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The Zika virus outbreak in the Americas has caused global concern. To help accelerate this fight against Zika, we launched the OpenZika project. OpenZika is an IBM World Community Grid Project that uses distributed computing on millions of computers and Android devices to run docking experiments, in order to dock tens of millions of drug-like compounds against crystal structures and homology models of Zika proteins (and other related flavivirus targets). This will enable the identification of new candidates that can then be tested in vitro, to advance the discovery and development of new antiviral drugs against the Zika virus. The docking data is being made openly accessible so that all members of the global research community can use it to further advance drug discovery studies against Zika and other related flaviviruses.The Zika virus (ZIKV) has emerged as a major public health threat to the Americas as of 2015 [1]. We have previously suggested that it represents an opportunity for scientific collaboration and open scientific exchange [2]. The health of future generations may very well depend on the decisions we make, our willingness to share our findings quickly, and open collaboration to rapidly find a cure for this disease. Since February 1, 2016, when the World Health Organization deemed the cluster of microcephaly cases, Guillain-Barré, and other neurological disorders associated with ZIKV in Latin America and the Caribbean as constituting a Public Health Emergency of International Concern [3] (PHEIC), we have seen a rapid increase in publications (S1 References and main references). We [2] and others [4,5] described steps that could be taken to initiate a drug discovery program on ZIKV. For example, computational approaches, such as virtual screening of chemical libraries or focused screening to repurpose FDA and/or EU-approved drugs, can be used to help accelerate the discovery of an anti-ZIKV drug. An antiviral drug discovery program can be initiated using structure-based design, based on homology models of the key ZIKV proteins. With the lack of structural information regarding the proteins of ZIKV, we built homology models for all the ZIKV proteins, based on close homologs such as dengue virus, using freely available software [6] (S1 Table). These were made available online on March 3, 2016. We also predicted the site of glycosylation of glycoprotein E as Asn154, which was recently experimentally verified [7].Since the end of March 2016, we have now seen two cryo-EM structures and 16 crystal structures of five target classes (S1 Table). These structures, alongside the homology models, represent potential starting points for docking-based virtual screening campaigns to help find molecules that are predicted to have high affinity with ZIKV proteins. These predictions can then be tested against the virus in cell-based assays and/or using individual protein-based assays. There are millions of molecules available that can be assayed, but which ones are likely to work, and how should we prioritize them?In March, we initiated a new open collaborative project called OpenZika (Fig 1), with IBM’s World Community Grid (WCG, worldcommunitygrid.org), which has been used previously for distributed computing projects (S2 Table). On May 18, 2016, the OpenZika project began the virtual screening of ~6 million compounds that are in the ZINC database (Fig 1), as well as the FDA-approved drugs and the NIH clinical collection, using AutoDock Vina and the homology models and crystal structures (S1 Table, S1 Text, S1 References), to discover novel candidate compounds that can potentially be developed into new drugs for treating ZIKV. These will be followed by additional virtual screens with a new ZINC library of ~38 million compounds, and the PubChem database (at most ~90 million compounds), after their structures are prepared for docking.Open in a separate windowFig 1Workflow for the OpenZika project.A. Docking input files of the targets and ligands are prepared, and positive control docking studies are performed. The crystallographic binding mode of a known inhibitor is shown as sticks with dark purple carbon atoms, while the docked binding mode against the NS5 target from HCV has cyan carbons. Our pdbqt files of the libraries of compounds we screen are also openly accessible (http://zinc.docking.org/pdbqt/). B. We have already prepared the docking input files for ~6 million compounds from ZINC (i.e., the libraries that ALP previously used in the GO Fight Against Malaria project on World Community Grid), which are currently being used in the initial set of virtual screens on OpenZika. C. IBM’s World Community Grid is an internet-distributed network of millions of computers (Mac, Windows, and Linux) and Android-based tablets or smartphones in over 80 countries. Over 715,000 volunteers donate their dormant computer time (that would otherwise be wasted) towards different projects that are both (a) run by an academic or nonprofit research institute, and (b) are devoted to benefiting humanity. D. OpenZika is harnessing World Community Grid to dock millions of commercially available compounds against multiple ZIKV homology models and crystal structures (and targets from related viruses) using AutoDock Vina (AD Vina). This ultimately produces candidates (virtual hits that produced the best docking scores and displayed the best interactions with the target during visual inspection) against individual proteins, which can then be prioritized for in vitro testing by collaborators. After it is inspected, all computational data against ZIKV targets will be made open to the public on our website (http://openzika.ufg.br/experiments/#tab-id-7), and OpenZika results are also available upon request. The computational and experimental data produced will be published as quickly as possible.Initially, compounds are being screened against the ZIKV homologs of drug targets that have been well-validated in research against dengue and hepatitis C viruses, such as NS5 and Glycoprotein E (S1 Table, S1 Text, S1 References). These may allow us to identify broad-spectrum antivirals against multiple flaviviruses, such as dengue virus, West Nile virus, and yellow fever virus. In addition, docking against the crystal structure of a related protein from a different pathogen can sometimes discover novel hits against the pathogen of interest [8].As well as applying docking-based filters, the compounds virtually screened on OpenZika will also be filtered using machine learning models (S1 Text, S1 References). These should be useful selection criteria for subsequent tests by our collaborators in whole-cell ZIKV assays, to verify their antiviral activity for blocking ZIKV infection or replication. Since all OpenZika docking data will be in the public domain soon after they are completed and verified, we and other labs can then advance the development of some of these new virtual candidates into experimentally validated hits, leads, and drugs through collaborations with wet labs.This exemplifies open science, which should help scientists around the world as they address the long and arduous process of discovering and developing new drugs. Screening millions of compounds against many different protein models in this way would take far more resources and time than any academic researcher could generally obtain or spend. As of August 16, 2016, we have submitted 894 million docking jobs. Over 6,934 CPU years have been donated to us, enabling over 439 million different docking jobs. We recently selected an initial batch of candidates for NS3 helicase (data openly available at http://openzika.ufg.br/experiments/#tab-id-7), for in vitro testing. Without the unique community of volunteers and tremendous resources provided by World Community Grid, this project would have been very difficult to initiate in a reasonable time frame at this scale.The OpenZika project will ultimately generate several billion docking results, which could make it the largest computational drug discovery project ever performed in academia. The potential challenges we foresee will be finding laboratories with sufficient funding to pursue compounds, synthesize analogs, and develop target-based assays to validate our predictions and generate SAR (Structure-Activity Relationship) data to guide the process of developing the new hits into leads and then drugs. Due to the difficult nature of drug discovery and the eventual evolution of drug resistance, funding of ZIKV research once initiated will likely need to be sustained for several years, if not longer (e.g., HIV research has been funded for decades). As with other WCG projects, once scientists identify experimentally validated leads, finding a company to license them and pursue them in clinical trials and beyond will need incentives such as the FDA Tropical Disease Priority voucher, [9] which has a financial value on the open market [10].By working together and opening our research to the scientific community, many other labs will also be able to take promising molecular candidates forward to accelerate progress towards defeating the ZIKV outbreak. We invite any interested researcher to join us (send us your models or volunteer to assay the candidates we identify through this effort against any of the flaviviruses), and we hope new volunteers in the general public will donate their dormant, spare computing cycles to this cause. We will ultimately report the full computational and experimental results of this collaboration.

