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Activity of enzymes, such as protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), is often associated with structural changes in the enzyme, resulting in selective and stereospecific reactions with the substrate. To investigate the effect of a substrate on the motions occurring in PTPs, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations of PTP1B and PTP1B complexed with a high-affinity peptide DADEpYL, where pY stands for phosphorylated tyrosine. The peptide sequence is derived from the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR988-993). Simulations were performed in water for 1 ns, and the concerted motions in the protein were analyzed using the essential dynamics technique. Our results indicate that the predominately internal motions in PTP1B occur in a subspace of only a few degrees of freedom. Upon substrate binding, the flexibility of the protein is reduced by approximately 10%. The largest effect is found in the protein region, where the N-terminal of the substrate is located, and in the loop region Val198-Gly209. Displacements in the latter loop are associated with the motions in the WPD loop, which contains a catalytically important aspartic acid. Estimation of the pKa of the active-site cysteine along the trajectory indicates that structural inhomogeneity causes the pKa to vary by approximately +/-1 pKa unit. In agreement with experimental observations, the active-site cysteine is negatively charged at physiological pH.  相似文献   
The trimeric protein LamB of Escherichia coli K-12 (maltoporin) specifically facilitates the diffusion of maltose and maltooligosaccharides through the outer membrane. Each monomer consists of an 18-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel with nine surface loops (L1 to L9). The effects on transport and binding of the deletion of some of the surface loops or of combinations of several of them were studied in vivo and in vitro. In vivo, single-, DeltaL4, DeltaL5, DeltaL6, and double-loop deletions, DeltaL4 + DeltaL5 and DeltaL5 + DeltaL6, abolished maltoporin functions, but not the double deletion DeltaL4 + DeltaL6 and the triple deletion DeltaL4 + DeltaL5 + DeltaL6. While deletion of the central variable portion of loop L9 (DeltaL9v) affected maltoporin function only moderately, the combination of DeltaL9v with the double deletion of loops L4 and L6 (triple deletion DeltaL4 + DeltaL6 + DeltaL9v) strongly impaired maltoporin function and resulted in sensitivity to large hydrophilic antibiotics without change in channel size as measured in vitro. In vitro, the carbohydrate-binding properties of the different loop mutants were studied in titration experiments using the asymmetric and symmetric addition of the mutant porins and of the carbohydrates to one or both sides of the lipid bilayer membranes. The deletion of loop L9v alone (LamBDeltaL9v), of two loops L4 and L6 (LamBDeltaL4 + DeltaL6), of three loops L4, L5 and L6 (LamBDeltaL4 + DeltaL5 + DeltaL6) or of L4, L6 and L9v (LamBDeltaL4 + DeltaL6 + DeltaL9v) had relatively little influence on the carbohydrate-binding properties of the mutant channels, and they had approximately similar binding properties for carbohydrate addition to both sides compared with only one side. The deletion of one of the loops L4 (LamBDeltaL4) or L6 (LamBDeltaL6) resulted in an asymmetric carbohydrate binding. The in vivo and in vitro results, together with those of the purification across the starch column, suggest that maltooligosaccharides enter the LamB channel from the cell surface side with the non-reducing end in advance. The absence of some of the loops leads to obstruction of the channel from the outside, which results in a considerable difference in the on-rate of carbohydrate binding from the extracellular side compared with that from the periplasmic side.  相似文献   
Investigation of Helicobacter pylori ascorbic acid oxidating activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Helicobacter pylori sonicate was shown to oxidize ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid oxidation was determined by chromatography combined with electrochemical detection. Water soluble ascorbic acid oxidase activity was rather independent of pH with a pH optimum around 2. By gel filtration the oxidizing activity co-eluted with an absorbency peak at 408 nm. The relative molecular mass ( M r) was approximately 14000. It is suggested that this oxidating activity was caused by a cytochrome c -like molecule. Ascorbic acid oxidating activity could also be extracted from bacterial membranes by detergents. Gel filtration showed several forms, the major one with a M r= 19000. pH optimum was 6–7. Other oxidase-positive bacterial strains like Campylobacter coli, Enterobacter cloacae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa could degrade ascorbic acid. Since ascorbic acid oxidation by Helicobacter pylori whole bacterial lysates has a pH optimum in the acidic range corresponding to pH in gastric fluid, the activity of the cytochrome c -like water soluble oxidant of Helicobacter pylori seems to be primarily important for the destruction of ascorbic acid in the gastric juice of infected patients.  相似文献   
