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The oldest early Mesolithic settlements found so far (i.e. 8600 b.p.) in the interior of northern Sweden, in the province of Norrbotten, have been discovered through the application of a model simulating glacio-isostatic land uplift. The objective of this study was to investigate, through pollen and charred particle analyses, vegetation composition and the influence of man on vegetation and fire pattern in the vicinity of two of these early settlements. Early Holocene vegetation was characterised by Betula, Hippophaë and Salix-species, but no initial impact by hunter-gatherers on vegetation was detected. Subsequently Betula and Pinus became dominant but abrupt changes in the tree layer followed, Poaceae, Hippophaë and Salix-species increased, and Humulus occurred. These changes, which were synchronous with dates of archaeological findings at the settlements, indicated local vegetation changes caused by man. The relationship between these changes and fire was, however, subtle. Eventually Pinus forests became dominant and human impact on vegetation became less apparent. It is concluded that the impact of early Mesolithic hunter-gatherers on vegetation was detectable, but that their effect on fire pattern was difficult to evaluate. Further, we show that the glacio-isostatic land uplift must be considered in the search for Mesolithic settlements in areas previously covered by the Weichselian Ice, and that the process has influenced the biological archives through re-deposition of material.  相似文献   


Antibodies to P. falciparum apical membrane protein 1 (AMA1) may contribute to protective immunity against clinical malaria by inhibiting blood stage growth of P. falciparum, and AMA1 is a leading malaria vaccine candidate. Currently, there is limited knowledge of the acquisition of strain-specific and cross-reactive antibodies to AMA1 in humans, or the acquisition of invasion-inhibitory antibodies to AMA1.


We examined the acquisition of human antibodies to specific polymorphic invasion-inhibitory and non-inhibitory AMA1 epitopes, defined by the monoclonal antibodies 1F9 and 2C5, respectively. Naturally acquired antibodies were measured in cohorts of Kenyan children and adults. Antibodies to the invasion-inhibitory 1F9 epitope and non-inhibitory 2C5 epitope were measured indirectly by competition ELISA. Antibodies to the 1F9 and 2C5 epitopes were acquired by children and correlated with exposure, and higher antibody levels and prevalence were observed with increasing age and with active P. falciparum infection. Of note, the prevalence of antibodies to the inhibitory 1F9 epitope was lower than antibodies to AMA1 or the 2C5 epitope. Antibodies to AMA1 ectodomain, the 1F9 or 2C5 epitopes, or a combination of responses, showed some association with protection from P. falciparum malaria in a prospective longitudinal study. Furthermore, antibodies to the invasion-inhibitory 1F9 epitope were positively correlated with parasite growth-inhibitory activity of serum antibodies.


