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In the present study, two groups of pregnant female rats were submitted to food restriction (24 h fast versus 24 h diet intake) from the 14th day of pregnancy until either the 14th day (group B) or the 4th day after parturition (group C). All pups and their mothers were sacrificed on day 14 after delivery. The body weight of the 14-day-old pups (group B) was 46% less than the controls (group A). Free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine levels in the plasma were reduced by 44 and 16% in pups and by 20 and 36% in their mothers, respectively. These reductions were correlated with a decrease in thyroid iodine content of the pups (-50%) and their mothers (-24%). Radioiodine uptake (131I) by the thyroid gland of pups was significantly increased by 27%. Plasma TSH levels were decreased by 38% in pups and by 44% in dams. Morphological changes in thyroid glands were observed in energy restricted dams and in their pups. Some of follicles in pups were empty. Moroever in dams, we noted the presence of peripheral resorbed vacuoles, sign of thyroid hyperactivity. After a refeeding (group C) period of ten days, total recovery occurred in plasma thyroid hormone levels (FT4 and FT3) and in thyroid iodine contents of pups in spite of a partial recovery of body weights and plasma TSH levels. In dams, a partial recovery occurred in plasma thyroid hormone levels in spite of total recovery in thyroid iodine contents, while plasma TSH levels exceeded control values. A significant amelioration in thyroid histological aspects was observed in pups and their dams.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are involved in neurodegenerative diseases associated with an enhancement of lipid peroxidation products such as 7β-hydroxycholesterol (7β-OHC). It is, therefore, important to study the ability of 7β-OHC to trigger mitochondrial defects, oxidative stress, metabolic dysfunctions and cell death, which are hallmarks of neurodegeneration, and to identify cytoprotective molecules. The effects of biotin were evaluated on 158N murine oligodendrocytes, which are myelin synthesizing cells, exposed to 7β-OHC (50?µM) with or without biotin (10 and 100?nM) or α-tocopherol (positive control of cytoprotection). The effects of biotin on 7β-OHC activities were determined using different criteria: cell adhesion; plasma membrane integrity; redox status. The impact on mitochondria was characterized by the measurement of transmembrane mitochondrial potential (ΔΨm), reactive oxygen species (ROS) overproduction, mitochondrial mass, quantification of cardiolipins and organic acids. Sterols and fatty acids were also quantified. Cell death (apoptosis, autophagy) was characterized by the enumeration of apoptotic cells, caspase-3 activation, identification of autophagic vesicles, and activation of LC3-I into LC3-II. Biotin attenuates 7β-OHC-induced cytotoxicity: loss of cell adhesion was reduced; antioxidant activities were normalized. ROS overproduction, protein and lipid oxidation products were decreased. Biotin partially restores mitochondrial functions: attenuation of the loss of ΔΨm; reduced levels of mitochondrial O2?? overproduction; normalization of cardiolipins and organic acid levels. Biotin also normalizes cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis, and prevents apoptosis and autophagy (oxiapoptophagy). Our data support that biotin, which prevents oligodendrocytes damages, could be useful in the treatment of neurodegeneration and demyelination.  相似文献   
Kinetic studies of X exchange on [AuX4] square-planar complexes (where X=Cl and CN) were performed at acidic pH in the case of chloride system and as a function of pH for the cyanide one. Chloride NMR study (330-365 K) gives a second-order rate law on [AuCl4] with the kinetic parameters: (k2Au,Cl)298=0.56±0.03 s−1 mol−1 kg; ΔH2‡ Au,Cl=65.1±1 kJ mol−1; ΔS2‡ Au,Cl=−31.3±3 J mol−1 K−1 and ΔV2 Au,Cl=−14±2 cm3 mol−1. The variable pressure data clearly indicate the operation of an Ia or A mechanism for this exchange pathway. The proton exchange on HCN was determined by 13C NMR as a function of pH and the rate constant of the three reaction pathways involving H2O, OH and CN were determined: k0HCN,H=113±17 s−1, k1HCN,H=(2.9±0.7)×109 s−1 mol−1 kg and k2HCN,H=(0.6±0.2)×106 s−1 mol−1 kg at 298.1 K. The rate law of the cyanide exchange on [Au(CN)4] was found to be second order with the following kinetic parameters: (k2Au,CN)298=6240±85 s−1 mol−1 kg, ΔH2 Au,CN=40.0±0.8 kJ mol−1, ΔS2 Au,CN=−37.8±3 J mol−1 K−1 and ΔV2 Au,CN=+2±1 cm3 mol−1. The rate constant observed varies about nine orders of magnitude depending on the pH and HCN does not act as a nucleophile. The observed rate constant of X exchange on [AuX4] are two or three orders of magnitude faster than the Pt(II) analogue.  相似文献   
