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A sexually selected signal may serve a dual function being bothattractive to mates and deterring rivals. Presently, there arefew unambiguous demonstrations of an ornament functioning inboth a mate choice and mate competition context and none regardingfemale ornaments. We have shown earlier that a temporary ornament,a striped pattern, in a sex-role reversed female pipefish, Syngnathustyphle, attracts males. Here we show that this ornament alsointimidates rival females: in one experiment a male could interactwith either 1 or 2 females. Latency until copulation was longerwhen 2, rather than 1, females were present. Moreover, when2 females were present, competition lasted longer and time untilmating took place increased when females displayed their ornamentsmore equally. In another experiment, a focal female could see1 stimulus female and 1 stimulus male, the latter 2 being unawareof each other. The ornament of the stimulus female was manipulated,either strengthened by being painted black or left unalteredby being sham-painted. As a result, focal females experiencingblack-painted stimulus females decreased courtship as well ascompetitive activities compared with focal females seeing sham-paintedfemales. Moreover, focal females seeing black-painted femalesdisplayed less of their own ornament compared with controls.This decrease was due to a decrease in display toward malesrather than to stimulus females. Thus, this female ornamentindeed has a dual function, attracting mates and deterring rivals.In addition, the social costs invoked by this intimidating effecton rivals may help to maintain signal honesty.  相似文献   
The filoviruses Marburg virus and Ebola virus cause severe hemorrhagic fever with high mortality in humans and nonhuman primates. Among the most promising filovirus vaccines under development is a system based on recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) that expresses a single filovirus glycoprotein (GP) in place of the VSV glycoprotein (G). Here, we performed a proof-of-concept study in order to determine the potential of having one single-injection vaccine capable of protecting nonhuman primates against Sudan ebolavirus (SEBOV), Zaire ebolavirus (ZEBOV), Cote d''Ivoire ebolavirus (CIEBOV), and Marburgvirus (MARV). In this study, 11 cynomolgus monkeys were vaccinated with a blended vaccine consisting of equal parts of the vaccine vectors VSVΔG/SEBOVGP, VSVΔG/ZEBOVGP, and VSVΔG/MARVGP. Four weeks later, three of these animals were challenged with MARV, three with CIEBOV, three with ZEBOV, and two with SEBOV. Three control animals were vaccinated with VSV vectors encoding a nonfilovirus GP and challenged with SEBOV, ZEBOV, and MARV, respectively, and five unvaccinated control animals were challenged with CIEBOV. Importantly, none of the macaques vaccinated with the blended vaccine succumbed to a filovirus challenge. As expected, an experimental control animal vaccinated with VSVΔG/ZEBOVGP and challenged with SEBOV succumbed, as did the positive controls challenged with SEBOV, ZEBOV, and MARV, respectively. All five control animals challenged with CIEBOV became severely ill, and three of the animals succumbed on days 12, 12, and 14, respectively. The two animals that survived CIEBOV infection were protected from subsequent challenge with either SEBOV or ZEBOV, suggesting that immunity to CIEBOV may be protective against other species of Ebola virus. In conclusion, we developed an immunization scheme based on a single-injection vaccine that protects nonhuman primates against lethal challenge with representative strains of all human pathogenic filovirus species.Marburgvirus (MARV) and Ebolavirus (EBOV), the causative agents of Marburg and Ebola hemorrhagic fever (HF), respectively, represent the two genera that comprise the family Filoviridae (8, 24). The MARV genus contains a single species, Lake Victoria marburgvirus. The EBOV genus is divided into four distinct species: (i) Sudan ebolavirus (SEBOV), (ii) Zaire ebolavirus (ZEBOV), (iii) Cote d''Ivoire ebolavirus (CIEBOV), and (iv) Reston ebolavirus (REBOV). A putative fifth species of EBOV was associated with an outbreak in Uganda late in 2007 (33). MARV, ZEBOV, and SEBOV are important human pathogens, with case fatality rates frequently ranging between 70% and 90% for ZEBOV, around 50% for SEBOV, and up to 90% for MARV outbreaks depending on the strain of MARV (reviewed in reference 24). CIEBOV caused deaths in chimpanzees and a severe nonlethal human infection in a single case in the Republic of Cote d''Ivoire in 1994 (21). REBOV is highly lethal for macaques but is not thought to cause disease in humans, although the pathogenic potential of REBOV in humans remains unknown (24). An outbreak of REBOV in pigs was recently reported in the Philippines; however, it is unclear whether the disease observed in the pigs was caused by REBOV or other agents detected in the animals, including porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (5, 22).While there are no FDA-approved vaccines or postexposure treatment modalities available for preventing or managing EBOV or MARV infections, there are at least five different vaccine systems that have shown promise in completely protecting nonhuman primates against EBOV, and four of these systems have also been shown to protect macaques against MARV HF (3, 6, 12, 18, 20, 28-31, 35). Several of these vaccine platforms require multiple injections to confer protective efficacy (3, 18, 30, 31, 35). However, for agents such as EBOV and MARV, which are indigenous to Africa and are also potential agents of bioterrorism, a single-injection vaccine is preferable. In the case of preventing natural infections, multiple-dose vaccines are both too costly and not practicable (logistics and compliance) in developing countries. In the case of a deliberate release of these agents, there would be little time for deployment of a vaccine that requires multiple injections. Thus, for most practical applications, a vaccine against the filoviruses necessitates a single immunization.Of the prospective filovirus vaccines, only two systems, one based on a replication-defective adenovirus serotype 5 and the other based on the recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), were shown to provide complete protection to nonhuman primates when administered as a single-injection vaccine (6, 12, 20, 28, 29). Most intriguingly, the VSV-based vaccine is the only vaccine which has shown utility when administered as a postexposure treatment against filovirus infections (7, 9, 15). Here, we evaluated the utility of combining our VSV-based EBOV and MARV vectors into a single-injection vaccine and determined the ability of this blended vaccine to protect nonhuman primates against three species of EBOV and MARV. Furthermore, we assessed the reusability of the VSV vectors in our macaque models of filovirus HF.  相似文献   
