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The multidomain RNA replication protein 1a of brome mosaic virus (BMV), a positive-strand RNA virus in the alphavirus-like superfamily, plays key roles in assembly and function of the viral RNA replication complex. 1a, which encodes RNA capping and helicase-like domains, localizes to endoplasmic reticulum membranes, recruits BMV 2a polymerase and viral RNA templates, and forms membrane-bound, capsid-like spherules in which RNA replication occurs. cis-acting signals necessary and sufficient for RNA recruitment by 1a have been mapped in BMV genomic RNA2 and RNA3. Both signals comprise an extended stem-loop whose apex matches the conserved sequence and structure of the TPsiC stem-loop in tRNAs (box B). Mutations show that this box B motif is crucial to 1a responsiveness of wild-type RNA2 and RNA3. We report here that, unexpectedly, some chimeric mRNAs expressing the 2a polymerase open reading frame from RNA2 were recruited by 1a to the replication complex and served as templates for negative-strand RNA synthesis, despite lacking the normally essential, box B-containing 5' signal. Further studies showed that this template recruitment required high-efficiency translation of the RNA templates. Moreover, multiple small frameshifting insertion or deletion mutations throughout the N-terminal region of the open reading frame inhibited this template recruitment, while an in-frame insertion did not. Providing 2a in trans did not restore template recruitment of RNAs with frameshift mutations. Only those deletions in the N-terminal region of 2a that abolished 2a interaction with 1a abolished template recruitment of the RNA. These and other results indicate that this alternate pathway for 1a-dependent RNA recruitment involves 1a interaction with the translating mRNA via the 1a-interactive N-terminal region of the nascent 2a polypeptide. Interaction with nascent 2a also may be involved in 1a recruitment of 2a polymerase to membranes.  相似文献   
With the aim of elucidating the mechanisms involved in the biosynthesis of medium-chain fatty acids in Cuphea lanceolata Ait., a crop accumulating up to 90% decanoic acid in seed triacylglycerols, cDNA clones of a beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthase IV (clKAS IV, EC were isolated from C. lanceolata seed embryos. The amino acid sequence deduced from clKAS IV cDNA showed 80% identity to other plant KAS II-type enzymes, 55% identity towards plant KAS I and over 90% towards other Cuphea KAS IV-type sequences. Recombinant clKAS IV was functionally overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and substrate specificity of purified enzyme showed strong preference for elongation of short-chain and medium-chain acyl-ACPs (C4- to C10-ACP) with nearly equal activity. Further elongation steps were catalysed with distinctly less activity. Moreover, short- and medium-chain acyl-ACPs exerted a chain-length-specific and concentration-dependent substrate inhibition of clKAS IV. Based on these findings a regulatory mechanism for medium-chain fatty acid synthesis in C. lanceolata is presented.  相似文献   
Production of recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors using a baculovirus/insect cell system at various scales is presented. Shake flask studies were conducted to assess conditions to be used in bioreactors. Two insect cell lines, Trichoplusia ni (H5) and Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9), were compared for their ability to produce rAAV-2 after infection with recombinant baculoviruses coding for the essential components of the vector. The effect of varying the ratio between individual baculoviruses and the effect of the overall multiplicity of infection (MOI), as well as the cell density at infection, were also examined. Infectious rAAV-2 particles were proportionally produced when increasing the individual MOI of BacRep virus up to 1.6. When equal amounts of each virus were used, a leveling effect occurred beyond an overall MOI of 5 and a maximum titer was obtained. Increasing the cell density at infection resulted in higher yields when infecting the cells in fresh medium; however, for the production of bioactive particles, an optimal peak cell density of approximately 1 x 10(6) cells/mL was observed without medium exchange. Infection in 3- and 20-L bioreactors was done at an overall MOI of 5 with a ratio of the three baculoviruses equal to 1:1:1. Under these conditions and infecting the cells in fresh medium, a total of approximately 2.2 x 10(12) infectious viral particles (bioactive particles) or 2.6 x 10(15) viral particles were produced in a 3-L bioreactor. Without replacing the medium at infection, similar titers were produced in 20 L. Our data demonstrates the feasibility of rAAV-2 production by BEVS at various scales in bioreactors and indicates that further optimization is required for production at high cell densities.  相似文献   
