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Glutathione, the most abundant low-molecular weight thiol in the skin, has been shown to protect the skin from both photobiological and chemical injury. The thiols, glutathione in particular, have also been shown to be crucially involved in defence against contact allergens. Since the levels of extracellular thiol concentrations are important determinants of intracellular thiol status, we have compared the normal concentrations and the redox status of the main low-molecular weight thiol components in the extracellular fluid at the dermo-epidermal junction with the corresponding plasma levels. In their sulfhydryl form, all three thiols, i.e. glutathione, cysteine and homocysteine, were more abundant in experimental skin blister fluid than in plasma, as were the free disulfides of glutathione and homocysteine, whereas the free disulfides of cysteine were about the same in blister fluid and in plasma. Protein mixed disulfide levels were higher in plasma than in blister fluid. The present results provide information concerning the extracellular defence in the skin.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In contrast to most populations worldwide, the incidence of gastric cancer increases among Inuit in Greenland. Contributing factors to this increase are unknown, but Helicobacter pylori may be involved. However, little is known regarding the epidemiology of H. pylori in Arctic communities. With the aim of determining age-specific prevalence, risk factors, and association with clinical conditions of H. pylori infection, we carried out a population-based study of H. pylori in Sisimiut, the second biggest town of Greenland. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A population-based sample of 685 persons had serum drawn that was analyzed for H. pylori IgG antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Risk factors analyses were carried out using multivariate logistic regression models. RESULTS: The seroprevalence was lowest among children aged 0-4 years (6%), but increased rapidly thereafter. In persons aged 15-87 years the seroprevalence had stabilized around 58%. Total number of children in household, number of older, but not younger, siblings and narrow age gap to closest older sibling were associated with H. pylori seropositivity. In contrast, number of adults in household and socioeconomic status did not influence serostatus. CONCLUSIONS: The age-specific prevalence pattern in Greenland is intermediate between that of developing and developed countries. The risk factor pattern indicates crowding and older siblings in particular to be key elements in risk of infection.  相似文献   
The aphid Brevicoryne brassicae is a specialist feeding on Brassicaceae plants. The insect has an intricate defence system involving a beta-D-thioglucosidase (myrosinase) that hydrolyses glucosinolates sequestered from the host plant into volatile isothiocyanates. These isothiocyanates act synergistically with the pheromone E-beta-farnesene to form an alarm system when the aphid is predated. In order to investigate the enzymatic characteristics of the aphid myrosinase and its three-dimensional structure, milligram amounts of pure recombinant aphid myrosinase were obtained from Echerichia coli. The recombinant enzyme had similar physiochemical properties to the native enzyme. The global structure is very similar to Sinapis alba myrosinase and plant beta-O-glucosidases. Aphid myrosinase has two catalytic glutamic acid residues positioned as in plant beta-O-glucosidases, and it is not obvious why this unusual enzyme hydrolyses glucosinolates, the common substrates of plant myrosinases which are normally not hydrolyzed by plant beta-O-glucosidases. The only residue specific for aphid myrosinase in proximity of the glycosidic linkage is Tyr180 which may have a catalytic role. The aglycon binding site differs strongly from plant myrosinase, whereas due to the presence of Trp424 in the glucose binding site, this part of the active site is more similar to plant beta-O-glucosidases, as plant myrosinases carry a phenylalanine residue at this position.  相似文献   
A number of filamentous fungi are known to produce high levels of saline-soluble and low-molecular-mass lectins. The function of these proteins are not clear but it has been proposed that they are involved in storage of nutrients, development, recognition of other organisms, and defense reactions. A gene encoding such a lectin (AOL) was deleted in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora by homologous recombination. The deletion mutants did not express any hemagglutinating activity or protein cross-reacting with AOL antibodies. There were no significant differences between the DeltaAOL and wild-type strains in spore (conidia) germination, saprophytic growth, and pathogenicity. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the growth and reproduction of collembolan feeding on the various strains of A. oligospora. Thus either the previous proposed functions of AOL are not correct, or the fungus can compensate for the absence of the lectin by expressing other proteins with similar function(s) as AOL.  相似文献   
The outcomes of press perturbation experiments on community dynamics are difficult to predict because there is a high degree of indeterminacy in the strength and direction of ecological interactions. Ecologists need to quantify uncertainties in estimates of interaction strength, by determining all the possible values a given interaction strength could take and the relative likelihood of each value. In this study, we assess the degree to which fish effects on zooplankton and phytoplankton are indeterminate in direction using a combination of experimental data and Monte Carlo simulations. Based on probability distributions of interaction strength (i.e. effect magnitude), we estimated the probability of each fish interaction being negative, positive or undetermined in direction. We then investigated how interaction strength and its predictability might vary with experimental duration and the taxonomic resolution of food web data. Results show that most effects of fish on phyto- and zooplankton were indeed indeterminate, and that the effects of fish were more predictable in direction as the taxonomic resolution of food web data decreased and the experimental duration increased. Results also show that most distributions of interaction strength were not normal, suggesting that normal based statistical procedures for testing hypothesis about interaction strength may be misleading, as well as predictions of food web models assuming normal distributions of interaction strength. By considering the probability distributions and confidence intervals of interaction parameters, ecologists would better understand the outcomes of species interactions and make more realistic predictions about our perturbations in natural food webs.  相似文献   
The temporal and spatial distribution of song was studied in a population of yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella. Song was most frequent during the breeding season, and within the breeding season during the fertile period of both first, second, and replacement clutches. Song activity peaked at sunrise and sunset. During the fertile period most singing took place in the central parts of the territory. Song post heights peaked during the fertile period, and more song posts lacked foliage at that time. Intrusions by male conspecifics peaked in the fertile period and in territories where males sang relatively little. Song activity and mate guarding were strongly positively correlated. Song volume was loud and song was thus apparently used in long-distance communication. These observations are in accordance with a male deterrence hypothesis, suggesting that males sing to deter neighbouring males from trespassing during the fertile period of their mate. A female attraction hypothesis, suggesting that males sing to attract neighbouring females and thereby obtain extra-pair copulations, and a female reproduction hypothesis, suggesting that males sing to start the female reproductive cycle, were partly supported by observations.  相似文献   
Summary Reepithelialization of artificial partial thickness wounds made in biopsies of human skin was determined after 3, 5, or 7 d of incubation, submerged or elevated to the air-liquid interface. The biopsies were reepithelialized within 5–7 d, with a more complete epidermal healing in wounds exposed to air. Both types of wounds showed similar time-course in deposition of basement membrane components, as detected by immunofluorescence labeling. Laminin and collagen type VII were deposited underneath the migrating tips, whereas collagen type IV was detected after reepithelialization. Markers of terminal differentiation showed a pattern close to normal in the air-liquid incubated wounds after reepithelialization. Involucrin was detected in the suprabasal regions of the migrating epidermis and thereafter in the upper half of neo-epidermis in the air-liquid incubated wound. Filaggrin could not be detected in the submerged wounds at any time during healing, whereas wounds exposed to air showed a well-differentiated epidermis by Day 7. Tritiated thymidine-incorporation indicated proliferation of epidermal and dermal cells during reepithelialization and a maintained viability, as shown by cultivation of endothelial- and fibroblast-like cells obtained from the dermis 7 d after wounding. Reepithelialization in this humanin vitro model is supported by a matrix close to normal with the possibility of extracellular influences and cell-cell interactions and, in addition, the technique is simple and reproducible. Therefore, we suggest this model for studies of regeneration in culture and as a complement toin vivo studies on epidermal healing.  相似文献   
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