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The biogeochemical processes that drive nutrient transformations and recycling in organic marine sediment-water environments were studied for 17 months in a zero-effluent intensive recirculating culture system. The system consisted of a 10 m3 gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) tank coupled to aerobic and anaerobic water treatment elements. Nutrients and alkalinity were measured in the system to quantify the main biogeochemical processes. Fractions of the carbon fed in feed were found in fish (18.3%) and in sludge (11%); the missing carbon was respired by fish (45%) and by aerobic (8.4%) and anaerobic (7.7%) microorganisms. Fractions of the nitrogen fed in feed were found in fish (15.4%) and in sludge (14.3%); the missing nitrogen was eliminated by nitrification-denitrification. Most of the phosphorus and ash fed in feed and not found in fish accumulated within the sludge in the system. The rates of nitrification, denitrification and sulphate reduction increased with time, reaching 0.3 g N m− 2 d− 1, 53 g N m− 2 d− 1 and 145 g S m− 2 d− 1, respectively. Nitrification developed more rapidly than denitrification, leading at first to nitrate accumulation (to 20 mmol NO3 l− 1 by day 200) and a decrease in alkalinity. Once denitrification surpassed nitrification, nitrate concentrations decreased, eventually being reduced to < 0.3 mmol NO3 l− 1 by day 510, and alkalinity stabilized. Toxic hydrogen sulphide, generated within the anaerobic sludge, was oxidized by oxygen and nitrate as it diffused through the anaerobic-aerobic sediment-water interface. When nitrate levels in the water above the sludge dropped below 2 mmol l− 1, sulphide was also oxidized in the fluidized bed reactor. Denitrification reduced nitrate in the water, respired (jointly with sulphate reduction) carbon in the sludge, oxidized the hydrogen sulphide, and contributed to stabilization of alkalinity and accumulation of polyphosphate in bacteria as a major sink of labile P.  相似文献   
The mechanisms by which mutant variants of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) cause familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are not clearly understood. Evidence to date suggests that altered conformations of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mutant SOD1s trigger perturbations of cellular homeostasis that ultimately cause motor neuron degeneration. In this study we correlated the metal contents and disulfide bond status of purified wild-type (WT) and mutant SOD1 proteins to changes in electrophoretic mobility and surface hydrophobicity as detected by 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS) fluorescence. As-isolated WT and mutant SOD1s were copper-deficient and exhibited mobilities that correlated with their expected negative charge. However, upon disulfide reduction and demetallation at physiological pH, both WT and mutant SOD1s underwent a conformational change that produced a slower mobility indicative of partial unfolding. Furthermore, although ANS did not bind appreciably to the WT holoenzyme, incubation of metal-deficient WT or mutant SOD1s with ANS increased the ANS fluorescence and shifted its peak toward shorter wavelengths. This increased interaction with ANS was greater for the mutant SOD1s and could be reversed by the addition of metal ions, especially Cu2+, even for SOD1 variants incapable of forming the disulfide bond. Overall, our findings support the notion that misfolding associated with metal deficiency may facilitate aberrant interactions of SOD1 with itself or with other cellular constituents and may thereby contribute to neuronal toxicity.The sequence of events by which more than 100 mutations in the gene encoding Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1)3 cause familial forms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is unknown. Studies of purified SOD1 proteins and cellular or rodent models of SOD1-linked ALS suggest that impaired metal ion binding or misfolding of mutant SOD1 proteins in the cellular environment may be related to their toxicity (110). Available evidence suggests that partially unfolded mutant SOD1 species could contribute to motor neuron death by promoting abnormal interactions that produce cellular dysfunction (1116).In previous studies we characterized physicochemical properties of 14 different biologically metallated ALS SOD1 mutants (17) and demonstrated altered thermal stabilities of these mutants compared with wild-type (WT) SOD1 (18). These “as-isolated” SOD1 proteins, which contain variable amounts of copper and zinc, were broadly grouped into two classes based on their ability to incorporate and retain metal ions with high affinity. WT-like SOD1 mutants retain the ability to bind copper and zinc ions and exhibit dismutase activity