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The Amazon region is one of the most diverse areas in the world. Research on high tropical forest diversity brings up relevant contributions to understand the mechanisms that result and support such diversity. In the present study we describe the species composition and diversity of 15 one-ha plots in the Amazonian terra firme dense forest in Brazil, and compare the floristic similarity of these plots with other nine one-ha plots. The 15 plots studied were randomly selected from permanent plots at the Embrapa Experimental site, Amazonas State in 2005. The diversity was analysed by using species richness and Shannon's index, and by applying the Sorensen's index for similarity and unweighted pair-group average (UPGMA) as clustering method. Mantel test was performed to study whether the differences in species composition between sites could be explained by the geographic distance between them. Overall, we identified 8 771 individuals, 264 species and 51 plant families. Most of the species were concentrated in few families and few had large number of individuals. Families presenting the highest species richness were Fabaceae (Faboideae: 22spp., Mimosoideae: 22spp.), Sapotaceae: 22spp., Lecythidaceae: 15 and Lauraceae: 13. Burseraceae had the largest number of individuals with 11.8% of the total. The ten most abundant species were: Protium hebetatum (1 037 individuals), Eschweilera coriacea (471), Licania oblongifolia (310), Pouteria minima (293), Ocotea cernua (258), Scleronema micranthum (197), Eschweilera collina (176), Licania apelata (172), Naucleopsis caloneura (170) and Psidium araca (152), which represented 36.5% of all individuals. Approximately 49% of species had up to ten individuals and 13% appeared only once in all sampled plots, showing a large occurrence of rare species. Our study area is on a forest presenting a high tree species diversity with Shannon's diversity index of 4.49. The dendrogram showed two groups of plots with low similarity between them (less than 0.25), and the closer the plots were one to another, more similar in species composition (Mantel R = 0.3627, p < 0.01). The 15 plots in our study area share more than 50% of their species composition and represent the group of plots that have the shortest distance between each other. Overall, our results highlight the high local and regional heterogeneity of environments in terra firme forests, and the high occurrence of rare species, which should be considered in management and conservation programs in the Amazon rainforest, in order to maintain its structure on the long run.  相似文献   
In this study we compared the body temperature of 16 populations belonging to five species of the genus Cnemidophorus from restinga habitats along the eastern coast of Brazil in order to evaluate the importance of how some environmental factors affect lizard body temperatures. Cloacal body temperatures (Tb) were taken immediately after capture with a quick-reading thermometer (Schultheis). Substrate temperatures (Ts) and air temperatures (Ta; approximately 1 cm above the substrate) were taken as close as possible to the point when each lizard was initially sighted. Most of the mean body temperatures in activity of the different populations and species of Cnemidophorus along the coast of Brazil ranged from 36.5 to 39.3 °C, except for Cnemidophorus lacertoides (Tb=35.2 °C) in the restinga of Joaquina, SC and for Cnemidophorus ocellifer (Tb=34.8 °C ) in the restinga of Praia do Porto, SE. Some studies show that the body temperature of lizards is more related to phylogenetic than ecological factors, suggesting that species of the same genus tend to have similar body temperatures even occurring in different types of environments. In general, regardless of the locality and latitude along the eastern coast of Brazil, the different species of lizards of the genus Cnemidophorus and their respective populations have similar body temperatures in activity and the apparent differences result from the influence of the local thermal environment of each restinga.  相似文献   
Members of the WNK (with-no-lysine [K]) subfamily of protein kinases regulate various ion channels involved in sodium, potassium, and chloride homeostasis by either inducing their phosphorylation or regulating the number of channel proteins expressed at the cell surface. Here, we describe findings demonstrating that the cell surface expression of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is also regulated by WNK4 in mammalian cells. This effect of WNK4 is independent of the presence of kinase and involves interaction with and inhibition of spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk), which phosphorylates Tyr512 in the first nucleotide-binding domain 1 (NBD1) of CFTR. Transfection of catalytically active Syk into CFTR-expressing baby hamster kidney cells reduces the cell surface expression of CFTR, whereas that of WNK4 promotes it. This is shown by biotinylation of cell surface proteins, immunofluorescence microscopy, and functional efflux assays. Mutation of Tyr512 to either glutamic acid or phenylalanine is sufficient to alter CFTR surface levels. In human airway epithelial cells, downregulation of endogenous Syk and WNK4 confirms their roles as physiologic regulators of CFTR surface expression. Together, our results show that Tyr512 phosphorylation is a novel signal regulating the prevalence of CFTR at the cell surface and that WNK4 and Syk perform an antagonistic role in this process.  相似文献   