Advantages and Disadvantages of OpenZika

  • Open Science could accelerate the discovery of new antivirals using docking and virtual screening
  • Docking narrows down compounds to test, which saves time and money
  • Free to use distributed computing on World Community Grid, and the workflow is simpler than using conventional supercomputers
  • Concern around intellectual property ownership and whether companies will develop drugs coming from effort
  • Need for experimental assays will always be a factor
  • Testing in vitro and in vivo is not free, nor are the samples of the compounds
BackgroundDiabetes mellitus (DM) has been associated with increased risk for pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in endemic settings but it is unknown whether PTB risk is also increased by pre-DM. Here, we prospectively examined the association between glucose metabolism disorder (GMD) and PTB in patients with respiratory symptoms at a tuberculosis primary care reference center in Brazil.MethodsOral glucose tolerance test was performed and levels of fasting plasma glucose and glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) were measured in a cohort of 892 individuals presenting with respiratory symptoms of more than two weeks duration. Patients were also tested for PTB with sputum cultures. Prevalence of pre-DM and DM (based on HbA1c) was estimated and tested for association with incident PTB. Other TB risk factors including smoking history were analyzed.ResultsThe majority of the study population (63.1%) exhibited GMD based on HbA1c ≥5.7%. Patients with GMD had higher prevalence of PTB compared to normoglycemic patients. Individuals with DM exhibited increased frequency of TB-related symptoms and detection of acid-fast bacilli in sputum smears. Among patients with previous DM diagnosis, sustained hyperglycemia (HbA1c ≥7.0%) was associated with increased TB prevalence. Smoking history alone was not significantly associated with TB in our study population but the combination of smoking and HbA1c ≥7.0% was associated with 6 times higher odds for PTB.ConclusionsSustained hyperglycemia and pre-DM are independently associated with active PTB. This evidence raises the question whether improving glycemic control in diabetic TB patients would reduce the risk of TB transmission and simultaneously reduce the clinical burden of disease. A better understanding of mechanisms underlying these associations, especially those suggesting that pre-DM may be a factor driving susceptibility to TB is warranted.  相似文献   
The bark of Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poiret (Leguminosae family), popularly known as “jurema preta” in Brazil, is used by the population of Contendas of Sincorá (Bahia State, Brazil) for the treatment of coughs and wound healing. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of the bark ethanol extract (EEMT) and solvent soluble fractions (hexane—H, DCM—D, EtOAc—E and BuOH—B) of the extract in vivo. Additionally, we synthesized 5,7-dihidroxy-4’-methoxyflavanone (isosakuranetin) and isolated the compound sakuranetin, and both compounds were also tested. The anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive assays performed were: writhing test; nociception induced by intraplantar formalin injection; leukocyte recruitment to the peritoneal cavity; evaluation of vascular permeability (Evans blue test); and evaluation of mechanical hypernociception (von Frey test). Production of TNF-α, IL-10, myeloperoxidase and the expression of ICAM-1 were also evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post-test (n = 8), with P < 0.05. The EEMT showed antinociceptive activities in writhing test (100–200 mg/kg), in the second phase of the formalin test (50–200 mg/kg), and in mechanical hypernociception (100 mg/kg). EEMT showed an anti-inflammatory effect by reducing neutrophil migration to the peritoneal cavity and in the plantar tissue detected by the reduction of myeloperoxidase activity (100 mg/kg), reduction of IL-10 levels and expression of ICAM-1 in the peritoneal exudate and the mesentery (100 mg/kg), respectively. The four soluble EEMT fractions showed good results in tests for antinociceptive (H, D, E, B) and anti-inflammation (H, D, E). Only sakuranetin showed reduction of the writhing and neutrophil migration (200 mg/kg). Thus, the EEMT and soluble fractions of M. tenuiflora bark demonstrated great antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities, as also sakuranetin. More studies should be conducted to elucidate the mechanism of action of this compound. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the antinociceptive activity of the M. tenuiflora fractions and the bioactive isolated compound sakuranetin in vivo.  相似文献   


Protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania cause a large spectrum of clinical manifestations known as Leishmaniases. These diseases are increasingly important public health problems in many countries both within and outside endemic regions. Thus, an accurate differential diagnosis is extremely relevant for understanding epidemiological profiles and for the administration of the best therapeutic protocol.

Methods/Principal Findings

Exploring the High Resolution Melting (HRM) dissociation profiles of two amplicons using real time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) targeting heat-shock protein 70 coding gene (hsp70) revealed differences that allowed the discrimination of genomic DNA samples of eight Leishmania species found in the Americas, including Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi, L. (L.) amazonensis, L. (L.) mexicana, L. (Viannia) lainsoni, L. (V.) braziliensis, L. (V.) guyanensis, L. (V.) naiffi and L. (V.) shawi, and three species found in Eurasia and Africa, including L. (L.) tropica, L. (L.) donovani and L. (L.) major. In addition, we tested DNA samples obtained from standard promastigote culture, naturally infected phlebotomines, experimentally infected mice and clinical human samples to validate the proposed protocol.


