc‐binding domain and a carboxy‐terminal zinc‐binding domain, which has homology to the zinc‐chaperone ZinT from Gram‐negative organisms. Intriguingly, this latter feature is absent from AdcAII and suggests that the two zinc‐binding SBPs of S. pneumoniae employ different modalities in zinc recruitment. We further show that AdcAII is reliant upon the polyhistidine triad proteins for zinc in vitro and in vivo. Collectively, our studies suggest that, despite the overlapping roles of the two SBPs in zinc acquisition, they may have unique mechanisms in zinc homeostasis and act in a complementary manner during host colonization.  相似文献   
Group II introns are large catalytic RNAs that are found in bacteria and organellar genomes of lower eukaryotes, but are particularly prevalent within mitochondria in plants, where they are present in many critical genes. The excision of plant mitochondrial introns is essential for respiratory functions, and is facilitated in vivo by various protein cofactors. Typical group II introns are classified as mobile genetic elements, consisting of the self‐splicing ribozyme and its own intron‐encoded maturase protein. A hallmark of maturases is that they are intron‐specific, acting as cofactors that bind their intron‐containing pre‐RNAs to facilitate splicing. However, the degeneracy of the mitochondrial introns in plants and the absence of cognate intron‐encoded maturase open reading frames suggest that their splicing in vivo is assisted by ‘trans’‐acting protein factors. Interestingly, angiosperms harbor several nuclear‐encoded maturase‐related (nMat) genes that contain N‐terminal mitochondrial localization signals. Recently, we established the roles of two of these paralogs in Arabidopsis, nMAT1 and nMAT2, in the splicing of mitochondrial introns. Here we show that nMAT4 (At1g74350) is required for RNA processing and maturation of nad1 introns 1, 3 and 4 in Arabidopsis mitochondria. Seed germination, seedling establishment and development are strongly affected in homozygous nmat4 mutants, which also show modified respiration phenotypes that are tightly associated with complex I defects.  相似文献   
The fatal neurodegenerative disorders amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy are, respectively, the most common motoneuron disease and genetic cause of infant death. Various in vitro model systems have been established to investigate motoneuron disease mechanisms, in particular immortalized cell lines and primary neurons. Using quantitative mass-spectrometry-based proteomics, we compared the proteomes of primary motoneurons to motoneuron-like cell lines NSC-34 and N2a, as well as to non-neuronal control cells, at a depth of 10,000 proteins. We used this resource to evaluate the suitability of murine in vitro model systems for cell biological and biochemical analysis of motoneuron disease mechanisms. Individual protein and pathway analysis indicated substantial differences between motoneuron-like cell lines and primary motoneurons, especially for proteins involved in differentiation, cytoskeleton, and receptor signaling, whereas common metabolic pathways were more similar. The proteins associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also showed distinct differences between cell lines and primary motoneurons, providing a molecular basis for understanding fundamental alterations between cell lines and neurons with respect to neuronal pathways with relevance for disease mechanisms. Our study provides a proteomics resource for motoneuron research and presents a paradigm of how mass-spectrometry-based proteomics can be used to evaluate disease model systems.Motoneurons are extremely extended neurons that mediate the control of all muscle types by the central nervous system. Therefore, diseases involving progressive motoneuron degeneration such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)1 (OMIM: 105400) or spinal muscle atrophy (OMIM: 253300) are particularly devastating and generally fatal disorders. Today, ALS is believed to form a phenotypic continuum with the disease entity frontotemporal lobe degeneration (OMIM: 600274) (1, 2). About 10% of ALS cases are known to be inherited, but the vast majority are considered sporadic. The number of inherited cases might be underestimated because of incomplete family histories, non-paternity, early death of family members, or incomplete penetrance (3).Mutations in several genes have been reported for the familial form, including in Sod1 (4), Als2 (5), Setx (6), Vapb (7), Tardbp (8, 9), Fus/Tls (10, 11), Vcp (12), Pfn1 (13), and several others (reviewed in Ref. 14). The most frequent genetic cause of inherited ALS was recently shown to be a hexanucleotide repeat expansion in an intron of a gene of unknown function called C9orf72 (1517). Based on the spectrum of known mutations, several disease mechanisms for ALS have been proposed, including dysfunction of protein folding, axonal transport, RNA splicing, and metabolism (reviewed in Refs. 14, 18, and 19). Despite intensive research, it is still unclear whether a main common molecular pathway or mechanism underlies motoneuron degeneration in ALS and frontotemporal lobe degeneration. Spinal muscle atrophy is caused by homozygous mutations or deletions in the survival