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BACKGROUND: The multiparameter fluorometric analysis of intact and fixed cells often requires the use of a nuclear DNA discrimination signal with spectral separation from visible range fluorochromes. We have developed a novel deep red fluorescing bisalkylaminoanthraquinone, DRAQ5 (Ex(lambdamax) 646 nm; Em(lambdamax) 681 nm; Em(lambdarange) 665->800 nm), with high affinity for DNA and a high capacity to enter living cells. We describe here the spectral characteristics and applications of this synthetic compound, particularly in relation to cytometric analysis of the cell cycle. METHODS: Cultured human tumor cells were examined for the ability to nuclear locate DRAQ5 using single and multiphoton laser scanning microscopy (LSM) and multiparameter flow cytometry. RESULTS: Multiparameter flow cytometry shows that the dye can rapidly report the cellular DNA content of live and fixed cells at a resolution level adequate for cell cycle analysis and the cycle-specific expression of cellular proteins (e.g., cyclin B1). The preferential excitation of DRAQ5 by laser red lines (633/647 nm) was found to offer a means of fluorescence signal discrimination by selective excitation, with greatly reduced emission overlap with UV-excitable and visible range fluophors as compared with propidium iodide. LSM reveals nuclear architecture and clearly defines chromosomal elements in live cells. DRAQ5 was found to permit multiphoton imaging of nuclei using a 1,047-nm emitting mode-locked YLF laser. The unusual spectral properties of DRAQ5 also permit live cell DNA analysis using conventional 488 nm excitation and the single-photon imaging of nuclear fluorescence using laser excitation between 488 nm and low infrared (IR; 780 nm) wavelengths. Single and multiphoton microscopy studies revealed the ability of DRAQ5 to report three-dimensional nuclear structure and location in live cells expressing endoplasmic reticulum targeted-GFP, MitoTracker-stained mitochondria, or a vital cell probe for free zinc (Zinquin). CONCLUSION: The fluorescence excitation and emission characteristics of DRAQ5 in living and fixed cells permit the incorporation of the measurement of cellular DNA content into a variety of multiparameter cytometric analyses.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to provide material property data for the cement/bone composite resulting from the introduction of PMMA bone cement into human vertebral bodies. A series of quasistatic tensile and compressive mechanical tests were conducted using cement/bone composite structures machined from cement-infiltrated vertebral bodies. Experiments were performed both at room temperature and at body temperature. We found that the modulus of the composite structures was lower than bulk cement (p<0.0001). For compression at 37( composite function)C: composite =2.3+/-0.5GPa, cement =3.1+/-0.2GPa; at 23( composite function)C: composite =3.0+/-0.3GPa, cement =3.4+/-0.2GPa. Specimens tested at room temperature were stiffer than those tested at body temperature (p=0.0004). Yield and ultimate strength factors for the composite were all diminished (55-87%) when compared to cement properties. In general, computational models have assumed that cement/bone composite had the same modulus as cement. The results of this study suggest that computational models of cement infiltrated vertebrae and cemented arthroplasties could be improved by specifying different material properties for cement and cement/bone composite.  相似文献   
Dwarfing of fruit trees is often achieved through the use of dwarfing rootstocks. Dwarf trees are characterized by sustained reductions in vegetative growth during the lifetime of the tree. The dwarfing mechanism is not well understood, but it has been hypothesized that hydraulic properties of the rootstock and the graft union are involved. It is hypothesized here that leaf- or stem-specific resistance of at least one hydraulic component of the water transport system would be negatively correlated with rootstock 'vigour', and this could be useful for selection of rootstocks. Hydraulic resistance (R) of fully grown apple trees on a variety of rootstocks of different 'vigours' was measured. Most measurements were with the evaporative flux (EF) method, where water uptake measured with sap flow sensors was related to the pressure gradient from soil (taken as pre-dawn leaf) and midday root (taken as covered root-sucker), stem (from covered leaf), and exposed and shaded leaf water potentials (Psi(l)). R of trees on dwarfing M9 rootstock was compared with that of more vigorous MM106 and MM111 rootstocks in Israel and Vermont, USA. In Israel, M9 consistently had higher leaf-specific hydraulic resistance (R(l)) in the soil to scion stem pathway, but this difference was only significant for one summer. R was larger in M9 between the root and stem, implicating the graft union as the site of increased resistance. In Vermont, R(l) of 9- and 10-year-old trees on six rootstocks of various vigours was not consistently related to vigour, and stem-specific resistance (R(s)) increased with increasing vigour. High pressure flow meter (HPFM) measurements gave a lower R than the EF method in all but one case, perhaps indicating a significant amount of xylem dysfunction in these trees, and demonstrated the increased resistivity of stem sections that included dwarf graft unions as compared with non-graft stem sections. It is concluded that stem- and leaf-specific R are not consistently positively correlated with dwarfing, although the increased resistivity of the graft union in dwarfing rootstocks may influence the transport of water and other elements across the graft union, and therefore be involved in the dwarfing mechanism.  相似文献   
