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Hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity is higher in female than in male rats. Although sex steroids, thyroid, and growth hormone (GH) have been shown to regulate hepatic ADH, the mechanism(s) for sexual dimorphic expression is unclear. We tested the possibility that the GH secretory pattern determined differential expression of ADH. Gonadectomized and hypophysectomized male and female rats were examined. Hepatic ADH activity was 2.1-fold greater in females. Because protein and mRNA content were also 1.7- and 2.4-fold greater, results indicated that activity differences were due to pretranslational mechanisms. Estradiol increased ADH selectively in males, and testosterone selectively decreased activity and mRNA levels in females. Effect of sex steroids on ADH was lost after hypophysectomy; infusion of GH in males increased ADH to basal female levels, supporting a role of the pituitary-liver axis. However, GH and L-thyroxine (T4) replacements alone in hypophysectomized rats did not restore dimorphic differences for either ADH activity or mRNA levels. On the other hand, T4 in combination with intermittent administration of GH reduced ADH activity and mRNA to basal male values, whereas T4 plus GH infusion replicated female levels. These results indicate that the intermittent male pattern of GH secretion combined with T4 is the principal determinant of low ADH activity in male liver.  相似文献   
The machinery mediating chromosome condensation is poorly understood. To begin to dissect the in vivo function(s) of individual components, we monitored mitotic chromosome structure in mutants of condensin, cohesin, histone H3, and topoisomerase II (topo II). In budding yeast, both condensation establishment and maintenance require all of the condensin subunits, but not topo II activity or phospho-histone H3. Structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) protein 2, as well as each of the three non-SMC proteins (Ycg1p, Ycs4p, and Brn1p), was required for chromatin binding of the condensin complex in vivo. Using reversible condensin alleles, we show that chromosome condensation does not involve an irreversible modification of condensin or chromosomes. Finally, we provide the first evidence of a mechanistic link between condensin and cohesin function. A model discussing the functional interplay between cohesin and condensin is presented.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: RED-T is a Java application for phylogenetic analysis based on a unique method, RED, that utilizes the ratios of evolutionary distances E(d) to distinguish between alternative evolutionary histories. RED-T allows the user to examine if any given experimental gene shares the same evolutionary history as the designated control gene(s). Moreover, the tool detects any differences in evolutionary history and allows the user to examine comparisons of E(d) for a likely explanation. Lateral gene transfer, which may have a significant influence in organismal evolution is one mechanism that could explain the findings of these RED-T analyses. AVAILABILITY: The application is available online at http://www.arches.uga.edu/~whitman/RED.  相似文献   
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in anoxic waters and sediments are the major producers of methylmercury in aquatic systems. Although a considerable amount of work has addressed the environmental factors that control methylmercury formation and the conditions that control bioavailability of inorganic mercury to SRB, little work has been undertaken analyzing the biochemical mechanism of methylmercury production. The acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) pathway has been implicated as being key to mercury methylation in one SRB strain, Desulfovibrio desulfuricans LS, but this result has not been extended to other SRB species. To probe whether the acetyl-CoA pathway is the controlling biochemical process for methylmercury production in SRB, five incomplete-oxidizing SRB strains and two Desulfobacter strains that do not use the acetyl-CoA pathway for major carbon metabolism were assayed for methylmercury formation and acetyl-CoA pathway enzyme activities. Three of the SRB strains were also incubated with chloroform to inhibit the acetyl-CoA pathway. So far, all species that have been found to have acetyl-CoA activity are complete oxidizers that require the acetyl-CoA pathway for basic metabolism, as well as methylate mercury. Chloroform inhibits Hg methylation in these species either by blocking the methylating enzyme or by indirect effects on metabolism and growth. However, we have identified four incomplete-oxidizing strains that clearly do not utilize the acetyl-CoA pathway either for metabolism or mercury methylation (as confirmed by the absence of chloroform inhibition). Hg methylation is thus independent of the acetyl-CoA pathway and may not require vitamin B(12) in some and perhaps many incomplete-oxidizing SRB strains.  相似文献   
