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Marine invertebrates have evolved multiple responses to naturally variable environmental oxygen, all aimed at either maintaining cellular oxygen homeostasis or limiting cellular damage during or after hypoxic or hyperoxic events. We assessed organismal (rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion) and cellular (heat shock protein expression, anti-oxidant enzymes) responses of juvenile and adult abalone exposed to low (~ 83% of saturation), intermediate (~ 95% of saturation) and high (~ 115% of saturation) oxygen levels for one month. Using the Comet assay, we measured DNA damage to determine whether the observed trends in the protective responses were sufficient to prevent oxidative damage to cells. Juveniles were unaffected by moderately hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions. Elevated basal rates of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase were sufficient to prevent DNA fragmentation and protein damage. Adults, with their lower basal rate of anti-oxidant enzymes, had increased DNA damage under hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions, indicating that the antioxidant enzymes were unable to prevent oxidative damage under hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions. The apparent insensitivity of juvenile abalone to decreased and increased oxygen might be related to their life history and development in algal and diatom biofilms where they are exposed to extreme diurnal fluctuations in dissolved oxygen levels.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic parasites of the genus Plasmodium cause malaria by invading and developing within host erythrocytes. Here, we demonstrate that PfShelph2, a gene product of Plasmodium falciparum that belongs to the Shewanella-like phosphatase (Shelph) subfamily, selectively hydrolyzes phosphotyrosine, as shown for other previously studied Shelph family members. In the extracellular merozoite stage, PfShelph2 localizes to vesicles that appear to be distinct from those of rhoptry, dense granule, or microneme organelles. During invasion, PfShelph2 is released from these vesicles and exported to the host erythrocyte. In vitro, PfShelph2 shows tyrosine phosphatase activity against the host erythrocyte protein Band 3, which is the most abundant tyrosine-phosphorylated species of the erythrocyte. During P. falciparum invasion, Band 3 undergoes dynamic and rapid clearance from the invasion junction within 1 to 2 s of parasite attachment to the erythrocyte. Release of Pfshelph2 occurs after clearance of Band 3 from the parasite-host cell interface and when the parasite is nearly or completely enclosed in the nascent vacuole. We propose a model in which the phosphatase modifies Band 3 in time to restore its interaction with the cytoskeleton and thus reestablishes the erythrocyte cytoskeletal network at the end of the invasion process.  相似文献   
We have previously developed more than 100,000 T-DNA insertion mutant populations in japonica rice. These include simple knockouts as well as those for activation tagging. T-DNA insertion sites have been determined from more than 50,000 lines. The database for insertion positions is now open to the public, and these tagging lines are widely distributed to members of the rice research community. To utilize these genetic resources more efficiently, we are summarizing the important features of these tagging vectors, rice varieties, and flanking sequences. We also provide methods for handling such materials.  相似文献   
Multidrug resistant microbes present in the environment are a potential public health risk. In this study, we investigate the presence of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1 (NDM-1) producing bacteria in the 99 water samples in Beijing City, including river water, treated drinking water, raw water samples from the pools and sewage from 4 comprehensive hospitals. For the bla NDM-1 positive isolate, antimicrobial susceptibility testing was further analyzed, and Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) was performed to determine the genetic relationship among the NDM-1 producing isolates from sewage and human, as well as the clinical strains without NDM-1. The results indicate that there was a higher isolation of NDM-1 producing Acinetobacter baumannii from the sewage of the hospitals, while no NDM-1 producing isolates were recovered from samples obtained from the river, drinking, or fishpond water. Surprisingly, these isolates were markedly different from the clinical isolates in drug resistance and pulsed field gel electrophoresis profiles, suggesting different evolutionary relationships. Our results showed that the hospital sewage may be one of the diffusion reservoirs of NDM-1 producing bacteria.  相似文献   
Drought resistance and recovery ability are two important requisites for plant adaptation to drought environments. Proline (Pro) metabolism has been a major concern in plant drought tolerance. However, roles of Pro metabolism in plant recovery ability from severe drought stress are largely unexplored. Periploca sepium Bunge has gained increasing attention for its adaptation to dry environments. Here, we investigated Pro metabolism in different tissues of P. sepium seedlings in the course of drought stress and recovery. We found that leaf Pro metabolism response during post-drought recovery was dependant on drought severity. Pro biosynthesis was down-regulated during recovery from -0.4 MPa but increased continually and notably during recovery from -1.0 MPa. Significant correlation between Pro concentration and Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase activity indicates that Glutamate pathway is the predominant synthesis route during both drought and re-watering periods. Ornithine δ-aminotransferase activity was up-regulated significantly only during recovery from −1.0 MPa, suggesting positive contribution of ornithine pathway to improving plant recovery capacity from severe drought. In addition to up-regulation of biosynthesis, Pro transport from stems and roots also contributed to high Pro accumulation in leaves and new buds during recovery from −1.0 MPa, as indicated by the combined analysis of Pro concentration and its biosynthesis in stems, roots and new buds. Except its known roles as energy, carbon and nitrogen sources for plant rapid recovery, significant positive correlation between Pro concentration and total antioxidant activity indicates that Pro accumulation can also promote plant damage repair ability by up-regulating antioxidant activity during recovery from severe drought stress.  相似文献   
