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A study was conducted with the vine rootstock Richter 110 (Vitis berlandieri Planch. x Vitis rupestris L.) in order to assess whether the colonisation by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus intraradices (BEG 72) can delay the disease development in plants inoculated with the root-rot fungus Armillaria mellea (Vahl:Fr) Kummer, and to elucidate if the levels of polyamines (PAs) are modified in response to G. intraradices, A. mellea or by the dual infection. Four treatments were considered: control and G. intraradices-inoculated plants infected or not with A. mellea. Plant growth, mycorrhizal colonisation and disease development were monitored throughout the experiment. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in combination with fluorescence spectrophotometry was used to separate and quantify free root and leaf polyamines. The slower development of pathogenic symptoms and the higher plant biomass of mycorrhizal plants inoculated with A. mellea indicate an increase of tolerance due to the AMF inoculation. The variations in free PA levels detected at the beginning of the pathogenic infection suggest that PAs may have a potential role in the signalling mechanisms of the tolerance of mycorrhizal plants against A. mellea.  相似文献   
The levels of expression of Gsα(short and long), Gα(olf) and Gβ(common) subunits, and calcium-sensitive adenylyl cyclases isoforms (AC1, 5/6, and 8) in human brain cortical and caudate membranes were quantified by western blot analysis in order to establish their contribution to the patterns of AC functioning. Both areas expressed Gsα(long) (52 kDa) with values ranging from about 1400 ng/mg of membrane protein in cerebral cortex to close to 600 ng/mg of membrane protein in caudate nucleus. In contrast, Gsα(short) and Gsα(olf) were expressed separately, Gsα(short) in cortical membranes with values around 500 ng/mg of membrane protein and Gα(olf) in caudate membranes with values around 1300 ng/mg of membrane protein. Quantitative measurements of Gβ, revealed a similar expression level in cortical and caudate membranes (5444±732 versus 5511±394 ng/mg protein; p=0.966). The B(max) values of GTPγS-dependent [(3)H]-forskolin binding show the following descending order: rat striatal membranes>rat cortical membranes=human caudate membranes>human cortical membranes. Therefore, as measured immunochemically and by [(3)H]-forskolin binding, there seems to be a vast excess of Gsα subunits over catalytic units of AC. The highest levels of AC5/6 expression were detected in caudate membranes. AC8 was little expressed, and there were no significant differences in the relative values between both human brain regions. Finally, the levels of the AC1 isoform were significantly lower in caudate than in cortical membranes. It is concluded that these stoichiometric data contribute nonetheless to explain the significant differences observed in signalling capacities through the AC system in both human brain regions.  相似文献   
Determining the species compositions of local assemblages is a prerequisite to understanding how anthropogenic disturbances affect biodiversity. However, biodiversity measurements often remain incomplete due to the limited efficiency of sampling methods. This is particularly true in freshwater tropical environments that host rich fish assemblages, for which assessments are uncertain and often rely on destructive methods. Developing an efficient and nondestructive method to assess biodiversity in tropical freshwaters is highly important. In this study, we tested the efficiency of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding to assess the fish diversity of 39 Guianese sites. We compared the diversity and composition of assemblages obtained using traditional and metabarcoding methods. More than 7,000 individual fish belonging to 203 Guianese fish species were collected by traditional sampling methods, and ~17 million reads were produced by metabarcoding, among which ~8 million reads were assigned to 148 fish taxonomic units, including 132 fish species. The two methods detected a similar number of species at each site, but the species identities partially matched. The assemblage compositions from the different drainage basins were better discriminated using metabarcoding, revealing that while traditional methods provide a more complete but spatially limited inventory of fish assemblages, metabarcoding provides a more partial but spatially extensive inventory. eDNA metabarcoding can therefore be used for rapid and large‐scale biodiversity assessments, while at a local scale, the two approaches are complementary and enable an understanding of realistic fish biodiversity.  相似文献   
The interaction of body‐worn antennas with the human body causes a significant decrease in antenna efficiency and a shift in resonant frequency. A resonant slot in a small conductive box placed on the body has been shown to reduce these effects. The specific absorption rate is less than international health standards for most wearable antennas due to small transmitter power. This paper reports the linear relationship between power absorbed by biological tissues at different locations on the body and radiation efficiency based on numerical modeling (r = 0.99). While the ?10 dB bandwidth of the antenna remained constant and equal to 12.5%, the maximum frequency shift occurred when the antenna was close to the elbow (6.61%) and on the thigh (5.86%). The smallest change was found on the torso (4.21%). Participants with body‐mass index (BMI) between 17 and 29 kg/m2 took part in experimental measurements, where the maximum frequency shift was 2.51%. Measurements showed better agreement with simulations on the upper arm. These experimental results demonstrate that the BMI for each individual had little effect on the performance of the antenna. Bioelectromagnetics. 