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Conserved eukaryotic signaling proteins participate in development and disease in plant-pathogenic fungi. Strains with mutations in CGA1, a heterotrimeric G protein G alpha subunit gene of the maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus, are defective in several developmental pathways. Conidia from CGA1 mutants germinate as abnormal, straight-growing germ tubes that form few appressoria, and the mutants are female sterile. Nevertheless, these mutants can cause normal lesions on plants, unlike other filamentous fungal plant pathogens in which functional homologues of CGA1 are required for full virulence. Deltacga1 mutants of C. heterostrophus were less infective of several maize varieties under most conditions, but not all, as virulence was nearly normal on detached leaves. This difference could be related to the rapid senescence of detached leaves, since delaying senescence with cytokinin also had differential effects on the virulence of the wild type and the Deltacga1 mutant. In particular, detached leaves may provide a more readily available nutrient source than attached leaves. Decreased fitness of Deltacga1 as a pathogen may reflect conditions under which full virulence requires signal transduction through CGA1-mediated pathways. The virulence of these signal transduction mutants is thus affected differentially by the physiological state of the host.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a unique aggressive tumor and mostly develops in the brain, while rarely spreading out of the central nervous system. It is associated with a high mortality rate; despite tremendous efforts having been made for effective therapy, tumor recurrence occurs with high prevalence. To elucidate the mechanisms that lead to new drug discovery, animal models of tumor progression is one of the oldest and most beneficial approaches to not only investigating the aggressive nature of the tumor, but also improving preclinical research. It is also a useful tool for predicting novel therapies' effectiveness as well as side effects. However, there are concerns that must be considered, such as the heterogeneity of tumor, biological properties, pharma dynamic, and anatomic shapes of the models, which have to be similar to humans as much as possible. Although several methods and various species have been used for this approach, the real recapitulation of the human tumor has been left under discussion. The GBM model, which has been verified in this study, has been established by using the Rat C6 cell line. By exploiting bioinformatic tools, the similarities between aberrant gene expression and pathways have been predicted. In this regard, 610 common genes and a number of pathways have been detected. Moreover, while magnetic resonance imaging analysis enables us to compare tumor features between these two specious, pathological findings provides most of the human GBM characteristics. Therefore, the present study provides genomics, pathologic, and imaging evidence for showing the similarities between human and rat GBM models.  相似文献   
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Describe the goals of nasal reconstruction as they apply to extensive, complex defects that may also involve the adjacent lip or cheeks. 2. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of different options for reconstruction of lining, skeletal support, and skin cover. 3. Discuss current advances in complex nasal reconstruction, including microvascular reconstruction of lining and the three-stage forehead flap. 4. Understand the concepts of laminated and prelaminated flaps and their application in complex nasal defects. SUMMARY: In this article, the authors review methods of reconstructing complex, multilayered nasal defects that may involve surrounding central facial structures. Different means of lining, skeletal support, and skin cover reconstruction are discussed. Emphasis is placed on newer, state-of-the art techniques and reinforcing basic principles.  相似文献   
Ascophyllum nodosum extract products are used commercially in the form of liquid concentrate and soluble powder. These formulations are manufactured from seaweeds that are harvested from natural habitats with inherent environmental variability. The seaweeds by themselves are at different stages of their development life-cycle. Owing to these differences, there could be variability in chemical composition that could in turn affect product consistency and performance. Here, we have tested the applicability of using Arabidopsis thaliana as a model to study the activity of two different extracts from A. nodosum. Three different bioassays: Arabidopsis root-tip elongation bioassay, Arabidopsis liquid growth bioassay and greenhouse growth bioassay were evaluated as growth assays. Our results indicate that both extracts promoted root and shoot growth in comparison to controls. Further, using Arabidopsis plants with a DR5:GUS reporter gene construct, we provide evidence that components of the commercial A. nodosum extracts modulates the concentration and localisation of auxins which could account, at least in part, for the enhanced plant growth. The results suggest that A. thaliana could be used effectively as a rapid means to test the bioactivity of seaweed extracts and fractions.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The effect of the insect growth regulator (IGR) triflumuron (Alsystin® 25 WP) on honeybee, Apis mellifera L. (Hym., Apidae), was studied in a semi-field test. Free-living colonies were fed one litre per hive of sucrose syrup containing 0, 0.025, 0.25 or 2.5 g of triflumuron. A significant reduction in flight activity was noted 6–10 weeks post-treatment at the two higher doses. These colonies reared less brood than before treatment. While the comb area occupied by uncapped brood was as high as [0.025 and 0.25 g active ingredient (a.i.)] or higher (2.5 g a.i.) than before treatment, there was a significant decline in capped brood at the two higher doses, indicating enhanced larval mortality. No capped brood was reared in the hive treated at the highest dose from 3–9 weeks post-treatment. Yet there was a significant accumulation of pollen and honey in the brood compartment at all doses. All colonies except the one treated at the highest dose survived the following winter. However, at 43 weeks post-treatment, hives treated at intermediate and low doses showed a significant increase in uncapped brood and a significant decrease in capped brood. This study revealed a strong residual toxicity of triflumuron to brood and substantiated its classification as hazardous to honeybee.