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Silverleaf whitefly stress impairs sugar export from cotton source leaves   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Silverleaf whitefly (SLW), Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring, is one of the most noxious pests of numerous field and vegetable crops, causing billions of dollars worth of damage throughout the world. SLW is a phloem feeder whose feeding is likely to interfere with phloem transport. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that SLW infestation impairs carbohydrate export from source leaves, and consequently increases their carbohydrate content. The youngest fully expanded leaves of cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L., cv. Siv'on), grown under SLW-infested and noninfested conditions, were characterized for their diurnal changes in carbohydrate content and photoassimilate export. SLW infestation induced a considerable reduction in net photosynthetic rate (Pn), coupled with increased sucrose, glucose and fructose and decreased starch concentrations. Export rate was determined after 14 CO2 pulse-labeling both by in situ monitoring of leaf radioactivity and by analyzing the content and radioactivity of the major carbon metabolites. Radioactive counting indicated a lower rate of 14 C efflux for the infested plants. A similar trend was found for the specific activities of sucrose and the three soluble sugars combined (sucrose, glucose and fructose). A single exponential decay function with asymptote was fitted to the above efflux curves. All the calculated exponential coefficients demonstrated lower export rates after SLW injury. These results indicate that SLW impairs photoassimilate export, suggesting possible down-regulation of Pn due to increased foliar soluble sugar contents.  相似文献   
Summary Natural 2-heptanone is a key component of various dairy flavours. The production of this compound from octanoic acid by Fusarium poae is described in this paper. The yield of the fermentation can be considerably increased by stripping the product from the outlet gas by adsorption on an Amberlite XAD-4 column.Offprint requests to: P. H. van der Schaft  相似文献   
One of the major challenges that developing organs face is scaling, that is, the adjustment of physical proportions during the massive increase in size. Although organ scaling is fundamental for development and function, little is known about the mechanisms that regulate it. Bone superstructures are projections that typically serve for tendon and ligament insertion or articulation and, therefore, their position along the bone is crucial for musculoskeletal functionality. As bones are rigid structures that elongate only from their ends, it is unclear how superstructure positions are regulated during growth to end up in the right locations. Here, we document the process of longitudinal scaling in developing mouse long bones and uncover the mechanism that regulates it. To that end, we performed a computational analysis of hundreds of three-dimensional micro-CT images, using a newly developed method for recovering the morphogenetic sequence of developing bones. Strikingly, analysis revealed that the relative position of all superstructures along the bone is highly preserved during more than a 5-fold increase in length, indicating isometric scaling. It has been suggested that during development, bone superstructures are continuously reconstructed and relocated along the shaft, a process known as drift. Surprisingly, our results showed that most superstructures did not drift at all. Instead, we identified a novel mechanism for bone scaling, whereby each bone exhibits a specific and unique balance between proximal and distal growth rates, which accurately maintains the relative position of its superstructures. Moreover, we show mathematically that this mechanism minimizes the cumulative drift of all superstructures, thereby optimizing the scaling process. Our study reveals a general mechanism for the scaling of developing bones. More broadly, these findings suggest an evolutionary mechanism that facilitates variability in bone morphology by controlling the activity of individual epiphyseal plates.  相似文献   
Importin-β is the main vector for interphase nuclear protein import and plays roles after nuclear envelope breakdown. Here we show that importin-β regulates multiple aspects of mitosis via distinct domains that interact with different classes of proteins in human cells. The C-terminal region (which binds importin-α) inhibits mitotic spindle pole formation. The central region (harboring nucleoporin-binding sites) regulates microtubule dynamic functions and interaction with kinetochores. Importin-β interacts through this region with NUP358/RANBP2, which in turn binds SUMO-conjugated RANGAP1 in nuclear pores. We show that this interaction continues after nuclear pore disassembly. Overexpression of importin-β, or of the nucleoporin-binding region, inhibited RANGAP1 recruitment to mitotic kinetochores, an event that is known to require microtubule attachment and the exportin CRM1. Co-expressing either importin-β-interacting RANBP2 fragments, or CRM1, restored RANGAP1 to kinetochores and rescued importin-β-dependent mitotic dynamic defects. These results reveal previously unrecognized importin-β functions at kinetochores exerted via RANBP2 and opposed by CRM1.  相似文献   
Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) can provide high-resolution three-dimensional surface imaging of many biological structures, including nuclear envelopes and nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). For this purpose, it is important to preserve NPCs as close as possible to their native morphology, embedded in undamaged nuclear membranes. We present optimized methodologies for FESEM imaging in a cell-free reconstitution system and for the direct visualization of mammalian cell nuclei. The use of anchored chromatin templates in the cell-free system is particularly advantageous for imaging fragile intermediates inhibited at early stages of assembly. Our new method for exposing the surface of mammalian nuclei results in an unprecedented quality of NPC images, avoiding detergent-induced and physical damage. These new methodologies pave the way for the combined use of FESEM imaging with biochemical and genetic manipulation, in cell-free systems and in mammalian cells.  相似文献   
