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The effect of spatial isolation on the soil microarthropod community of a deciduous forest was investigated for 16 months. Soil animals were confined in plastic tubes (diameter: 7 cm; length: 15 cm). We expected the density and diversity of most microarthropods to decrease with time in isolated habitats and this decline to be more pronounced in species of high trophic level. We also expected that species that are top-down controlled, such as collembolans, would benefit from reduced predator densities whereas species suffering little from enemies, such as oribatid mites, would be little affected. In contrast to these hypotheses, the density and diversity of almost all microarthropod taxa (Gamasina, most groups of Oribatida and Collembola) were not significantly reduced by isolation. Also in contrast to our expectation, the density of predators (Gamasina) increased in isolated habitats. This increase may have resulted from the release of predator pressure, due to the exclusion of macrofauna predators. We conclude that soil microarthropods in the studied forest are insensitive to spatial isolation. Food generalism and parthenogenetic reproduction may enable them to persist in isolated communities.  相似文献   
We investigated central place foraging (CPF) in the context of optimal foraging theory in Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae of the southern Ross Sea by using satellite tracking and time‐depth recorders to explore foraging at two spatio‐temporal scales: within the day‐to‐day (sub‐mesoscale: single foraging trip, 10s of km2) and the entire breeding season (mesoscale: trips by multiple individuals across the collective foraging area, 100s of km2). Specifically, we examine whether three basic assumptions of the Orians–Pearson CPF model, shown to occur in other CPF species, are met: 1) within a patch, the rate of prey acquisition declines with time spent in that patch; 2) food is distributed in discrete patches and is not available between those patches; and 3) CPF species have knowledge of the potential (or average, at least) feeding rate within their universe of patches, and use this knowledge to determine their foraging strategy when planning or engaging in a foraging trip. We found that prey consumption rates did not decline with time spent in patches, and penguins foraged to some degree most of the time when at sea. Food availability, as measured by foraging dive rate, appeared to be predictable within the same day at the same location, but predictability broke down after 2 d at distances > 10 km away. We conclude that the assumptions of the Orians–Pearson CPF model are not a good fit to the circumstances of Ross Sea penguins, which clearly are central place foragers.  相似文献   
Seven new species of oribatid mites of the genus Galumna are described from litter and soil materials of Sumatra, Indonesia. A new subgenus, Galumna (Atypicogalumna) subgen. n., is proposed; it differs from all galumnid genera and subgenera by the simultaneous presence of porose areas and sacculi on the notogaster (vs. either porose areas or sacculi present). Galumna (Galumna) calva Starý, 1997 is recorded for the first time in the Oriental region, and Galumna (Galumna) sabahna Mahunka, 1995 is recorded for the first time in the Indonesian fauna.  相似文献   
The cyclin‐dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p16Ink4a (p16) is a canonical mediator of cellular senescence and accumulates in aging tissues, where it constrains proliferation of some progenitor cells. However, whether p16 induction in tissues is sufficient to inhibit cell proliferation, mediate senescence, and/or impose aging features has remained unclear. To address these issues, we generated transgenic mice that permit conditional p16 expression. Broad induction at weaning inhibited proliferation of intestinal transit‐amplifying and Lgr5+ stem cells and rapidly imposed features of aging, including hair loss, skin wrinkling, reduced body weight and subcutaneous fat, an increased myeloid fraction in peripheral blood, poor dentition, and cataracts. Aging features were observed with multiple combinations of p16 transgenes and transactivators and were largely abrogated by a germline Cdk4 R24C mutation, confirming that they reflect Cdk inhibition. Senescence markers were not found, and de‐induction of p16, even after weeks of sustained expression, allowed rapid recovery of intestinal cell proliferation and reversal of aging features in most mice. These results suggest that p16‐mediated inhibition of Cdk activity is sufficient to inhibit cell proliferation and impose aging features in somatic tissues of mammals and that at least some of these aging features are reversible.  相似文献   
The Z‐molecule is a small, engineered IgG‐binding affinity protein derived from the immunoglobulin‐binding domain B of Staphylococcus aureus protein A. The Z‐domain consists of 58 amino acids forming a well‐defined antiparallel three‐helix structure. Two of the three helices are involved in ligand binding, whereas the third helix provides structural support to the three‐helix bundle. The small size and the stable three‐helix structure are two attractive properties comprised in the Z‐domain, but a further reduction in size of the protein is valuable for several reasons. Reduction in size facilitates synthetic production of any protein‐based molecule, which is beneficial from an economical viewpoint. In addition, a smaller protein is easier to manipulate through chemical modifications. By omitting the third stabilizing helix from the Z‐domain and joining the N‐ and C‐termini by a native peptide bond, the affinity protein obtains the advantageous properties of a smaller scaffold and in addition becomes resistant to exoproteases. We here demonstrate the synthesis and evaluation of a novel cyclic two‐helix Z‐domain. The molecule has retained affinity for its target protein, is resistant to heat treatment, and lacks both N‐ and C‐termini. Copyright © 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Although nitrogen (N) deposition is increasing globally, N availability still limits many organisms, such as microorganisms and mesofauna. However, little is known to which extent soil organisms rely on mineral‐derived N and whether plant community composition modifies its incorporation into soil food webs. More diverse plant communities more effectively compete with microorganisms for mineral N likely reducing the incorporation of mineral‐derived N into soil food webs. We set up a field experiment in experimental grasslands with different levels of plant species and functional group richness. We labeled soil with 15NH4 15NO3 and analyzed the incorporation of mineral‐derived 15N into soil microorganisms and mesofauna over 3 months. Mineral‐derived N incorporation decreased over time in all investigated organisms. Plant species richness and presence of legumes reduced the uptake of mineral‐derived N into microorganisms. In parallel, the incorporation of mineral‐derived 15N into mesofauna species declined with time and decreased with increasing plant species richness in the secondary decomposer springtail Ceratophysella sp. Effects of both plant species richness and functional group richness on other mesofauna species varied with time. The presence of grasses increased the 15N incorporation into Ceratophysella sp., but decreased it in the primary decomposer oribatid mite Tectocepheus velatus sarekensis. The results highlight that mineral N is quickly channeled into soil animal food webs via microorganisms irrespective of plant diversity. The amount of mineral‐derived N incorporated into soil animals, and the plant community properties affecting this incorporation, differed markedly between soil animal taxa, reflecting species‐specific use of food resources. Our results highlight that plant diversity and community composition alter the competition for N in soil and change the transfer of N across trophic levels in soil food webs, potentially leading to changes in soil animal population dynamics and community composition. Sustaining high plant diversity may buffer detrimental effects of elevated N deposition on soil biota.  相似文献   
The SMN complex   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The survival of motor neurons (SMN) protein is the product of the disease-determining gene of the neurodegenerative disorder spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). SMN is part of a stable multiprotein complex that is found in all metazoan cells in the cytoplasm and in nuclear Gems. The SMN complex contains, in addition to SMN, at least six other proteins, named Gemins2-7, and plays an essential role in the assembly of the spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). Through its binding to specific sequences in the snRNAs, the SMN complex surveys the correct identity of the target RNAs and facilitates snRNP assembly. Based on its ability to interact with several other protein and RNA components of cellular RNPs, it is likely that the SMN complex functions as an assemblyosome in the formation of diverse RNP particles, some of which may be of particular importance to the motor neuron. A detailed understanding of the cellular roles of the SMN complex may help the development of therapeutic strategies for this neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   
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