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Calcitonin shows considerable divergence in amino acid sequence between lower vertebrates and higher vertebrates. Immunoreactive salmon-like calcitonin molecules are present in the thyroid of man and rat. Elucidation of the almost complete sequence of chicken calcitonin mRNA revealed that the calcitonin precursor in chickens had the same organisation as in higher vertebrates (man and rat) but showed considerable differences in amino acid sequence. cDNA probes specific for chicken calcitonin mRNA hybridized to poly(A)-rich RNA extracted from a case of medullary carcinoma of the thyroid and from murine thyroid. These results suggest the expression in man and rat of a gene coding for an avian calcitonin-like precursor.  相似文献   
Apolipoprotein B (apoB) of plasma low density lipoproteins (LDL) binds to high affinity receptors on many cell types. A minor subclass of high density lipoproteins (HDL), termed HDL1, which contains apoE but lacks apoB, binds to the same receptor. Bound lipoproteins are engulfed, degraded, and regulate intracellular cholesterol metabolism and receptor activity. The HDL of many patients with liver disease is rich in apoE. We tested the hypothesis that such patient HDL would reduce LDL binding and would themselves regulate cellular cholesterol metabolism. Normal HDL had little effect on binding, uptake, and degradation of 125I-labeled LDL by cultured human skin fibroblasts. Patient HDL (d 1.063-1.21 g/ml) inhibited these processes, and in 15 of the 25 samples studied there was more than 50% inhibition at 125I-labeled LDL and HDL protein concentrations of 10 micrograms/ml and 25 micrograms/ml, respectively. There was a significant negative correlation between the percentage of 125I-labeled LDL bound and the apoE content of the competing HDL (r = -0.54, P less than 0.01). Patient 125I-labeled HDL was also taken up and degraded by the fibroblasts, apparently through the LDL-receptor pathway, stimulated cellular cholesterol esterification, increased cell cholesteryl ester content, and suppressed cholesterol synthesis and receptor activity. We conclude that LDL catabolism by the receptor-mediated pathway may be impaired in liver disease and that patient HDL may deliver cholesterol to cells.  相似文献   
Edward Day 《CMAJ》1986,134(6):626
Penicillinase from Bacillus cereus 569/H was purified to homogeneity. Its active site was probed by use of an affinity label generated in situ by the diazotization of 6-aminopenicillanic acid, a catalytically poor substrate for this enzyme. The loss of activity arising during the inactivation is dependent upon pH and the penicillin:sodium nitrite ratio used. Optimal inactivation was obtained at pH 4.7 and reactivation could be prevented if subsequent purification and manipulations were performed at low pH. Inactivation by diazotized 6-aminopenicillanic acid was characterized further by tryptic and chymotryptic digestion of the inactivated enzyme and peptide mapping of the resulting digests. Amino acid analysis of the chymotryptic labeled peptide yielded a composition which corresponds to residues 41-46 (Ala-Phe-Ala-Ser-Thr-Tyr) in the published partial sequence of the enzyme (Thatcher, D. (1975) Biochem. J. 147, 313-326). Further digestion of this chymotryptic peptide with carboxypeptidase A reveals that serine-44 is modified in this affinity labeling procedure. Mass spectral analysis of the modified serine residue and alkali-released label, and comparison with spectra of model compounds indicates that the inactivation occurs with rearrangement of the beta-lactamthiazolidine structure to a dihydrothiazine.  相似文献   
Addition of NAD+ to purified potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) mitochondria respiring α-ketoglutarate and malate in the presence of the electron transport inhibitor rotenone, stimulated O2 uptake. This stimulation was prevented by incubating mitochondria with N-4-azido-2-nitrophenyl-aminobutyryl-NAD+ (NAP4-NAD+), an inhibitor of NAD+ uptake, but not by 1 mm EGTA, an inhibitor of external NADH oxidation. NAD+-stimulated malate-cytochrome c reductase activity, and reduction of added NAD+ by intact mitochondria, could be duplicated by rupturing the mitochondria and adding a small quantity to the cuvette. The extent of external NAD+ reduction was correlated with the amount of extra mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase present. Malate oxidation by potato mitochondria depleted of endogenous NAD+ by storing on ice for 72 hours, was completely dependent on added NAD+, and the effect of NAD+ on these mitochondria was prevented by incubating them with NAP4-NAD+. External NAD+ reduction by these mitochondria was not affected by NAP4-NAD+. We conclude that all effects of exogenous NAD+ on plant mitochondrial respiration can be attributed to net uptake of the NAD+ into the matrix space.  相似文献   
