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Phenotypic modulation of vascular myocytes is important for vascular development and adaptation. A characteristic feature of this process is alteration in intracellular Ca(2+) handling, which is not completely understood. We studied mechanisms involved in functional changes of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3))- and ryanodine (Ry)-sensitive Ca(2+) stores, store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE), and receptor-operated Ca(2+) entry (ROCE) associated with arterial myocyte modulation from a contractile to a proliferative phenotype in culture. Proliferating, cultured myocytes from rat mesenteric artery have elevated resting cytosolic Ca(2+) levels and increased IP(3)-sensitive Ca(2+) store content. ATP- and cyclopiazonic acid [CPA; a sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) inhibitor]-induced Ca(2+) transients in Ca(2+)-free medium are significantly larger in proliferating arterial smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) than in freshly dissociated myocytes, whereas caffeine (Caf)-induced Ca(2+) release is much smaller. Moreover, the Caf/Ry-sensitive store gradually loses sensitivity to Caf activation during cell culture. These changes can be explained by increased expression of all three IP(3) receptors and a switch from Ry receptor type II to type III expression during proliferation. SOCE, activated by depletion of the IP(3)/CPA-sensitive store, is greatly increased in proliferating ASMCs. Augmented SOCE and ROCE (activated by the diacylglycerol analog 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol) in proliferating myocytes can be attributed to upregulated expression of, respectively, transient receptor potential proteins TRPC1/4/5 and TRPC3/6. Moreover, stromal interacting molecule 1 (STIM1) and Orai proteins are upregulated in proliferating cells. Increased expression of IP(3) receptors, SERCA2b, TRPCs, Orai(s), and STIM1 in proliferating ASMCs suggests that these proteins play a critical role in an altered Ca(2+) handling that occurs during vascular growth and remodeling.  相似文献   
A new plasmid for the overexpression of His-tagged thermozymes in Thermus thermophilus was developed. With this plasmid, soluble and active histidine-tagged DNA polymerase from T. thermophilus was overproduced in larger amounts in the thermophile than in Escherichia coli. The protein purified from the thermophile was active in PCR.  相似文献   
The main obstacle to genetic engineering of fruit tree species is the regeneration of transformed plantlets. Transformation events in peach (Prunus persica L.) have been reported using particle bombardment or Agrobacteriummediated transformation of immature embryos. However, the regeneration of plants from transgenic tissues is still difficult and the recovery of non-chimeric plants has not been reported to date. In this paper we describe an efficient, reliable transformation and regeneration system to produce transgenic peach plants using embryo sections of mature seeds as starting material. This represents an important advantage due to the availability of such material throughout the year. A. tumefaciens strain C58 (pMP90) containing the binary plasmid pBin19 was used as vector system for transformation. We used the Nospro-nptII-Noster cassette as a selectable marker and the CaMV35Spro-sgfp-CaMV35Ster cassette as a vital reporter gene coding for an improved version of the green fluorescent protein (sGFP). In vitro cultured embryo sections were Agrobacterium-cocultivated and, after selection, transgenic shoots were regenerated. Shoots that survived exhibited high-level of sGFP expression mainly visible in the young leaves of the apex. In vivo monitoring of GFP expression permitted an early, rapid and easy discrimination of both transgenic and escape buds. After elimination of escapes, transgenic shoots were rooted in vitro and the recovered plantlets were screened using PCR amplification. Southern analysis confirmed stable genomic integration of the sgfp transgene. The high levels of GFP expression were also maintained in the second generation of transgenic peach plants.  相似文献   
Yessotoxin (YTX) is a polycyclic ether toxin produced by phytoplanktonic microalgae from the group of dinoflagellates. It has been shown that YTX increases the 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) activity and that there is a binding between these proteins and the toxin. Fluorescence polarization (FP) is a spectroscopic technique that can be used to study the interactions between molecules. It is based on exciting a fluorescent molecule with plane-polarized light and measuring the polarization degree of the emitted light. In this study, the FP is applied to the study of the interaction between YTX and phosphodiesterases I and II (PDE I and II). The phosphodiesterases are labeled with a reactive succinimidyl esther of carboxyfluorescein, and the FP of the protein-dye conjugate is measured when the YTX concentration in the medium increases. The results show that in both cases the fluorescence polarization of the conjugates decreases when they bind to YTX. For the PDE I, it is possible to draw a Gaussian curve or a straight line that relates the two variables (FP and YTX concentration). The concentration of this toxin in a spiked mussel extract (which contains the conjugate) can be quantified measuring its FP and using the equations of those lines. Different extraction methods are tried in this study, and those that can be used to obtain an appropriate mussel extract to be quantified with this technique are determined.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hal3 is a conserved protein that binds the carboxyl-terminal catalytic domain of the PP1c (protein phosphatase 1)-related phosphatase Ppz1 and potently inhibits its activity, thus modulating all of the characterized functions so far of the phosphatase. It is unknown how Hal3 binds to Ppz1 and inhibits its activity. Although it contains a putative protein phosphatase 1c binding-like sequence (263KLHVLF268), mutagenesis analysis suggests that this motif is not required for Ppz1 binding and inhibition. The mutation of the conserved His378 (possibly involved in dehydrogenase catalytic activity) did not impair Hal3 functions or Ppz1 binding. Random mutagenesis of the 228 residue-conserved central region of Hal3 followed by a loss-of-function screen allowed the identification of nine residues important for Ppz1-related Hal3 functions. Seven of these residues cluster in a relatively small region spanning from amino acid 446 to 480. Several mutations affected Ppz1 binding and inhibition in vitro, whereas changes in Glu460 and Val462 did not alter binding but resulted in Hal3 versions unable to inhibit the phosphatase. Therefore, there are independent Hal3 structural elements required for Ppz1 binding and inhibition. S. cerevisiae encodes a protein (Vhs3) structurally related to Hal3. Recent evidence suggests that both mutations are synthetically lethal. Surprisingly, versions of Hal3 carrying mutations that strongly affected Ppz1 binding or inhibitory capacity were able to complement lethality. In contrast, the mutation of His378 did not. This finding suggests that Hal3 may have both Ppz1-dependent and independent functions involving different structural elements.  相似文献   
