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Abstract: The relation between the availability of newly synthesized protein and lipid and the axonal transport of optically detectable organelles was examined in peripheral nerve preparations of amphibia (Rana catesbeiana and Xenopus laevis) in which intracellular traffic from the endo-plasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex was inhibited with brefeldin A (BFA). Accumulation of fast-transported radio-labeled protein or phospholipid proximal to a sciatic nerve ligature was monitored in vitro in preparations of dorsal root ganglia and sciatic nerve. Organelle transport was examined by computer-enhanced video microscopy of single myelinated axons. BFA reduced the amount of radiolabeled protein and lipid entering the fast-transport system of the axon without affecting either the synthesis or the transport rate of these molecules. The time course of the effect of BFA on axonal transport is consistent with an action at an early step in the intrasomal pathway, and with its action being related to the observed rapid (<1 h) disassembly of the Golgi complex. At a concentration of BFA that reduced fast-transported protein by >95%, no effect was observed on the flux or velocity of anterograde or retrograde organelle transport in axons for at least 20 h. Bidirectional axonal transport of organelles was similarly unaffected following suppression of protein synthesis by >99%. The findings suggest that the anterograde flux of transport organelles is not critically dependent on a supply of newly synthesized membrane precursors. The possibilities are considered that anterograde organelles normally arise from membrane components supplied from a post-Golgi storage pool, as well as from recycled retrograde organelles.  相似文献   
Cyanophages infecting marine Synechococcus cells were frequently very abundant and were found in every seawater sample along a transect in the western Gulf of Mexico and during a 28-month period in Aransas Pass, Tex. In Aransas Pass their abundance varied seasonally, with the lowest concentrations coincident with cooler water and lower salinity. Along the transect, viruses infecting Synechococcus strains DC2 and SYN48 ranged in concentration from a few hundred per milliliter at 97 m deep and 83 km offshore to ca. 4 x 10 ml near the surface at stations within 18 km of the coast. The highest concentrations occurred at the surface, where salinity decreased from ca. 35.5 to 34 ppt and Synechococcus concentrations were greatest. Viruses infecting strains SNC1, SNC2, and 838BG were distributed in a similar manner but were much less abundant (<10 to >5 x 10 ml). When Synechococcus concentrations exceeded ca. 10 ml, cyanophage concentrations increased markedly (ca. 10 to > 10 ml), suggesting that a minimum host density was required for efficient viral propagation. Data on the decay rate of viral infectivity d (per day), as a function of solar irradiance I (millimoles of quanta per square meter per second), were used to develop a relationship (d = 0.2610I - 0.00718; r = 0.69) for conservatively estimating the destruction of infectious viruses in the mixed layer of two offshore stations. Assuming that virus production balances losses and that the burst size is 250, ca. 5 to 7% of Synechococcus cells would be infected daily by viruses. Calculations based on contact rates between Synechococcus cells and infectious viruses produce similar results (5 to 14%). Moreover, balancing estimates of viral production with contact rates for the farthest offshore station required that most Synechococcus cells be susceptible to infection, that most contacts result in infection, and that the burst size be about 324 viruses per lytic event. In contrast, in nearshore waters, where ca. 80% of Synechococcus cells would be contacted daily by infectious cyanophages, only ca. 1% of the contacts would have to result in infection to balance the estimated virus removal rates. These results indicate that cyanophages are an abundant and dynamic component of marine planktonic communities and are probably responsible for lysing a small but significant portion of the Synechococcus population on a daily basis.  相似文献   
The contiguous trbJ and trbK genes of RP1 were cloned individually to study their effects. Surface exclusion was conferred only by trbK and only when gene dosage was high or when trbJ was also present in cis or in trans. This suggests that in the low-copy-number RP1, surface exclusion is due to a two-gene interaction in which trbK is the dominant partner. Among surface exclusion genes, trbJ is novel in yielding a periplasmic product that is also essential for conjugal transfer. This cellular location and the disturbed membrane function that accompanies TrbJ-processing probably accounts for the retarded growth caused by trbJ+ clones in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO.  相似文献   
Abstract: In a number of different cell types, phosphorylation of a 63-kDa protein has been shown to increase rapidly in response to stimuli that lead to an increase in intracellular calcium. Here, a stimulus-sensitive protein at this molecular weight is identified in PC12 cells and rat cortical synaptosomes as phosphoglucomutase. In addition, the added phosphate is shown to be in an oligosaccharide terminating in phosphodiester-linked glucose. In synaptosomes, incorporated radioactivity, following incubation with [14C]glucose or the [β-35S]phosphorothioate analogue of UDP-glucose, was found to increase within 5 s of stimulation and return to baseline within 25 s. Despite the many pathways utilizing glucose, this was the only detectable protein glycosylation observed in synaptosomes. These results indicate that cytoplasmic glycosylation is reversible and rapidly regulated, and suggest that phosphoglucomutase undergoes an alteration in function and/or topography in response to increases in intracellular calcium.  相似文献   
An Enterobacter cloacae strain, producing restriction enzyme EclHKI, was isolated from a decaying potato. The enzyme is an isoschizomer of Eam1105I, which recognizes and cleaves GACNNN!NNGTC. EclHKI was produced at high activity (4×104 U/g wet cells) and was purified from contaminants which interfere with restriction digestion by passing the cell lysate through DEAE-Sephacel and heparin columns. Activity was optimal at 37°C in a medium salt buffer.H.-Y. Chan, Y.-C. Chan and P.-C. Shaw are with the Department of Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: K.-M. Kam is with the Institute of Pathology, Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club Clinic, Hong Kong.  相似文献   
