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Acute monocytic leukemia is a type of myeloid leukemia that develops in monocytes. The current clinical therapies for leukemia are unsatisfactory due to their side effects and nonspecificity toward target cells. Some lectins display antitumor activity and may specifically recognize cancer cells by binding to carbohydrate structures on their surface. Therefore, this study evaluated the response of the human monocytic leukemia cell lines THP-1 to the Olneya tesota PF2 lectin. The induction of apoptosis and reactive oxygen species production in PF2-treated cells was evaluated by flow cytometry, and the lectin-THP-1 cell interaction and mitochondrial membrane potential were evaluated by confocal fluorescence microscopy. PF2 genotoxicity was evaluated by DNA fragmentation analysis via gel electrophoresis. The results showed that PF2 binds to THP-1 cells, triggers apoptosis and DNA degradation, changes the mitochondrial membrane potential, and increases reactive oxygen species levels in PF2-treated THP-1 cells. These results suggest the potential use of PF2 for developing alternative anticancer treatments with enhanced specificity.  相似文献   
The significance of DNA repair to human health has been well documented by studies on xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients, who suffer a dramatically increased risk of cancer in sun-exposed areas of their skin [1] and [2]. This autosomal recessive disorder has been directly associated with a defect in nucleotide excision–repair (NER) [1] and [2]. Like human XP individuals, mice carrying homozygous mutations in XP genes manifest a predisposition to skin carcinogenesis following exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation [3], [4] and [5]. Recent studies have suggested that, in addition to roles in apoptosis [6] and cell-cycle checkpoint control [7] in response to DNA damage, p53 protein may modulate NER [8]. Mutations in the p53 gene have been observed in 50% of all human tumors [9] and have been implicated in both the early [10] and late [11] stages of skin cancer. To examine the consequences of a combined deficiency of the XPC and the p53 proteins in mice, we generated double-mutant animals. We document a spectrum of neural tube defects in XPC p53 mutant embryos. Additionally, we show that, following exposure to UV-B radiation, XPC p53 mutant mice have more severe solar keratosis and suffer accelerated skin cancer compared with XPC mutant mice that are wild-type with respect to p53.  相似文献   
Enzymatically active cell wall isolaled from olive (Olea europaea) fruit was employed Hi investigate some hydrolytic enzymes bound to the cell wall and the changes in these during ripening. Seven glycosidases. β-glucosidase (EC α-galactosidase (EC β-galactosidase (EC α-arabinosidase (EC, α-mannosidase (EC 3.2.1,24). β-xylosidase (EC and β-N-acetylglucosamidase (EC as well as Cx-cellulase (EC and endo-polygalacturonase (EC were identified in the cell wall preparation, at four stages of ripeness (mature green. changing colour, black and black-ripe). Activities of all these cell wall-associated enzymes fionicallv and covalently linked) were determined either by cell wall incubation with artificial substrate or after extraction from the cell wall with buffers of high salt concentration (Cx-cellulase). and were compared to those of forms solubilized from acetone powders with 500 nM citrate buffer (cytoplasmic and/or apoplastic plus ionically hound to cell wall) In general, the activities of low ionic strength buffer-soluble enzymes were found to be much higher than those of the bound enzymes. The bound enzymes are present in the fruit at the green colour stage, whereas the activities of the soluble enzymes only increased from the changing colour stage onwards. The tenacity of binding of enzymes to the wall was investigated by treating the walls with high salt and measuring residual activity. The nature of the ionic and covalent binding and the changes during ripening were also established for wall-hound glycosidase During ripening there was a marked change in the percentages of covalently- and tonically linked activities of β-glucosidase and β-galaclosidase: al the changing colour stages about 75–80% of the bound active in was present in high ionic strength buffer while al the black-ripe stage it was only 15–20. A possible role for these cell wall degradative enzymes in olive softening is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary— We designed a protocol for cell labeling with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) linked to the fluorochrome tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC) for effective detection of the B16F10 melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma (LLc) cells on pulmonary histological sections from C57BL6; mice. We have also determined a suitable concentration of WGA-TRITC (10 μg/ml), which leads to a very intense and homogeneous labeling of the cells, as it avoids cell clumping due to the presence of the lectin WGA. In order to determine to what extent the method affects these tumor cells, we have studied some important aspects related to their metastatic behavior, taking into account three parameters: a) viability and rate of proliferation of the cells cultured in vitro; b) percentage of animals C57BL6 mice) bearing metastasis 15 days after intravenous inoculation with 105 B16F10 or LLc cells; and c) pattern of distribution of tumor foci in lung. There were no significant differences in these three parameters between the WGA-TRITC labeled-cells compared to the cultures of non-labeled cells in either of the cell lines (B16F10, LLc). Thus, we conclude that B16F10 and LLc tumor cells can be labeled following the protocol set-up in our study, as it allows these cells to be neatly identified on tissue sections and it causes no important physiological changes in the cells, with regard to metastatic behavior. These points make this technique very suitable for the detection of B16F10 and LLc cells on histological sections in studying their behavior during the first stages of the metastatic process.  相似文献   
A study on spatio-temporal distribution of microphytobhethos in intertidal zones of Tagus Estuary was carried out from 1990 to 1992. Near Lisbon, Portugal, Tagus Estuary is a shallow mesotidal estuary, covering an area of 320 km2. The intertidal area ranges from 20 to 40% off the total area and it is constituted mainly by mudflats. Intertidal flats are richly populated by microalgae, diatoms being the most important and ubiquitos group.Spatial variation of microphytobethos was studied in spring 1990, 21 different sites were sampled. Microphytobenthos biomass was evaluated as chlorophyll a content of the surface centimeter, ranging from 10 to 240 mg m–2. A Principal Component Analysis showed that 62% of the total variability found in intertidal flats of Tagus estuary could be attributed to two major factors: sediment type and tidal height. A hierarchical grouping defined 3 major groups of similar stations, each one representing a different strata of the ecosystem.One station from each group was chosen for the study of the temporal variation. A sampling, rogram took place from April 1991 to April 1992, with fortnightly sampling, the Chl a ranged from 20–300 mg m–2. No clear seasonal variation was found, and our results indicated that tidal height of sampledsite played an essential role in temporal biomass evolution, thus upper littoral sites were influenced by climatic parameters, whereas in lower sites action of tides mainly controlled microphytic biomass.
Résumé Une étude sur l'hétérogénéité spatio-temporelle du microphytobenthos dans les sédiments intertidaux de l'Estuaire du Tage a été accompli de 1990 á 1992.L'Estuaire du Tage, prés de Lisbonne (Portugal) est un estuaire peu profond, mesotidal, avec une aire total de 320 km2. L'aire intertidale est comprise entre 20 et 40% du total, et constituéé surtout par des vasiéres. Ces slikkes sont peuplées par une communauté assez riche de microalgues, ou les diatomées sont les plus abundantes.La variation spatialle du microphytobenthos était évalué au Printemps 1990, ou 21 différentes stations étaient échantillonnées. La biomasse était évalué par la concentration enchlorophylle a du premier centimétre de sédiment, qui a varié de 10 á 240 mg Chl a m–2. Une Analyse en Composants Principales a montré que 62% de la variabilité de la biomasse était lié á deux facteurs: le sédiment et l'hauteur vis-á-vis la marée. Une classification hiérarchique des stations par similitude a établi 3 groupes principaux, représantantles différents strates de écecosytéme.Une station de chaque groupement a été choisie pour l'étude de la variation temporelle, qui s'est deroulé d'avril 1991 á avril 1992, avec des prélévements deux fois par mois. Les valeurs de Chl a obtenus vont de 20 á 300 mg m–2. Les variations saisonniéres observées ne sont pas claires: nos résultats indiquent que l'hauteur de la station (m) joue un rôle essentiel dans l'évolution temporel de la biomasse, c'est á dire, la biomasse microalgal des sites du supra-littoral est influencié par les paramétres climatiques, tandis que dans l'infra-littoral c'est l'action des marées le facteur principal.