IL-17F and IL-17A are members of the IL-17 pro-inflammatory cytokine family. IL-17A has been implicated in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. IL-17F is a disulfide-linked dimer that contains a cysteine-knot motif. We hypothesized that IL-17F and IL-17A could form a heterodimer due to their sequence homology and overlapping pattern of expression. We evaluated the structure of recombinant IL-17F and IL-17A proteins, as well as that of natural IL-17F and IL-17A derived from activated human CD4+ T cells, by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunoprecipitation followed by Western blotting, and mass spectrometry. We find that both IL-17F and IL-17A can form both homodimeric and heterodimeric proteins when expressed in a recombinant system, and that all forms of the recombinant proteins have in vitro functional activity. Furthermore, we find that in addition to the homodimers of IL-17F and IL-17A, activated human CD4+ T cells also produce the IL-17F/IL-17A heterodimer. These data suggest that the IL-17F/IL-17A heterodimer may contribute to the T cell-mediated immune responses.  相似文献   
A human therapeutic that specifically modulates skeletal muscle growth would potentially provide a benefit for a variety of conditions including sarcopenia, cachexia, and muscular dystrophy. Myostatin, a member of the TGF-beta family of growth factors, is a known negative regulator of muscle mass, as mice lacking the myostatin gene have increased muscle mass. Thus, an inhibitor of myostatin may be useful therapeutically as an anabolic agent for muscle. However, since myostatin is expressed in both developing and adult muscles, it is not clear whether it regulates muscle mass during development or in adults. In order to test the hypothesis that myostatin regulates muscle mass in adults, we generated an inhibitory antibody to myostatin and administered it to adult mice. Here we show that mice treated pharmacologically with an antibody to myostatin have increased skeletal muscle mass and increased grip strength. These data show for the first time that myostatin acts postnatally as a negative regulator of skeletal muscle growth and suggest that myostatin inhibitors could provide a therapeutic benefit in diseases for which muscle mass is limiting.  相似文献   
Insulin and hypertonicity each increase the content of GLUT4 glucose transporters at the surface of muscle cells. Insulin enhances GLUT4 exocytosis without diminishing its endocytosis. The insulin but not the hypertonicity response is reduced by tetanus neurotoxin, which cleaves vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)2 and VAMP3, and is rescued upon introducing tetanus neurotoxin-resistant VAMP2. Here, we show that hypertonicity enhances GLUT4 recycling, compounding its previously shown ability to reduce GLUT4 endocytosis. To examine whether the canonical soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) mechanism is required for the plasma membrane fusion of the tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive GLUT4 vesicles, L6 myoblasts stably expressing myc-tagged GLUT4 (GLUT4myc) were transiently transfected with dominant negative N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) (DN-NSF) or small-interfering RNA to tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive VAMP (TI-VAMP siRNA). Both strategies markedly reduced the basal level of surface GLUT4myc and the surface gain of GLUT4myc in response to hypertonicity. The insulin effect was abolished by DN-NSF, but only partly reduced by TI-VAMP siRNA. We propose that insulin and hypertonicity recruit GLUT4myc from partly overlapping, but distinct sources defined by VAMP2 and TI-VAMP, respectively.  相似文献   
Interactions of the TNF-related cell surface ligand CD70 with its receptor CD27 provide a costimulatory signal in B and T cell activation. Functional CD70-CD27 interactions could contribute to lymphoma and leukemia progression. This possibility was studied using DNA microarrays on a unique case of low-grade lymphoma/leukemia characterized by recurrent cycles of acute leukemic phase alternating with spontaneous remission. Upon induction of the acute phase expression of CD70 and CD27 in the leukemic cells increased 38- and 25-fold, respectively. Coexpression of membrane CD70 and CD27 on the leukemic (CD5+CD19+) cells was maximal 2-3 days following initiation of the attack. Soluble CD27 in the patient's serum was elevated during remission and further increased in the attack. Functional tests showed that neither anti-CD70 nor anti-CD27 Abs affect the rate of apoptosis. However, the anti-CD70 Ab specifically enhanced proliferation of the remission phase leukemic cells, whereas proliferation of the acute-phase counterparts that express higher level of membrane CD70 was unaffected. Hence, in this lymphoma/leukemia, membrane CD70 is presented on the leukemic cells in a responsive state during the remission and a nonresponsive state during the attack. Presumably, CD70 in its responsive state provides a costimulatory receptor for initiating the next acute phase while its nonresponsive state enables the remission.  相似文献   
The isoprenoids comprise an important group among the marine natural products which are mainly obtained from soft corals, sponges and algae. The cembranes, xenia metabolites from soft corals and rearranged spongans from sponges are examples of marine diterpenoids obtained directly from GeGePP or after remarkable changes. Biogenesis, suggested biosynthesis, based on the structure and mainly known terrestrial biosynthesis, is proposed for diterpenoids and higher isoprenoids. Examples include the sipholanes, sodwanones and other triterpenoids as well as antheliolide and the T. toxius phenylhexaprenoide metabolites of mixed biogenetic origin.  相似文献   
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