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A single X-chromosome balancer-bearingCelegans ♂+, as a founder of a strain (AF1), was isolated directly from Fl progeny of irradiated+dpy-8unc-3/lon-2++ hermaphrodites on the basis of the absence of recombinant F2 categories. The balancer chromosome (Bal-X-1) suppresses recombination over a two-thirds section of the X chromosome (between genesdpy-8 andlet-2) and is associated with a reciprocal translocation between linkage groups (LG) X and I. Animals homozygous for the translocation (szT1(X:1)) are nonviable. Hermaphrodites heterozygous for the translocation segregate male selfprogeny at a frequency of 0.08-0.12.Bal-X-l carries the marker mutationlon-2(e678) and can be detected cytologically. This balancer chromosome proved useful for rnaimaininga number of X-linked lethal mutations and deficiencies inC. elegans.  相似文献   
Summary Folsomia fimetaria (L.) were added (0, 5, 10, 20 animals) to 0.100 g barley straw which had been inoculated 10 days (244 h) earlier with a natural soil microflora. Respiration (CO2 evolution) was monitored continuously. Mass loss, fungal standing crop (total and FDA-active), bacterial and protozoan biomass were estimated 42 days (1,000 h) after microbial inoculation. The degree of surface cover by hyphae was surveyed at regular intervals. No significant differences (P>0.05) were found in respiration, mass loss or microbial biomass, but the density of surface hyphae were reduced by addition of Collembola. Fungal production was low, less than 5% of the estimated microbial production, and could not account for all collembolan growth during incubation. F. fimetaria appeared to consume mainly bacteria and protozoa, and had little impact on carbon mineralization.  相似文献   
Summary Some basic parameters of the life history of Alsodes montanus and Alsodes tumultuosus (Anura-Leptodactylidae), were studied from 1977 to 1980 by periodic field observations at Farellones and La Parva (33–34° south lat.; 2,700–3,000 m above sea level). Special attention was paid to strategies of resource partitioning in relation to gross features of the environment. The latter was unstable with a relative short period favorable for activity of the animals. Physical environmental differences between the first and second season of this study, resulted in a decrease in total number of active adults, a reduction in the duration of larval activity and a shift in microhabitat preferences of larvae.During the favorable season, October to May, adults of both species showed spatial and temporal segregation, related to different physical features of the environment; larvae did not show temporal segregation. Larvae of both species were found in seven different microhabitats; only in one of these did they show significant difference in microhabitat preference, A. tumultuosus was found more often in crevices. Microhabitat dimensions were more important than time and food resources in the separation of the niches of the two species. The segregation of niche dimensions, microhabitat, diel and annual activity and food were not complementary.Coexistence was therefore observed with the species tending to use different resources. When the same resource was used, it was not limiting.  相似文献   
O-Methylthreonine (OMT) inhibits the growth of plated Rosa cells (ID506·10-6M). Isoleucine is able to reverse efficiently and specifically this OMT toxicity. From OMT-resistant colonies occurring at a frequency of 1.58·10-7 variants per cell plated at 10-4M OMT, the variant strains OMTR-1 and OMTR-2 were isolated, cloned via protoplasts and characterized. Both variants were ten times more resistant to OMT than the wildtype and were cross-resistant to another isoleucine analog, dl-4-thiaisoleucine. The resistant variants retained their resistance after storage for three years in liquid nitrogen. Both resistant strains were stable for several months when subcultured in the absence of OMT although it was shown in a reconstitution experiment that wildtype cells overgrow OMTR-2 variant cells if co-cultivated for many passages in drug-free medium. One case of instability was observed upon long-term subculturing in drug-free medium: the strain OMTR-1D* partially lost phenotypic properties. Resistance to OMT was followed qualitatively by a new method based on inhibition-zone formation in cell suspensions plated in agar medium. The OMT-resistant variants showed a reduction in sensitivity of the enzyme l-threonine deaminase to feedback inhibition by isoleucine, a decreased stability of l-threonine deaminase when stored at-18°C or incubated at +55°C and a two- to threefold increase of the free isoleucine pool within the cells. The genetical events and the biochemical mechanisms which might lead to the observed stable and biochemically defined character are discussed with particular reference to the high ploidy level of the Rosa cell line.Abbreviations OMT l-O-methylthreonine - TD l-threonine deaminase  相似文献   
The parathyroid hormone (PTH) acts on bones, intestines, and kidneys to maintain the calcium homeostasis which, in turn, is a main factor in controling the parathyroid (PT) gland activity. In all mammals studied, the chief cells of PT glands changed their size, shape, and cytoplasmic structure due to different functional states which vary the serum calcium levels. The chief cells of the rat PT glands were classified as dark and light. The dark cells may constitute an active form, characterized mainly by the abundant free ribosomes, conspicuous rough endoplasmic reticulum, and GOLGI complexes, greater number of secretory granules (SG) and increased tortuosity of the plasma membranes as compared to the light ones which were considered as a less active type of cells. Due to different calcium requirements in newborn and young rats for the ossification of growing skeleton and in adult and senile rats with consolidate mature bones, the PT glands studied with electron microscope showed various cytological features. The parenchyma of newborn and young PT glands was composed by dark chief cells. The light chief cells were more frequent in adult and senile animals as a less active type of cell. Mature SG were only occasionally observed in dark cells of newborn, young and adult PT glands. They may constitute a reserve supply of PTH but probably not the main way of secretion, according to their little number. Another pool of PTH probably answers the needs for the small basal variations in the steady-state secretion and may be represented by the vesicles observed in the chief cells cytoplasm.  相似文献   
