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The gene encoding enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli B-subunit heat-labile toxin (LTB) antigen was co-transformed into hairy root cultures of Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) and Petunia parodii (petunia) under the CaMV35S promoter. Tobacco and petunia roots contained ~65–70 μg LTB g−1 tissue whilst hairy roots of tomato contained ~10 μg LTB g−1. Antigen at ~600 ng ml−1 was detected in growth medium of tobacco and petunia. Tobacco roots with higher LTB levels showed growth retardation of ~80% whereas petunia hairy roots with similar levels of LTB showed only ~35% growth retardation, relative to vector controls. Regeneration of plants from LTB-containing tobacco hairy roots was readily achieved and re-initiated hairy roots from greenhouse-grown plants showed similar growth and LTB production characteristics as the original hairy root cultures.  相似文献   
A new hypothesis for the benefit of carnivory in plants (i.e., an alternative to aerenchyma for avoiding hypoxia) is evaluated. Root porosity and root depth were quantified in eight carnivorous plant species and 48 non-carnivorous species within a nutrient-poor wet pine savanna in south Mississippi, USA. Carnivorous and non-carnivorous plant species were contrasted with respect to their indication of wetlands, open habitats, and habitats with nutrient-poor soils. We used path analysis, multiplicative regression, and a field experiment to test hypotheses of the effects of soil moisture/hypoxia on the abundance of carnivorous and non-carnivorous plants. All carnivorous plant species produced non-porous roots (or no roots), which were shallower than the average for non-carnivorous plants (6.9 ± 0.95 cm vs. 11.9 ± 0.96 cm), even after correcting for plant size. Root porosity in non-carnivorous species (mean = 22%) was positively correlated with root depth (r = 0.6). Despite lacking porous roots, carnivorous plants were four times more indicative of wetland habitats than were the non-carnivorous species encountered in the wetland studied here. Carnivorous plants, along with non-carnivorous plants with well-developed aerenchyma, were positively associated with the wettest microsites and were more negatively affected by elevating the substrate than were non-carnivorous plants with low-porosity roots. Non-carnivorous plants with shallow roots, while less indicative of wetlands and less abundant in wet microsites of the wet pine savanna than were carnivorous plants, were no less indicative of nutrient-poor soils than were carnivorous plants. Results supported the hypothesis that carnivory is advantageous in wet soils and disadvantageous in drier (including mesic) soils and are more indicative of wetland conditions than of low soil fertility.  相似文献   
Hypothalamic orexin neurons project to the hindbrain, and 4th-ventricle intracerebroventricular (4th-icv) injection of orexin-A treatment increases food intake. We assessed the effects of hindbrain orexin-A and the orexin-1-receptor antagonist SB334867 on meal pattern in rats consuming standard chow. When injected 4th-icv shortly before dark onset, lower doses of orexin-A increased food intake over a 2-h period by increasing the size of the first meal relative to vehicle, whereas the highest dose increased food intake by causing the second meal to be taken sooner. Conversely, hindbrain SB334867 reduced food intake by decreasing the size of the first meal of the dark phase. We also examined the effects of 4th-icv orexin-A and SB334867 on locomotor activity. Only the highest dose of orexin-A increased activity, and SB334867 had no effect. In addition, hindbrain SB334867 induced c-Fos in the nucleus of the solitary tract. These data support the suggestion that endogenous hindbrain orexin-A acts to limit satiation. Both orexin-A and the pancreatic satiation hormone amylin require an intact area postrema to affect food intake, so we asked whether 4th-icv orexin-A impairs the satiating effect of peripheral amylin treatment. Amylin reduced the size of the first meal of the dark cycle when rats were pretreated with 4th-icv saline, yet amylin was ineffective after 4th-icv orexin-A pretreatment. Using double-label immunohistochemistry, we determined that some orexin-A fibers in the area postrema are located in proximity to amylin-responsive neurons. Therefore, hindbrain orexin-A may increase food intake, in part, by reducing the ability of rats to respond to amylin during a meal.  相似文献   
The Azospirillum brasilense chemotaxis-like Che1 signal transduction pathway was recently shown to modulate changes in adhesive cell surface properties that, in turn, affect cell-to-cell aggregation and flocculation behaviors rather than flagellar-mediated chemotaxis. Attachment to surfaces and root colonization may be functions related to flocculation. Here, the conditions under which A. brasilense wild-type Sp7 and che1 mutant strains attach to abiotic and biotic surfaces were examined using in vitro attachment and biofilm assays combined with atomic force microscopy and confocal microscopy. The nitrogen source available for growth is found to be a major modulator of surface attachment by A. brasilense and could be promoted in vitro by lectins, suggesting that it depends on interaction with surface-exposed residues within the extracellular matrix of cells. However, Che1-dependent signaling is shown to contribute indirectly to surface attachment, indicating that distinct mechanisms are likely underlying flocculation and attachment to surfaces in A. brasilense.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an extremely well adapted intracellular human pathogen that is exposed to multiple DNA damaging chemical assaults originating from the host defence mechanisms. As a consequence, this bacterium is thought to possess highly efficient DNA repair machineries, the nucleotide excision repair (NER) system amongst these. Although NER is of central importance to DNA repair in M. tuberculosis, our understanding of the processes in this species is limited. The conserved UvrABC endonuclease represents the multi-enzymatic core in bacterial NER, where the UvrA ATPase provides the DNA lesion-sensing function. The herein reported genetic analysis demonstrates that M. tuberculosis UvrA is important for the repair of nitrosative and oxidative DNA damage. Moreover, our biochemical and structural characterization of recombinant M. tuberculosis UvrA contributes new insights into its mechanism of action. In particular, the structural investigation reveals an unprecedented conformation of the UvrB-binding domain that we propose to be of functional relevance. Taken together, our data suggest UvrA as a potential target for the development of novel anti-tubercular agents and provide a biochemical framework for the identification of small-molecule inhibitors interfering with the NER activity in M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The main assemblage of the grass subfamily Chloridoideae is the largest known clade of C4 plant species, with the notable exception of Eragrostis walteri Pilg., whose leaf anatomy has been described as typical of C3 plants. Eragrostis walteri is therefore classically hypothesized to represent an exceptional example of evolutionary reversion from C4 to C3 photosynthesis. Here this hypothesis is tested by verifying the photosynthetic type of E. walteri and its classification.


