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The ability of bacteria to monitor their metabolism and adjust their behavior accordingly is critical to maintain competitiveness in the environment. The motile microaerophilic bacterium Azospirillum brasilense navigates oxygen gradients by aerotaxis in order to locate low oxygen concentrations that can support metabolism. When cells are exposed to elevated levels of oxygen in their surroundings, motile A. brasilense cells implement an alternative response to aerotaxis and form transient clumps by cell-to-cell interactions. Clumping was suggested to represent a behavior protecting motile cells from transiently elevated levels of aeration. Using the proteomics of wild-type and mutant strains affected in the extent of their clumping abilities, we show that cell-to-cell clumping represents a metabolic scavenging strategy that likely prepares the cells for further metabolic stresses. Analysis of mutants affected in carbon or nitrogen metabolism confirmed this assumption. The metabolic changes experienced as clumping progresses prime cells for flocculation, a morphological and metabolic shift of cells triggered under elevated-aeration conditions and nitrogen limitation. The analysis of various mutants during clumping and flocculation characterized an ordered set of changes in cell envelope properties accompanying the metabolic changes. These data also identify clumping and early flocculation to be behaviors compatible with the expression of nitrogen fixation genes, despite the elevated-aeration conditions. Cell-to-cell clumping may thus license diazotrophy to microaerophilic A. brasilense cells under elevated oxygen conditions and prime them for long-term survival via flocculation if metabolic stress persists.  相似文献   
Avian obligate brood parasites, which rely solely on hosts to raise their young, should choose the highest quality hosts to maximize reproductive output. Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are extreme host generalists, yet female cowbirds could use information based on past reproductive outcomes to make egg-laying decisions thus minimizing fitness costs associated with parasitizing low-quality hosts. We use a long-term (21 years) nest-box study of a single host, the prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea), to show that local cowbird reproductive success, but not host reproductive success, was positively correlated with the probability of parasitism the following year. Experimental manipulations of cowbird success corroborated that female cowbirds make future decisions about which hosts to use based on information pertaining to past cowbird success, both within and between years. The within-year pattern, in particular, points to local cowbird females selecting hosts based on past reproductive outcomes. This, coupled with high site fidelity of female cowbirds between years, points to information use, rather than cowbird natal returns alone, increasing parasitism rates on highly productive sites between years.  相似文献   
In response to DNA damage, two general but fundamental processes occur in the cell: (1) a DNA lesion is recognized and repaired, and (2) concomitantly, the cell halts the cell cycle to provide a window of opportunity for repair to occur. An essential factor for a proper DNA-damage response is the heterotrimeric protein complex Replication Protein A (RPA). Of particular interest is hyperphosphorylation of the 32-kDa subunit, called RPA2, on its serine/threonine-rich amino (N) terminus following DNA damage in human cells. The unstructured N-terminus is often referred to as the phosphorylation domain and is conserved among eukaryotic RPA2 subunits, including Rfa2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An aspartic acid/alanine-scanning and genetic interaction approach was utilized to delineate the importance of this domain in budding yeast. It was determined that the Rfa2 N-terminus is important for a proper DNA-damage response in yeast, although its phosphorylation is not required. Subregions of the Rfa2 N-terminus important for the DNA-damage response were also identified. Finally, an Rfa2 N-terminal hyperphosphorylation-mimetic mutant behaves similarly to another Rfa1 mutant (rfa1-t11) with respect to genetic interactions, DNA-damage sensitivity, and checkpoint adaptation. Our data indicate that post-translational modification of the Rfa2 N-terminus is not required for cells to deal with “repairable” DNA damage; however, post-translational modification of this domain might influence whether cells proceed into M-phase in the continued presence of unrepaired DNA lesions as a “last-resort” mechanism for cell survival.  相似文献   
A new methodology for detecting the microbiological state of a wound dressing in terms of its colonization with pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been developed. Here we report how stabilized lipid vesicles containing self-quenched carboxyfluorescein dye are sensitive to lysis only by toxins/virulence factors from P. aeruginosa and S. aureus but not by a non-toxic Escherichia coli species. The development of the stabilized vesicles is discussed and their response to detergent (triton), bacterial toxin (α-hemolysin) and lipases (phospholipase A2). Finally, fabrics with stabilized vesicles attached via plasma deposited maleic anhydride coupling are shown visibly responding to S. aureus (MSSA 476) and P. aeruginosa (PAO1) but not E. coli DH5α in a prototype dressing.  相似文献   
Ascorbate is present at high concentrations in neutrophils and becomes oxidized when the cells are stimulated. We have investigated the mechanism of oxidation by studying cultured HL60 cells and isolated neutrophils. Addition of H2O2 to ascorbate-loaded HL60 cells resulted in substantial oxidation of intracellular ascorbate. Oxidation was myeloperoxidase-dependent, but not attributable to hypochlorous acid, and can be explained by myeloperoxidase (MPO) exhibiting direct ascorbate peroxidase activity. When neutrophils were stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate, about 40% of their intracellular ascorbate was oxidized over 20 min. Ascorbate loss required NADPH oxidase activity but in contrast to the HL60 cells did not involve myeloperoxidase. It did not occur when exogenous H2O2 was added, was not inhibited by myeloperoxidase inhibitors, and was the same for normal and myeloperoxidase-deficient cells. Neutrophil ascorbate loss was enhanced when endogenous superoxide dismutase was inhibited by cyanide or diethyldithiocarbamate and appears to be due to oxidation by superoxide. We propose that in HL60 cells, MPO-dependent ascorbate oxidation occurs because cellular ascorbate can access newly synthesized MPO before it becomes packaged in granules: a mechanism not possible in neutrophils. In neutrophils, we estimate that ascorbate is capable of competing with superoxide dismutase for a small fraction of the superoxide they generate and propose that the superoxide responsible is likely to come from previously identified sites of intracellular NADPH oxidase activity. We speculate that ascorbate might protect the neutrophil against intracellular effects of superoxide generated at these sites.  相似文献   
The response of alveolar epithelial cells (AECs) to lung injury plays a central role in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis, but the mechanisms by which AECs regulate fibrotic processes are not well defined. We aimed to elucidate how transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) signaling in lung epithelium impacts lung fibrosis in the intratracheal bleomycin model. Mice with selective deficiency of TGFβ receptor 2 (TGFβR2) in lung epithelium were generated and crossed to cell fate reporter mice that express β-galactosidase (β-gal) in cells of lung epithelial lineage. Mice were given intratracheal bleomycin (0.08 U), and the following parameters were assessed: AEC death by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP-mediated nick-end labeling assay, inflammation by total and differential cell counts from bronchoalveolar lavage, fibrosis by scoring of trichrome-stained lung sections, and total lung collagen content. Mice with lung epithelial deficiency of TGFβR2 had improved AEC survival, despite greater lung inflammation, after bleomycin administration. At 3 wk after bleomycin administration, mice with epithelial TGFβR2 deficiency showed a significantly attenuated fibrotic response in the lungs, as determined by semiquantitatve scoring and total collagen content. The reduction in lung fibrosis in these mice was associated with a marked decrease in the lung fibroblast population, both total lung fibroblasts and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition-derived (S100A4(+)/β-gal(+)) fibroblasts. Attenuation of TGFβ signaling in lung epithelium provides protection from bleomycin-induced fibrosis, indicating a critical role for the epithelium in transducing the profibrotic effects of this cytokine.  相似文献   
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