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The present study was carried out to determine if an insulin-like growth factor (IGF) type activity might be produced by embryonal carcinoma-derived cells. The cell line used to condition growth medium for the isolation of secreted growth factors was a newly established Dif 5 cell type. Dif 5 cells are a differentiated endoderm-like cell type derived from F9 embryonal carcinoma cells (which possess properties similar to mouse embryonic stem cells) following extensive exposure to retinoic acid. When growth medium conditioned by Dif 5 cells is chromatographed on Sephadex G-75 in 1 M acetic acid two peaks of activity are observed which compete for specific [125I]iodo multiplication stimulating activity (MSA) binding to PYS cells. MSA is the rat homologue of human IGF-II. The high molecular weight fraction (Mr approximately 60K) apparently corresponds to IGF-binding protein as determined by its ability to bind [125I]iodo-MSA. The low molecular weight fraction (Mr approximately 8K) is biologically active as this fraction stimulates [3H]thymidine incorporation into serum-starved chick embryo fibroblasts. Radioimmunoassay data indicate that the IGF-like activity produced by Dif 5 cells is more closely related to IGF-II than to IGF-I. Undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma stem cell lines (F9, Nulli, and PCC4) produced little of this MSA-like activity, while PYS-2 (parietal endoderm-like) cells produced about 16 ng MSA/10(6) cells/24 hr as determined by radioimmunoassay. Dif 5 and PSA-5E (visceral endoderm-like) cells, are found to secrete significant amounts of MSA into the growth medium (30-50 ng MSA/10(6) cells/24 hr). These findings offer further support to a proposal that MSA (IGF-II) produced by endoderm cells, particularly visceral endoderm, may serve as an early embryonic growth factor.  相似文献   
Blocks to polyspermy may act either at the level of the egg plasma membrane to prevent gamete fusion or at the level of egg surface coats to prevent gamete attachment. The present study was undertaken to determine what type(s) of block(s) to polyspermy exist in Chaetopterus. The results showed the existence of both types. A rapid block acts at the plasma membrane level based on independence from detectable changes in the vitelline layer and is dependent on external sodium ions. A vitelline layer block had been predicted on morphological evidence and is supported here by demonstrating an increase in polyspermy following chemical disruption of the vitelline layer. However, the vitelline layer of the fertilized egg retained its ability to initiate the acrosome reaction in sperm and attach sperm which had undergone the acrosome reaction. The vitelline layer block resulted from the retraction of egg microvilli from the vitelline layer, and not from elevation of the vitelline layer per se. Thus the vitelline layer of the fertilized egg could be involved in preventing sperm penetration into the egg without being altered structurally or functionally.  相似文献   
Immunocytochemical staining for relaxin in ovarian sections of pregnant mice from day 11 through day 18 of gestation revealed that only corpora lutea (CL) of pregnancy are stained. Evaluation of serial sections of ovaries from a day 16 pregnant mouse revealed that the only luteal structures present are CL of pregnancy. The number of CL present in each ovary equaled the number of implantation sites in each related horn (7 on the right side and 8 on the left side). These large CL varied in shape, being round in some profiles to very elongate in others. All CL were immunochemically stained for relaxin using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method of L. Sternberger (Immunocytochemistry, 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, 1979). The intensity of the strain varied from cell to cell within each CL. Small luteal structures that were observed to be immunochemically stained for relaxin were demonstrated to represent the periphery of CL of pregnancy. No luteinized follicles were observed and interstitial cells and follicles were not immunochemically stained in any of the day 16 serial ovarian sections or in any of the ovarian sections from pregnant mice on the other days of gestation studied. CL of previous cycles were not observed to be present in the ovaries at days 15, 16, or 18 of gestation. However on day 14 and before, CL of previous cycles were observed and they did not exhibit any relaxin immunostaining. Immunocytochemical studies using the biotin-avidin system revealed that no relaxin immunostaining could be demonstrated in the ovaries of cycling mice at any stage of the estrous cycle. In conclusion, this study revealed that the only ovarian structures demonstrating relaxin immunocytochemical staining in the mouse were CL of pregnancy.  相似文献   
By means of histochemical techniques, two lectins with nominal specificity for L-fucose, Tetragonolobus purpureas agglutinin (TPA), and Ulex europeus agglutinin (UEA) were found to specifically label the medullary area of murine thymuses. Although the binding of both lectins was restricted to the medullary area of the thymus, each staining pattern was unique. Cells binding UEA formed a reticular network throughout the medulla, whereas cells binding TPA occurred as single cells or small clumps of cells and resembled Hassall's corpuscles. The cells binding either lectin were identified as epithelial on the basis of ultrastructural features (tonofilaments, desmosomes, and keratohyalin bodies) and resembled Ia+ medullary epithelial cells described previously. An age-related decline in UEA binding was observed, whereas labeling with TPA remained unchanged. On the basis of the labeling patterns obtained with UEA and TPA and the reported specificities of these two lectins, it is suggested that the majority of the fucose detected is associated with type 1 carbohydrate chains.  相似文献   
