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Bromocriptine administration in the form of slow-release injections to male blue foxes during March-May abolished the normal spring rise in plasma prolactin concentrations seen in May and June. The spring moult was prevented and the treated animals retained a winter coat of varied quality and maturity until the end of the study in August. Plasma testosterone concentrations fell normally from March until August. Testicular regression was, however, delayed, although there were individual variations in response. Estimation by DNA flow cytometry in early July of the relative numbers of haploid, diploid and tetraploid cells in the testis showed that, in the treated animals, 74-80% of the cells were haploid (maturing germinal cells), 4-6% tetraploid (mainly primary spermatocytes) and the rest diploid cells (somatic cells and the remaining germinal cell types). In the control males, however, no haploid cells were detected and the majority of cells were diploid (93-99%). At castration in August, histological examination revealed various stages of testicular regression in the treated and control animals.  相似文献   
The guanidinium toxin-induced inhibition of the current through voltage-dependent sodium channels was examined for batrachotoxin-modified channels incorporated into planar lipid bilayers that carry no net charge. To ascertain whether a net negative charge exists in the vicinity of the toxin-binding site, we studied the channel closures induced by tetrodotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin (STX) over a wide range of [Na+]. These toxins carry charges of +1 and +2, respectively. The frequency and duration of the toxin-induced closures are voltage dependent. The voltage dependence was similar for STX and TTX, independent of [Na+], which indicates that the binding site is located superficially at the extracellular surface of the sodium channel. The toxin dissociation constant, KD, and the rate constant for the toxin-induced closures, kc, varied as a function of [Na+]. The Na+ dependence was larger for STX than for TTX. Similarly, the addition of tetraethylammonium (TEA+) or Zn++ increased KD and decreased kc more for STX than for TTX. These differential effects are interpreted to arise from changes in the electrostatic potential near the toxin-binding site. The charges giving rise to this potential must reside on the channel since the bilayers had no net charge. The Na+ dependence of the ratios KDSTX/KDTTX and kcSTX/kcTTX was used to estimate an apparent charge density near the toxin-binding site of about -0.33 e X nm-2. Zn++ causes a voltage-dependent block of the single-channel current, as if Zn++ bound at a site within the permeation path, thereby blocking Na+ movement. There was no measurable interaction between Zn++ at its blocking site and STX or TTX at their binding site, which suggests that the toxin-binding site is separate from the channel entrance. The separation between the toxin-binding site and the Zn++ blocking site was estimated to be at least 1.5 nm. A model for toxin-induced channel closures is proposed, based on conformational changes in the channel subsequent to toxin binding.  相似文献   
Given the same quantity of fatty acid, livers from male rats esterify less fatty acid and secrete less triacylglycerol in very-low-density lipoprotein than do livers from female animals. To elucidate the role of testosterone in maintenance of this male pattern, conversion of [1-14C]oleic acid into triacylglycerol was assessed in vitro by rat hepatocytes (male) following gonadectomy and replacement with testosterone. Following castration, incorporation of fatty acid into triacylglycerol was increased. In contrast, esterification of exogenous fatty acid into phospholipid, cholesteryl esters, and diacylglycerol was unchanged. Treatment with testosterone (75 micrograms/day) reduced incorporation of exogenous fatty acid into triacylglycerol. Higher doses of testosterone (200 or 100 micrograms/day) modified the effect, such that inhibition was observed only at low oleate (0.5 mM) concentrations. At higher substrate concentrations (1.0-2.0 mM) the inhibitory effect was no longer observed. Further, a similar dose-dependent effect of testosterone was observed following in vivo treatment of castrate females with testosterone. These data support the concept of a regulatory role of testosterone in hepatic triacylglycerol synthesis. These findings also demonstrate a biphasic effect of testosterone, an effect that is dependent not only upon the dose of testosterone administered, but also on the concentration of fatty acid to which the hepatocyte is exposed in vitro.  相似文献   