of motor neuron gene (Smn1) that presumably impair the RNA metabolism through diminished functionality of the Smn1 gene product (20). Over recent decades several model systems have been established to investigate ALS (21). These include transgenic animal models such as mouse (22), drosophila (23), and zebrafish (24). In cell-based studies, primary motoneurons cultured from rodent embryos (25) or motoneuron-like cell lines are employed. Primary cells are considered to more closely mimic the in vivo situation, but they are more challenging to establish and maintain. In contrast, the degree of functional relevance of cell lines can be difficult to establish, but they can be propagated without limitation and are well suited for high-throughput analysis. In particular, the spinal cord neuron–neuroblastoma hybrid cell line NSC-34 (26) and the mouse neuroblastoma cell line N2a (27) are widely used not only to assess motoneuron function, but also to study disease mechanisms in motoneurons (28, 29).As proteins are the functional actors in cells, proteomics should be able to make important contributions to the characterization and evaluation of cellular models. In particular, by identifying and quantifying the expressed proteins and bioinformatically interpreting the results, one can obtain enough information to infer functional differences. Our laboratory has previously shown proof of concept of such an approach by comparing the expression levels of about 4,000 proteins between primary hepatocytes and a hepatoma cell line (30). Very recently, mass-spectrometry-based proteomics has achieved sufficient depth and accuracy to quantify almost the entire proteome of mammalian cell lines (3133). Furthermore, new instrumentation and algorithms now make it possible to perform label-free quantification between multiple cellular systems and with an accuracy previously associated only with stable isotope labeling techniques (34, 35).To evaluate the suitability of motoneuron-like cell lines as cellular model systems for research on ALS and related disorders, we characterized the proteomes of two widely used cell lines, NSC-34 and N2a, and compared them with the proteomes of mouse primary motoneurons and non-neuronal control cell lines. To generate primary motoneurons, we employed a recently described culturing system that makes it possible to isolate highly enriched motoneuron populations in less than 8 h (25). We identified more than 10,000 proteins and investigated differences in quantitative levels of individual neuron-associated proteins and pathways related to motoneuron function and disease mechanisms.  相似文献   
The prospects of a control for a novel gallium nitride pseudo-halide vapor phase epitaxy (PHVPE) with HCN were thoroughly analyzed for hydrocarbons–NH3–Ga gas phase on the basis of quantum chemical investigation with DFT (B3LYP, B3LYP with D3 empirical correction on dispersion interaction) and ab-initio (CASSCF, coupled clusters, and multireference configuration interaction including MRCI+Q) methods. The computational screening of reactions for different hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C2H4, and C2H2) as readily available carbon precursors for HCN formation, potential chemical transport agents, and for controlled carbon doping of deposited GaN was carried out with the B3LYP method in conjunction with basis sets up to aug-cc-pVTZ. The gas phase intermediates for the reactions in the Ga-hydrocarbon systems were predicted at different theory levels. The located π-complexes Ga…C2H2 and Ga…C2H4 were studied to determine a probable catalytic activity in reactions with NH3. A limited influence of the carbon-containing atmosphere was exhibited for the carbon doping of GaN crystal in the conventional GaN chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process with hydrocarbons injected in the gas phase. Our results provide a basis for experimental studies of GaN crystal growth with C2H4 and C2H2 as auxiliary carbon reagents for the Ga-NH3 and Ga-C-NH3 CVD systems and prerequisites for reactor design to enhance and control the PHVPE process through the HCN synthesis.  相似文献   
Aerodynamic theory postulates that gliding airspeed, a major flight performance component for soaring avian migrants, scales with bird size and wing morphology. We tested this prediction, and the role of gliding altitude and soaring conditions, using atmospheric simulations and radar tracks of 1346 birds from 12 species. Gliding airspeed did not scale with bird size and wing morphology, and unexpectedly converged to a narrow range. To explain this discrepancy, we propose that soaring‐gliding birds adjust their gliding airspeed according to the risk of grounding or switching to costly flapping flight. Introducing the Risk Aversion Flight Index (RAFI, the ratio of actual to theoretical risk‐averse gliding airspeed), we found that inter‐ and intraspecific variation in RAFI positively correlated with wing loading, and negatively correlated with convective thermal conditions and gliding altitude, respectively. We propose that risk‐sensitive behaviour modulates the evolution (morphology) and ecology (response to environmental conditions) of bird soaring flight.  相似文献   
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