similar to the normal enzyme, whereas metal binding region (MBR) mutants are significantly deficient in copper and/or zinc (17, 19). We also observed that ALS-associated SOD1 mutants were more susceptible than the WT enzyme to reduction of the intrasubunit disulfide bond between Cys-57 and Cys-146 (20). The significance of these results is that even WT-like mutants, which exhibit a nearly normal backbone structure (2123), may be vulnerable to destabilizing influences in vivo. Our group and others subsequently showed that the mutant SOD1 proteins share a susceptibility to increased hydrophobicity under conditions that reduce disulfide bonds and/or chelate metal ions (5) and that similar hydrophobic species exist in tissue lysates from mutant SOD1 transgenic mice (46). One consequence of such hydrophobic exposure could be the facilitation of abnormal interactions between the mutant enzymes and other cellular constituents (e.g. chaperones, mitochondrial components, or other targets), which might influence pathways leading to motor neuron death (15, 16, 2427).Accumulating evidence suggests that metal deficiency of SOD1 is an important factor that can influence SOD1 aggregation or neurotoxicity (4, 2833), but the metal-deficient states of SOD1 that are most relevant to ALS remain unclear. Zinc-deficient, copper-replete SOD1 species, which can be produced in vitro by adding copper to SOD1 that has been stripped of its metal ions at acidic pH, were shown to be toxic to motor neurons in culture (28). However, it has not been shown that zinc-deficient, copper-replete SOD1 is produced in vivo as a consequence of ALS mutations, and loading of copper into SOD1 by the copper chaperone for SOD1 (CCS) is not required for toxicity (34, 35). Furthermore, the MBR mutants have a disrupted copper site and have been found to be severely deficient in both zinc and copper (17, 30), yet expression of these SOD1s still produces motor neuron disease (1, 2, 30, 34, 36, 37).When recombinant human SOD1 was overexpressed in insect cells, we instead observed zinc-replete but copper-deficient species for most WT-like mutants, probably because the capacity of the copper-loading mechanism was exceeded (17). These preparations indicate that zinc can be efficiently incorporated into many WT-like mutants in vivo, and much of it is retained after purification. Furthermore, these copper-deficient biologically metallated proteins may be useful reagents to assess the influence of copper binding upon other properties of SOD1 mutants that may be relevant to their neurotoxicity.We previously observed that reduction of the Cys-57—Cys-146 disulfide bond facilitates the ability of metal chelators to alter the electrophoretic mobility and to increase the hydrophobicity of SOD1 mutants (5). This is consistent with the known properties of this linkage to stabilize the dimeric interface, to orient Arg-143 via a hydrogen bond from the carbonyl oxygen of Cys-57 to Arg-143-NH2, and to prevent metal ion loss (3840). However, it remains unclear whether the Cys-57—Cys-146 bond is required to prevent abnormal SOD1 hydrophobic exposure or whether the aberrant conformational change primarily results from metal ion loss. Ablation of the disulfide bond by the experimental (non-ALS) mutants C57S and C146S provides useful reagents to test the relative influence of the disulfide bond and copper binding upon SOD1 properties.In this study we sought to correlate the consequences of copper deficiency, copper and zinc deficiency, and disulfide reduction upon the hydrodynamic behavior and surface hydrophobicity of WT and representative mutant SOD1 enzymes (Fig. 1A). We quantitated the metal contents of as-isolated SOD1 proteins, detected changes in conformation or metal occupancy using native PAGE to assess their electrophoretic mobility, a measure of global conformational change, and correlated these changes to hydrophobic exposure using 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS), which is very sensitive to local conformational changes. ANS is a small amphipathic dye (Fig. 1B) that has been used as a sensitive probe to detect hydrophobic pockets on protein surfaces (4144). Free ANS exhibits only weak fluorescence that is maximal near 520 nm, but when ANS binds to a hydrophobic site in a partially or fully folded protein, the fluorescence peak increases in amplitude and shifts to a shorter wavelength (42). ANS also has an anionic sulfonate group that can interact with cationic groups (e.g. Arg or Lys residues) through ion-pair formation which may be further strengthened by hydrophobic interactions (4346).