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to examine the relation between two paraoxonase1 (PON1) polymorphisms, Q192R and L55M and susceptibility to gastric cancer in an Iranian population. In this case-control study the PON1 polymorphisms were assessed in 90 gastric cancer patients and 90 healthy controls by polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) method. Regarding PON1 Q192R polymorphism, a significant increase in the R allele in the patient group compared with the controls (p value?=?0.0006) While the Q allele was more frequent in the control group. No significant difference was found in the genotype or allele frequency of the L55M polymorphism between healthy individuals and patients with gastric cancer. Our results demonstrated the protective effect of Q allele against gastric cancer.  相似文献   
The binding of biologically active [125I]thyrotropin to purified plasma membranes prepared from bovine thyroid glands was studied. At 4°C, specific binding reached a maximum after 2 h of incubation and a plateau was maintained for up to 20 h. Degradation of [125I]thyrotropin was undetectable after 2 h of incubation and was only 10% of the total after 20 h.At pH 6.0, at which binding was maximal, a single class of binding sites, having a dissociation constant of approx. 25 nM, was evident. Dissociation studies revealed first order kinetics with a half-time of 2–3 min. At pH 7.5, binding curves were complex, suggesting two orders of binding sites with dissociation constants of approx. 200 nM and 80 pM. Further, at this pH, dissociation of the thyrotropin from its receptor was also complex, suggesting the presence of two first order reactions, one with a half-time similar to that seen at pH 6.0 and another with a half-time of 4 h. At both pH 6.0 and 7.5, insulin, glucagon, growth hormone, and prolactin were without effect on [125I]thyrotropin binding.Similar high affinity and low affinity binding sites were seen with porcine thyroid membranes, but only low affinity sites were seen with either rat liver membranes or human cultured lymphocytes.  相似文献   
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Escherichia coli is one of the simplest hosts which is widely being used to express heterologous proteins. However, without appropriate...  相似文献   
Bioactive peptides (i.e., neuropeptides or peptide hormones) represent the largest class of cell-cell signaling molecules in metazoans and are potent regulators of neural and physiological function. In vertebrates, peptide hormones play an integral role in endocrine signaling between the brain and the gonads that controls reproductive development, yet few of these molecules have been shown to influence reproductive development in invertebrates. Here, we define a role for peptide hormones in controlling reproductive physiology of the model flatworm, the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. Based on our observation that defective neuropeptide processing results in defects in reproductive system development, we employed peptidomic and functional genomic approaches to characterize the planarian peptide hormone complement, identifying 51 prohormone genes and validating 142 peptides biochemically. Comprehensive in situ hybridization analyses of prohormone gene expression revealed the unanticipated complexity of the flatworm nervous system and identified a prohormone specifically expressed in the nervous system of sexually reproducing planarians. We show that this member of the neuropeptide Y superfamily is required for the maintenance of mature reproductive organs and differentiated germ cells in the testes. Additionally, comparative analyses of our biochemically validated prohormones with the genomes of the parasitic flatworms Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum identified new schistosome prohormones and validated half of all predicted peptide-encoding genes in these parasites. These studies describe the peptide hormone complement of a flatworm on a genome-wide scale and reveal a previously uncharacterized role for peptide hormones in flatworm reproduction. Furthermore, they suggest new opportunities for using planarians as free-living models for understanding the reproductive biology of flatworm parasites.  相似文献   
Analysis of selective sweeps to pinpoint causative genomic regions involved in chicken domestication has revealed a strong selective sweep on chromosome 4 in layer chickens. The autoregulatory α-adrenergic receptor 2C (ADRA2C) gene is the closest to the selective sweep and was proposed as an important gene in the domestication of layer chickens. The ADRA2C promoter region was also hypermethylated in comparison to the non-selected ancestor of all domesticated chicken breeds, the Red Junglefowl, further supporting its relevance. In mice the receptor is involved in the fight-or-flight response as it modulates epinephrine release from the adrenals. To investigate the involvement of ADRA2C in chicken domestication, we measured gene expression in the adrenals and radiolabeled receptor ligand in three brain regions comparing the domestic White Leghorn strain with the wild ancestor Red Junglefowl. In adrenals ADRA2C was twofold greater expressed than the related receptor gene ADRA2A, indicating that ADRA2C is the predominant modulator of epinephrine release but no strain differences were measured. In hypothalamus and amygdala, regions associated with the stress response, and in striatum, receptor binding pIC50 values ranged between 8.1–8.4, and the level was not influenced by the genotyped allele. Because chicken strains differ in morphology, physiology and behavior, differences attributed to a single gene may be lost in the noise caused by the heterogeneous genetic background. Therefore an F10 advanced intercross strain between White Leghorn and Red Junglefowl was used to investigate effects of ADRA2C alleles on fear related behaviors and fecundity. We did not find compelling genotype effects in open field, tonic immobility, aerial predator, associative learning or fecundity. Therefore we conclude that ADRA2C is probably not involved in the domestication of the stress response in chicken, and the strong selective sweep is probably caused by selection of some unknown genetic element in the vicinity of the gene.  相似文献   
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