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Methylation of the arginine residues of histones by methyltransferases has important consequences for chromatin structure and gene regulation; however, the molecular mechanism(s) of methyltransferase regulation is still unclear, as is the biological significance of methylation at particular arginine residues. Here, we report a novel specific inhibitor of coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase 1 (CARM1; also known as PRMT4) that selectively inhibits methylation at arginine 17 of histone H3 (H3R17). Remarkably, this plant-derived inhibitor, called TBBD (ellagic acid), binds to the substrate (histone) preferentially at the signature motif, “KAPRK,” where the proline residue (Pro-16) plays a critical role for interaction and subsequent enzyme inhibition. In a promoter-specific context, inhibition of H3R17 methylation represses expression of p21, a p53-responsive gene, thus implicating a possible role for H3 Arg-17 methylation in tumor suppressor function. These data establish TBBD as a novel specific inhibitor of arginine methylation and demonstrate substrate sequence-directed inhibition of enzyme activity by a small molecule and its physiological consequence.  相似文献   
Halacsya and Paramoltkia are two monotypic genera of the Balkan ultramafic outcrops, both classified as paleoendemics. They show close phylogenetic relationship, similar ecology and partially sympatric range, but contrasting life-history traits, patterns of distribution and chromosomal features. We performed a study to compare their infraspecific genetic structure using AFLP fingerprinting. Within-population heterozygosity (HS) and total heterozygosity (HT) were lower in diploid H. sendtneri than in polyploid P. doerfleri (0.121 and 0.142 vs. 0.165 and 0.178, respectively). Number of polymorphic loci was also higher in the latter species. Halacsya showed significant levels of among-population variation (14.5%) and population differentiation (FST = 0.145), as well as a structuring in four main geographic groups connected by low gene flow. Combined with inability for long-distance dispersal, these data suggest that present-day range fragmentation in this species is the result of historical losses of intervening populations and support its status of paleoendemic surviving in refugial serpentine “islands”. Populations of P. doerfleri were instead genetically very close (FST = 0.049), and variation was partitioned almost exclusively among individuals (95.1%). Lack of population groupings and higher levels of gene flow suggested a single, panmictic group, fitting more a metapopulation than a “classical” paleoendemic model.  相似文献   
Climate change will likely affect population dynamics of numerous plant species by modifying several aspects of the life cycle. Because plant regeneration from seeds may be particularly vulnerable, here we assess the possible effects of climate change on seed characteristics and present an integrated analysis of seven seed traits (nutrient concentrations, samara mass, seed mass, wing length, seed viability, germination percentage, and seedling biomass) of Acer platanoides and A. pseudoplatanus seeds collected along a wide latitudinal gradient from Italy to Norway. Seed traits were analyzed in relation to the environmental conditions experienced by the mother trees along the latitudinal gradient. We found that seed traits of A. platanoides were more influenced by the climatic conditions than those of A. pseudoplatanus. Additionally, seed viability, germination percentage, and seedling biomass of A. platanoides were strongly related to the seed mass and nutrient concentration. While A. platanoides seeds were more influenced by the environmental conditions (generally negatively affected by rising temperatures), compared to A. pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides still showed higher germination percentage and seedling biomass than A. pseudoplatanus. Thus, further research on subsequent life-history stages of both species is needed. The variation in seed quality observed along the climatic gradient highlights the importance of studying the possible impact of climate change on seed production and species demography.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships are complex within the Lithospermeae, a large subgroup of the Boraginaceae s.str. The relationships of New World Lasiarrhenum, Macromeria, Nomosa, Onosmodium, Perittostoma, and Psilolaemus to subcosmopolitan and much larger Lithospermum have not been critically investigated in the recent past. No molecular data on the phylogeny of these genera and Lithospermum have so far been published. We investigated the relationships within Lithospermeae using three loci (nuclear ITS plus 5.8S rRNA, chloroplast trnL-F-spacer, and trnS-G-spacer) and micromorphological character traits (pollen, nutlets). Lithospermum s.l. constitutes the sistergroup of Asian Ulugbekia and is monophyletic only when its American segregates “Macromeria”, monotypic Nomosa, and Onosmodium are included. Both the African and the South American species groups of Lithospermum are monophyletic, but North American representatives are not resolved in a single clade. Morphological characters that have been considered as important for generic delimitation in the past (such as large, yellow corollas without faucal scales, particular pollen types, coarsely veined leaves, shrubby habit) have evolved in at least two only distantly related lineages within Lithospermum s.l. The reduction of American “Macromeria”, Nomosa, and Onosmodium as well as Asian Ulugbekia under Lithospermum is proposed to render the latter monophyletic. This redefined Lithospermum s.l. appears to have undergone a type of recent “island radiation” in the Americas, reflected in a morphological diversity far exceeding that found in the Old World.  相似文献   