A minimal catalytic cycle for cytochrome c oxidase has been suggested, and the steady-state kinetic equation for this mechanism has been derived. This equation has been used to simulate experimental data for the pH dependence of the steady-state kinetic parameters, kcat and Km. In the simulations the rate constants for binding and dissociation of cytochrome c and for two internal electron-transfer steps have been allowed to vary, whereas fixed experimental values (for pH 7.4) have been used for the other rate constants. The results show that the dissociation of the product, ferricytochrome c, cannot be rate-limiting under all conditions, but that intramolecular electron-transfer steps also limit the rate. They also demonstrate that Km can differ considerably from the dissociation constant for the cytochrome c-oxidase complex. Published values for the rate constant for the dissociation of ferricytochrome c are too small to account for the steady-state rates. It is suggested that, at high concentrations, ferryocytochrome c transfers an electron to a cytochrome c molecule which remains bound to the oxidase. This can also explain the nonhyperbolic kinetics, which is observed at low substrate concentrations.  相似文献   
Summary The parameters affecting the formation in vivo of -aminoadipyl-cysteinyl-valine (ACV), an intermediate in penicillin biosynthesis, have been established in low- and high-penicillin producing strains ofPenicillium chrysogenum. ACV was found both in cell extracts and in the culture broth filtrates. (14C)valine, -(14C)aminoadipic acid and (14C)cysteine were efficiently incorporated into ACV. Formation of ACV was stimulated by phenylacetic acid when added during the growth of the culture. ACV biosynthesis was enhanced when protein synthesis was blocked with cycloheximide or anisomicin. The ACV-synthesising activity of the culture increased between 24 and 48 h of the culture preceeding penicillin biosynthesis, and remained constant thereafter. A decay of ACV-forming activity was observed when de novo protein synthesis was inhibited with cycloheximide. The apparent half-life of the ACV-synthesising enzyme system was 2.5 h.  相似文献   
The vegetation succession on the dunes near Oostvoorne, The Netherlands has been followed by means of a novel combination of repeated large-scale vegetation mapping and air photograph interpretation. Vegetation units have been discerned on the formation level because these could be distinguished fairly easily on the photographs and because the rates of change are appropriate to the time interval chosen. Nineteen formations were distinguished. Five 1:6250 maps were constructed, reflecting the formation pattern in 1934, 1943, 1959, 1972 and 1980. An overlay with 2736 grid points at 25 m field distance was used to quantify changes in the formation pattern.The results suggest a pronounced multiple pathway succession with nevertheless three principal trajectories of succession from pioneer to woodland vegetation. The outer dunes, which have originated since 1910, are distinct in successional characteristics from the inner dunes, which already existed but were released from heavy grazing pressure in 1910. The rate of change in the outer dunes was high in the beginning and is slowly decreasing eversince. In the inner dunes it went the other way around. Through visual extrapolation the likely formation patterns in 1910 and in 2000 were estimated.Transition frequencies proved highly variable for most formations. Moreover, strong spatial dependence was found. Limitations in the use of Markov models in cases of long-term succession in heterogeneous environments are discussed.Nomenclature follows the same sources as in van der Maarel et al. (1984).Field work carried out 1980–1981 when the authors were at the Division of Geobotany, University of Nijmegen. We thank Jos Rijntjes, Nijmegen, for his cooperation in the field. Vegetation maps were prepared and calculations performed at Uppsala. We thank the Foundation Het Zuid-Hollands Landschap, Rotterdam, for providing facilities and a grant for fieldwork as well as additional means to reproduce the vegetation maps. Two reviewers gave useful comments.  相似文献   
Photobiont cells of the lichen Evernia prunastri have completely been separated from their fungal partner by filtration through a bed of Sepharose 2B. Both mannitol and ribitol have been quantified by gas-liquid chromatography in the different steps of the isolation procedure. Absence of mannitol, which is exclusively produced by the mycobiont, has been used as the best probe to monitor isolation.  相似文献   
Actinomycin D, at a dose of 0.25 micrograms/g body wt, produced slight increases in intestinal enzymatic activity on hamsters. At a high dose (1.5 micrograms/g body wt), actinomycin D produced inhibition of lactase activity, whereas maltase, sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activity decreased in males and increased in females. Cycloheximide (1.5 micrograms/g body wt), produced no changes in enzymatic activity. In the male and female hamster, the different actions of the antibiotic can be explained by the variations in the cortisol release produced by stress.  相似文献   
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