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Interhemispheric asymmetry of positive emotional reactions was studied in rats: satisfaction of drinking need and self-stimulation. Successive inactivation of the hemispheres was carried out by potassium spreading depression. Switching off of the right as well as the left hemispheres symmetrically influenced the whole quantity of the water, drunk by the rats to a full thirst satisfaction, i. e. the magnitude of need. However, at different stages of drinking need satisfaction an interhemispheric asymmetry was observed: under a strong drinking motivation the right hemisphere dominated, under a weak motivation--the left one. Switching off of the right hemisphere lowered the frequency of self-stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus and switching off the left one heightened it, testifying to the dominance of the right hemisphere in the reaction of self-stimulation. This reaction was also characterized by asymmetry of the lateral hypothalamus nuclei; reactivity to hemispheres inactivation (decreasing or increasing of self-stimulation frequency) of the right nucleus was more expressed than that of the left one.  相似文献   
Fluorescence from a single DNA molecule passing through a laser beam is proportional to the size (contour length) of the molecule, and molecules of different sizes can be counted with equal efficiencies. Single-molecule fluorescence can thus determine the average length of the molecules in a sample and hence the frequency of double-strand breaks induced by various treatments. Ionizing radiation-induced frank double-strand breaks can thus be quantified by single-molecule sizing. Moreover, multiple classes of clustered damages involving damaged bases and abasic sites, alone or in combination with frank single-strand breaks, can be quantified by converting them to double-strand breaks by chemical or enzymatic treatments. For a given size range of DNA molecules, single-molecule sizing is as or more sensitive than gel electrophoresis, and requires several orders-of-magnitude less DNA to determine damage levels.  相似文献   
Equal partitioning of the multi-copy 2-micron plasmid of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires association of the plasmid Rep1 and Rep2 proteins with the plasmid STB partitioning locus. Determining how the Rep proteins contribute has been complicated by interactions between the components. Here, each Rep protein was expressed fused to the DNA-binding domain of the bacterial repressor protein LexA in yeast harboring a replication-competent plasmid that had LexA-binding sites but lacked STB. Plasmid transmission to daughter cells was increased only by Rep2 fusion expression. Neither Rep1 nor a functional RSC2 complex (a chromatin remodeler required for 2-micron plasmid partitioning) were needed for the improvement. Deletion analysis showed the carboxy-terminal 65 residues of Rep2 were required and sufficient for this Rep1-independent inheritance. Mutation of a conserved basic motif in this domain impaired Rep1-independent and Rep protein/STB-dependent plasmid partitioning. Our findings suggest Rep2, which requires Rep1 and the RSC2 complex for functional association with STB, directly participates in 2-micron plasmid partitioning by linking the plasmid to a host component that is efficiently partitioned during cell division. Further investigation is needed to reveal the host factor targeted by Rep2 that contributes to the survival of these plasmids in their budding yeast hosts.  相似文献   
The phytohemagglutinin effect in vivo on monooxygenase activity depends on the type of the cells under study (thymocytes, splenocytes, macrophages, hepatocytes) and on the period after lectin injection. Variations of monooxygenase activities associated with different forms of cytochrome P-450 are established to have a number of peculiarities in isolated hepatocytes as compared to those in the liver microsome fraction. These differences are supposed to be due to the effect of nonmicrosomal cytochrome P-450. The results obtained are discussed with regard for phytohemagglutinin effect on systems regulating activity of cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenases.  相似文献   
The influence of technogenic dust pollution on changes in the physiological and biochemical characteristics and their heterogeneity (variability) has been studied in Lepidum apetalum seedlings, as has the formation of their radioresistance. In spite of the high antioxidant status of seedlings, a higher level of dust pollution in the habitat of maternal plants does not significantly influence the radioresistance of seedlings when compared to the control group, which is probably a result of the reduced variability of the studied characteristics.  相似文献   
Study of the apron in 9 species of the genus Dermacentor from the fauna of the USSR has revealed differencies in its structure. The subgenus Dermacentor (s. str.) differs from two other subgenera both in the shape of the apron itself and in the shape of the postgenital sclerite and setae of perigenital area. Close species within each of two other subgenera differ in apron proportion, shape and size of denticles along its hind edge, and sometimes in their number. Inspite of the statistically reliable interspecific differences in apron structure a wide range of individual variability of some details and geographical specificity of samples from various places of the area were observed in species with a vast area.  相似文献   
L-Pyroglutamyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-leucine-p-nitroanilide (PFLNA)--a convenient chromogenic substrate for assay of thiol proteinases papain, ficin, and bromelain--was prepared by enzymatic synthesis with chymotrypsin as a catalyst. The thiol proteinases hydrolyze PFLNA with the liberation of p-nitroaniline, estimated spectrophotometrically by its absorbance at 410 nm. The phenylalanine residue in the P2 position of PFLNA meets the specificity demands of thiol proteinases. The following values of Km were found for PFLNA hydrolysis: by papain, 0.34 mM; by ficin, 0.43 mM; by bromelain, 0.30 mM. This substrate was successfully applied to monitor thiol proteinase affinity chromatography on bacitracin-Sepharose, which resulted in a 2- to 4-fold purification from commercial preparations.  相似文献   
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