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The ATP-dependent interaction of eukaryotic initiation factors with mRNA   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
The interaction of three protein synthesis initiation factors, eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-4A, -4B, and -4F, with mRNA has been examined. Three assays specifically designed to evaluate this interaction are RNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis, retention of mRNAs on nitrocellulose filters, and cross-linking to periodate-oxidized mRNAs. The ATPase activity of eIF-4A is only activated by RNA which is lacking in secondary structure, and the minimal size of an oligonucleotide capable of effecting an optimal activation is 12-18 bases. In the presence of ATP, eIF-4A is capable of binding mRNA. Consistent with the ATPase activity, this binding shows a definite preference for single-stranded RNA. In the absence of ATP, eIF-4F is the only factor to bind capped mRNAs, and this binding, unlike that of eIF-4A, is sensitive to m7GDP inhibition. The activities of both eIF-4A and eIF-4F are stimulated by eIF-4B, which seems to have no specific independent activity in our assays. Evidence from the cross-linking studies indicates that in the absence of ATP, only the 24,000-dalton polypeptide of eIF-4F binds to the 5' cap region of the mRNA. From the data presented in conjunction with the current literature, a suggested sequence of factor binding to mRNA is: eIF-4F is the first initiation factor to bind mRNA ind an ATP-independent fashion; eIF-4B then binds to eIF-4F, if in fact it was not already bound prior to mRNA binding; and finally, eIF-4A binds to the eIF-4F X eIF-4B X mRNA complex and functions in an ATP-dependent manner to allow unwinding of the mRNA.  相似文献   
The synthesis and processing of the human lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A was examined in normal and Fabry fibroblasts. In normal cells, alpha-galactosidase A was synthesized as an Mr = 50,500 precursor, which contained phosphate groups in oligosaccharide chains cleavable by endoglucosaminidase H. The precursor was processed via ill-defined intermediates to a mature Mr 46,000 form. Processing was complete within 3-7 days after synthesis. In the presence of NH4Cl and in I-cell fibroblasts, the majority of newly synthesized alpha-galactosidase A was secreted as an Mr = 52,000 form. For comparison, the processing and stability of alpha-galactosidase A were examined in fibroblasts from five unrelated patients with Fabry disease, which is caused by deficient alpha-galactosidase A activity. In one cell line, synthesis of immunologically cross-reacting polypeptides was not detectable. In another, the synthesis, processing, and stability of alpha-galactosidase A was indistinguishable from that in normal fibroblasts. In a third Fabry cell line, the mutation retarded the maturation of alpha-galactosidase A. Finally, in two cell lines, alpha-galactosidase A polypeptides were synthesized that were rapidly degraded following delivery to lysosomes. These results clearly indicate that Fabry disease comprises a heterogeneous group of mutations affecting synthesis, processing, and stability of alpha-galactosidase A.  相似文献   
We have recently characterized the major hydroperoxide-reducing enzyme of human plasma as a glutathione peroxidase (Maddipati, K. R., Gasparski, C., and Marnett, L. J. (1987) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 254, 9-17). We now report the purification and kinetic characterization of this enzyme. The purification steps involved ammonium sulfate precipitation, hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose, anion exchange chromatography, and gel filtration. The purified peroxidase has a specific activity of 26-29 mumol/min/mg with hydrogen peroxide as substrate. The human plasma glutathione peroxidase is a tetramer of identical subunits of 21.5 kDa molecular mass as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and is different from human erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase. The plasma peroxidase is a selenoprotein containing one selenium per subunit. Unlike several other glutathione peroxidases this enzyme exhibits saturation kinetics with respect to glutathione (Km for glutathione = 4.3 mM). The peroxidase exhibits high affinity for hydroperoxides with Km values ranging from 2.3 microM for 13-hydroperoxy-9,11-octadecadienoic acid to 13.3 microM for hydrogen peroxide at saturating glutathione concentration. These kinetic parameters are suggestive of the potential of human plasma glutathione peroxidase as an important regulator of plasma hydroperoxide levels.  相似文献   
The entire proton NMR spectrum of the aminoglycoside antibiotic neomycin B has been assigned at physiological pH by a combination of two-dimensional J-resolved and J-correlated and nuclear Overhauser enhancement difference spectroscopy. Unambiguous assignment of all four ring systems is possible without recourse to model or derivative compounds by observing nuclear Overhauser enhancements between as well as within rings. The subsequent assignment of the carbon 13 spectrum is simply achieved using two-dimensional heteronuclear J-correlated techniques. The proton NMR spectrum of a sonicated aqueous dispersion of the intracellular second messenger precursor phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate is reported for the first time. The spectrum is consistent with a high degree of side chain unsaturation and a conformation for the myo-inositol head group, which appears highly mobile, in which all bulky substituents are equatorial (except the 2-hydroxyl). Addition of aliquots of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate to an aqueous buffered solution of neomycin B induces complex changes in the whole spectrum of the latter, including downfield shifts of differential magnitude for several well-resolved signals, viz. the anomerics, and the pair of methylene protons of the substituted cyclohexane. The complexation kinetics are fast on the NMR time scale at 25 degrees C. The binding results are discussed in terms of a tentative complexation geometry.  相似文献   
