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Changes in neuronal synchronization have been found in patients and animal models of Alzheimer''s disease (AD). Synchronized behaviors within neuronal networks are important to such complex cognitive processes as working memory. The mechanisms behind these changes are not understood but may involve the action of soluble β-amyloid (Aβ) on electrical networks. In order to determine if Aβ can induce changes in neuronal synchronization, the activities of pyramidal neurons were recorded in rat prefrontal cortical (PFC) slices under calcium-free conditions using multi-neuron patch clamp technique. Electrical network activities and synchronization among neurons were significantly inhibited by low dose Aβ42 (1 nM) and initially by high dose Aβ42 (500 nM). However, prolonged application of high dose Aβ42 resulted in network activation and tonic firing. Underlying these observations, we discovered that prolonged application of low and high doses of Aβ42 induced opposite changes in action potential (AP)-threshold and after-hyperpolarization (AHP) of neurons. Accordingly, low dose Aβ42 significantly increased the AP-threshold and deepened the AHP, making neurons less excitable. In contrast, high dose Aβ42 significantly reduced the AP-threshold and shallowed the AHP, making neurons more excitable. These results support a model that low dose Aβ42 released into the interstitium has a physiologic feedback role to dampen electrical network activity by reducing neuronal excitability. Higher concentrations of Aβ42 over time promote supra-synchronization between individual neurons by increasing their excitability. The latter may disrupt frontal-based cognitive processing and in some cases lead to epileptiform discharges.  相似文献   
The oomycete Albugo candida causes white rust of Brassicaceae, including vegetable and oilseed crops, and wild relatives such as Arabidopsis thaliana. Novel White Rust Resistance (WRR) genes from Arabidopsis enable new insights into plant/parasite co-evolution. WRR4A from Arabidopsis accession Columbia (Col-0) provides resistance to many but not all white rust races, and encodes a nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat immune receptor. Col-0 WRR4A resistance is broken by AcEx1, an isolate of A. candida. We identified an allele of WRR4A in Arabidopsis accession Øystese-0 (Oy-0) and other accessions that confers full resistance to AcEx1. WRR4AOy-0 carries a C-terminal extension required for recognition of AcEx1, but reduces recognition of several effectors recognized by the WRR4ACol-0 allele. WRR4AOy-0 confers full resistance to AcEx1 when expressed in the oilseed crop Camelina sativa.  相似文献   
Detrimental interactions between marine mammals and fisheries are increasing worldwide. The ability to manage these interactions requires the knowledge of where and how interactions occur and the effects they have on species. Many pinnipeds are central place foraging colonial breeders who are restricted in foraging range during breeding. Here, we use a utilization distribution approach to examine the foraging habitats of lactating New Zealand (NZ) sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) from Dundas and Enderby Islands, Auckland Islands. Annually, the NZ sea lions which breed on these two islands produce 83% of this Nationally Critical species’ pups. Satellite transmitters were attached to 55 females during 2001–2007. Data showed that NZ sea lions utilize the entire Auckland Island shelf with partial habitat partitioning between females from the two breeding islands. This habitat partitioning results in differing degrees of overlap with fisheries and therefore possible differing fishery-related impacts on breeding areas.  相似文献   
A stereoselective HPLC assay has been developed to analyze the enantiomers of citalopram and of its three main metabolites in plasma after their separation on a Chiracel OD column. Using a fluorescence detector, the limit of quantification in plasma samples was 15, 4, 5, and 2 ng/ml for the enantiomers of citalopram (CIT), desmethylcitalopram (DCIT), didesmethylcitalopram (DDCIT), and for the citalopram propionic acid derivative (CIT-PROP), respectively. Except for CIT, all metabolites were derivatized with achiral reagents. Identification of the enantiomers was realized with an optical rotation detector which showed that the enantiomers invert their rotation depending on the polarity and nature of the solvent. Under varying conditions, a racemization study has shown that the pure enantiomers of CIT and its demethylated metabolites are configurationally stable. Preliminary results obtained with five patients treated with CIT show a mean S/R ratio of 0.7 for both CIT and its active metabolite DCIT and of 3.6 for CIT-PROP in plasma. This suggests that the pharmacologically relevant (+)-(S)-isomers of CIT and DCIT could be preferentially and steroselectively metabolized to CIT-PROP. