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Electron paramagnetic resonance and optical spectrophotometric studies have demonstrated that low-molecular dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs) with cysteine or glutathione exist in aqueous solutions in the form of paramagnetic mononuclear (М-DNICs) and diamagnetic binuclear complexes (B-DNICs). The latter represent Roussin’s red salt esters and can be prepared by treatment of aqueous solutions of Fe2+ and thiols (рН 7.4) with gaseous nitric oxide (NO) at the thiol:Fe2+ ratio 1:1. М-DNICs are synthesized under identical conditions at the thiol:Fe2+ ratios above 20 and produce an EPR signal with an electronic configuration {Fe(NO)2}7 at gaver. = 2.03. At neutral pH, aqueous solutions contain both M-DNICs and B-DNICs (the content of the latter makes up to 50% of the total DNIC pool). The concentration of B-DNICs decreases with a rise in pH; at рН 9–10, the solutions contain predominantly M-DNICs. The addition of thiol excess to aqueous solutions of B-DNICs synthesized at the thiol:Fe2+ ratio 1:2 results in their conversion into М-DNICs, the total amount of iron incorporated into M-DNICs not exceeding 50% of the total iron pool in B-DNICs. Air bubbling of cys-М-DNIC solutions results in cysteine oxidation-controlled conversion of М-DNICs first into cys-B-DNICs and then into the EPR-silent compound Х able to generate a strong absorption band at 278 nm. In the presence of glutathione or cysteine excess, compound Х is converted into B-DNIC/M-DNIC and is completely decomposed under effect of the Fe2+ chelator о-phenanthroline or N-methyl-d-glucamine dithiocarbamate (MGD). Moreover, MGD initiates the synthesis of paramagnetic mononitrosyl iron complexes with MGD. It is hypothesized that compound Х represents a polynuclear DNIC with cysteine, most probably, an appropriate Roussin’s black salt thioesters and cannot be prepared by simple substitution of М-DNIC cysteine for glutathione. Treatment of М-DNIC with sodium dithionite attenuates the EPR signal at gaver. = 2.03 and stimulates the appearance of an EPR signal at gaver. = 2.0 with a hypothetical electronic configuration {Fe(NO)2}9. These changes can be reversed by storage of DNIC solutions in atmospheric air. The EPR signal at gaver. = 2.0 generated upon treatment of B-DNICs with dithionite also disappears after incubation of B-DNIC solutions in air. In all probability, the center responsible for this EPR signal represents М-DNIC formed in a small amount during dithionite-induced decomposition of B-DNIC.  相似文献   
We are testing the idea that placement of fixed charges near one face of the DNA double helix can induce DNA bending by a purely electrostatic mechanism. If stretching forces between DNA phosphates are significant, fixed charges should induce DNA bending by asymmetrically modulating these forces. We have previously tested this hypothesis by adding charged residues to small bZIP DNA binding peptides and monitoring DNA bending using electrophoretic phasing assays. Our results were consistent with an electrostatic model of DNA bending in predicted directions. We now confirm these observations with fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Using a "U"-shaped DNA probe, we report that DNA bending by charged bZIP peptides is readily detected by FRET. We further show that charged bZIP peptides cause DNA bending rather than DNA twisting.  相似文献   
The reaction of neodymium diiodide NdI2 (1) with acetonitrile is accompanied by C-C coupling and formation of bis(ethylimine)ethylamine/acetonitrile complexes {[(MeCNH)2CMeNH2]NdI(MeCN)5}I2 (2) and {[(MeCNH)2CMeNH2]Nd(MeCN)6}I3 (3). Yields of the products are 9% and 50%, respectively. Probable scheme of the complexes formation is discussed. Treatment of 3 with 2 equiv. of 1 in THF affords NdI3(THF)3, hydrogen and monoiodide complex containing presumably bis(imide)amine ligand, NdI[(MeCN)2CMeNH2]. The X-ray analysis revealed that in the molecule of 2 one I anion is directly bonded to Nd3+ cation while two other Ianions are not in contact to the metal centre. The molecule of 3 is isostructural to previously obtained Dy and Tm analogues. All three I anions in it are located away from Nd3+ cation.  相似文献   
Precise signaling by the T cell receptor (TCR) is crucial for a proper immune response. To ensure that T cells respond appropriately to antigenic stimuli, TCR signaling pathways are subject to multiple levels of regulation. Sts-1 negatively regulates signaling pathways downstream of the TCR by an unknown mechanism(s). Here, we demonstrate that Sts-1 is a phosphatase that can target the tyrosine kinase Zap-70 among other proteins. The X-ray structure of the Sts-1 C terminus reveals that it has homology to members of the phosphoglycerate mutase/acid phosphatase (PGM/AcP) family of enzymes, with residues known to be important for PGM/AcP catalytic activity conserved in nature and position in Sts-1. Point mutations that impair Sts-1 phosphatase activity in vitro also impair the ability of Sts-1 to regulate TCR signaling in T cells. These observations reveal a PGM/AcP-like enzyme activity involved in the control of antigen receptor signaling.  相似文献   
