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Observations on territoriality and the associated odour-marking and foraging behaviours in male Pachymelus limbarus Saussure, a Malagasy endemic anthophorid bee, are reported. Data indicated a monandrous mating system where virgin females are attracted, probably by pheromonal cues, to male-patrolled territories associated with flowering, nectariferous Plectran- rhussensu lato species (Lamiaceae). One male observed in detail applied odour marks every 30–80 minutes on twigs around a food-resource area that contained c. 850 flowers. This marking behaviour always preceded territory residence. The male spent c. 80% of his time patrolling. Meanwhile, any intruding flying insect was inspected or chased, which caused conspecific males, as well as often females, to leave the site. The resident male fed frequently on flowers within his territory (c. 3,600 flower-visits on fine days), except immediately following odour-marking bouts. His flower-visiting was often released by interactions with intruding insects entering the territory. The observations provide the first example of male territoriality based on resource defence polygyny in the bee family Anthophoridae. The importance of resource distribution in the evolution of male territoriality in bees is discussed.  相似文献   
The structure of human erythrocytic carbonic anhydrase II has been refined by constrained and restrained structure–factor least-squares refinement at 2.0 Å resolution. The conventional crystallographic R value is 17.3%. Of 167 solvent molecules associated with the protein, four are buried and stabilize secondary structure elements. The zinc ion is ligated to three histidyl residues and one water molecule in a nearly tetrahedral geometry. In addition to the zinc-bound water, seven more water molecules are identified in the active site. Assuming that Glu-106 is deprotonated at pH 8.5, some of the hydrogen bond donor–acceptor relations in the active site can be assigned and are described here in detail. The Oγ1 atom of Thr-199 donates its proton to the Oε1 atom of Glu-106 and can function as a hydrogen bond acceptor only in additional hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   
Immunization of mice with a synthetic GM3-lactam-BSA (bovine serum albumin) conjugate (designed to emulate the corresponding natural GM3-lactone conjugate), followed by fusion of splenocytes with myeloma cells, gave rise to more than 300 monoclonal hybridomas producing antibodies to GM3-lactam-BSA, which did not react with Glc-BSA and BSA. Eight antibody clones were randomly chosen from the positive 300 hybridomas. The eight clones, all belonging to the IgG class, were unreactive against GM3-ganglioside, whereas two antibodies (P5-1 and P5-3, both IgG1, ) reacted with GM3-ganglioside lactone. Binding of these two antibodies to the GM3-lactam-BSA conjugate was inhibited by soluble glycosides of GM2-, GM3-, and GM4-lactam and by GM3- and GM4-lactam, respectively, but not by Gb3 or asialo-GM1 and GM2-saccharides. A third antibody (P3; IgG2b, ) was inhibited by GM2-, GM3-, and GM4-lactam, but did not recognize GM3-ganglioside lactone.  相似文献   
Summary Hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy (HCCAA) is a dominantly inherited disease characterized by amyloidosis, dementia and fatal cerebral hemorrhage of young adults. A method for rapid and simple diagnosis of HCCAA is described. It is based upon oligonucleotide-directed enzymatic amplification of a 275-bp genomic DNA segment containing exon 2 of the cystatin C gene from a blood sample, followed by digestion of the amplification product with AluI. Loss of an AluI recognition site in the amplified DNA segment from HCCAA patients results in a deviating band-pattern at agarose gel electrophoresis, compared with that obtained from normal subjects or unaffected HCCAA family members. In a population of 9 patients with manifest HCCAA, 14 patients with other causes of brain hemorrhage and 16 healthy individuals, the diagnostic procedure displayed a sensitivity and specificity for HCCAA of 100%. Amplified DNA segments from 4 HCCAA patients of four different families were analyzed by nucleotide sequencing; the HCCAA-causing mutation in all families was found to be a single TA substitution in the codon for amino acid residue 68 of cystatin C.  相似文献   
Summary In the superposition eyes of the sphingid moth Deilephila and the neuropteran Ascalaphus, adjustment to different intensities is subserved by longitudinal migrations of screening pigment in specialized pigment cells. Using ophthalmoscopic techniques we have localized the light-sensitive trigger that controls pigment position.In both species, local illumination of a small spot anywhere within the eye glow of a dark-adapted eye evokes local light adaptation in the ommatidia whose facets receive the light. Details of the response pattern demonstrate that a distal light-sensitive trigger is located axially in the ommatidium, just beneath the crystalline cone, and extends with less sensitivity deep into the clear zone. The distal trigger in Deilephila was shown to be predominantly UV sensitive, and a UV-absorbing structure, presumably the distal trigger, was observed near the proximal tip of the crystalline cone.In Ascalaphus we also found another trigger located more proximally, which causes local pigment reaction in the ommatidia whose rhabdoms are illuminated (the centre of the eye glow). The light-sensitive trigger for this response appears to be the rhabdom itself.  相似文献   