A series of 2-oxopyrimido[4,5-b]-, 2-thio[4,5-b]-, 1-(p-tosyl)pyrazolo[3,4-b]- and 1-(2',4'-dinitrophenyl)pyrazolo[3,4-b]-quinolines have been synthesized in good to excellent yields by environmentally benign solvent free microwave-induced techniques involving the condensation of 2-chloro-3-formylquinolines with urea, thiourea, p-toluenesulfonylhydrazide and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, respectively, using PTSA as a catalyst. All the synthesized compounds were evaluated for their antibacterial and antifungal activities. Most of the compounds showed the best activity against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  相似文献   
Alkaptonuria (AKU) is an ultra-rare disease developed from the lack of homogentisic acid oxidase activity, causing homogentisic acid (HGA) accumulation that produces a HGA-melanin ochronotic pigment, of unknown composition. There is no therapy for AKU. Our aim was to verify if AKU implied a secondary amyloidosis. Congo Red, Thioflavin-T staining and TEM were performed to assess amyloid presence in AKU specimens (cartilage, synovia, periumbelical fat, salivary gland) and in HGA-treated human chondrocytes and cartilage. SAA and SAP deposition was examined using immunofluorescence and their levels were evaluated in the patients' plasma by ELISA. 2D electrophoresis was undertaken in AKU cells to evaluate the levels of proteins involved in amyloidogenesis. AKU osteoarticular tissues contained SAA-amyloid in 7/7 patients. Ochronotic pigment and amyloid co-localized in AKU osteoarticular tissues. SAA and SAP composition of the deposits assessed secondary type of amyloidosis. High levels of SAA and SAP were found in AKU patients' plasma. Systemic amyloidosis was assessed by Congo Red staining of patients' abdominal fat and salivary gland. AKU is the second pathology after Parkinson's disease where amyloid is associated with a form of melanin. Aberrant expression of proteins involved in amyloidogenesis has been found in AKU cells. Our findings on alkaptonuria as a novel type II AA amyloidosis open new important perspectives for its therapy, since methotrexate treatment proved to significantly reduce in vitro HGA-induced A-amyloid aggregates.  相似文献   
A polar bacterium was isolated from Arctic sea sediments and identified as Psychromonas artica, based on 16S rDNA sequence. Psychromonas artica KOPRI 22215 has an optimal growth temperature of 10 °C and a maximum growth temperature of 25 °C, suggesting this bacterium is a psychrophile. Cold shock proteins (Csps) are induced upon temperature downshift by more than 10 °C. Functional studies have researched mostly Csps of a mesophilic bacterium Escherichia coli, but not on those of psychrophilic bacteria. In an effort to understand the molecular mechanisms of psychrophilic bacteria that allow it withstand freezing environments, we cloned a gene encoding a cold shock protein from P. artica KOPRI 22215 (CspAPa) using the conserved sequences in csp genes. The 204 bp-long ORF encoded a protein of 68 amino acids, sharing 56% homology to previously reported E. coli CspA protein. When CspAPa was overexpressed in E. coli, it caused cell growth-retardation and morphological elongation. Interestingly, overexpression of CspAPa drastically increased the host’s cold-resistance by more than ten times, suggesting the protein aids survival in polar environments.  相似文献   
Alkaptonuria (AKU) results from defective homogentisate1,2-dioxygenase (HGD), causing degenerative arthropathy. The deposition of ochronotic pigment in joints is so far attributed to homogentisic acid produced by the liver, circulating in the blood and accumulating locally. Human normal and AKU osteoarticular cells were tested for HGD gene expression by RT-PCR, mono- and 2D-Western blotting. HGD gene expression was revealed in chondrocytes, synoviocytes, osteoblasts. Furthermore, HGD expression was confirmed by Western blotting, that also revealed the presence of five enzymatic molecular species. Our findings indicate that AKU osteoarticular cells produce the ochronotic pigment in loco and this may strongly contribute to induction of ochronotic arthropathy.  相似文献   
Ziziphora L. is represented by 5 species and 2 subspecies in the flora of Turkey: Z. clinopodioides, Z. capitata, Z. persica, Z. tenuior, Z. taurica subsp. taurica, Z. taurica subsp. cleonioides. It is difficult to distinguish between some Ziziphora taxa because of their morphological similarities. In this study, the leaf and calyx trichomes of Ziziphora taxa in Turkey were studied in order to assess anatomical variations that may serve as distinguishing characters. Their micromorphological features were surveyed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM). Trichomes on leaves and calyx can be divided into two general types: non‐glandular trichomes and glandular (secretory) trichomes. The non‐ glandular trichomes are simple, acicular or curved with cuticular micropapillae. They usually consist of one or more additional cells. The glandular trichomes are divided into two types: peltate and capitate and Ziziphora taxa can easily be distinguished by presence/absence, density and types of glandular trichomes on leaves and calyx. The peltate trichomes consist of 12 or 18 secretory head cells in a single disc; four or six central cells surrounded by eight or twelve peripheral ones. Peltate trichomes are absent on the adaxial leaf surface of Z. capitata and Z. persica. Two types of capitate trichomes are present in Ziziphora. The capitate trichomes are only absent on the calyx surface of Z. persica. In addition, the trichome micromorphology provides some support for separating the two subspecies of Z. taurica. In conclusion, Ziziphora taxa can easily be distinguished by cell number, cell shape presence/absence and density of the glandular trichomes on leaves and calyx.  相似文献   
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