DNA methylation changes contribute to bladder carcinogenesis. Trihalomethanes (THM), a class of disinfection by-products, are associated with increased urothelial bladder cancer (UBC) risk. THM exposure in animal models produces DNA hypomethylation. We evaluated the relationship of LINE-1 5-methylcytosine levels (LINE-1%5mC) as outcome of long-term THM exposure among controls and as an effect modifier in the association between THM exposure and UBC risk. We used a case-control study of UBC conducted in Spain. We obtained personal lifetime residential THM levels and measured LINE-1%5mC by pyrosequencing in granulocyte DNA from blood samples in 548 incident cases and 559 hospital controls. Two LINE-1%5mC clusters (above and below 64%) were identified through unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis. The association between THM levels and LINE-1%5mC was evaluated with β regression analyses and logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) adjusting for covariables. LINE-1%5mC change between percentiles 75th and 25th of THM levels was 1.8% (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.1, 3.4%) among controls. THM levels above vs. below the median (26 μg/L) were associated with increased UBC risk, OR = 1.86 (95% CI: 1.25, 2.75), overall and among subjects with low levels of LINE-1%5mC (n = 975), OR = 2.14 (95% CI: 1.39, 3.30), but not associated with UBC risk among subjects’ high levels of LINE-1%5mC (n = 162), interaction P = 0.03. Results suggest a positive association between LINE-1%5mC and THM levels among controls, and LINE-1%5mC status may modify the association between UBC risk and THM exposure. Because reverse causation and chance cannot be ruled out, confirmation studies are warranted.  相似文献   
Natural hybridization may result in the exchange of genetic material between divergent lineages and even the formation of new taxa. Many of the Neo-Darwinian architects argued that, particularly for animal clades, natural hybridization was maladaptive. Recent evidence, however, has falsified this hypothesis, instead indicating that this process may lead to increased biodiversity through the formation of new species. Although such cases of hybrid speciation have been described in plants, fish and insects, they are considered exceptionally rare in mammals. Here we present evidence for a marine mammal, Stenella clymene, arising through natural hybridization. We found phylogenetic discordance between mitochondrial and nuclear markers, which, coupled with a pattern of transgressive segregation seen in the morphometric variation of some characters, support a case of hybrid speciation. S. clymene is currently genetically differentiated from its putative parental species, Stenella coerueloalba and Stenella longisrostris, although low levels of introgressive hybridization may be occurring. Although non-reticulate forms of evolution, such as incomplete lineage sorting, could explain our genetic results, we consider that the genetic and morphological evidence taken together argue more convincingly towards a case of hybrid speciation. We anticipate that our study will bring attention to this important aspect of reticulate evolution in non-model mammal species. The study of speciation through hybridization is an excellent opportunity to understand the mechanisms leading to speciation in the context of gene flow.  相似文献   
The plant growth promoting bacteria Herbaspirillum seropedicae SmR1 is an endophytic diazotroph found in several economically important crops. Considering that methods to monitor the plant–bacteria interaction are required, our objective was to develop a real-time PCR method for quantification of PGPB H. seropedicae in the rhizosphere of maize seedlings. Primer pairs were designed, and their specificity was verified using DNA from 12 different bacterial species. Ten standard curves of qPCR assay using HERBAS1 primers and tenfold serial dilutions of H. seropedicae SmR1 DNA were performed, and PCR efficiency of 91 % and correlation coefficient of 0.99 were obtained. H. seropedicae SmR1 limit of detection was 101 copies (corresponding to 60.3 fg of bacterial DNA). qPCR assay using HERBAS1 was used to detect and quantify H. seropedicae strain SmR1 in inoculated maize roots, cultivated in vitro and in pots, harvested 1, 4, 7, and 10 days after inoculation. The estimated bacterial DNA copy number per gram of root was in the range 107–109 for plants grown in vitro and it was around 106 for plants grown in pots. Primer pair HERBAS1 was able to quantify H. seropedicae SmR1, and this assay can be useful for monitoring plant–bacteria interaction.  相似文献   
Imbalance on endothelial turnover can predict cardiovascular outcomes. We aimed at evaluating the effects of lipid-modifying therapies on circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), endothelial microparticles (EMPs), and platelet microparticles (PMPs) in high cardiovascular risk subjects with elevated C-reactive protein (CRP). Sixty-three individuals with coronary heart disease (CHD) or CHD risk equivalent on stable statin therapy, with LDL-cholesterol <100 mg/dL and CRP ≥2.0 mg/L were selected. After a 4-week run-in period with atorvastatin 10 mg, those with persistent CRP ≥2.0 mg/L were randomized to another 4-week treatment period with atorvastatin 40 mg, ezetimibe 10 mg or atorvastatin 40 mg/ezetimibe 10 mg. EPC (CD34+/CD133+/KDR+), EMP (CD51+), and PMP (CD42+/CD31+) were quantified by flow cytometry. Atorvastatin 40 mg and atorvastatin 40 mg/ezetimibe 10 mg reduced LDL-cholesterol (P < 0.001, paired T test, vs. baseline). Combined therapy, but not ezetimibe reduced CRP. CD34+/KDR+ EPC were reduced after ezetimibe alone (P = 0.011 vs. baseline, Wilcoxon test) or combined with atorvastatin (P = 0.016 vs. baseline, Wilcoxon test). In addition, ezetimibe increased CD51+ EMP (P = 0.017 vs. baseline, Wilcoxon test). No correlations between these markers and LDL-cholesterol or CRP were observed. These results contribute to understand the link between inflammation and vascular homeostasis and highlight the broader benefit of statins decreasing inflammation and preventing microparticles release, an effect not observed with ezetimibe alone.  相似文献   
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