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How morphology changes with size can have profound effects on the life history and ecology of an animal. For apex predators that can impact higher level ecosystem processes, such changes may have consequences for other species. Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are an apex predator in tropical seas, and, as adults, are highly migratory. However, little is known about ontogenetic changes in their body form, especially in relation to two aspects of shape that influence locomotion (caudal fin) and feeding (head shape). We captured digital images of the heads and caudal fins of live tiger sharks from Southern Florida and the Bahamas ranging in body size (hence age), and quantified shape of each using elliptical Fourier analysis. This revealed changes in the shape of the head and caudal fin of tiger sharks across ontogeny. Smaller juvenile tiger sharks show an asymmetrical tail with the dorsal (upper) lobe being substantially larger than the ventral (lower) lobe, and transition to more symmetrical tail in larger adults, although the upper lobe remains relatively larger in adults. The heads of juvenile tiger sharks are more conical, which transition to relatively broader heads over ontogeny. We interpret these changes as a result of two ecological transitions. First, adult tiger sharks can undertake extensive migrations and a more symmetrical tail could be more efficient for swimming longer distances, although we did not test this possibility. Second, adult tiger sharks expand their diet to consume larger and more diverse prey with age (turtles, mammals, and elasmobranchs), which requires substantially greater bite area and force to process. In contrast, juvenile tiger sharks consume smaller prey, such as fishes, crustaceans, and invertebrates. Our data reveal significant morphological shifts in an apex predator, which could have effects for other species that tiger sharks consume and interact with. J. Morphol. 277:556–564, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Human placental alkaline RNAase inhibitor was purified to homogeneity. Activity was measured after each purification step. The final identification of the purified protein was done by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by immunoblotting. Antibodies were prepared by immunization of rabbits with the highly purified inhibitor. The availability of the antiserum directed against the human inhibitor enabled the detection of RNAase inhibitor from various other organs and species. This procedure has the advantage over the usual activity test in that the inhibitor can be found even if its activity has been lost.  相似文献   
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are activated by a plethora of stimuli. The literature is filled with papers describing the activation of different MAPKs by almost any stimulus or insult imaginable to cells. In this review, we use signal transduction wiring diagrams to illustrate putative upstream regulators for the MAPK kinase kinases, MEKK1, 2, and 3. Targeted gene disruption of MEKK1, 2, or 3 defined phenotypes for each MEKK associated with loss of specific MAPK regulation. Genetic analysis of MEKK function clearly defines specific components of the wiring diagram that require MEKK1, 2, or 3 for physiological responses. We propose that signal transduction network wiring diagrams are valuable tools for hypothesis building and filtering physiologically relevant phenotypic responses from less connected protein relations in the regulation of MAPK pathways.  相似文献   
Prey capture rate (number of prey s−1) and the mode of feeding of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were studied by performing foraging experiments with two sizes (1·1 and 1·8 mm) of Daphnia longispina prey. Arctic charr were particulate feeders at all densities tested. Adjusted for the effect of prey density, the capture rate showed a hump-shaped relationship with Arctic charr size for both sizes of D. longispina . Estimated attack rates ( a ) also tended to show a hump-shaped relationship with fish size. The estimated size-scaling exponent of the attack rate function, however, was relatively small, implying small changes in attack rate over fish sizes. Simultaneous estimations of a and handling time were used in combination with published data on fish metabolism and dry mass rations of prey to estimate maintenance resource density of prey as a function of Arctic charr mass. Maintenance resource densities increased monotonically with Arctic charr size, and rapidly as optimum fish size relative to attack rate on prey was passed.  相似文献   
The host specificity of Gyrodaclylus Solaris is examined experimentally with respect to its ability to infect the brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis . The parasite readily attached to and reproduced on parr of this host and infections grew for c. 20 days from first monitoring (c. 30 days from first infection) before declining. Parasites could persist on this host for up to 70 days before finally disappearing. The pattern of infection resembled that seen in many other gyrodactylid species on their normal hosts, and suggested the action of a host response, In this respect infections of G. salaris on parr of S. fontinalis , anadromous Salvelinus alpinus, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Thymallus thymallus and Baltic Salmo salar follow a normal pattern, while infections of Norwegian S. salar are unusual in a continued unchecked growth, until the host dies, under pooled laboratory conditions.