HRM analysis of hsp70 amplicons is a fast and robust strategy that allowed for the detection and discrimination of all Leishmania species responsible for the Leishmaniases in Brazil and Eurasia/Africa with high sensitivity and accuracy. This method could detect less than one parasite per reaction, even in the presence of host DNA.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important molecule involved in the perception of stress induced by toxic compounds such as arsenic (As). The present study investigated the role of NO applied as sodium nitroprusside (SNP) in cell signalling and the ability of NO to attenuate the toxic effects of As (in the form of sodium arsenate) in water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). Water hyacinth plants were collected and assigned to one of the following treatments: control; 100 μM SNP; 20 μM As; or 20 μM As + 100 μM SNP. The plants remained under these conditions for 0, 4, 12, and 24 h. After each time interval, the plants were collected and As absorption, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), integrity of membranes, and antioxidant enzyme activities were evaluated. The plants were able to absorb and accumulate large amounts of As, even after only four hours of exposure to the pollutant. The absorption and bioaccumulation factor of As was even greater when plants were exposed to both As and SNP. The accumulation of As triggered increases in ROS production and cell membrane damage. In the presence of SNP, the tolerance index to As increased and damage was mitigated. Therefore, from the present work, it was possible to conclude that exogenous NO influenced the ability of plants to tolerate As; this finding has implications for phytoremediation in areas contaminated by As.  相似文献   
Polymorphisms in chemokine receptors play an important role in the progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) to cervical cancer (CC). Our study examined the association of CCR2-64I (rs1799864) andCCR5-Δ32 (rs333) polymorphisms with susceptibility to develop cervical lesion (CIN and CC) in a Brazilian population. The genotyping of 139 women with cervical lesions and 151 women without cervical lesions for the CCR2-64I and CCR5-Δ32 polymorphisms were performed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. The individuals carrying heterozygous or homozygous genotypes (GA+AA) for CCR2-64I polymorphisms seem to be at lower risk for cervical lesion [odds ratio (OR) = 0.37, p = 0.0008)]. The same was observed for the A allele (OR = 0.39, p = 0.0002), while no association was detected (p > 0.05) with CCR5-Δ32 polymorphism. Regarding the human papillomavirus (HPV) type, patients carrying the CCR2-64Ipolymorphism were protected against infection by HPV type 16 (OR = 0.35, p = 0.0184). In summary, our study showed a protective effect ofCCR2-64I rs1799864 polymorphism against the development of cervical lesions (CIN and CC) and in the susceptibility of HPV 16 infection.  相似文献   
Uroplakins (UPs) are major differentiation products of urothelial umbrella cells and play important roles in forming the permeability barrier and in the expansion/stabilization of the apical membrane. Further, UPIa serves as a uropathogenic Escherichia coli receptor. Although it is understood that UPs are delivered to the apical membrane via fusiform vesicles (FVs), the mechanisms that regulate this exocytic pathway remain poorly understood. Immunomicroscopy of normal and mutant mouse urothelia show that the UP-delivering FVs contained Rab8/11 and Rab27b/Slac2-a, which mediate apical transport along actin filaments. Subsequently a Rab27b/Slp2-a complex mediated FV–membrane anchorage before SNARE-mediated and MAL-facilitated apical fusion. We also show that keratin 20 (K20), which forms a chicken-wire network ∼200 nm below the apical membrane and has hole sizes allowing FV passage, defines a subapical compartment containing FVs primed and strategically located for fusion. Finally, we show that Rab8/11 and Rab27b function in the same pathway, Rab27b knockout leads to uroplakin and Slp2-a destabilization, and Rab27b works upstream from MAL. These data support a unifying model in which UP cargoes are targeted for apical insertion via sequential interactions with Rabs and their effectors, SNAREs and MAL, and in which K20 plays a key role in regulating vesicular trafficking.  相似文献   
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is the most prevalent form of diabetes in the USA, thus, the identification of biomarkers that could be used to predict the progression from prediabetes to T2DM would be greatly beneficial. Recently, circulating RNA including microRNAs (miRNAs) present in various body fluids have emerged as potential biomarkers for various health conditions, including T2DM. Whereas studies that examine the changes of miRNA spectra between healthy controls and T2DM individuals have been reported, the goal of this study is to conduct a baseline comparison of prediabetic individuals who either progress to T2DM, or remain prediabetic. Using an advanced small RNA sequencing library construction method that improves the detection of miRNA species, we identified 57 miRNAs that showed significant concentration differences between progressors (progress from prediabetes to T2DM) and non‐progressors. Among them, 26 have been previously reported to be associated with T2DM in either body fluids or tissue samples. Some of the miRNAs identified were also affected by obesity. Furthermore, we identified miRNA panels that are able to discriminate progressors from non‐progressors. These results suggest that upon further validation these miRNAs may be useful to predict the risk of conversion to T2DM from prediabetes.  相似文献   
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