Membrane separation and chromatographic technologies are regarded as an attractive alternative to conventional academic small-scale ultracentrifugation procedures used for retrovirus purification. However, despite the increasing demands for purified retroviral vector preparations, new chromatography adsorbents with high specificity for the virus have not been reported. Heparin affinity chromatography is presented here as a novel convenient tool for retrovirus purification. The ability of bioactive retroviral particles to specifically bind to heparin ligands immobilized on a chromatographic gel is shown. A purification factor of 63 with a recovery of 61% of functional retroparticles was achieved using this single step. Tentacle heparin affinity supports captured retroviral particles more efficiently than conventional heparin affinity chromatography supports with which a lower recovery was obtained (18%). Intact, infective retroviral particles were recovered by elution with low salt concentrations (350 mM NaCl). Mild conditions for retrovirus elution from chromatographic columns are required to preserve virus infectivity. VSV-G pseudotyped retroviruses have shown to be very sensitive to high ionic strength, losing 50% of their activity and showing membrane damage after a short exposure to 1M NaCl. We also report a complete scaleable downstream processing scheme for the purification of MoMLV-derived vectors that involves sequential microfiltration and ultra/diafiltration steps for virus clarification and concentration respectively, followed by fractionation by heparin affinity chromatography and final polishing by size-exclusion chromatography. Overall, by using this strategy, a 38% yield of infective particles can be achieved with a final purification factor of 2,000.  相似文献   
A novel and rapid method for the total particles quantification of murine leukemia virus derived retroviral vectors pseudotyped with vesicular stomatitis virus-G glycoprotein was developed using high performance liquid chromatography. Virus particles were detected by absorbance at 260 nm and quantified using a calibration curve generated from highly purified and concentrated viral stock characterized by negative stain electron microscopy. The method requires Benzonase digestion and concentration of the supernatant prior to analysis. The virus eluted in 12.55 min at a flow rate of 1 mL/min in 20 mM Tris-Cl, pH 7.4 + 1.1 M NaCl. The limits of detection and quantification of this assay were 4.71 x 10(8) and 1.57 x 10(9) viral particles/mL, respectively. Linearity was between 3.0 x 10(9) and 1.0 x 10(11) viral particles/mL with a correlation coefficient of 0.9923 and a slope of 6 x 10(-6). The assay precision was <5% and <10% for intra- and inter-day analysis, respectively. This assay was used for the total particles quantification of a 7-day, large-scale perfusion culture production of a retroviral vector grown in 293 cells expressing the beta-galactosidase gene.  相似文献   
Lipids (fatty acids) at a concentration range of 10-100 microg/L are essential components included in most serum-free cell culture medium formulations. A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method for the micro-quantitation of lipids, determined as fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), in complex serum-free cell culture media was developed. The interference of derivatizing reagents, extraction solvents and medium additives in the micro-quantitation of lipids was also examined. The results show that the concentration of fatty acids such as palmitic and stearic acids detected in derivatizing reagents or extraction solvents was in the range of 10-230 microg/L. Tween-80, a surfactant and medium additive, produced nearly 20 FAMEs alone when methylated using a derivatizing agent. Moreover, the surfactant Pluronic F-68, a medium additive, interfered in the FAME recovery. Procedures, which include use of low volumetric ratio of reagent to medium and precipitation of the above surfactants, were developed to minimize background FAMEs to levels which do not significantly affect the quantitation of medium lipids and to diminish the interference caused by Pluronic F-68. Fatty acid concentrations in several complex serum-free culture media were quantitated by this method and were very close to the values indicated in their formulations.  相似文献   

