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Photosynthetic fructose-1,6-diphosphatase (FDPase) fractions I and II, earlier purified from spinach leaves, show a similar amino acid composition, with the exception of a higher glutamic acid content in the latter. In both fractions glutamic and aspartic acids are the main amino acids. pH activity profiles of fractions I and II are similar, with optima at 8·65–8·70, both showing a high specificity for fructose- 1,6-diphosphate. These two fractions are Mg2+-dependent for activity, with an Optimum Mg2+ concentration of 10 mM in standard conditions, which shifts to 5 mM when the MG2+/EDTA ratio is increased to 10; Mn2+ and Co2+ are slightly active. EDTA enhances FDPase activity slightly, with an optimum at 0·4–0·8 mM. Cysteine has no activating effect, and acts as an inhibitor above 10 mM. Both I and II have an optimum substrate concentration of 4 mM, and the substrate inhibits at concns above this value. Kinetic velocity curves are sigmoidal, with the concave zone located in the range of physiological substrate concns. (Hill coefficient 1·75 for both). This suggests a strong regulatory role of fructose-1,6-diphosphate. Km values are 1·4 × 10−3 M (fraction I) and 1·1 × 10−3 M (fraction II). The highest activity rate occurs at 60°, in accordance with the high thermostability of both fractions; the activation energies are 14·3 kcal/mol (fraction I) and 13·0 kcal/mol (fraction II).  相似文献   
Tuberculosis (TB), one of the deadliest threats to human health, is mainly caused by 2 highly related and human-adapted bacteria broadly known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium africanum. Whereas M. tuberculosis is widely spread, M. africanum is restricted to West Africa, where it remains a significant cause of tuberculosis. Although several differences have been identified between these 2 pathogens, M. africanum remains a lot less studied than M. tuberculosis. Here, we discuss the genetic, phenotypic, and clinical similarities and differences between strains of M. tuberculosis and M. africanum. We also discuss our current knowledge on the immune response to M. africanum and how it possibly articulates with distinct disease progression and with the geographical restriction attributed to this pathogen. Understanding the functional impact of the diversity existing in TB-causing bacteria, as well as incorporating this diversity in TB research, will contribute to the development of better, more specific approaches to tackle TB.  相似文献   
The centrosome linker component C‐Nap1 (encoded by CEP250) anchors filaments to centrioles that provide centrosome cohesion by connecting the two centrosomes of an interphase cell into a single microtubule organizing unit. The role of the centrosome linker during development of an animal remains enigmatic. Here, we show that male CEP250 −/− mice are sterile because sperm production is abolished. Premature centrosome separation means that germ stem cells in CEP250 −/− mice fail to establish an E‐cadherin polarity mark and are unable to maintain the older mother centrosome on the basal site of the seminiferous tubules. This failure prompts premature stem cell differentiation in expense of germ stem cell expansion. The concomitant induction of apoptosis triggers the complete depletion of germ stem cells and consequently infertility. Our study reveals a role for centrosome cohesion in asymmetric cell division, stem cell maintenance, and fertility.  相似文献   
Timely, accurate, and comparative data on human mobility is of paramount importance for epidemic preparedness and response, but generally not available or easily accessible. Mobile phone metadata, typically in the form of Call Detail Records (CDRs), represents a powerful source of information on human movements at an unprecedented scale. In this work, we investigate the potential benefits of harnessing aggregated CDR-derived mobility to predict the 2015-2016 Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak in Colombia, when compared to other traditional data sources. To simulate the spread of ZIKV at sub-national level in