The inhibition of viral hemorrhagic septicemia rhabdovirus (VHSV) in vitro infection by pHs of <7 (low pH) has been previously reported. Nevertheless, the details of the mechanism underlying this effect remain obscure. We present evidence showing that low-pH inhibition occurs during a viral postadsorption step. Thus, while VHSV bound, replicated within single cells, and presented its G protein on the membranes of infected cells at both low and physiological pHs, both cell-to-cell spreading of infection (as estimated by the appearance of foci of infected cells) and fusion (as estimated by a syncytium assay) were inhibited by this low pH. The decreased VHSV titers and the inhibition of both cell-to-cell spreading of infection and fusion could be reversed by adjusting the pH to 7.5 at any time during infection. This effect should be taken into account to avoid false negatives in the diagnosis of VHSV by cell culture. On the other hand, the cell-to-cell spreading of infection at pH 7.5 could be stopped at any time by reducing the pH to 6.5. Since at low pH there were changes in the protein G conformation and smaller and imbalanced amounts of N with respect to M1, M2, and G viral proteins, alterations of the assembly and/or budding of VHSV are most probably involved in the absence of newly released infective virions.  相似文献   
The surface of hydrated cells of Staphylococcus epidermidis has been probed using an atomic force microscope. While local force measurements over the surface of bacteria reveal a heterogeneous chemical surface, with heterogeneous mechanical properties, different kinds of force curves appear with high frequency, and are thought to provide information on features contributing strongly to the overall mechanical and surface behaviour of the cell. Force curves often present two different mechanical regimes, being the first one (outer) of about 48 nm thick, and presenting a local relative elasticity of about 0.08 N/m, which is about a third of the relative elasticity of the inner part of the cell wall, harder, with a relative elasticity of about 0.24 N/m, in water. Both regimes appears as straight lines in the force versus distance curves (the ‘corresponding’ stress–strain curves in contact mechanics), but hysteresis is observed between the approach and the retraction line in the inner regime, indicating a degree of viscoelasticity. No viscoelasticity is observed in the outer regime, however, which presents quite linear and juxtaposed approach-retraction lines. These kinds of force curves do not present measurable pull-off forces nor snap-in forces, which indicates an almost null interaction between tip and bacterial surface, which could be in agreement with the measured very high hydrophobicity of this strain. Another kind of force curve has been observed recurrently, showing peaks in the retraction curves. Adhesive pull-off forces were measured giving an average of about 2 nN. Interestingly, however, these force curves appear only when quite irregular and wavy retraction curves are present, from the very beginning of its trace (maximum indentation). This leads us to think that these pull-off forces measured by our AFM do not give information on surface forces-unbinding events at the surface of the bacteria, but could be related to events at the sub-surface of the cell surface. Oscillations seen in the retraction curve in the portion corresponding to the contact with the bacteria surface could be due to rupture phenomena within the multilayered cell wall architecture expected in Gram-positive bacteria as Staphylococcus epidermidis, which could result in local irreversible deformations of the cell surface. Imaging with a sharp tip in contact mode sometimes leads to surface damage. Force curves recorded over damaged parts of the cell surface showed a completely different behaviour, in many cases with two well-defined high-adhesion peaks, and also interestingly, with snap-in forces of about 0–2 nN, which seems to indicate a completely different electrical/hydrophobicity state only a few nanometers down from the surface. Similar indentation effects can occur in the contact of a bacterial cell with a solid surface, even when showing only atomic-molecular-scale roughness, thus interacting not only with the very surface of the cell, especially when soft layers are present in the outer. Our results highlight the importance of the cell surface mechanical properties and their interplay with purely surface properties when analyzing cell–material interaction, and show the AFM as a useful method for investigating this.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Interleukin-18 (IL-18) is a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine with potential atherogenic properties whose role in human obesity has been recently suggested. The aim of our study was to analyze the physiologic distribution of IL-18 among sexes and all decades of the adult life in a healthy population randomly selected and to study its relationship with anthropometric, body composition measurements and leptin concentrations. We also studied the relationship of IL-18 with smoking and arterial hypertension, known risk factors implicated in atherogenesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and thirty four men and 127 healthy women were included in the study. Plasma concentrations of IL-18 and leptin were determined in all subjects. Body composition was evaluated by bioelectrical impedanciometry. RESULTS: IL-18 was distributed similarly in men and women and throughout decades. No significant differences were found in IL-18 between obese and normal-weight men and women according to their body mass index and body fat content. Higher IL-18 concentrations were found in subjects with arterial hypertension. In the bivariate correlation analysis only waist to hip ratio correlated weakly with IL-18 in the whole population (r=0.12, p=0.04). In the multiple regression analysis the relationship between IL-18 and waist to hip ratio lost significance after adjusting for age, sex and body mass index. However, IL-18 remained associated with arterial hypertension (adjusted r2=0.25, p=0.023). CONCLUSIONS: The lack of correlation between IL-18 with anthropometric, body composition variables and leptin in our healthy population argues against a role of this cytokine in obesity. Moreover, our findings suggest the implication of this interleukin in the atherogenic process induced by arterial hypertension.  相似文献   
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