Vasorelaxant activity of new stable powder preparations of dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNIC) with thiol-containing ligands was investigated on rat abdominal aorta rings. The preparations preserve their physicochemical characteristics (EPR and optical absorption) if stored for a long time in dry air (at least half-year). Three preparations of DNIC were tested: diamagnetic dimeric DNIC with glutathione (DNIC-GS 1:2) or cysteine (DNIC-cys 1:2) and paramagnetic monomeric DNIC with cysteine (DNIC-cys 1:20). Being dissolved in physiological solution the preparations induced relaxation of vessel similarly to that by earlier described non-stable DNICs which should be stored in liquid nitrogen. The amplitudes and kinetic characteristics of the relaxation were dependent on the incorporated thiolate ligands. Rapid transient relaxation followed by significant tone recovery to stationary level (plateau) was observed for DNIC-cys 1:2. DNIC-cys 1:20 also induced initial rapid relaxation followed by incomplete tone recovery. DNIC-GS 1:2 induced slow developing and long lasting relaxation. NO scavenger, hydroxocobalamin (2x10(-5)M) eliminated the rapid transitory relaxation induced by DNIC-cys 1:20 and did not influence significantly on the plateau level. SOD increased duration of the DNIC-cys 1:2 and DNIC-cys 1:20 induced relaxation. The addition of 5x10(-5)M DNIC-cys 1:2 or DNIC-cys 1:20 induced long lasting vasorelaxation within 20min and more. However the EPR measurements demonstrated full rapid disappearance (within 1-2min) of both type of DNIC-cys in Krebs medium bubbled with carbogen gas. This was not the case for DNIC-GS 1:2. We suggested that the long lasting vasorelaxation observed during the addition of DNICs-cys was induced by S-nitrosocysteine derived from DNICs-cys and stabilized by EDTA in Krebs medium. The suggestion is in line with the fact that strong ferrous chelator bathophenantroline disulfonate (BPDS) which is capable of rapid degradation of DNICs did not abrogate the vasorelaxtion induced by DNIC addition.  相似文献   
We present an overview of the full repertoire of intertwined associations in homooligomeric proteins. This overview summarizes recent findings on the different categories of intertwined associations in known protein structures, their assembly modes, the properties of their interfaces, and their structural plasticity. Furthermore, the current body of knowledge on the so-called three-dimensional domain-swapped systems is reexamined in the context of the wider landscape of intertwined homooligomers, with a particular focus on the mechanistic aspects that underpin intertwined self-association processes in proteins. Insights gained from this integrated overview into the physical and biological roles of intertwining are highlighted.  相似文献   
Accuracy of chromosome segregation relies on the ill-understood ability of mitotic kinetochores to biorient, whereupon each sister kinetochore forms microtubule (MT) attachments to only one spindle pole. Because initial MT attachments result from chance encounters with the kinetochores, biorientation must rely on specific mechanisms to avoid and resolve improper attachments. Here we use mathematical modeling to critically analyze the error-correction potential of a simplified biorientation mechanism, which involves the back-to-back arrangement of sister kinetochores and the marked instability of kinetochore–MT attachments. We show that a typical mammalian kinetochore operates in a near-optimal regime, in which the back-to-back kinetochore geometry and the indiscriminate kinetochore–MT turnover provide strong error-correction activity. In human cells, this mechanism alone can potentially enable normal segregation of 45 out of 46 chromosomes during one mitotic division, corresponding to a mis-segregation rate in the range of 10−1–10−2 per chromosome. This theoretical upper limit for chromosome segregation accuracy predicted with the basic mechanism is close to the mis-segregation rate in some cancer cells; however, it cannot explain the relatively low chromosome loss in diploid human cells, consistent with their reliance on additional mechanisms.  相似文献   
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