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.A, WT SOD1 structure showing the position of the C57-C146 intrasubunit disulfide bond (S–S, yellow), bound copper and zinc ions, and ALS mutant residues. The residues altered in A4V, G85R, G93A, D124V, and S134N SOD1s are indicated as green spheres. The backbone of the β-barrel core and the loops is shown in a rainbow color, from blue at the amino terminus to red at the carboxyl terminus. The figure was generated using PyMOL (84) and PDB entry 1HL5 (22). B, chemical structure of ANS fluorophore.To evaluate further the importance of metal ion binding, we measured spectral changes related to the binding of cobalt and copper to the same SOD1 proteins. We observed that as-isolated WT-like mutants containing zinc could interact with copper ions to produce an electrophoretic mobility and decreased hydrophobicity resembling that of the fully metalated holo-WT SOD1. In contrast, we saw no evidence for copper binding to MBR mutants in a manner that alters their hydrodynamic properties or their hydrophobicity. Our data suggest that binding of both copper and zinc are important determinants of SOD1 conformation and that perturbation of such binding may be relevant to the ALS disease process.  相似文献   
PurposeTo propose a new tablet-enabled test for evaluation of visual performance in glaucoma, the PERformance CEntered Portable Test (PERCEPT), and to evaluate its ability to predict history of falls and motor vehicle crashes.DesignCross-sectional study.MethodsThe study involved 71 patients with glaucomatous visual field defects on standard automated perimetry (SAP) and 59 control subjects. The PERCEPT was based on the concept of increasing visual task difficulty to improve detection of central visual field losses in glaucoma patients. Subjects had to perform a foveal 8-alternative-forced-choice orientation discrimination task, while detecting a simultaneously presented peripheral stimulus within a limited presentation time. Subjects also underwent testing with the Useful Field of View (UFOV) divided attention test. The ability to predict history of motor vehicle crashes and falls was investigated by odds ratios and incident-rate ratios, respectively.ResultsWhen adjusted for age, only the PERCEPT processing speed parameter showed significantly larger values in glaucoma compared to controls (difference: 243ms; P<0.001). PERCEPT results had a stronger association with history of motor vehicle crashes and falls than UFOV. Each 1 standard deviation increase in PERCEPT processing speed was associated with an odds ratio of 2.69 (P = 0.003) for predicting history of motor vehicle crashes and with an incident-rate ratio of 1.95 (P = 0.003) for predicting history of falls.ConclusionA portable platform for testing visual function was able to detect functional deficits in glaucoma, and its results were significantly associated with history of involvement in motor vehicle crashes and history of falls.  相似文献   
BackgroundSelf-Medication (SM), i.e. using medications to treat oneself, is a major concern for health researchers and policy makers. The terms “self medication” or “self-medication” (SM terms) have been used to explain various concepts while several terms have also been employed to define this practice. Hence, retrieving relevant publications would require exhaustive literature screening. So, we assessed the current situation of SM terms in the literature to improve the relevancy of search outcomes.MethodsIn this Systematic exploration, SM terms were searched in the 6 following databases and publisher’s portals till April 2012: Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Google scholar, ScienceDirect, and Wiley. A simple search query was used to include only publications with SM terms. We used Relative-Risk (RR) to estimate the probability of SM terms use in related compared to unrelated publications. Sensitivity and specificity of SM terms as keywords in search query were also calculated. Relevant terms to SM practice were extracted and their Likelihood Ratio positive and negative (LR+/-) were calculated to assess their effect on the probability of search outcomes relevancy in addition to previous search queries. We also evaluated the content of unrelated publications. All mentioned steps were performed in title (TI) and title or abstract (TIAB) of publications.Results1999 related and 1917 unrelated publications were found. SM terms RR was 4.5 in TI and 2.1 in TIAB. SM terms sensitivity and specificity respectively were 55.4% and 87.7% in TI and 84.0% and 59.5% in TIAB. “OTC” and “Over-The-Counter Medication”, with LR+ 16.78 and 16.30 respectively, provided the most conclusive increase in the probability of the relevancy of publications. The most common unrelated SM themes were self-medication hypothesis, drug abuse and Zoopharmacognosy.ConclusionsDue to relatively low specificity or sensitivity of SM terms, relevant terms should be employed in search queries and clear definitions of SM applications should be applied to improve the relevancy of publications.  相似文献   