Interaction of tau protein with the dynactin complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tau is an axonal microtubule-associated protein involved in microtubule assembly and stabilization. Mutations in Tau cause frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), and tau aggregates are present in Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies. The mechanisms leading from tau dysfunction to neurodegeneration are still debated. The dynein-activator complex dynactin has an essential role in axonal transport and mutations in its gene are associated with lower motor neuron disease. We show here for the first time that the N-terminal projection domain of tau binds to the C-terminus of the p150 subunit of the dynactin complex. Tau and dynactin show extensive colocalization, and the attachment of the dynactin complex to microtubules is enhanced by tau. Mutations of a conserved arginine residue in the N-terminus of tau, found in patients with FTDP-17, affect its binding to dynactin, which is abnormally distributed in the retinal ganglion cell axons of transgenic mice expressing human tau with a mutation in the microtubule-binding domain. These findings, which suggest a direct involvement of tau in axonal transport, have implications for understanding the pathogenesis of tauopathies.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: To what extent is activity of individual neurons coupled to the local field potential (LFP) and to blood-oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)? This issue is of high significance for understanding brain function and for relating animal studies to fMRI, yet it is still under debate. RESULTS: Here we report data from simultaneous recordings of isolated unit activity and LFP by using multiple electrodes in the human auditory cortex. We found a wide range of coupling levels between the activity of individual neurons and gamma LFP. However, this large variability could be predominantly explained (r = 0.66) by the degree of firing-rate correlations between neighboring neurons. Importantly, this phenomenon occurred during both sensory stimulation and spontaneous activity. Concerning the coupling of neuronal activity to BOLD fMRI, we found that gamma LFP was well coupled to BOLD measured across different individuals (r = 0.62). By contrast, the coupling of single units to BOLD was highly variable and, again, tightly related to interneuronal-firing-rate correlations (r = 0.70). CONCLUSIONS: Our results offer a resolution to a central controversy regarding the coupling between neurons, LFP, and BOLD signals by demonstrating, for the first time, that the coupling of single units to the other measures is variable yet it is tightly related to the degree of interneuronal correlations in the human auditory cortex.  相似文献   
1. This project seeks to identify determinants of the variation observed in the foraging behavior of predatory animals, especially in moonlight, using a lizard as a model. 2. Moonlight generally enhances the foraging efficiency of nocturnal visual predators and often depresses the locomotor activity of prey animals. Previous evidence has indicated for three different nocturnal species of smallish gecko lizards that they respond to moonlight by increasing their activity. 3. In this study some aspects of the foraging activity of the somewhat larger nocturnal psammophilous Teratoscincus scincus, observed near Repetek and Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, were significantly depressed by moonlight, while several confounding factors (sex, maturity, size, sand temperature, hour, prior handling and observer effect) were taken into account. 4. This behavioral difference may relate to the eye size of the various species. 5. Additionally, a novel method of analyzing foraging behavior shows that in this species the duration of moves increases the duration of subsequent stationary pauses. Measurement of locomotor speed, yielding an average speed of 220% of the maximum aerobic speed, indicates a need for these pauses. Secondarily, pause duration decreases the duration of subsequent moves, precluding escalation of move duration. 6. The results of this and related projects advocate the taking into account of physiological and environmental factors that may affect an animal's foraging behavior.  相似文献   
Technological developments allow increasing numbers of markers to be deployed in case-control studies searching for genetic factors that influence disease susceptibility. However, with vast numbers of markers, true 'hits' may become lost in a sea of false positives. This problem may be particularly acute for infectious diseases, where the control group may contain unexposed individuals with susceptible genotypes. To explore this effect, we used a series of stochastic simulations to model a scenario based loosely on bovine tuberculosis. We find that a candidate gene approach tends to have greater statistical power than studies that use large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genome-wide association tests, almost regardless of the number of SNPs deployed. Both approaches struggle to detect genetic effects when these are either weak or if an appreciable proportion of individuals are unexposed to the disease when modest sample sizes (250 each of cases and controls) are used, but these issues are largely mitigated if sample sizes can be increased to 2000 or more of each class. We conclude that the power of any genotype-phenotype association test will be improved if the sampling strategy takes account of exposure heterogeneity, though this is not necessarily easy to do.  相似文献   
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