1. Spatial heterogeneity of resources may influence competition among individuals and thus have a fundamental role in shaping population dynamics and carrying capacity. In the present study, we identify shelter opportunities as a limiting resource for juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Experimental and field studies are combined in order to demonstrate how the spatial distribution of shelters may influence population dynamics on both within and among population scales. 2. In closed experimental streams, fish performance scaled negatively with decreasing shelter availability and increasing densities. In contrast, the fish in open stream channels dispersed according to shelter availability and performance of fish remaining in the streams did not depend on initial density or shelters. 3. The field study confirmed that spatial variation in densities of 1-year-old juveniles was governed both by initial recruit density and shelter availability. Strength of density-dependent population regulation, measured as carrying capacity, increased with decreasing number of shelters. 4. Nine rivers were surveyed for spatial variation in shelter availability and increased shelter heterogeneity tended to decrease maximum observed population size (measured using catch statistics of adult salmon as a proxy). 5. Our studies highlight the importance of small-scale within-population spatial structure in population dynamics and demonstrate that not only the absolute amount of limiting resources but also their spatial arrangement can be an important factor influencing population carrying capacity.  相似文献   
Questions: Is the red fox a potential vector for epizoochorous seed dispersal? Can seed attachment and retention be predicted from plant and seed traits? Location: Grasslands in southern Norway. Methods: Epizoochorous seed attachment on the red fox was studied by walking a dummy fox through the vegetation and comparing seeds found on the dummy with the estimated seed availability in the vegetation. Seed retention, i.e. the ability of different seeds to stay on the fox, was estimated in a separate experiment. Seed attachment and retention were related to plant and seed traits using statistical models that account for heteroscedasticity and zero‐inflated data. Results: The majority of seeds attached to the fox originated from a few species, but also species without specific seed traits that are supposed to enhance epizoochory attached at least some seeds to the fox. The probability of seed attachment was positively related to plant height, bristle and hooked seed appendages, and negatively related to winged appendages, seed mass, and seed sphericity. Seed retention was positively related to the seed traits bristles, hooks and pappus. For several species, the results indicate a high potential for dispersal over long distances. Conclusions: In modern agricultural landscapes, large herbivores are often restricted in their mobility or are found at low densities, and other animal vectors may therefore be important for seed dispersal. In our study, a range of plant species were able to disperse by attaching seeds to, and having their seeds retained in, the fox fur some distance. We suggest that the red fox may be an important vector for epizoochorous seed dispersal in the agricultural landscape.  相似文献   
Plant litter is an important determinant of seed germination and seedling establishment. Positive effects of litter have received considerable attention, but few studies have explicitly tested whether seedlings are more facilitated by conspecific litter compared to heterospecific litter. In order to contrast conspecific and heterospecific facilitative effects on seedling establishment, we used Anthriscus sylvestris, Angelica sylvestris, Pimpinella saxifraga and different combinations of their seeds and litter seedbeds as a model system. Although litter had a significant species-specific effect on seedling emergence, we found no evidence of strictly conspecific facilitation. Anthriscus sylvestris displayed a positive response to all types of litter. In contrast, there was a clear negative effect of conspecific litter in Pimpinella saxifraga. Activated carbon did not modify the negative effect, indicating that chemical compounds were not the cause. Our study suggests a high level of idiosyncrasy in response to litter at the species level.  相似文献   
Cellular uptake of several viruses and polybasic macromolecules requires the expression of cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) through as yet ill defined mechanisms. We unexpectedly found that among several cell-surface-binding single chain variable fragment (scFv) anti-HS antibody (αHS) clones, only one, AO4B08, efficiently translocated macromolecular cargo to intracellular vesicles through induction of HSPG endocytosis. Interestingly, AO4B08-induced PG internalization was strictly dependent on HS 2-O-sulfation and appeared independent of intact N-sulfation. AO4B08 and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-Tat, i.e. a well known cell-penetrating peptide, were shown to compete for the internalizing PG population. To obtain a more detailed characterization of this pathway, we have developed a procedure for the isolation of endocytic vesicles by conjugating AO4B08 with superparamagnetic nanoparticles. [35S]sulfate-labeled HSPG was found to accumulate in isolated, AO4B08-containing vesicles, providing the first biochemical evidence for intact HSPG co-internalization with its ligand. Further analysis revealed the existence of both syndecan, i.e. a transmembrane HSPG, and glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol-anchored glypican in purified vesicles. Importantly, internalized syndecan and glypican were found to co-localize in AO4B08-containing vesicles. Our data establish HSPGs as true internalizing receptors of macromolecular cargo and indicate that the sorting of cell-surface HSPG to endocytic vesicles is determined by a specific HS epitope that can be carried by both syndecan and glypican core protein.  相似文献   
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