Colombia, we employ a stochastic metapopulation epidemic model for vector-borne diseases. Our model integrates detailed data on the key drivers of ZIKV spread, including the spatial heterogeneity of the mosquito abundance, and the exposure of the population to the virus due to environmental and socio-economic factors. Given the same modelling settings (i.e. initial conditions and epidemiological parameters), we perform in-silico simulations for each mobility network and assess their ability in reproducing the local outbreak as reported by the official surveillance data. We assess the performance of our epidemic modelling approach in capturing the ZIKV outbreak both nationally and sub-nationally. Our model estimates are strongly correlated with the surveillance data at the country level (Pearson’s r = 0.92 for the CDR-informed network). Moreover, we found strong performance of the model estimates generated by the CDR-informed mobility networks in reproducing the local outbreak observed at the sub-national level. Compared to the CDR-informed networks, the performance of the other mobility networks is either comparatively similar or substantially lower, with no added value in predicting the local epidemic. This suggests that mobile phone data captures a better picture of human mobility patterns. This work contributes to the ongoing discussion on the value of aggregated mobility estimates from CDRs data that, with appropriate data protection and privacy safeguards, can be used for social impact applications and humanitarian action.  相似文献   
BackgroundLeishmaniases are neglected tropical diseases that inflict great burden to poor areas of the globe. Intense research has aimed to identify parasite genetic signatures predictive of infection outcomes. Consistency of diagnostic tools based on these markers would greatly benefit from accurate understanding of Leishmania spp. population genetics. We explored two chromosomal loci to characterize a population of L. braziliensis causing human disease in Northeast Brazil.Methodology/Principal findingsTwo temporally distinct samples of L. braziliensis were obtained from patients attending the leishmaniasis clinic at the village of Corte de Pedra: (2008–2011) primary sample, N = 120; (1999–2001) validation sample, N = 35. Parasites were genotyped by Sanger’s sequencing of two 600 base pairs loci starting at nucleotide positions 3,074 and 425,451 of chromosomes 24 and 28, respectively. Genotypes based on haplotypes of biallelic positions in each locus were tested for several population genetic parameters as well as for geographic clustering within the region. Ample geographic overlap of genotypes at the two loci was observed as indicated by non-significant Cusick and Edward’s comparisons. No linkage disequilibrium was detected among combinations of haplotypes for both parasite samples. Homozygous and heterozygous genotypes displayed Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) at both loci in the two samples when straight observed and expected counts were compared by Chi-square (p>0.5). However, Bayesian statistics using one million Monte-Carlo randomizations disclosed a less robust HWE for chromosome 24 genotypes, particularly in the primary sample (p = 0.04). Fixation indices (Fst) were consistently lower than 0.05 among individuals of the two samples at both tested loci, and no intra-populational structuralization could be detected using STRUCTURE software.Conclusions/SignificanceThese findings suggest that L. braziliensis can maintain stable populations in foci of human leishmaniasis and are capable of robust genetic recombination possibly due to events of sexual reproduction during the parasite’s lifecycle.  相似文献   
Summary Serratia marcescens was found to degrade kraft lignin by only 15%. When 14C-radiolabelled lignocelluloses and DHP lignins were used as substrates the bacterium mineralized to 14CO2 only 1.1–1.9% and 0.4–0.8% of the lignins respectively. However, some 44.4% of the 14C--DHP lignin was recovered as soluble radiolabelled products.  相似文献   
香港的生物多样性及其保育工作   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