The effect of different vanadium compounds on proliferation and differentiation was examined in osteoblast-like UMR106 cells. Vanadate increased the cell growth in a biphasic manner, the higher doses inhibiting cell progression. Vanadyl stimulated cell proliferation in a dose-responsive manner. Similar to vanadate, pervanadate increased osteoblast-like cell proliferation in a biphasic manner but no inhibition of growth was observed. Vanadyl and pervanadate were stronger stimulators of cell growth than vanadate. Only vanadate was able to regulate the cell differentiation as measured by cell alkaline phosphatase activity. These results suggest that vanadium derivatives behave like growth factors on osteoblast-like cells and are potential pharmacological tools in the control of cell growth.  相似文献   
1H-NMR cross-relaxation rates and nonselectivelongitudinal relaxation times have been obtained at two magnetic fields (7.0and 11.8 T) and at a variety of temperatures for the branchedtetrasaccharide methyl3-O--N-acetyl-galactosaminyl--galactopyranosyl-(14)[3-O--fucosyl]-glucopyranoside (1), an inhibitor of astrocyte growth. Inaddition, 13C-NMR relaxation data have also been recorded atboth fields. The 1H-NMR relaxation data have been interpretedusing different motional models to obtain proton–proton correlationtimes. The results indicate that the GalNAc and Fuc rings display moreextensive local motion than the two inner Glc and Gal moieties, since thosepresent significantly shorter local correlation times. The13C-NMR relaxation parameters have been interpreted in termsof the Lipari–Szabo model-free approach. Thus, order parameters andinternal motion correlation times have been deduced. As obtained for the1H-NMR relaxation data, the two outer residues possess smallerorder parameters than the two inner rings. Internal correlation times are inthe order of 100 ps. The hydroxymethyl groups have also different behaviour,with the exocyclic carbon on the glucopyranoside unit showing the highestS2. Molecular dynamics simulations using a solvated systemhave also been performed and internal motion correlation functions have beendeduced from these calculations. Order parameters and interproton distanceshave been compared to those inferred from the NMR measurements. The obtainedresults are in fair agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   
In a previous publication (Rodriguez, M.L., M. Brignoni, and P.J.I. Salas. 1994. J. Cell Sci. 107: 3145–3151), we described the existence of a terminal web-like structure in nonbrush border cells, which comprises a specifically apical cytokeratin, presumably cytokeratin 19. In the present study we confirmed the apical distribution of cytokeratin 19 and expanded that observation to other epithelial cells in tissue culture and in vivo. In tissue culture, subconfluent cell stocks under continuous treatment with two different 21-mer phosphorothioate oligodeoxy nucleotides that targeted cytokeratin 19 mRNA enabled us to obtain confluent monolayers with a partial (40–70%) and transitory reduction in this protein. The expression of other cytoskeletal proteins was undisturbed. This downregulation of cytokeratin 19 resulted in (a) decrease in the number of microvilli; (b) disorganization of the apical (but not lateral or basal) filamentous actin and abnormal apical microtubules; and (c) depletion or redistribution of apical membrane proteins as determined by differential apical–basolateral biotinylation. In fact, a subset of detergent-insoluble proteins was not expressed on the cell surface in cells with lower levels of cytokeratin 19. Apical proteins purified in the detergent phase of Triton X-114 (typically integral membrane proteins) and those differentially extracted in Triton X-100 at 37°C or in n-octyl-β-d-glycoside at 4°C (representative of GPIanchored proteins), appeared partially redistributed to the basolateral domain. A transmembrane apical protein, sucrase isomaltase, was found mispolarized in a subpopulation of the cells treated with antisense oligonucleotides, while the basolateral polarity of Na+– K+ATPase was not affected. Both sucrase isomaltase and alkaline phosphatase (a GPI-anchored protein) appeared partially depolarized in A19 treated CACO-2 monolayers as determined by differential biotinylation, affinity purification, and immunoblot. These results suggest that an apical submembrane cytoskeleton of intermediate filaments is expressed in a number of epithelia, including those without a brush border, although it may not be universal. In addition, these data indicate that this structure is involved in the organization of the apical region of the cytoplasm and the apical membrane.Cell polarity (asymmetry) is a broadly distributed and highly conserved feature of many different cell types, from prokaryotes to higher eukaryotes (Nelson, 1992). In multicellular organisms it is more conspicuous in, but not restricted to, neurons and epithelial cells. In the latter, the plasma membrane is organized in two different domains, apical and basolateral. This characteristic enables epithelia