Mice homozygous for an allele encoding the selenocysteine (Sec) tRNA [Ser]Sec gene (Trsp) flanked by loxP sites were generated. Cre recombinase-dependent removal of Trsp in these mice was lethal to embryos. To investigate the role of Trsp in mouse mammary epithelium, we deleted this gene by using transgenic mice carrying the Cre recombinase gene under control of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) long terminal repeat or the whey acidic protein promoter. While both promoters target Cre gene expression to mammary epithelium, MMTV-Cre is also expressed in spleen and skin. Sec tRNA [Ser]Sec amounts were reduced by more than 70% in mammary tissue with either transgene, while in skin and spleen, levels were reduced only with MMTV-Cre. The selenoprotein population was selectively affected with MMTV-Cre in breast and skin but not in the control tissue, kidney. Moreover, within affected tissues, expression of specific selenoproteins was regulated differently and often in a contrasting manner, with levels of Sep15 and the glutathione peroxidases GPx1 and GPx4 being substantially reduced. Expression of the tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and p53 was also altered in a contrasting manner in MMTV-Cre mice, suggesting greater susceptibility to cancer and/or increased cell apoptosis. Thus, the conditional Trsp knockout mouse allows tissue-specific manipulation of Sec tRNA and selenoprotein expression, suggesting that this approach will provide a useful tool for studying the role of selenoproteins in health.  相似文献   
We have investigated a mouse F9 embryonic carcinoma cell line, in which both vinculin genes were inactivated by homologous recombination, that exhibits defective adhesion and spreading [Collet al.(1995)Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA92, 9161–9165]. Using a magnetometer and RGD-coated magnetic microbeads, we measured the local effect of loss and replacement of vinculin on mechanical force transfer across integrins. Vinculin-deficient F9Vin(−/−) cells showed a 21% difference in relative stiffness compared to wild-type cells. This was restored to near wild-type levels after transfection and constitutive expression of increasing amounts of vinculin into F9Vin(−/−) cells. In contrast, the transfection of vinculin constructs deficient in amino acids 1–288 (containing the talin- and α-actinin-binding site) or substituting tyrosine for phenylalanine (phosphorylation site, amino acid 822) in F9Vin(−/−) cells resulted in partial restoration of stiffness. Using atomic force microscopy to map the relative elasticity of entire F9 cells by 128 × 128 (n= 16,384) force scans, we observed a correlation with magnetometer measurements. These findings suggest that vinculin may promote cell adhesion and spreading by stabilizing focal adhesions and transferring mechanical stresses that drive cytoskeletal remodeling, thereby affecting the elastic properties of the cell.  相似文献   
Genetic studies of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) have identified several important components of the cell death pathway, most notably CED-3, CED-4, and CED-9. CED-4 directly interacts with the Bcl-2 homologue CED-9 (or the mammalian Bcl-2 family member Bcl-xL) and the caspase CED-3 (or the mammalian caspases ICE and FLICE). This trimolecular complex of CED-4, CED-3, and CED-9 is functional in that CED-9 inhibits CED-4 from activating CED-3 and thereby inhibits apoptosis in heterologous systems. The E1B 19,000-molecular weight protein (E1B 19K) is a potent apoptosis inhibitor and the adenovirus homologue of Bcl-2-related apoptosis inhibitors. Since E1B 19K and Bcl-xL have functional similarity, we determined if E1B 19K interacts with CED-4 and regulates CED-4-dependent caspase activation. Binding analysis indicated that E1B 19K interacts with CED-4 in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae two-hybrid assay, in vitro, and in mammalian cell lysates. The subcellular localization pattern of CED-4 was dramatically changed by E1B 19K, supporting the theory of a functional interaction between CED-4 and E1B 19K. Whereas expression of CED-4 alone could not induce cell death, coexpression of CED-4 and FLICE augmented cell death induction by FLICE, which was blocked by expression of E1B 19K. Even though E1B 19K did not prevent FLICE-induced apoptosis, it did inhibit CED-4-dependent, FLICE-mediated apoptosis, which suggested that CED-4 was required for E1B 19K to block FLICE activation. Thus, E1B 19K functions through interacting with CED-4, and presumably a mammalian homologue of CED-4, to inhibit caspase activation and apoptosis.  相似文献   
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