Proprioseiopsis asetus (Chant) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is a relatively unknown predacious mite with potential as a biological control agent of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae). In this study, the developmental rate and other biological parameters of P. asetus were investigated. Development of P. asetus was temperature dependent from 10 to 40°C. Nonlinear models were fitted to development rate (1/time) data from egg to adult and by sex to estimate development times. The model of Sharpe and De Michele (1977) best fits the developmental data. The shortest development time on cattail (Typha latifolia (L.)) pollen occurred at 35°C for all stages except for the egg stage, for which it was longer. The optimum development time at 35°C is above the temperature optimum of most phytoseiid mites. Fecundity increased when P. asetus mated more than once. Males were needed at all times for maximum oviposition, although their consumption was negligible. Oviposition, prey killed (Franklinella occidentalis or T. urticae) and longevity of P. asetus females were recorded in the presence of males. Egg production increased with number of prey killed and P. asetus has the characteristics of successful predators of thrips.  相似文献   
Programmed cell death often depends on generation of reactive oxygen species, which can be detoxified by antioxidative enzymes, including catalases. We previously isolated catalase-deficient mutants (cat2) in a screen for resistance to hydroxyurea-induced cell death. Here, we identify an Arabidopsis thaliana hydroxyurea-resistant autophagy mutant, atg2, which also shows reduced sensitivity to cell death triggered by the bacterial effector avrRpm1. To test if catalase deficiency likewise affected both hydroxyurea and avrRpm1 sensitivity, we selected mutants with extremely low catalase activities and showed that they carried mutations in a gene that we named NO CATALASE ACTIVITY1 (NCA1). nca1 mutants showed severely reduced activities of all three catalase isoforms in Arabidopsis, and loss of NCA1 function led to strong suppression of RPM1-triggered cell death. Basal and starvation-induced autophagy appeared normal in the nca1 and cat2 mutants. By contrast, autophagic degradation induced by avrRpm1 challenge was compromised, indicating that catalase acted upstream of immunity-triggered autophagy. The direct interaction of catalase with reactive oxygen species could allow catalase to act as a molecular link between reactive oxygen species and the promotion of autophagy-dependent cell death.  相似文献   
Chemotaxonomy (secondary metabolite profiling) has been shown to be of great value in the classification and differentiation in Ascomycota. However, few studies have investigated the use of metabolite production for classification and identification purposes of plant pathogenic Alternaria species. The purpose of the present study was to describe the methodology behind metabolite profiling in chemotaxonomy using A. dauci, A. porri, A. solani, and A. tomatophila strains as examples of the group. The results confirmed that A. dauci, A. solani, and A. tomatophila are three distinct species each with their own specific metabolite profiles, and that A. solani and A. tomatophila both produce altersolanol A, altertoxin I, and macrosporin. By using automated chemical image analysis and other multivariate statistic analyses, three sets of species-specific metabolites could be selected, one each for A. dauci, A. solani, and A. tomatophila.  相似文献   
Calcium-dependent protein kinases play a crucial role in intracellular calcium signaling in plants, some algae and protozoa. In Plasmodium falciparum, calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 (PfCDPK1) is expressed during schizogony in the erythrocytic stage as well as in the sporozoite stage. It is coexpressed with genes that encode the parasite motor complex, a cellular component required for parasite invasion of host cells, parasite motility and potentially cytokinesis. A targeted gene-disruption approach demonstrated that pfcdpk1 seems to be essential for parasite viability. An in vitro biochemical screen using recombinant PfCDPK1 against a library of 20,000 compounds resulted in the identification of a series of structurally related 2,6,9-trisubstituted purines. Compound treatment caused sudden developmental arrest at the late schizont stage in P. falciparum and a large reduction in intracellular parasites in Toxoplasma gondii, which suggests a possible role for PfCDPK1 in regulation of parasite motility during egress and invasion.  相似文献   
The copula of a bivariate distribution, constructed by making marginal transformations of each component, captures all the information in the bivariate distribution about the dependence between two variables. For frailty models for bivariate data the choice of a family of distributions for the random frailty corresponds to the choice of a parametric family for the copula. A class of tests of the hypothesis that the copula is in a given parametric family, with unspecified association parameter, based on bivariate right censored data is proposed. These tests are based on first making marginal Kaplan-Meier transformations of the data and then comparing a non-parametric estimate of the copula to an estimate based on the assumed family of models. A number of options are available for choosing the scale and the distance measure for this comparison. Significance levels of the test are found by a modified bootstrap procedure. The procedure is used to check the appropriateness of a gamma or a positive stable frailty model in a set of survival data on Danish twins.  相似文献   
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