香港位于热带,属海洋性气候。地势崎岖多山,山地约占全港总面积的3/4。城市发展多集中在沿海平坦地带。目前香港的城市和乡镇面积约占总面积的20%,农地约占5%(当中大部份已遭荒废),余下的均为郊野地区,这包括天然林和人工林(约占14%)、灌丛(约占36%)及草地(约占17%)。由于良好的气候和地理条件,形成了众多不同的生态环境,使总面积仅1090 km2的弹丸之地孕育出种类多样的动植物,生物多样性十分丰富。香港约有2500种原生植物,包括被子植物约1900种,裸子植物7种,蕨类植物220多种及苔藓植物300多种。动物方面,已记录的野生哺乳类动物有40多种,鸟类超过459种,两栖类23种,爬行类70多种。昆虫种类繁多,其中蜻蜓目100多种,鳞翅目2200多种(蝴蝶200多种,蛾类2000多种)。有很多是国家保护物种和特有种。植物方面属国家一级保护的有1种——刺桫椤(Alsophila spinulosa);国家二级保护的有6种,如四药门花(Tetrathryrium subcordatum);国家三级保护的有8种,如穗花杉(Amentotaxus argotaenia)。此外,香港特有种有16种,例如紫萁科(Osmundaceae)的粤紫萁(Osmunda mildei)、马兜铃科(Aristolochiaceae)的香港细辛(Asarum hongkongense)和兰科(Orchidaceae)的谢氏卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum tseanum)。动物方面有9种属国家一级保护,例如中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis);79种属国家二级保护。特有种则有卢氏小树蛙(Philautus romeri)、包氏双足蜥(Dibamus bogadeki)及多种昆虫。为了保护丰富的野生动植物及其栖息的环境,香港特别行政区政府制定了一些法例并推行了不少保护措施,例如设立了21个郊野公园和14个特别地区,占全港陆地总面积约38%。此外,还成立了2个禁区、3个海岸公园和1个海洋保护区。另一方面,政府还设立了59个“具特殊科学价值地点”,以保护及研究各种动植物、生态系统和特殊的地质地貌。香港地少人多,总人口超过600万,是世界上人口最稠密的地区之一。多年来香港这个生物宝库不断地遭受人类活动的威胁,近年来由于人口急剧上升,对土地需求迫切,不少郊野地区被开发利用,环境污染亦日益严重。此外,一些野生植物因具有药用价值、观赏价值或其他用途而遭盗伐或采集。上述种种因素已使香港野生动植物及其生境受到严重损害,一些物种更濒于灭绝,进行生物多样性的保育工作刻不容缓。因此,香港确实需要制定整体的生物多样性保护策略。有鉴于此,香港大学生态及分类学系于1996年展开了一项为期3年的香港生物多样性调查,以增加对动植物资源现况的了解,为保护香港的珍稀濒危物种和日益恶化的自然环境提出补救方案,并为制订长远的保育策略奠定基础。  相似文献   
The alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors for the neurotransmitter glutamate are oligomeric structures responsible for most fast excitatory responses in the central nervous system. The activity of AMPA receptors can be directly regulated by protein phosphorylation, which may also affect the interaction with intracellular proteins and, consequently, their recycling and localization to defined postsynaptic sites. This review focuses on recent advances in understanding the dynamic regulation of AMPA receptors, on a short- and long-term basis, and its implications in synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   
Background and Aims Pepper (Capsicum annuum) contains high levels of antioxidants, such as vitamins A and C and flavonoids. However, information on the role of these beneficial compounds in the physiology of pepper fruit remains scarce. Recent studies have shown that antioxidants in ripe pepper fruit play a key role in responses to temperature changes, and the redox state at the time of harvest affects the nutritional value for human consumption. In this paper, the role of antioxidant metabolism of pepper fruit during ripening and in the response to low temperature is addressed, paying particular attention to ascorbate, NADPH and the superoxide dismutase enzymatic system. The participation of chloroplasts, mitochondria and peroxisomes in the ripening process is also investigated.Scope and Results Important changes occur at a subcellular level during ripening of pepper fruit. Chloroplasts turn into chromoplasts, with drastic conversion of their metabolism, and the role of the ascorbate–glutathione cycle is essential. In mitochondria from red fruits, higher ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and Mn-SOD activities are involved in avoiding the accumulation of reactive oxygen species in these organelles during ripening. Peroxisomes, whose antioxidant capacity at fruit ripening is substantially affected, display an atypical metabolic pattern during this physiological stage. In spite of these differences observed in the antioxidative metabolism of mitochondria and peroxisomes, proteomic analysis of these organelles, carried out by 2-D electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF/TOF and provided here for the first time, reveals no changes between the antioxidant metabolism from immature (green) and ripe (red) fruits.Conclusions Taken together, the results show that investigation of molecular and enzymatic antioxidants from cell compartments, especially chloroplasts, mitochondria and peroxisomes, is a useful tool to study the physiology of pepper fruit, particularly in the context of expanding their shelf-life after harvest and in maintaining their nutritional value.  相似文献   
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