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The full sequence of the nitrate reductase gene was obtained from a type isolate of Verticillium fungicola var. fungicola and used for phylogenetic analysis against other ascomycete fungi. Sequencing obtained 2749 bp of coding region, 668 bp of 5′ flanking sequence and 731 bp of 3′ flanking sequence. In silico analysis indicated that the coding region contains a single intron and translates into an 893 amino acid protein, with BLAST analysis identifying five conserved nitrate reductase domains within the protein. The 5′ flanking sequence contains numerous conserved sites putatively involved in binding nitrogen regulatory proteins, indicating that the regulation of the gene is likely to be subject to the same regulation as that of model fungi such as Aspergillus nidulans. The central portion of this gene was amplified and sequenced from a number of V. fungicola isolates and related fungi and the resulting phylogenies compared to those obtained from analysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer regions for these fungi. Both nitrate reductase and ITS analyses provide additional evidence that reinforces previous findings that suggest the mushroom pathogenic Verticillium species are more related to other chitinolytic fungi such as the insect pathogens Verticillium lecanii and Beauveria bassiana than to the plant pathogenic Verticillia.  相似文献   
A procedure using a chirobiotic V column is presented which allows separation of the enantiomers of citalopram and its two N-demethylated metabolites, and of the internal standard, alprenolol, in human plasma. Citalopram, demethylcitalopram and didemethylcitalopram, as well as the internal standard, were recovered from plasma by liquid–liquid extraction. The limits of quantification were found to be 5 ng/ml for each enantiomer of citalopram and demethylcitalopram, and 7.5 ng/ml for each enantiomer of didemethylcitalopram. Inter- and intra-day coefficients of variation varied from 2.4% to 8.6% for S- and R-citalopram, from 2.9% to 7.4% for S- and R-demethylcitalopram, and from 5.6% to 12.4% for S- and R-didemethylcitalopram. No interference was observed from endogenous compounds following the extraction of plasma samples from 10 different patients treated with citalopram. This method allows accurate quantification for each enantiomer and is, therefore, well suited for pharmacokinetic and drug interaction investigations. The presented method replaces a previously described highly sensitive and selective high-performance liquid chromatography procedure using an acetylated β-cyclobond column which, because of manufactural problems, is no longer usable for the separation of the enantiomers of citalopram and its demethylated metabolites.  相似文献   
Electrotonic couplings (i.e., electrical synapses or gap junctions) are fundamental to neuronal synchronization, and thus essential for many physiological functions and pathological disorders. Interneuron electrical synapses have been studied intensively. Although studies on electrotonic couplings between pyramidal cells (PCs) are emerging, particularly in the hippocampus, evidence is still rare in the neocortex. The electrotonic coupling of PCs in the neocortex is therefore largely unknown in terms of electrophysiological, anatomical and synaptological properties. Using multiple patch-clamp recording with differential interference contrast infrared videomicroscopy (IR-DIC) visualization, histochemical staining, and 3D-computer reconstruction, electrotonic coupling was recorded between close PCs, mainly in the medial prefrontal cortex as well as in the visual cortical regions of ferrets and rats. Compared with interneuron gap junctions, these electrotonic couplings were characterized by several special features. The recording probability of an electrotonic coupling between PCs is extremely low; but the junctional conductance is notably high, permitting the direct transmission of action potentials (APs) and even tonic firing between coupled neurons. AP firing is therefore perfectly synchronized between coupled PCs; Postjunctional APs and spikelets alternate following slight changes of membrane potentials; Postjunctional spikelets, especially at high frequencies, are summated and ultimately reach AP-threshold to fire. These properties of pyramidal electrotonic couplings largely fill the needs, as predicted by simulation studies, for the synchronization of a neuronal assembly. It is therefore suggested that the electrotonic coupling of PCs plays a unique role in the generation of neuronal synchronization in the neocortex.  相似文献   
