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Examples are reported of heavier (bromides or iodides) metal halides of the d or f transition series being prepared through the halide exchange reaction from the lighter congeners (fluorides or chlorides, easily prepared by direct combination from the elements), by using gaseous hydrogen halides HX or alkyl halides RX in an anhydrous organic solvent at room temperature or even below. This represents a considerable improvement with respect to the traditional high-temperature experimental procedures from the elements. Thermodynamic data show that this synthetic route is of quite general validity.  相似文献   
Structural GenomiX, Inc. (SGX), four New York area institutions, and two University of California schools have formed the New York Structural GenomiX Research Consortium (NYSGXRC), an industrial/academic Research Consortium that exploits individual core competencies to support all aspects of the NIH-NIGMS funded Protein Structure Initiative (PSI), including protein family classification and target selection, generation of protein for biophysical analyses, sample preparation for structural studies, structure determination and analyses, and dissemination of results. At the end of the PSI Pilot Study Phase (PSI-1), the NYSGXRC will be capable of producing 100–200 experimentally determined protein structures annually. All Consortium activities can be scaled to increase production capacity significantly during the Production Phase of the PSI (PSI-2). The Consortium utilizes both centralized and de-centralized production teams with clearly defined deliverables and hand-off procedures that are supported by a web-based target/sample tracking system (SGX Laboratory Information Data Management System, LIMS, and NYSGXRC Internal Consortium Experimental Database, ICE-DB). Consortium management is provided by an Executive Committee, which is composed of the PI and all Co-PIs. Progress to date is tracked on a publicly available Consortium web site (http://www.nysgxrc.org) and all DNA/protein reagents and experimental protocols are distributed freely from the New York City Area institutions. In addition to meeting the requirements of the Pilot Study Phase and preparing for the Production Phase of the PSI, the NYSGXRC aims to develop modular technologies that are transferable to structural biology laboratories in both academe and industry. The NYSGXRC PI and Co-PIs intend the PSI to have a transforming effect on the disciplines of X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy of biological macromolecules. Working with other PSI-funded Centers, the NYSGXRC seeks to create the structural biology laboratory of the future. Herein, we present an overview of the organization of the NYSGXRC and describe progress toward development of a high-throughput Gene→Structure platform. An analysis of current and projected consortium metrics reflects progress to date and delineates opportunities for further technology development.  相似文献   
Male mice (9-13 mo of age) in which the gene for oxytocin (OT) had been deleted (OT -/-) were administered 0.5 M sodium chloride (NaCl) solution or tap water as a two-bottle choice test following overnight fluid deprivation (1600 to 1000 the following day). Compared with wild-type cohorts (OT +/+), OT-deficient mice ingested sevenfold greater amounts of saline in the first hour following reintroduction of fluids, P < 0.001, and fourfold greater amounts at the end of 6 h, P < 0.02. No significant difference in total water ingested was noted between the two genotypes at the end of either 1 or 6 h. If food deprivation accompanied the overnight fluid deprivation and food was reintroduced 1 h after the reintroduction of both water and saline, OT -/- mice still ingested greater amounts of saline, but not water, than OT +/+ mice at both 1 h, P < 0.001, and 6 h, P < 0.02. No differences were noted between genotypes in the daily intake of 0.5 M NaCl solution or water during a 3-day observation period before the overnight fluid deprivation. The volume of saline consumed in each 24-h observation period represented about one-tenth of the total fluids ingested in each genotype. We conclude that OT -/- mice display an enhanced salt appetite compared with OT +/+ mice when fluid deprived overnight. The salt appetite was only apparent in the presence of a perturbation such as fluid deprivation, which predisposes the animal to moderate hypovolemia. The observations support an inhibitory role for OT in the control of sodium appetite in mice.  相似文献   
Insect attraction to host plants may be partly mediated by visual stimuli. In the present study, the responses of adult Hycleus apicicornis (Guér.) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) to plant models of different colours, different combinations of two colours, or three hues of blue of different shapes are compared. Single‐colour models comprised the colours sky blue, bright green, yellow, red, white and black. Sky blue (reflecting light in the 440–500 nm region) is the most attractive, followed by white, which reflects light over a broader range (400–700 nm). On landing on sky blue targets, beetles exhibit feeding behaviour immediately. When different hues of blue (of different shapes) are compared, sky blue is preferred over turquoise, followed by dark blue, indicating that H. apicicornis is more attracted to lighter hues of blue than to darker ones. No significant differences are found between the three shapes (circle, square and triangle) tested, suggesting that reflectance associated with colour could be a more important visual cue than shape for host location by H. apicicornis. The preference of H. apicicornis for sky blue can be exploited in designing an attractive trap for its management.  相似文献   


Neurodevelopmental and cognitive difficulties are known to occur frequently in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy but so far none of the published studies have reported both early neurodevelopmental assessments and cognitive tests in the same cohort. The aim of the present longitudinal study was to establish the correlation between early neurodevelopmental assessments performed in preschool boys and the cognitive scales performed at school age or later.