to accomplish their most specialized roles including absorption and secretion and, in general, to perform the functions of organs with an epithelial parenchyma such as the kidney, liver, intestine, stomach, exocrine glands, etc. (Simons and Fuller, 1985; Rodriguez-Boulan and Nelson, 1989).The acquisition and maintenance of epithelial polarity is based on multiple interrelated mechanisms that may work in parallel. Although the origin of polarization depends on the sorting of apical and basolateral membrane proteins at the trans-Golgi network (Simons and Wandinger-Ness, 1990), the mechanisms involved in the transport of apical or basolateral carrier vesicles, the specific fusion of such vesicles to the appropriate domain, and the retention of membrane proteins in their correct positions are also important (Wollner and Nelson, 1992). Various components of the cytoskeleton seem to be especially involved in these mechanisms (Mays et al., 1994). Among them, the microtubules, characteristically oriented in the apical–basal axis with their minus ends facing toward the apical domain, appear in a strategic position to transport carrier vesicles (Bacallao et al., 1989). This orientation is largely expected because of the apical distribution of centrioles and microtubule organizing centers in epithelial cells (Buendia et al., 1990). The molecular interactions responsible for that localization, however, are unknown.Actin is a widespread component of the membrane skeleton found under apical, lateral, and basal membranes in a nonpolarized fashion (Drenckhahn and Dermietzel, 1988; Vega-Salas et al., 1988). Actin bundling into microvillus cores in the presence of villin/fimbrin, on the other hand, is highly polarized to the apical domain (Ezzell et al., 1989; Louvard et al., 1992). In fact, different isoforms of plastins determine microvillus shape in a tissue-specific manner (Arpin et al., 1994b ). Why this arrangement is not found in other actin-rich regions of the cell is unclear (Louvard et al., 1992; Fath and Burgess, 1995).Fodrin, the nonerythroid form of spectrin, underlies the basolateral domain (Nelson and Veshnock, 1987a ,b) and is known to participate in the anchoring/retention of basolateral proteins (Drenckhahn et al., 1985; Nelson and Hammerton, 1989). Although different groups have found specific cytoskeletal anchoring of apical membrane proteins at the “correct” domain (Ojakian and Schwimmer, 1988; Salas et al., 1988; Parry et al., 1990), no specific apical counterpart of the basolateral fodrin cytoskeleton is known. This is especially puzzling since we showed that MDCK cells can maintain apical polarity in the absence of tight junctions, an indication that intradomain retention mechanisms are operational for apical membrane proteins (Vega-Salas et al., 1987a ).It is known that a network of intermediate filament (IF)1, the major component of the terminal web, bridges the desmosomes under the apical membrane in brush border cells (Franke et al., 1979; Hull and Staehelin, 1979; Mooseker, 1985), although no specific protein has been identified with this structure. The observation of a remarkable resistance to extractions of apical proteins anchored to cytoskeletal preparations (Salas et al., 1988) comparable to that of intermediate filaments, led us to the study of cytokeratins in polarized cells. We developed an antibody against a 53-kD intermediate filament protein in MDCK cells. This protein was found to be distributed exclusively to the apical domain and to form large (2,900 S) multi-protein complexes with apical plasma membrane proteins. Internal microsequencing of the 53-kD protein showed very high (95– 100%) homology with two polypeptides in the rod domain of cytokeratin 19 (CK19; Moll et al., 1982) a highly conserved and peculiar intermediate filament protein (Bader et al., 1986). A complete identification however, could not be achieved (Rodriguez et al., 1994). The present study was undertaken to establish that identity and to determine the possible functions of this apical membrane skeleton. Because cytokeratins have been poorly characterized in canine cells, and no cytokeratin sequences are available in this species, we decided to switch from MDCK cells to two human epithelial cell lines, CACO-2, an extensively studied model of epithelial polarization that differentiates in culture to form brush border containing cells (Pinto et al., 1983), and MCF-10A (Tait et al., 1990), a nontumorigenic cell line derived from normal mammary epithelia, as a model of nonbrush border cells.To assess possible functions of cytokeratin 19, we chose to selectively reduce its synthesis using anti-sense phosphorothioate oligodeoxy nucleotides, an extensively used approach in recent years (e.g., Ferreira et al., 1992 ; Hubber et al., 1993; Takeuchi et al., 1994). Although we could not achieve a complete knock out, the steady-state levels of cytokeratin 19 were decreased to an extent that enabled us to detect significant changes in the phenotype of CACO-2 and MCF-10A cells.  相似文献   
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