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber, a swollen underground stem, is used as a model system for the study of dormancy release and sprouting. Natural dormancy release, at room temperature, is initiated by tuber apical bud meristem (TAB-meristem) sprouting characterized by apical dominance (AD). Dormancy is shortened by treatments such as bromoethane (BE), which mimics the phenotype of dormancy release in cold storage by inducing early sprouting of several buds simultaneously. We studied the mechanisms governing TAB-meristem dominance release. TAB-meristem decapitation resulted in the development of increasing numbers of axillary buds with time in storage, suggesting the need for autonomous dormancy release of each bud prior to control by the apical bud. Hallmarks of programmed cell death (PCD) were identified in the TAB-meristems during normal growth, and these were more extensive when AD was lost following either extended cold storage or BE treatment. Hallmarks included DNA fragmentation, induced gene expression of vacuolar processing enzyme1 (VPE1), and elevated VPE activity. VPE1 protein was semipurified from BE-treated apical buds, and its endogenous activity was fully inhibited by a cysteinyl aspartate-specific protease-1-specific inhibitor N-Acetyl-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-CHO (Ac-YVAD-CHO). Transmission electron microscopy further revealed PCD-related structural alterations in the TAB-meristem of BE-treated tubers: a knob-like body in the vacuole, development of cytoplasmic vesicles, and budding-like nuclear segmentations. Treatment of tubers with BE and then VPE inhibitor induced faster growth and recovered AD in detached and nondetached apical buds, respectively. We hypothesize that PCD occurrence is associated with the weakening of tuber AD, allowing early sprouting of mature lateral buds.  相似文献   
Molecular control mechanisms for abiotic stress tolerance are based on the activation and regulation of specific stress-related genes. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) is a key endogenous messenger in a plant’s response to such stresses. A novel ABA binding mechanism which plays a key role in plant cell signaling cascades has recently been uncovered. In the absence of ABA, a type 2C protein phosphatase (PP2C) interacts and inhibits the kinase SnRK2. Binding of ABA to the PYR/PYLs receptors enables interaction between the ABA receptor and the PP2C protein, and abrogates the SnRK2 inactivation. The active SnRK2 is then free to activate the ABA-responsive element Binding Factors which target ABA-dependent gene expression. We used the grape as a model to study the ABA perception mechanism in fruit trees. The grape ABA signaling cascade consists of at least seven ABA receptors and six PP2Cs. We used a yeast two-hybrid system to examine physical interaction in vitro between the grape ABA receptors and their interacting partners, and found that twenty-two receptor-PP2C interactions can occur. Moreover, quantifying these affinities by the use of the LacZ reporter enables us to show that VvPP2C4 and VvPP2C9 are the major binding partners of the ABA receptor. We also tested in vivo the root and leaf gene expression of the various ABA receptors and PP2Cs in the presence of exogenic ABA and under different abiotic stresses such as high salt concentration, cold and drought, and found that many of these genes are regulated by such abiotic environmental factors. Our results indicate organ specificity in the ABA receptor genes and stress specificity in the VvPP2Cs. We suggest that VvPP2C4 is the major PP2C involved in ABA perception in leaves and roots, and VvRCAR6 and VvRCAR5 respectively, are the major receptors involved in ABA perception in these organs. Identification, characterization and manipulation of the central players in the ABA signaling cascades in fruit trees is likely to prove essential for improving their performance in the future.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Isolated aldosterone biosynthesis defect causing congenital hyperreninemic hypoaldosteronism with otherwise normal adrenal function usually results from aldosterone synthase deficiency. Patients present with manifestations of mineralocorticoid deficiency during the first weeks of life. The largest numbers of cases have been described in Iranian Jews, who carried concomitantly two homozygous missense mutations (R181W and V386A). In a few cases with presumed aldosterone synthase deficiency no mutations in CYP11B2 gene have been identified. We describe a molecular and endocrine evaluation of seven cases of congenital hyperreninemic hypoaldosteronism in Israel. PATIENTS/METHODS: Two of the six Jewish patients are of Iranian origin. The parents of five other patients originated from Yemen, Syria and Morocco. One patient is a Muslim-Arab. CYP11B2's exons, exon-intron boundaries and promoter region were sequenced by multiple PCR amplifications. Gene size determination was performed either by long-range PCR or by Southern blot analysis. RESULTS: Only two patients (Iranian Jews) carried a known homozygous R181W, V386A mutations, other two were compound heterozygotes for either the R181W or V386A and one additional novel amino acid substitution (A319V or D335G), and one patient was found to be a carrier of the two novel variations (A319V and D335G). We could not find a molecular defect in 2 patients: one was a carrier of the D335G mutation and the other had no detectable molecular change in the coding and promoter regions. CONCLUSION: The genetic and molecular basis of congenital hyperreninemic hypoaldosteronism is more heterogeneous than previously described. The significance of amino acid substitutions identified in this study remains to be determined.  相似文献   
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