The regulation of glycolysis and electron transport in roots   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The respiration of roots and isolated root mitochondria was investigated in Phaseolus vulgaris L., Spinacea oleracea L.; Triticum aestivum L., and Zea mays L. Although the respiration of both intact roots and isolated mitochondria displayed resistance to cyanide and sensitivity to SHAM, the percentage resistance and inhibition in roots was not the same as that in the mitochondria, with the exception of wheat. Adding FCCP to roots stimulated oxygen uptake and equalized the effects of SHAM and cyanide on roots and mitochondria. In spinach and maize roots, FCCP stimulated both the cytochrome and alternative pathways, while in bean roots, only the alternative pathway was stimulated. FCCP had little effect on wheat root respiration rates. Potential in vivo rates of oxygen uptake were estimated by expressing rates obtained with isolated mitochondria on a fumarase activity basis, and fumarase activity on a root weight basis. In wheat roots the potential rate was approximately equal to the measured in vivo rate; in the other species the potential rates were substantially greater than measured rates, but approximately equal to uncoupled in vivo rates. Key glycolytic intermediates in roots were measured, and it was found that the phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase reactions were displaced far from equilibrium, the degree of displacement being approximately equal in roots with little, and roots with substantial, alternative path engagement. Thus, although glycolysis is controlled, the regulation of this pathway appears to be quite flexible. The results are discussed in terms of possible regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   
A comparison was made between the oxygen uptake of roots and leaves and of mitochondria isolated from the same tissues. Ten species were included in this study: three legumes, one C3-monocotyledon, one C4-monocotyledon, the rest non-leguminous C3-dicotyledons. Root and leaf respiration in all species examined displayed substantial resistance to KCN (0.1–1.0 mM) and the cyanide-resistant respiration was completely inhibited by salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM; 10–20 mM). SHAM alone inhibited oxygen uptake to varying degrees, depending on the species. Mitochondria were isolated from roots and leaves of many of the species examined and also displayed cyanide-resistant oxygen uptake, which was sensitive to both SHAM and tetraethylthiuram disulfide (disulfiram). Concentrations of SHAM greater than 2 mM caused inhibition of the cytochrome path as well as of the alternative path in isolated mitochondria. Respiration rates of intact roots and leaves in the presence of varying concentrations of SHAM alone were plotted against those obtained in the presence of both SHAM and KCN. This plot showed that in vivo the cytochrome pathway was not affected by 10 or 20 mM SHAM in the external solution. We conclude that the activity of the alternative pathway in intact roots and leaves can be reliably estimated by comparing SHAM-sensitivity and cyanide-resistance of respiration.  相似文献   
M. G. Day    Ian  Linn 《Journal of Zoology》1972,167(4):463-473
There is some apprehension about the possible effect of the introduced American mink Mustela vison upon the indigenous British fauna, either as a predator exerting new and excessive pressure upon native prey species, or as a carnivore competing for prey resources against native carnivores. Concern is also felt by preservers of game, and by keepers of small domestic animals (poultry and rabbits) about the mink's potential as a pest. To investigate the food habits of the mink in England and Wales the alimentary canals of 1165 trapped animals were examined, yielding 204 samples for analysis. The resulting information provides a general picture of the mink's diet, including seasonal variations. Comparisons were possible with similar work carried out in other countries, and with the diets of other British carnivores. Tentative conclusions were reached regarding the broad pattern of food relationships between the mink and other British animals, wild and domestic.  相似文献   
Zonal centrifuge and flotation–fractionation profile analysis of neonatal mouse brain homogenates in iso-osmotic Ficoll–sucrose density–gradients demonstrates the presence of four light density fractions. In msd neurological mutant mice with a myelin-synthesizing deficiency syndrome, the bands appear to be relatively normal until after the 10th day of postnatal brain development. With the onset of visible neurological symptoms after the 11th day, the four density bands begin to disappear from the zonal profiles and are all but absent at the time of death at about the 21st postnatal day. In normal littermates of the mutants, the bands persist with age and intensify. Although their identities remain unknown, the top three identify by their density with adult myelin and the fourth with the lighter of two adult synaptosome fractions. Mixtures of brain homogenates between mutant and normal littermates give rise to zonal and banding profiles intermediate between the separate profiles but somewhat less than their average in intensity.  相似文献   
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