Studies on the mycopathogen Verticillium fungicola have shown the up-regulation of beta-1,6-glucanases when grown in the presence of host cell walls and host cell wall components including chitin. These cell-wall-degrading enzymes are hypothesized to contribute to the pathogenic ability of mycopathogens. A beta-1,6-glucanase gene, VfGlu1, showing high similarity to beta-1,6-glucanase genes from Hypocrea virens, Neotyphodium sp., and Trichoderma harzianum, was isolated using degenerate PCR from V. fungicola, a serious mycopathogen of the cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of V. fungicola using homologous DNA from VfGlu1 resulted in homologous integration at the VfGlu1 locus in 75% of transformants, generating mutants disrupted in the VfGlu1 gene. VfGlu1 mutants displayed reduced virulence and diminished ability to utilize chitin as a carbon source, implicating VfGlu1 in the disease process. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation affords an efficient technique for the disruption of genes associated with disease symptom development in the complex V. fungicola-A. bisporus interaction.  相似文献   
The Brassicaceae, including Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica crops, is unmatched among plants in its wealth of genomic and functional molecular data and has long served as a model for understanding gene, genome, and trait evolution. However, genome information from a phylogenetic outgroup that is essential for inferring directionality of evolutionary change has been lacking. We therefore sequenced the genome of the spider flower (Tarenaya hassleriana) from the Brassicaceae sister family, the Cleomaceae. By comparative analysis of the two lineages, we show that genome evolution following ancient polyploidy and gene duplication events affect reproductively important traits. We found an ancient genome triplication in Tarenaya (Th-α) that is independent of the Brassicaceae-specific duplication (At-α) and nested Brassica (Br-α) triplication. To showcase the potential of sister lineage genome analysis, we investigated the state of floral developmental genes and show Brassica retains twice as many floral MADS (for MINICHROMOSOME MAINTENANCE1, AGAMOUS, DEFICIENS and SERUM RESPONSE FACTOR) genes as Tarenaya that likely contribute to morphological diversity in Brassica. We also performed synteny analysis of gene families that confer self-incompatibility in Brassicaceae and found that the critical SERINE RECEPTOR KINASE receptor gene is derived from a lineage-specific tandem duplication. The T. hassleriana genome will facilitate future research toward elucidating the evolutionary history of Brassicaceae genomes.  相似文献   
Experimental and theoretical work emphasize the role of plant nutrient uptake in regulating ecosystem nutrient losses and predict that forest succession, ecosystem disturbance, and continued inputs of atmospheric nitrogen (N) will increase watershed N export. In ecosystems where snowpack insulates soils, soil-frost disturbances resulting from low or absent snowpack are thought to increase watershed N export and may become more common under climate-change scenarios. This study monitored watershed N export from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in response to a widespread, severe soil-frost event in the winter of 2006. We predicted that nitrate (NO3 ) export following the disturbance would be high compared to low background streamwater NO3 export in recent years. However, post-disturbance annual NO3 export was the lowest on record from both reference (undisturbed) and treated experimental harvest or CaSiO3 addition watersheds. These results are consistent with other studies finding greater than expected forest NO3 retention throughout the northeastern US and suggest that changes over the last five decades have reduced impacts of frost events on watershed NO3 export. While it is difficult to parse out causes from a complicated array of potential factors, based on long-term records and watershed-scale experiments conducted at the HBEF, we propose that reduced N losses in response to frost are due to a combination of factors including the long-term legacies of land use, process-level alterations in N pathways, climate-driven hydrologic changes, and depletion of base cations and/or reduced soil pH due to cumulative effects of acid deposition.  相似文献   
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