Summary Planktotrophic brachiopod larvae ofGlottidia sp. have been investigated for the occurrence of glyoxylic acid induced fluorescence in catecholamines (CA), and serotonin-like (5-HT) and neuropeptide FMRFamidelike (FMRFamide) immunoreactivity (ir). The location of CA, 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir cells and processes were compared with the location of neurons and nerve processes found by transmission electron microscopy. The apical ganglion contains 5-HT-ir and FMRFamideir cells and processes and CA processes. From the dorsal part of the apical ganglion extend dorsal 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir processes; from the nine pairs of tentacles stage (9. pt) they project to the ventral ganglion. These dorsal lophophore processes follow themusculus lophophoralis and them. brachialis. The 5-HT-ir and some of the FMRFamide-ir processes project along the muscles to the tentacles. From the ventral part of the apical ganglion extend CA, 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir processes which follow the ciliary band of the lophophore and project to the tentacles. An intense band of CA processes was also observed in the lophophore, but the dorsal/ventral location could not be ascertained. The ventral ganglion contains 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir cells which project either caudally on the metasome or rostrally as part of the dorsal lophophore processes. The neuropil of the ventral ganglion contains CA, 5-HT-ir and FMRFamide-ir processes. The nervous system of the planktotrophic brachiopod larvae seems to consist of a ventral lophophore system innervating the ciliary bands and a dorsal lophophore system including the ventral ganglion innervating the body musculature. The latter system develops later in ontogeny and is regarded as a specialization due to the presence of shells and associated musculature. The former system is regarded as homologous with the nervous system of actinotroch larvae (Phoronida) and planktotrophic larvae of the echinoderms.  相似文献   
We found that photographic densitometry (PD) is a useful technique for quantitative determinations of nuclear DNA content in clinical tumor material. Optimum conditions for the use of PD in clinical cytology and histopathology were worked out. A quantitative evaluation of the method was performed, particularly with respect to errors that may appear when measuring clinical tumor material. Our study showed that PD offers accurate DNA measurements in cytologic and histologic specimens. Ploidy level determinations in tumor cell populations in clinical material could be as accurately performed with PD as with scanning microspectrophotometry (SMP). Nuclear DNA content of individual cells as determined by PD correlated highly with nuclear DNA content determined by SMP (correlation coefficient, 0.96). Since the PD method is less influenced by background variation than are other image techniques (due to measurement of a photographic image), it is particularly useful in measurement of histopathologic sections, in which the background variation can introduce considerable errors. The method is also valuable with clinical cytologic smears, in which the presence of blood and other material disturbs the background. PD represents a valid complement to scanning microspectrophotometry and TV imaging systems, particularly for DNA analysis of tissue sections. Moreover, it can be applied easily in the clinical routine. Relevant tissue areas are selected and photographed by the pathologist or cytopathologist, and the measurement is performed by a laboratory technician.  相似文献   
In order to better understand the structural requirements for effective high affinity binding of estrogens and antiestrogens by the human estrogen receptor (ER), a comparative study was undertaken in which we examined: 1) native ER from the MCF-7 ER-positive human breast cancer cell line; 2) full length ER expressed in yeast; 3) the ER hormone binding domain (amino acid residues 302-595) expressed in yeast; 4) a bacterially expressed protein A fusion product encoding a truncated ER (amino acid residues 240-595); and 5) a synthetic peptide encompassing amino acids 510-551 of the ER. The binding parameters studied included affinity, kinetics, structural specificity for ligands, and stability. Full length ER expressed in yeast was very similar to the MCF-7 ER in its affinity [dissociation constant (Kd), 0.35 +/- 0.05 nM], dissociation rate (t1/2, 3-4 h at 25 C), and structural specificity for both reversible and covalently attaching affinity ligands. While the truncated ER expressed in yeast was similar to MCF-7 ER in its specificity of ligand binding, it showed a slightly reduced affinity for estradiol (Kd, 1.00 +/- 0.17 nM). The bacterially expressed ER also had a lower affinity for estradiol (Kd, 1.49 +/- 0.16 nM), which may be due in part to an increase in the dissociation rate (t1/2, 0.5 h at 25 C). The attachment of covalent affinity ligands and structural specificity for a variety of reversible ligands was comparable in the bacterially expressed ER to that observed for the receptors expressed in MCF-7 cells and yeast.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Effect of pyridoxine on tumor necrosis factor activitiesin vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinical trials with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) as an antitumor agent have so far given rather disappointing results. In this study we show that the naturally occuring vitamin B6 compound, pyridoxine, enhances TNF-induced cytolysis of three subclones of a mouse fibrosarcoma cell line (WEHI 164). The degree of pyridoxine-induced enhancement of TNF cytotoxicity seems to be dependent on the cells sensitivity to TNF, as the enhancement was much more pronounced in the relatively TNF resistant subclone act-R(cl.12)-WEHI 164, than in the very TNF sensitive subclone WEHI 164 clone 13. Furthermore, our study shows that pyridoxine, in contrast to its enhancing effect on TNF-induced cytotoxicity, rather inhibits TNF-induced growth of human FS-4 fibroblasts. Pyridoxine also enhances lymphotoxin (LT)-induced tumor cell killing and inhibits LT-induced fibroblast growth. Pyridoxine is a relatively non-toxic agentin vivo. Our results suggest that a combination of TNF and pyridoxine may be more efficient than TNF alone, in the treatment of cancer patients.  相似文献   
Summary The isomerization of D-glucose in mixed ethanol-water was studied at various reaction temperatures (40–70 °C), employing glucose isomerase fromStreptomyces phaeochromogenes andClostridium thermohydrosulfuricum, respectively. The thermophilicClostridium enzyme was considerably, more stable towards the combination of organic cosolvent and increased temperature and with this enzyme a 55% yield of fructose from glucose was obtained at relatively low concentration of ethanol (40 %).  相似文献   
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