Carbon isotope analyses were used to determine the photosynthetic pathway of several E. walteri accessions, and phylogenetic analyses of plastid rbcL and ndhF and nuclear internal transcribed spacer DNA sequences were used to establish the phylogenetic position of the species.


Carbon isotope analyses confirmed that E. walteri is a C3 plant. However, phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that this species has been misclassified, showing that E. walteri is positioned outside Chloridoideae in Arundinoideae, a subfamily comprised entirely of C3 species.


The long-standing hypothesis of C4 to C3 reversion in E. walteri is rejected, and the classification of this species needs to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   
This study investigated the sex differences in the contribution of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandins (PGs) to flow-mediated dilation (FMD). Radial artery (RA) FMD, assessed as the dilatory response to 5-min distal cuff occlusion, was repeated after three separate brachial artery infusions of saline (SAL), N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), and ketorolac (KETO) + L-NMMA in healthy younger men (M; n = 8) and women (W; n = 8). In eight subjects (4 M, 4W) RA FMD was reassessed on a separate day with drug order reversed (SAL, KETO, and L-NMMA + KETO). RA FMD was calculated as the peak dilatory response observed relative to baseline (%FMD) and expressed relative to the corresponding area under the curve shear stress (%FMD/AUC SS). L-NMMA reduced %FMD similarly and modestly (P = 0.68 for sex * trial interaction) in M and W (all subjects: 10.0 ± 3.8 to 7.6 ± 4.7%; P = 0.03) with no further effect of KETO (P = 0.68). However, all sex * trial and trial effects on %FMD/AUC SS for l-NMMA and KETO + l-NMMA were insignificant (all P > 0.20). There was also substantial heterogeneity of the magnitude and direction of dilator responses to blockade. After l-NMMA infusion, subjects exhibited both reduced (n = 14; range: 11 to 78% decrease) and augmented (n = 2; range: 1 to 96% increase) %FMD. Following KETO + l-NMMA, seven subjects exhibited reduced dilation (range: 10 to 115% decrease) and nine subjects exhibited augmented dilation (range: 1 to 212% increase). Reversing drug order did not change the nature of the findings. These findings suggest that RA FMD is not fully or uniformly NO dependent in either men or women, and that there is heterogeneity in the pathways underlying the conduit dilatory response to ischemia.  相似文献   
Nectins are cell-cell adhesion molecules involved in the formation of various intercellular junctions and the establishment of apical-basal polarity at cell-cell adhesion sites. To have a better understanding of the roles of nectins in the formation of cell-cell junctions, we searched for new cytoplasmic binding partners for nectin. We report that nectin-1α associates with membrane palmitoylated protein 3 (MPP3), one of the human homologues of a Drosophila tumor suppressor gene, Disc large. Two major forms of MPP3 at 66 and 98 kDa were detected, in conjunction with nectin-1α, suggesting that an association between the two may occur in various cell types. Nectin-1α recruits MPP3 to cell-cell contact sites, mediated by a PDZ-binding motif at the carboxyl terminus of nectin-1α. Association with MPP3 increases cell surface expression of nectin-1α and enhances nectin-1α ectodomain shedding, indicating that MPP3 regulates trafficking and processing of nectin-1α. Further study showed that MPP3 interacts with nectin-3α, but not with nectin-2α, showing that the association of nectins with MPP3 is isoform-specific. MPP5, another MPP family member, interacts with nectins with varying affinity and facilitates surface expression of nectin-1α, nectin-2α, and nectin-3α. These data suggest that wide interactions between nectins and MPP family members may occur in various cell-cell junctions and that these associations may regulate trafficking and processing of nectins.  相似文献   
Animals respond to alarm calls by increasing their antipredator behavior; however, responses may consistently differ by age or sex. Although several adaptive explanations have been proposed to account for age‐dependent antipredator behavior, similar explanations are rarely extended to sex‐specific responses. Furthermore, no attempts have been made to quantitatively estimate the direction or magnitude of these differences across studies. Here, we use meta‐analysis to discover overall trends in the literature, as well as differences owing to experimental or population parameters. Across our sample of available studies (unfortunately biased toward rodents and primates), males respond more than females, and young respond more than adults. Furthermore, young of quickly maturing species display more adult‐like antipredator behavior than young of slowly maturing species, suggesting that young must develop antipredator behavior at a pace consistent with the length of their ontogenetic period (a.k.a. juvenile/sub‐adult period, defined as the time between birth and attainment of sexual maturity). We review previously proposed explanations for such age differences, namely, that longer ontogenetic periods may provide juveniles with time to develop behavior through learning and experience, or, maturation rates may influence age‐specific selection pressures and the consequent evolution of age‐specific behavioral strategies. We evaluate our results in light of these hypotheses, although our conclusions are limited by the number and taxonomic bias of available studies. We therefore suggest ways in which future studies may tease apart the relative importance of learning and experience vs. age‐specific adaptive behavior, and draw attention to opportunities for research on age‐ and sex‐specific alarm call responses.  相似文献   
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