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N-Glycosylation occurs cotranslationally as soon as the growing polypeptide chain enters the endoplasmic reticulum, before the final native-like folded state is reached. We examined the role of the carbohydrate chains in the mechanism of protein folding. The in vitro folding and association of yeast invertase are used as an experimental system. External invertase contains approximately 50% carbohydrate, whereas cytoplasmic invertase is not glycosylated. The functional native state of both proteins is a homodimer. At pH greater than or equal to 6.5 and at protein concentrations below 3 micrograms/ml, the kinetics of reactivation and the final yields are similar for the two invertases. For both proteins, reactivation is a sequential reaction with a lag phase at the beginning. The nonglycosylated protein tends to aggregate during reactivation at low pH and at protein concentrations above 3 micrograms/ml. After separation of inactive material, the renatured protein is indistinguishable from the original native state by a number of physicochemical and functional criteria. The results suggest that the carbohydrate moiety does not affect the mechanism of folding and association of invertase. However, glycosylation improves the solubility of unfolded or partially folded invertase molecules and hence leads to a suppression of irreversible aggregation. Such a protective effect may also be important for the in vivo maturation of nascent glycosylated protein chains.  相似文献   
When heat-activated F1-ATPase from chloroplasts was repeatedly exposed to Mg2+ and 2-azido-ATP, followed by separation from medium nucleotides and photolysis, a total of two sites per enzyme, both catalytic and noncatalytic, were labeled. In a coupled assay with pyruvate kinase about half the activity was lost when one site per enzyme was modified. However, increased modification resulted in no further loss of activity. In contrast, methanol-sulfite activation of the enzyme showed a loss of most of the catalytic capacity when one site per enzyme was modified. Predominant labeling of either one catalytic or one noncatalytic site caused a loss of most of the activity in either assay. An indication that the enzyme modified at one site retained some catalytic activity was verified by measurement of the [18O]Pi species formed when [gamma-18O]ATP was hydrolyzed by partially derivatized enzyme. With either catalytic or noncatalytic site modification, the distributions of [18O]Pi species formed showed that the modified enzyme had different catalytic characteristics. An interpretation is that with modification by azido nucleotides at either catalytic or noncatalytic sites, capacity for rapid catalysis is largely lost but the remaining sites retain weak modified catalytic properties.  相似文献   
The rate of uptake of radioactive phosphatidylcholine molecules of different fatty acid composition in intact erythrocytes as facilitated by a phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein has been studied. When trace amounts of radiolabeled phosphatidylcholine molecules are present in donor vesicles consisting of egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, the transfer of the radiolabeled species depends strongly on their fatty acyl composition: dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine is transferred at the lowest rate, 1-saturated-2-unsaturated species are transferred faster and the highest rate is observed for dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine. Transfer of the various phosphatidylcholine molecules was measured furthermore using donor systems in which the bulk phosphatidylcholine was varied in its fatty acyl composition. Also in this type of experiment, the transfer protein preferentially stimulated transfer of unsaturated phosphatidylcholine molecules, especially from an environment containing more saturated molecules. Finally, the efflux of labeled phosphatidylcholine from intact erythrocytes to plasma in the absence of the phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein was studied and it became clear that in this case the nature of the effused molecules itself, rather than the composition of the bulk lipids, determined the effuse rates. An important conclusion to be drawn from these experiments is that radiolabeled phosphatidylcholine molecules, when used as markers for phospholipid exchange or transfer, should resemble in their fatty acid composition the composition of the bulk lipid in order to provide reliable data on rates and extents of the process studied.  相似文献   
The role of fibronectin in the contraction of collagen lattices by human skin fibroblasts has been investigated. Incubation of lattice cultures in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with increasing concentrations of non-dialysed or dialysed fetal calf serum demonstrated that the rate of contraction was dependent on non-dialysable serum components. The suppression of contraction observed when fibronectin was eliminated from serum, either by affinity chromatography on gelatin-agarose columns or by precipitation with anti-fibronectin antibodies, showed that fibronectin is critical for the contraction. When collagen lattices were incubated in a serum-free culture medium totally devoid of fibronectin, no contraction occurred. When fibronectin was added to this medium, their contraction was correlated with the concentration of fibronectin added. The contraction was inhibited by cycloheximide, tunicamycin, and monensin. These results demonstrate that the contraction of collagen lattices by human skin fibroblasts is dependent on fibronectin, and that other protein factors synthesized by the cells or contained in serum are also necessary.  相似文献   