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies were prepared to localize the domain(s) of laminin to which tumor cells adhere. Rat Y3-Ag 1.2.3 myeloma cells were fused with spleen cells from a rat immunized with a purified 440-kDa fragment of chymotrypsin-digested laminin. Three monoclonal antibodies (AL-1 to AL-3) that bound to intact laminin in a solid-phase radioimmunoassay were chosen for further analysis. The epitopes recognized by these antibodies were characterized by radioimmunoassays, immunoblotting, radioimmunoprecipitation, and immunoaffinity chromatography. In cell adhesion assays, monoclonal antibody AL-2 inhibited the binding of the highly metastatic melanoma cell line, K-1735-M4, to both intact laminin and the 440-kDa fragment of laminin. Electron microscopic examination of laminin-monoclonal antibody interactions showed that monoclonal antibody AL-2 reacted with the long arm of laminin directly below the cross-region. Two monoclonal antibodies that failed to inhibit tumor cell adhesion to laminin reacted with epitopes on the lateral short arms or cross-region of laminin as seen by electron microscopy. These results suggest that a new tumor cell binding domain of laminin may be located close to the cross-region on the long arm of laminin.  相似文献   
The LA/N rat is one of two congenic strains bred from the original obese, hyperphagic and hypertensive rats of Koletsky. With the exception of hypertension the LA/N strain, when homozygous for the corpulent gene, is phenotypically similar to the parent Koletsky strain and prone to the development of vascular and myocardial lesions. Here we report a detailed analysis of the serum lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins B, E and A-I levels in young adult homozygous corpulent (cp/cp) rats of both sexes and in lean males of the same age which were demonstrable non-carriers (+/+) of the cp gene. Both male and female cp/cp rats were hypertriglyceridemic (282-512 mg/100 ml) and moderately hypercholesterolemic (74-84 mg/100 ml). Elevations in these lipids reflected the presence of large (622 A), triacylglycerol-rich and apoprotein-poor VLDL containing both apolipoproteins Bh and B1 and increased phospholipid-rich HDL. Similar, but less pronounced, elevations in serum apolipoproteins B and E in the cp/cp rats when compared to the +/+ animals were also noted. Apolipoproteins A-I levels were 2.7-3-fold higher in cp/cp rats. The levels of VLDL were significantly higher in female cp/cp rats; however, the levels of IDL (intermediate-density lipoproteins), LDL and HDL were significantly lower than in the more atherosclerosis prone male cp/cp rats. Similarly, apolipoprotein A-I was higher and apolipoprotein B lower in the male cp/cp than in the female cp/cp rats. The LDL (d = 1.030-1.063 g/ml) in cp/cp rats, like that in normal animals, was heterogeneous and contained apolipoproteins Bh, E, A-I and C. This fraction was significantly elevated in male cp/cp rats when compared to females but still represented less than 13% of the total serum cholesterol and less than 6% of the total serum lipids in 3-month-old cp/cp animals. The ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids was significantly lower for all lipoproteins in cp/cp rats when compared to +/+ males and these ratios for female cp/cp rats were in all cases lower than those of male cp/cp animals.  相似文献   
We have shown, in a preliminary report, that macrophages can induce strand breaks in the DNA of co-cultured tumor cells (Chong et al., 1988). The present study is designed to determine if oxygen-centered species generated by the cell-free enzyme-substrate combination of hypoxanthine and xanthine oxidase can induce similar lesions and to identify the specific mediator(s). We report that co-incubation of murine mammary tumor cell lines with hypoxanthine and xanthine oxidase leads to the induction of DNA-strand breaks as determined by fluorescence analysis of DNA unwinding (FADU) assay or alkaline elution techniques. This damage is preventable by catalase which removes hydrogen peroxide but no protection is provided by agents to remove or prevent the formation of superoxide anion (superoxide dismutase), or hydroxyl radical (mannitol or the iron chelator o-phenanthroline). Likewise, cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase inhibitors of arachidonate metabolism (indomethacin, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, caffeic acid) or bromophenacyl bromide do not alter the degree of DNA scission. Treatment with higher doses of oxygen species leads to significant toxicity as determined by evaluation of cell growth potential or colony-forming ability. Again, toxicity is prevented only by the presence of catalase. Tumor cells are able to rejoin strand breaks at lower, less toxic doses. When comparing different tumor cell subpopulations at various stages of progression, i.e., metastatic vs. nonmetastatic, for sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide-induced strand breakage, we found that at lower concentrations (less than 5μM) metastatic populations are sensitive whereas nonmetastatic populations exhibit no significant breakage. At higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, all lines were sensitive, suggesting that a lower threshold of sensitivity may exist for more progressed tumour cell lines.  相似文献   
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