Biochemical reactions, O and K serotypes and presence of P-fimbriae were analysed in 116 Escherichia coli strains isolated in blood cultures from patients with bacteraemia and in 99 faecal strains isolated from healthy individuals. By using biochemical typing, the strains could be grouped into six main clusters with similarity index less than 0.8 (Gower, 1971) and altogether 16 subclusters with similarity index 0.82-0.89. The most discriminating tests between the clusters were fermentation of D-tagatose, saccharose, salicin and sorbose. No single biochemical property could differentiate bacteraemic isolates from faecal strains, although strains isolated from blood were significantly more often found in certain subclusters, whereas other subclusters contained mainly control strains. Bacteraemic strains possessed P-fimbriae more often, especially strains isolated from patients with E. coli in the urine concomitantly with bacteraemia. Equally, no single reaction could separate P-fimbriated from non-P-fimbriated strains. D-Tagatose was fermented more often by the P-fimbriated strains; on the other hand, melibiose and lactose fermentation tests were less often positive. Certain O serotypes (O1, O4, O6, O7, O18 and O25) were more common among bacteraemic isolates than controls. K serotypes such as K1, K5 and K52 were also more frequent among blood isolates. We conclude that a combination of biochemical tests, fimbriation and serotyping might be used to identify potentially pathogenic clusters of E. coli.  相似文献   
Changes in prevalence of the plerocerci of Grillotia angeli Dollfus, 1969 in mackerel, Scomber scombrus L., and of Lacistorhynchus sp. in herring, Clupea harengus L., were recorded over periods of eight years (1978–1985) and 11 years (1974–1984), respectively. Data were collected from 21 year classes of mackerel in an area to the south-west of Britain and Ireland and from seven year classes of herring in the eastern North Sea. Both sets of data showed sharp decreases in parasite prevalence from periods at relatively high levels to others at much lower levels. The changes in prevalence occurred at the same time in both host-parasite systems and coincided with the end of the hydrographic phenomenon known as the mid-70s salinity anomaly. Possible explanations for the changes which are discussed include changes in abundance of first intermediate and definitive hosts, variations in host year class strength, changes in hydrographic conditions and changes in host diet.  相似文献   
24 patients have been treated with cis(z)-flupenthixol decanoate for 6-12 months. Intramuscular injections were given about every 3 weeks. Before treatment and on each day of injection the mental state was assessed by BPRS and registration of side effects was performed. Blood samples were taken 7 days after each injection and on the last day of the dosage interval. Neuroleptic activity was determined in serum by RRA and expressed in cis(z)-flupenthixol equivalents. The drug level was significantly correlated to the dose. No clear relationship between drug level and clinical results as well as side effects was found. Less pronounced variations of the drug level between subsequent injections resulted in a positive therapeutic response.  相似文献   
Methods have been developed and applied to determine the size and branching frequency of polymers of ADP-ribose synthesized in nucleotide-permeable cultured mouse cells and in intact cultured cells. Polymers were purified by affinity chromatography with a boronate resin and were fractionated according to size molecular sieve high-performance liquid chromatography. Fractions were enzymatically digested to nucleotides, which were separated by strong anion exchange high-performance liquid chromatography. From these data, average polymer size and branching frequency were calculated. A wide range of polymer sizes was observed. Polymers as large as 190 residues with at least five points of branching per molecule were generated in vitro. Polymers of up to 67 residues containing up to two points of branching per molecule were isolated from intact cells following treatment with the DNA alkylating agent N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Cells treated with hyperthermia prior to DNA damage contained polymers of an average maximum size of 244 residues containing up to six points of branching per molecule. The detection of large polymers of ADP-ribose in intact cells suggests that alterations in chromatin organization effected by poly(ADP-ribosylation) may extend beyond the covalently modified proteins and very likely involve noncovalent interactions of poly(ADP-ribose) with other components of chromatin.  相似文献   
The effects of zinc on the rate of production of bactericidal O2- of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) in response to three different types of stimulating agents (serum-treated zymosan (STZ), Con A, and myristate) were studied. The percentage reduction of O2- production of PMN stimulated by STZ, Con A, and myristate were all reduced in response to Zn, irregardless of whether Zn was added to the reaction mixture immediately before SZT addition or following a prior 20 min. incubation of PMN in the presence of Zn. However, when Zn was introduced intraperitonially into guinea pigs before the collection of PMN from the animal, zinc treatment produced inhibition only in STZ-activated PMN; it produced no effect in O2- production of PMN stimulated by myristate, and it further augmented the O2- production stimulated by Con A.  相似文献   
Plasma uric acid levels were determined in ethanol-fed poults following administration of allopurinol. In young poults, allopurinol at a dose of 50 mg/kg significantly depressed plasma uric acid levels 6 hr post-dosing. At 11 hr post-dosing, plasma uric acid levels were significantly elevated in the allopurinol-treated poults when compared with control poults. During a period of ethanol abstinence, allopurinol at a dose of 40 mg/kg significantly depressed plasma uric acid levels up to 8 hr post-dosing. At a dose of 30 mg/kg, plasma uric acid levels were similar to control values at 4 and 6 hr post-dosing. Data suggest that plasma uric acid levels can be depressed in ethanol poults when allopurinol is administered every 8 hr at a dose of 40-50 mg/kg of body weight.  相似文献   
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