To obtain antiparallel and parallel dimers of alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide (alpha-hANP), two fully protected peptides I and II having the same amino acid sequence as alpha-hANP with different protective groups at the cysteinyl residues were synthesized, the former having Acm and Npys and the latter MeBzl and Acm. Equivalent amounts of peptides I and II were mixed and subjected to HF deprotection. Next, the first disulfide bond was linked between the remaining Npys group in I and the liberated SH group in II to form a monodisulfide dimer. The second disulfide bond was formed within the newly formed dimer between the remaining Acm groups by treatment with iodine, giving an antiparallel dimer. The parallel dimer of alpha-hANP was synthesized similarly starting from the protected peptide II. These dimers could be clearly segregated on HPLC. The retention time on HPLC of the antiparallel dimer was identical with that of natural beta-hANP. Both dimers showed biological activities as high as one third to one sixth of alpha-hANP in smooth muscle spasmolytic activity, and almost the same level of natriuretic activity as alpha-hANP at a high dose (10 nmol/kg) but about one fifth the activity at a low dose (1 nmol/kg). In these assay systems, the antiparallel dimer showed a slower onset and a tendency of longer duration than alpha-hANP.  相似文献   
Isolated hepatocytes from fasted rats were perifused with glycerol as gluconeogenic substrate. Stimulation of gluconeogenesis with phenylephrine (10(-5) M) as alpha-adrenergic agonist consisted of two distinct phases. The first phase was a transient stimulation of gluconeogenesis and was accompanied by transient changes in cytosolic and mitochondrial redox state; this phase was abolished by the transaminase inhibitor aminooxyacetate. The second phase was a stable stimulation of less magnitude, without change in redox state and insensitive to addition of aminooxyacetate. It is concluded that the first phase is due to a transient enhancement of flux through the malate/aspartate shuttle and that the stable phase is probably due to a stimulation of mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and glycerol kinase.  相似文献   
Serum antifreeze polypeptides (AFP) from Newfoundland ocean pout have been resolved by ion exchange chromatography and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography into at least 12 components. The protein sequences of three of the AFP were determined using a combination of protein Edman degradation and cDNA sequencing. The AFP precursor protein encodes for a preprotein of 87 amino acids with no obvious prosequences. Two of the AFP (SP1-A and SP1-C) were separate gene products with minor amino acid sequence differences. The protein structure of SP1-C precursor is MKSVILTGLLFVLLCVDHMTASQSVVAT QLIPINTALTPAMMEGKVTNPIGIPFAEMSQIVGKQVNTPVAKGQTLMPNMVKTYVAGK. The third AFP (SP1-B) is a post-translation modification product of SP1-C. These experiments indicate that the ocean pout AFP are a multigene family with protein structure different from any other known polypeptide antifreezes.  相似文献   
The electrostatic free energy contribution to the stability of sperm whale ferrimyoglobin was evaluated according to the static accessibility modified Tanford-Kirkwood model. The electrostatic free energy contribution of each distinct structural element was divided into one term arising from interactions between it and other elements (interelemental) and another from interactions within the particular element itself (intraelemental). At pH 7 the majority of the terms were found to be stabilizing. The interelemental terms are the dominant ones for most structural elements. The small interelemental terms of the C and D helices are compensated by large intraelemental interactions which stabilize these short helices. Perturbations in pH can be accommodated by the structural elements through a redistribution of stabilizing and destabilizing interactions. The electrostatic potentials calculated at the surface of the protein indicate that the internal compensation of local potentials achieved during folding results in a generally neutral protein-solvent interface save for two distinct areas of nonzero potential. The accessibility of each charged atom to solvent was analyzed in terms of the surface area lost to charged, polar and nonpolar atoms separately. The net solvent accessibility lost parallels closely that lost to nonpolar atoms alone, indicating a specific role for nonpolar atoms in defining dielectric shielding of charged atoms, aside from their participation in the well-known hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   
Sulfonylurea compounds are hypoglycemic agents which by unknown mechanisms alter the amount of insulin receptor and the rate of glucose utilization in tissues exposed to the drugs. In this study the effects on insulin binding and uptake of 2-deoxyglucose by 3T3-L1 adipocytes were assessed after maintaining cell monolayers for 1-3 days in medium containing different concentrations of the sulfonylurea, tolbutamide. The amount of 125I-insulin bound by treated monolayers gradually increased to values 150-250% of those of control monolayers after 2-3 days of exposure to 1.5 mM tolbutamide. Such increases in insulin binding capacity arose primarily from an increase in receptor number and not from an alteration in the affinity of the receptor for insulin. Concomitant with the changes observed for the insulin receptor, tolbutamide-treated monolayers expressed 1.5-2-fold higher rates of uptake of 2-deoxyglucose relative to control monolayers at concentrations of insulin between 0 and 10(-10) M. This study thus demonstrates the responsiveness of adipocytes to tolbutamide and also establishes the usefulness of 3T3-L1 cells as a model system in which to study the mechanism of tolbutamide action, both as it relates to the use of sulfonylurea compounds in clinical applications and as possible probes for perturbing and studying relatively uncharacterized regulatory pathways controlling receptor level and biological responses to insulin.  相似文献   
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