Astrocytes are important in regulating the microencironment of neurons both by catabolic and synthetic pathways. The glutamine synthetase (GS) activity observed in astrocytes affects neurons by removing toxic substances, NH3 and glutamate; and by providing an important neuronal substrate, glutamine. This glutamate cycle might play a critical role during periods of hypoxia and ischemia, when an increase in extracellular excitatory amino acids is observed. It was previously shown in our laboratory that fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) protected cortical astrocyte cultures from hypoxic insult and reduced ATP loss following a prolonged (18–30 hrs) hypoxia. In the present study we established the effects of FBP on the level of glutamate uptake and GS activity under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Under normoxic conditions, [U-14C]glutamate uptake and glutamine production were independent of FBP treatment; whereas under hypoxic conditions, the initial increase in glutamate uptake and an overall increase in glutamine production in astrocytes were FBP-dependent. Glutamine synthetase activity was dependent on FBP added during the 22 hours of either normoxic- or hypoxic-treatment, hence significant increases in activity were observed due to FBP regardless of the oxygen/ATP levels in situ. These studies suggest that activation of GS by FBP may provide astrocytic protection against hypoxic injury.  相似文献   
A shortened IgM capture ELISA for the detection of dengue IgM antibodies using simultaneous incubation of antigen and peroxidase-labeled monoclonal antibody was described. The shortened two-step assay was compared with the four-step IgM capture ELISA on sera from dengue patients confirmed by the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. When paired acute and convalescent sera were tested, the shortened ELISA showed 100% agreement with HI results. It detected dengue IgM antibodies in the acute sera of 66% of patients with a primary dengue infection, 60% of patients with a secondary infection, and 98% of patients with a presumptive secondary infection. When the results of 151 dengue patients were combined, 75% of the acute sera were positive by the shortened IgM capture ELISA.  相似文献   
We have successfully transferred and expressed a reporter gene driven by an -amylase promoter in a japonica type of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Tainung 62) using the Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer system. Immature rice embryos (10–12 days after anthesis) were infected with an Agrobacterium strain carrying a plasmid containing chimeric genes of -glucuronidase (uidA) and neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII). Co-incubation of potato suspension culture (PSC) with the Agrobacterium inoculum significantly improved the transformation efficiency of rice. The uidA and nptII genes, which are under the control of promoters of a rice -amylase gene (Amy8) and Agrobacterium nopaline synthase gene (nos), respectively, were both expressed in G418-resistant calli and transgenic plants. Integration of foreign genes into the genomes of transgenic plants was confirmed by Southern blot analysis. Histochemical localization of GUS activity in one transgenic plant (R0) revealed that the rice -amylase promoter functions in all cell types of the mature leaves, stems, sheaths and roots, but not in the very young leaves. This transgenic plant grew more slowly and produced less seeds than the wild-type plant, but its R1 and R2 progenies grew normally and produced as much seeds as the wild-type plant. Inheritance of foreign genes to the progenies was also confirmed by Southern blot analysis. These data demonstrate successful gene transfer and sexual inheritance of the chimeric genes.  相似文献   
Bacterial glucokinase (GK) binds to purified, human erythrocyte glucose transporter (GT) reconstituted in vesicles. The binding is largely abolished if GT is predigested with trypsin, indicating that GK binds to the cytoplasmic domain of GT. The binding is a saturable function of GK concentration showing two distinct affinities with apparent KD of 0.33 and 5.1 μM. The binding is stimulated by an increasing concentration of ADP with the 50% maximal effect at 5 mM. Glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) also stimulates the binding with a distinct optimum at 25 mM. The binding is stimulated only slightly by ATP. D-glucose has no affect on the binding. KCl enhances the binding with the maximal effect at physiological intracellular concentrations. The binding is sensitive to changes in pH with an optimum at pH 4. The binding causes no detectable functional change in GT. However, the enzymatic activity of GK measured at nanomolar concentrations of GK is significantly greater in the presence of GT vesicles than in its absence or in the presence of protein-free vesicles, indicating that GK interacts with GT at this low concentration range with an apparent KD of 10 mM. Although its physiological significance is not known, the GK-GT interaction in vitro described here suggests that these two proteins may also interact in the cell and regulate carbohydrate metabolism. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Morphometric studies were made on corpora allata of the cockroach Diploptera punctata from animals in which increasing gland size is not coupled to hormone synthesis (ovariectomized mated females; last-instar larvae) and in which gland size is coupled to hormone synthesis (normal mated and virgin females; penultimate-instar larvae). Cell number, gland volume, and juvenile hormone synthesis were measured. From electron micrographs, nuclear, cytoplasmic, and extracellular volumes; and cell membrane area were calculated; and fine structure described. Low-activity glands of ovariectomized mated females resembled high-activity glands from mated females in high cell number, large overall and cytoplasmic volume, and low nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio; they differed in having organelles typical of low-activity glands, mitochondria with dense matrices and large whorls of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Inactive lastinstar larval glands resembled mated ovariectomized, female glands in increased cell number and organelles characteristic of inactive glands; however, their nuclearcytoplasmic volume ratio was much higher. Penultimate cytoplasmic volume ratio was much higher. Penultimate larval glands with high activity per cell resembled active glands of normal mated females. Ovariectomy did not change morphometric parameters of virgin female glands; thus mating results in increase in size of adult female glands whereas the growing ovary is needed for changes in mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum associated with high juvenile hormone synthesis.  相似文献   
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