We performed cognitive tests at school age (mean age 5.7 year ±1.7 SD) (69 months+19 SD) in a cohort of Duchenne boys, previously assessed using the Griffiths scales before the age of 4 years (mean age when the Griffiths scales were performed 30 months ±8.9 SD).


The range of total Developmental quotients on the Griffiths ranged between 56 and 116 (mean 89 ± 15.6 SD). The total Intelligence Quotients on the Wechsler scales ranged between 35 and 119 (mean 87 ± 17.2 SD). There was a significant correlation between the findings on the two scales. P = <0.0001. When we subdivided the cohort according to site of mutations, there was a difference between boys with mutations upstream exon 44 and those with mutations in exon 44–45 affecting Dp140 on both Developmental and Intelligence Quotient (p 0.01 and p 0,003 respectively).


Our results confirm that Duchenne boys tend to slightly underperform on both neurodevelopmental and cognitive assessments. Early neurodevelopmental findings correlated with the cognitive results obtained at school age with a clear concordance between subscales exploring similar domains on the two scales.  相似文献   
What processes and factors are responsible for species distribution are long-standing questions in ecology and a key element for conservation and management. Mistletoes provide the opportunity to study a forest species whose occurrence is expected to be constrained by multiple factors as a consequence of their life form. We studied the mistletoe Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae) on its most common hosts species in northwest Patagonia. The seeds of this mistletoe are almost exclusively dispersed by the small arboreal and endemic marsupial Dromiciops gliroides (Microbiotheridae). We assessed the underlying causes of plant spatial patterns through point pattern analysis and we used different variables that characterize the neighborhood around each host to analyze the relative effect of host availability, potential for disperser movement and canopy light conditions. We found that potential hosts were strongly aggregated and that the three most common host species were distributed independent of each other. Considering all host species together, infected and non-infected host were individually aggregated but segregated from each other. The aggregated pattern of infected hosts could be explained in part by the template of potential hosts distribution, but was subsequently modulated by the activity of the mistletoe disperser. Potential for disperser movement, the proximity to reproductive mistletoes and habitat complexity, increased mistletoe infection probability. However, neighboring host availability decreased mistletoe infection probability, and tree DBH (used as surrogate for light conditions) had no detectable effect. Our results suggested that the distribution of mistletoe infection was determined by the structure of potential host populations and by the marsupial disperser activity. Compared to bird dispersed mistletoes, the scale of the infection was smaller and the proximity to reproductive mistletoes and habitat complexity were important for seed arrival and infection. The interplay between landscape structure and disperser activity determine the spatial structure of mistletoe future generations.  相似文献   
Mile-a-minute weed, Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross (Polygonaceae), is an annual vine from Asia that has invaded the eastern US where it can form dense monocultures and outcompete other vegetation in a variety of habitats. The host-specific Asian weevil Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was first released in the US in 2004 as part of a classical biological control program. The weevil was intensively monitored in three release arrays over 4 years, and field cages at each site were used to determine the number of generations produced. The weevil established at all three sites and produced three to four generations before entering a reproductive diapause in late summer. Weevils dispersed at an average rate of 1.5–2.9 m wk−1 through the 50 m diameter arrays, which had fairly contiguous mile-a-minute cover. Weevils dispersing in the broader, more variable landscape located both large monocultures and small isolated patches of mile-a-minute 600–760 m from the release within 14 months. Weevil density ranged from fewer than 10 to nearly 200 weevils m−2 mile-a-minute weed. Mile-a-minute cover decreased at the site with the highest weevil density. The production of P. perfoliata seed clusters decreased with increasing weevil populations at two sites, and seedling production declined over time at two sites by 75% and 87%. The ability of the weevil to establish, produce multiple generations per season, disperse to new patches, and likelihood of having an impact on plants in the field suggests that R. latipes has the potential to be a successful biological control agent.  相似文献   
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