The DNA-protein complex DNA-gp3 of phi 29 is efficiently packaged into purified proheads with the aid of plasmid-derived gp16. The filled heads can be assembled to phage by addition of an extract providing the products for neck-tail assembly (Bjornsti et al., J. Virol. 50:766-772, 1984). However, purified proheads lost their competence to package DNA-gp3 upon storage for 2 months at 4 degrees C. Competence was restored by complementation with extracts of certain mutant-infected cells, and these experiments demonstrated that late proteins were not involved; restoration obtained with 4-8-14--infected cells was indistinguishable from that obtained with 7-8-14--infected cells. 2-8-14- and 3-8-14- extracts restored about one-third of the capacity to package exogenous DNA-gp3. A 1-8-14- extracts restored activity to package 20.6% of the DNA-gp3 added, but phage were not produced.  相似文献   
Defective bacteriophage PBSX, a resident of all Bacillus subtilis 168 chromosomes, packages fragments of DNA from all portions of the host chromosome when induced by mitomycin C. In this study, the physical process for DNA packaging of both chromosomal and plasmid DNAs was examined. Discrete 13-kilobase (kb) lengths of DNA were packaged by wild-type phage, and the process was DNase I resistant and probably occurred by a head-filling mechanism. Genetically engineered isogenic host strains having a chloramphenicol resistance determinant integrated as a genetic flag at two different regions of the chromosome were used to monitor the packaging of specific chromosomal regions. No dramatic selectivity for these regions could be documented. If the wild-type strain 168 contains autonomously replicating plasmids, especially pC194, the mitomycin C induces an increase in size of resident plasmid DNA, which is then packaged as 13-kb pieces into phage heads. In strain RB1144, which lacks substantial portions of the PBSX resident phage region, mitomycin C treatment did not affect the structure of resident plasmids. Induction of PBSX started rolling circle replication on plasmids, which then became packaged as 13-kb fragments. This alteration or cannibalization of plasmid replication resulting from mitomycin C treatment requires for its function some DNA within the prophage deletion of strain RB1144.  相似文献   
The present study examines the feasibility of using the Salmonella typhimurium plate-incorporation assay of Ames for detecting target-organ specificity with N-nitroso-N-methylaniline (NMA), a compound for which the target site for tumour formation in the rat is the oesophagus. Thus it was anticipated that the oesophagus would bioactivate this compound. The compound has been investigated using S9 from Aroclor- and NMA-induced rat oesophagus, salivary gland and liver in the presence and absence of the co-mutagen, norharman. No response to NMA was seen with oesophageal S9 even though benzo[a]pyrene produced a dose-related increase in revertants in strain TA98 and TA100. No response to NMA was seen with salivary-gland S9. However, a response was produced with Aroclor-induced rat-liver S9 in the presence of norharman and with NMA-induced rat-liver S9 in the absence of norharman.  相似文献   
The parathyroid hormone (PTH) acts on bones, intestines, and kidneys to maintain the calcium homeostasis which, in turn, is a main factor in controling the parathyroid (PT) gland activity. In all mammals studied, the chief cells of PT glands changed their size, shape, and cytoplasmic structure due to different functional states which vary the serum calcium levels. The chief cells of the rat PT glands were classified as dark and light. The dark cells may constitute an active form, characterized mainly by the abundant free ribosomes, conspicuous rough endoplasmic reticulum, and GOLGI complexes, greater number of secretory granules (SG) and increased tortuosity of the plasma membranes as compared to the light ones which were considered as a less active type of cells. Due to different calcium requirements in newborn and young rats for the ossification of growing skeleton and in adult and senile rats with consolidate mature bones, the PT glands studied with electron microscope showed various cytological features. The parenchyma of newborn and young PT glands was composed by dark chief cells. The light chief cells were more frequent in adult and senile animals as a less active type of cell. Mature SG were only occasionally observed in dark cells of newborn, young and adult PT glands. They may constitute a reserve supply of PTH but probably not the main way of secretion, according to their little number. Another pool of PTH probably answers the needs for the small basal variations in the steady-state secretion and may be represented by the vesicles observed in the chief cells cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity variation in male flies taken directly from seven natural populations ofDrosophila melanogaster is largely accounted for by segregation of alleles at theAdh structural gene locus. There was little overlap in the ADH activities ofAdh F andAdh s homozygotes. Body weights varied only slightly betweenAdh genotypes and contributed little to ADH variation. Between and within population variation in ADH activity and ADH protein in flies in the wild is mainly due to the relative frequencies ofAdh F andAdh s.  相似文献   
Three inbred strains of mice (BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ and NZB/BInJ) were infected with trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi. Sera were taken at different times after infection and radioimmunoprecipitation assays were used to detect antibodies against individual T. cruzi epimastigote and trypomastigote antigens. The mouse strains differed in regard to the spectrum of antibodies and the time after infection when the various epimastigote specific antibody species appeared. NZB mice had antibodies against at least 25 polypeptides ranging in molecular weight from 20,000 to 90,000 D at 3 wk after infection, and these persisted until at least 10 wk post-infection. C3H and BALB/c had antibodies against fewer than 5 antigens at 3 wk after infection; whereas by week 10, antibodies against at least 25 polypeptides were detected. C3H mice that were most susceptible to infection (but not NZB or BALB/c mice) had antibodies against a 25,000 D molecular weight epimastigote antigen. The antibody response against trypomastigote polypeptides was more uniform. Sera from all mouse strains at 3 wk after infection precipitated the same polypeptides and the radioimmunoprecipitation patterns did not change as a function of time after infection.  相似文献   
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