Background and objectives

Quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) offers rapid diagnosis of rickettsial infections. Thus, successful treatment could be initiated to avoid unfavorable outcome. Our aim was to compare two qPCR assays for Rickettsia detection and to evaluate their contribution in early diagnosis of rickettsial infection in Tunisian patients.

Patients and methods

Included patients were hospitalized in different hospitals in Tunisia from 2007 to 2012. Serology was performed by microimmunofluorescence assay using R. conorii and R. typhi antigens. Two duplex qPCRs, previously reported, were performed on collected skin biopsies and whole blood samples. The first duplex amplified all Rickettsia species (PanRick) and Rickettsia typhi DNA (Rtt). The second duplex detected spotted fever group Rickettsiae (RC00338) and typhus group Rickettsiae DNA (Rp278).


Diagnosis of rickettsiosis was confirmed in 82 cases (57.7%). Among 44 skin biopsies obtained from patients with confirmed diagnosis, the first duplex was positive in 24 samples (54.5%), with three patients positive by Rtt qPCR. Using the second duplex, positivity was noted in 21 samples (47.7%), with two patients positive by Rp278 qPCR. Among79 whole blood samples obtained from patients with confirmed diagnosis, panRick qPCR was positive in 5 cases (6.3%) among which two were positive by Rtt qPCR. Using the second set of qPCRs, positivity was noted in four cases (5%) with one sample positive by Rp278 qPCR. Positivity rates of the two duplex qPCRs were significantly higher among patients presenting with negative first serum than those with already detectable antibodies.


Using qPCR offers a rapid diagnosis. The PanRick qPCR showed a higher sensitivity. Our study showed that this qPCR could offer a prompt diagnosis at the early stage of the disease. However, its implementation in routine needs cost/effectiveness evaluation.  相似文献   


To the best of our knowledge, the association of nasopharyngeal and laryngeal tuberculosis has never been described before in the literature. We report here a first observation.

Case presentation

We report the case of a 38-year-old Arab man who presented with an isolated hoarseness. Radiological and endoscopic examinations showed a thickening of the left lateral wall of his nasopharynx and the left vocal cord. Pathology revealed the diagnosis of tuberculosis of both localizations. He received a 6-month antituberculous chemotherapy with a satisfying uneventful evolution.


Tuberculosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of soft tissue masses of the head and neck, particularly when the imaging findings and clinical presentation are atypical. The diagnosis of tuberculosis is mainly based on histopathological and/or bacteriological examination.  相似文献   


Wheat is a major staple crop with broad adaptability to a wide range of environmental conditions. This adaptability involves several stress and developmentally responsive genes, in which microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as important regulatory factors. However, the currently used approaches to identify miRNAs in this polyploid complex system focus on conserved and highly expressed miRNAs avoiding regularly those that are often lineage-specific, condition-specific, or appeared recently in evolution. In addition, many environmental and biological factors affecting miRNA expression were not yet considered, resulting still in an incomplete repertoire of wheat miRNAs.


We developed a conservation-independent technique based on an integrative approach that combines machine learning, bioinformatic tools, biological insights of known miRNA expression profiles and universal criteria of plant miRNAs to identify miRNAs with more confidence. The developed pipeline can potentially identify novel wheat miRNAs that share features common to several species or that are species specific or clade specific. It allowed the discovery of 199 miRNA candidates associated with different abiotic stresses and development stages. We also highlight from the raw data 267 miRNAs conserved with 43 miRBase families. The predicted miRNAs are highly associated with abiotic stress responses, tolerance and development. GO enrichment analysis showed that they may play biological and physiological roles associated with cold, salt and aluminum (Al) through auxin signaling pathways, regulation of gene expression, ubiquitination, transport, carbohydrates, gibberellins, lipid, glutathione and secondary metabolism, photosynthesis, as well as floral transition and flowering.


This approach provides a broad repertoire of hexaploid wheat miRNAs associated with abiotic stress responses, tolerance and development. These valuable resources of expressed wheat miRNAs will help in elucidating the regulatory mechanisms involved in freezing and Al responses and tolerance mechanisms as well as for development and flowering. In the long term, it may help in breeding stress tolerant plants.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1490-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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