Individuals acquire antibodies to functional, polymorphic epitopes of AMA1 that may contribute to protective immunity, and these findings have implications for AMA1 vaccine development. Measuring antibodies to the 1F9 epitope by competition ELISA may be a valuable approach to assessing human antibodies with invasion-inhibitory activity in studies of acquired immunity and vaccine trials of AMA1.  相似文献   
The rates of several diseases have been reported to be higher among Southeast Asian refugees compared with those of indigenous North Americans. When we prospectively evaluated 991 refugees new to the Denver metropolitan area for their health and immunization status over a 12-month period, 38% were found to be tuberculin-positive, 71% carried one or more enteric parasites, 15% were HBsAg-positive, 13% had anemia and 31% either presented without immunization records or required continuation of vaccination sequences begun in overseas camps. Age and ethnicity were important variables with regard to tuberculosis, hepatitis B and anemia. The rates of specific parasitic infestations varied among the four ethnic groups, though the overall rates of parasitosis remained constant across ethnic lines.  相似文献   
Neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) of hyperphosphorylated tau protein are a major pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD). One of the tau phosphorylating kinases with pathological relevance in AD has been suggested to be the cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5). The proposed mechanism leading to pathological Cdk5 activity is through induced cleavage of p35 to a proteolytic product, p25. To further study activation of Cdk5 and its role in tau phosphorylation in vitro, we used differentiated SH-SY5Y cells treated with neurotoxic stimuli or transfected with p25. We show that glutamate increased tau phosphorylation, concomitant with an increased Cdk5 activity achieved by upregulation of Cdk5 and p35 protein levels. Treatment with the calcium ionophore A23187 generated the calpain cleaved p25 fragment but only in toxic conditions that caused dephosphorylation and loss of tau. When p25 was transfected to the cells, increased tau phosphorylation was achieved. However, application of the Cdk5 inhibitor Roscovitine did not result in inhibition of tau phosphorylation possibly due to activation of extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 (Erk1/2), which also is capable of phosphorylating tau. Cdk5 and Erk1/2 kinases share some common substrates but impact of their cross talk on tau phosphorylation has not previously been demonstrated. We also show that p25 is degraded via the proteasome in Roscovitine treated cells.  相似文献   
Invasion of bacteria into nonphagocytic host cells is an important pathogenicity factor for escaping the host defence system. Gram-positive organisms, for example Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes, are invasive in nonphagocytic cells, and this mechanism is discussed as an important part of the infection process. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus saprophyticus can cause acute and recurrent urinary tract infections as well as bloodstream infections. Staphylococcus saprophyticus shows strong adhesion to human urinary bladder carcinoma and Hep2 cells and expresses the 'Microbial Surface Components Recognizing Adhesive Matrix molecule' (MSCRAMM)-protein SdrI with collagen-binding activity. MSCRAMMs are responsible for adhesion and collagen binding in S. aureus and are discussed as an important pathogenicity factor for invasion. To investigate internalization in S. aureus, several fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) assays have been described recently. We used a previously described FACS assay, with slight modifications, in addition to an antibiotic protection assay and transmission electron microscopy to show that S. saprophyticus ATCC 15305 and the wild-type strain 7108 were internalized into the human urinary bladder carcinoma cell line 5637. The discovery of the internalization of S. saprophyticus may be an important step for understanding the pathogenicity of recurrent infections caused by this organism.  相似文献   
Quantification of needle-induced insertional activity (IA) by means of the turn/amplitude analysis (TAA) has not been attempted so far. IA was recorded from the right brachial biceps and right anterior tibial muscle of 29 healthy subjects, 17 woman, 12 men, aged 24-79 years and 51 patients with neuromuscular disorders (29 neuropathies and 22 myopathies), 24 woman, 27 men, aged 17-81 years. IA was analyzed with regard to IA duration (IAD), turns/second (T/S), amplitude/turn (A/T), T/S:IAD and A/T:IAD. IAD was not significantly different between healthy and diseased subjects in either of the two investigated muscles. On the contrary, T/S, A/T, T/S:IAD and A/T:IAD were significantly increased in the brachial biceps and anterior tibial muscle of patients with neuropathies. In myopathies T/S were increased in both muscles and the T/S:IAD in the anterior tibial muscle. Quantification of IA by TAA increases the sensitivity of conventional EMG from 38 to 69% in neuropathies and from 41 to 73% in myopathies. It is concluded that quantification of IA by TAA is of diagnostic support in the detection of neuromuscular disorders. The most useful parameter in this respect is the T/S, which, contrary to IAD, is increased in patients with neuropathies as well as patients with myopathies.  相似文献   
Chronic atmospheric nitrogen deposition affects the cycling of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in forest ecosystems, and thereby alters the stable C isotopic abundance of plant and soil. Three successional stages, disturbed, rehabilitated and mature forests were studied for their responses to different nitrogen input levels. N-addition manipulative experiments were conducted at low, medium and high N levels. To study the responses of C cycling to N addition, the C concentration and 13C natural abundances for leaf, litter and soil were measured. Labile organic carbon fractions in mineral soils were measured to quantify the dynamics of soil organic C (SOC). Results showed that three-year continuous N addition did not significantly increase foliar C and N concentration, but decreased C/N ratio and enriched 13C in N-rich forests. In addition, N addition significantly decreased microbial biomass C, and increased water soluble organic C in surface soils of N-rich forests. This study suggests that N addition enhances the water consumption per unit C assimilation of dominant plant species, restricts SOC turnover in N-poor forests at early and medium successional stages (thus favored SOC sequestration), and vice versa for N-rich mature forests.  相似文献   
Brain and heart development is very plastic in teleost fishes, and receptive to changes in social and environmental conditions. Domestication in salmonids has been reported to result in pronounced changes in both heart and brain morphology. In particular, a high prevalence of heart deformities has been reported in farmed salmonids, which has been linked to increased stress responsiveness that can impair survival of both farmed and escaped fish. Here we report for the first time that significant changes in heart and brain morphology occur following domestication of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), an emerging aquaculture species. Juvenile farmed cod developed significantly larger hearts and smaller brains, by weight, compared to their wild conspecifics. These differences occurred within the first captive generation, suggesting that they were driven largely by the strong contrast in environmental and social conditions experienced within their respective rearing environments. Changes in brain and heart morphology, as a consequence of domestication could affect the well-being and survival of Atlantic cod raised under intensive aquaculture conditions.  相似文献   
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