Emotional distress is an important dimension in diabetes, and several instruments have been developed to measure this aspect. The Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) scale is one such instrument which has demonstrated validity and reliability in Western populations, but its psychometric properties in Asian populations have not been examined.


This was a secondary analysis of data from patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus recruited through convenience sampling from a diabetes specialist outpatient clinic in Singapore. The following psychometric properties were assessed: Construct validity through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Rasch analysis, concurrent validity through correlation with related scales (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, Diabetes Health Profile—psychological distress, Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life), reliability through assessment of internal consistency and floor and ceiling effects, and sensitivity by estimating effect sizes for known clinical and social functioning groups.


203 patients with mean age of 45±12 years were analysed. None of the previously published model structures achieved a good fit on CFA. On Rasch analysis, four items showed poor fit and were removed. The abridged 16-item PAID mapped to a single latent trait, with a high degree of internal consistency (Cronbach ɑ 0.95), but significant floor effect (24.6% scoring at floor). Both 20-item and 16-item PAID scores were moderately correlated with scores of related scales, and sensitive to differences in clinical and social functioning groups, with large effect sizes for glycemic control and diabetes related complications, nephropathy and neuropathy.


The abridged 16-item PAID measures a single latent trait of emotional distress due to diabetes whereas the 20-item PAID appears to measures more than one latent trait. However, both the 16-item and 20-item PAID versions are valid, reliable and sensitive for use among Singaporean patients with diabetes.  相似文献   
We describe the first dynamic programming algorithm that computes the expected degree for the network, or graph G = (V, E) of all secondary structures of a given RNA sequence a = a 1, …, a n. Here, the nodes V correspond to all secondary structures of a, while an edge exists between nodes s, t if the secondary structure t can be obtained from s by adding, removing or shifting a base pair. Since secondary structure kinetics programs implement the Gillespie algorithm, which simulates a random walk on the network of secondary structures, the expected network degree may provide a better understanding of kinetics of RNA folding when allowing defect diffusion, helix zippering, and related conformation transformations. We determine the correlation between expected network degree, contact order, conformational entropy, and expected number of native contacts for a benchmarking dataset of RNAs. Source code is available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/RNAexpNumNbors.  相似文献   


To compare the Conventional, Specified, Expanded and Combined Apgar scoring systems in predicting birth asphyxia and the adverse early neurologic outcomes.


This prospective cohort study was conducted on 464 admitted neonates. In the delivery room, after delivery the umbilical cord was double clamped and a blood samples was obtained from the umbilical artery for blood gas analysis, meanwhile on the 1- , 5- and 10- minutes Conventional, Specified, Expanded, and Combined Apgar scores were recorded. Then the neonates were followed and intracranial ultrasound imaging was performed, and the following information were recorded: the occurrence of birth asphyxia, hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE), intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), and neonatal seizure.


The Combined-Apgar score had the highest sensitivity (97%) and specificity (99%) in predicting birth asphyxia, followed by the Specified-Apgar score that was also highly sensitive (95%) and specific (97%). The Expanded-Apgar score was highly specific (95%) but not sensitive (67%) and the Conventional-Apgar score had the lowest sensitivity (81%) and low specificity (81%) in predicting birth asphyxia. When adjusted for gestational age, only the low 5-minute Combined-Apgar score was independently associated with the occurrence of HIE (B = 1.61, P = 0.02) and IVH (B = 2.8, P = 0.01).


The newly proposed Combined-Apgar score is highly sensitive and specific in predicting birth asphyxia and also is a good predictor of the occurrence of HIE and IVH in asphyxiated neonates.  相似文献   
Most active biopolymers are dynamic structures; thus, ensembles of such molecules should be characterized by distributions of intra- or intermolecular distances and their fast fluctuations. A method of choice to determine intramolecular distances is based on Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements. Major advances in such measurements were achieved by single molecule FRET measurements. Here, we show that by global analysis of the decay of the emission of both the donor and the acceptor it is also possible to resolve two sub-populations in a mixture of two ensembles of biopolymers by time resolved FRET (trFRET) measurements at the ensemble level. We show that two individual intramolecular distance distributions can be determined and characterized in terms of their individual means, full width at half maximum (FWHM), and two corresponding diffusion coefficients which reflect the rates of fast ns fluctuations within each sub-population. An important advantage of the ensemble level trFRET measurements is the ability to use low molecular weight small-sized probes and to determine nanosecond fluctuations of the distance between the probes. The limits of the possible resolution were first tested by simulation and then by preparation of mixtures of two model peptides. The first labeled polypeptide was a relatively rigid Pro7 and the second polypeptide was a flexible molecule consisting of (Gly-Ser)7 repeats. The end to end distance distributions and the diffusion coefficients of each peptide were determined. Global analysis of trFRET measurements of a series of mixtures of polypeptides recovered two end-to-end distance distributions and associated intramolecular diffusion coefficients, which were very close to those determined from each of the pure samples. This study is a proof of concept study demonstrating the power of ensemble level trFRET based methods in resolution of subpopulations in ensembles of flexible macromolecules.  相似文献   
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