Terpinen-4-ol has high fumigating activity to stored-grain pests including Tribolium confusum. To understand the detoxification of terpinen-4-ol in insects, proteomic analysis was performed to identify related proteins and pathways in response to terpinen-4-ol fumigation in T. confusum. By using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ)-based strategy, 4,618 proteins were obtained from T. confusum adults in the present study. Comparative proteomic analysis showed that 148 proteins were upregulated and 137 proteins were downregulated in beetles under the LC50 of terpinen-4-ol treatment for 24 hr. According to functional classifications, differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were enriched in xenobiotic metabolism pathways. In the detoxification pathway, the levels of 25 cytochrome P450s, 5 glutathione S-transferases, and 2 uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucuronosyltransferases were changed, most of which were upregulated in T. confusum exposed to terpinen-4-ol. The results indicated that terpinen-4-ol was potentially metabolized and detoxified by enzymes like P450s in T. confusum.  相似文献   
Overexploitation of marine communities can lead to modifications in the structure of the food web and can force organisms like elasmobranchs to change their feeding habits. To evaluate the impact that fisheries have on food webs and on the interactions between species, it is necessary to describe and quantify the diet of the species involved and follow it through time. This study compares the diet of five skate species using the data obtained from the by-catch of the Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) fishery in north and central Patagonia, Argentina. Diet composition was assessed by analysing the digestive tract contents and trophic overlapping between species of the genus Bathyraja: Bathyraja albomaculata, Bathyraja brachyurops, Bathyraja macloviana, Bathyraja magellanica and Bathyraja multispinis. A total of 184 stomachs were analysed. The diets of B. albomaculata and B. macloviana mainly comprised annelids, whereas that of B. brachyurops primarily comprised fish, including hake heads discarded by the fishery. The diets of B. magellanica and B. multispinis were largely based on crustaceans. Despite the morphological similarities and their shared preference for benthic habitats, no complete diet overlaps were found between the different species. These results suggest that these skate species have undergone a process of diet specialisation. This is a common feeding strategy that occurs to successfully eliminate competition when resources are limited, which corresponds to the conditions found in an environment being affected by the pressures of overfishing.  相似文献   
Vaccination with meningococcal glycoconjugate vaccines has decreased the incidence of invasive meningitis worldwide. These vaccines contain purified capsular polysaccharides attached to a carrier protein. Because of derivatization chemistries used in the process, conjugation of polysaccharide to protein often results in heterogeneous mixtures. Well-defined vaccines are needed to determine the relationship between vaccine structure and generated immune response. Here, we describe efforts to produce well-defined vaccine candidates by chemoenzymatic synthesis. Chemically synthesized lactosides were substrates for recombinant sialyltransferase enzymes from Camplyobacter jejuni and Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C. These resulting oligosialic acids have the same α(2-9) sialic acid repeat structure as Neisseria polysaccharide capsule with the addition of a conjugatable azide aglycon. The degree of polymerization (DP) of carbohydrate products was controlled by inclusion of the inhibitor CMP-9-deoxy-NeuNAc. Polymers with estimated DP?<?47 (median DP 25) and DP?<?100 (median DP 51) were produced. The receptor binding domain of the tetanus toxin protein (TetHc) was coupled as a carrier to the enzymatically synthesized oligosialic acids. Recombinant TetHc was derivatized with an alkyne squarate. Protein modification sites were determined by trypsin proteolysis followed by LC/MS-MSE analysis of peptides. Oligosialic acid azides were conjugated to modified TetHc via click chemistry. These chemoenzymatically prepared glycoconjugates were reactive in immunoassays with specific antibodies against either group C polysaccharide or TetHc. Sera of mice immunized with oligosialic acid-TetHc glycoconjugates contained much greater levels of polysaccharide-reactive IgG than the sera of control mice receiving unconjugated oligosialic acids. There was no apparent difference between glycoconjugates containing oligosaccharides of DP?<?47 and DP?<?100. These results suggest that chemoenzymatic synthesis may provide a viable method for making defined meningococcal vaccine candidates.  相似文献   
Calcimycin is a rare divalent cation specific ionophore antibiotic that has many biochemical and pharmaceutical applications. We have recently cloned and sequenced the Streptomyces chartreusis calcimycin biosynthesis gene cluster as well as identified the genes required for the synthesis of the polyketide backbone of calcimycin. Additional modifying or decorating enzymes are required to convert the polyketide backbone into the biologically active calcimycin. Using targeted mutagenesis of Streptomyces we were able to show that calM from the calcimycin biosynthesis gene cluster is required for calcimycin production. Inactivating calM by PCR targeting, caused high level accumulation of N-demethyl calcimycin. CalM in the presence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine converted N-demethyl calcimycin to calcimycin in vitro. The enzyme was determined to have a kinetic parameter of Km 276 μM, kcat 1.26 min−1 and kcat/Km 76.2 M−1 s−1. These results proved that CalM is a N-methyltransferase that is required for calcimycin biosynthesis, and they set the stage for generating much desired novel calcimycin derivatives by rational genetic and chemical engineering.  相似文献   
In this study, we cloned the full coding region of NGF gene from the caprine ovary. Result showed the caprine NGF cDNA (GenBank Accession No. JQ308184) contained a 726 bp open reading frame encoding a protein with 241 amino acid residues. Bioinformatic analysis indicated that caprine NGF amino acid sequence was 83–99 % identical to that of mouse, pig, dog, human and bovine. It was predicted that caprine NGF contained nine serine phosphorylation loci, four threonine phosphorylation loci and nine specific PKC phosphorylation loci. The NGF mRNA expression pattern showed that NGF gene was expressed highly in ovary. This work provided an important experimental basis for further research on the function of NGF in goat. A single nucleotide polymorphism (A705G) in the coding region of NGF gene was detected by PCR–RFLP and DNA sequencing in 630 goats of three breeds. The frequencies of G allele were 0.52–0.61, and frequencies of A allele were 0.48–0.39 for SN, GZ and BG breeds, respectively. The does with GG genotype had higher litter size than those with GA and AA genotypes (P < 0.05). Hence, the biochemical and physiological functions, together with the results obtained in our investigation, suggest that the NGF gene could serve as a genetic marker for litter size in goat breeding.  相似文献   
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