Strains of Vibrio salmonicida isolated from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) suffering from cold-water vibriosis could be divided on the basis of plasmid profiles into four different categories. Of 32 strains, 19% harbored three plasmids of 24, 3.4, and 26 megadaltons (MDa), 69% harbored the 24- and 3.4-MDa plasmids but not the 2.6-MDA plasmid, and 9% harbored only the 24-MDA plasmid. The fourth category, which consisted of only one strain, harbored a plasmid of 10 MDa. In spite of different plasmid patterns, the strains of V. salmonicida were very similar with respect to biochemical reactions. The one-third of the V. salmonicida strains which were serotyped were of the same type. The 50% lethal doses, which were determined by intraperitoneal injection, ranged from 4 x 106 to 1 x 108 CFU per fish.  相似文献   
Disintegration of blue fox sperm membranes is studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In unfrozen spermatozoa studied by SEM, the plasmalemma and the acrosome appeared to be intact, except for a few cases of disruption of the former structure at the anterior part of the head. In semen frozen in 0.5-ml plastic straws by use of N2 vapor after dilution with Tris-fructose-citric acid with 8 vol % glycerol and 20 vol % egg yolk and thawed at 70 degrees C for 8 sec, the spermatozoa displayed different degrees of membrane damage. These alterations could be classified into three main categories of which the first included only minor changes in the plasmalemma, but vesiculation and disintegration of the outer part of the acrosomal membrane. In the second category (also the most frequent one) the outer part of the acrosomal membrane was extensively vesiculated, and the plasmalemma was discharged proximal to the equatorial segment. Extensive loss of plasmalemma and complete absence of the outer part of the acrosomal membrane characterized the last category of membrane damage. The functional implications of the three categories of membrane alterations are discussed.  相似文献   
Genomic footprinting studies in vivo and experiments using synthetic metal regulatory elements (MREs) in vitro suggest protein binding to the MREs of the mouse and rat metallothionein I (MT-I) genes. Using gel-retardation assays of promoter fragments, we observe a cadmium-dependent binding factor for the rat MT-I promoter in rat hepatoma cells. This factor is present in extracts from both uninduced and cadmium-induced cells, but requires the presence of cadmium to bind to the promoter. The formation of a cadmium-dependent complex is competed by an oligonucleotide containing two MREs. This competition is lost when when one of the MREs is mutated, indicating a requirement for at least two MREs for binding of this factor. The cadmium-dependent factor dissociates more rapidly from the MT-I promoter than does a factor that binds to a consensus Sp1 site present on the same DNA fragment. UV crosslinking analysis using nuclear extracts from cadmium induced cells, in the presence of an oligonucleotide probe containing both 5-bromodeoxyuridine and 32P-deoxycytidine, identifies a 39 kDalton protein associated with the metal inducible complex.  相似文献   
The human oral bacteria, Streptococcus sanguis and Bacteroides loescheii, when mixed in equal numbers in vitro, formed large settling coaggregates. As the relative number of each cell type was changed, coaggregates became smaller until at cell-type ratios of 10 to 1, rosettes formed. Rosettes consisting of a streptococcal cell in the center surrounded by bacteroides cells exhibited surface recognition properties of only the bacteroides, which coaggregated with many other cell types such as Actinomyces naeslundii, and formed large settling multigeneric aggregates. The ecological significance of these results derives from the following: (i) the direct demonstration that intergeneric coaggregates can protect the central cell from or prevent its access to other cells in the environment, and (ii) the potential for these effects to occur during bacterial succession of various cell types observed in progressively more severe stages of human periodontal disease.  相似文献   
Application of general tracer theory to the problem of estimating fluxes of tracee between the gastrointestinal tract and the body proper, from observations of the movement of tracer, shows that a number of assumptions must be fulfilled. Two specific sets of assumptions are discussed and, in both cases, measurement of tracer fluxes yields information on the integrated absorption of the tracee.  相似文献   
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