39:25–34, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The Pyrenean rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta pyrenaica) is the southernmost subspecies of the species in Europe and is considered threatened as a consequence of changes in landscape, human pressure, climate change, and low genetic diversity. Previous studies have shown a relationship between the date of snowmelt and reproductive success in the Pyrenean ptarmigan. It is well established that birds laying early in the breeding season have higher reproductive success, but the specific mechanism for this relationship is debated. We present an explicative model of the relationship between snowmelt date and breeding success mediated by food quality for grouse in alpine environments. From microhistological analyses of 121 faecal samples collected during three years in the Canigou Massif (Eastern Pyrenees), and the assessment of the chemical composition of the main dietary components, we estimated the potential quality of individual diets. Potential dietary quality was correlated with free-urate faecal N, a proxy of the digestible protein content ingested by ptarmigan, and both were correlated with phenological stage of consumed plants, which in turn depends on snowmelt date. Our findings suggest that the average snowmelt date is subject to a strong interannual variability influencing laying date. In years of early snowmelt, hens benefit from a longer period of high quality food resources potentially leading to a higher breeding success. On the contrary, in years of late snowmelt, hens begin their breeding period in poorer nutrient condition because the peaks of protein content of their main food items are delayed with respect to laying date, hence reducing breeding performance. We discuss the possible mismatch between breeding and snowmelt timing.  相似文献   
Agroproducts contaminated by ochratoxin A (OTA) represent a risk for human and animal health and, therefore, maximum limits have been established by Food Safety Authorities. Reduction of OTA contamination may be accomplished by early detection of OTA-producing fungal species using rapid, specific and sensitive detection and quantification by PCR-based methods. Aspergillus carbonarius is one of the most important OTA-producing species, in particular in grapes and derivatives from Mediterranean regions. In this work, highly efficient quantitative PCR assays using SYBR Green I and TaqMan methods were developed for specific detection of A. carbonarius to be used in grapes. The primers and the TaqMan probe were based on the internal transcribed region 2 multicopy region (internal 2 sequence of the rRNA gene). The specificity and sensitivity of both assays were tested on genomic DNA mixtures of several A. carbonarius strains and other fungal species frequently present in grapes. Both methods were also compared using grapes inoculated with different spore concentrations of A. carbonarius , detecting up to 0.4 pg DNA g−1 grape berries. The efficiency and sensitivity of both methods were comparable and only the lower cost of SYBR Green might favour its use in routine screenings.  相似文献   
Accurate DNA replication is crucial for the maintenance of genome integrity. To this aim, cells have evolved complex surveillance mechanisms to prevent mitotic entry in the presence of partially replicated DNA. ATR and Chk1 are key elements in the signal transduction pathways of DNA replication checkpoint; however, other kinases also make significant contributions. We show here that the stress kinases p38 and JNK are activated when DNA replication is blocked, and that their activity allows S/M, but not G₂/M, checkpoint maintenance when Chk1 is inhibited. Activation of both kinases by DNA replication inhibition is not mediated by the caffeine-sensitive kinases ATR or ATM. Phosphorylation of MKK3/6 and MKK4, p38 and JNK upstream kinases was also observed upon DNA replication inhibition. Using a genetic approach, we dissected the p38 pathway and showed that both p38α and p38β isoforms collaborate to inhibit mitotic entry. We further defined MKK3/6 and MK2/3 as the key upstream and downstream elements in the p38 signaling cascade after replication arrest. Accordingly, we found that the stress signaling pathways collaborate with Chk1 to keep cyclin B1/Cdk1 complexes inactive when DNA replication is inhibited, thereby preventing cell cycle progression when DNA replication is stalled. Our results show a complex response to replication stress, where multiple pathways are activated and fulfill overlapping roles to prevent mitotic entry with unreplicated DNA.  相似文献   
Tropical forests shelter an unparalleled biological diversity. The relative influence of environmental selection (i.e., abiotic conditions, biotic interactions) and stochastic–distance‐dependent neutral processes (i.e., demography, dispersal) in shaping communities has been extensively studied for various organisms, but has rarely been explored across a large range of body sizes, in particular in soil environments. We built a detailed census of the whole soil biota in a 12‐ha tropical forest plot using soil DNA metabarcoding. We show that the distribution of 19 taxonomic groups (ranging from microbes to mesofauna) is primarily stochastic, suggesting that neutral processes are prominent drivers of the assembly of these communities at this scale. We also identify aluminium, topography and plant species identity as weak, yet significant drivers of soil richness and community composition of bacteria, protists and to a lesser extent fungi. Finally, we show that body size, which determines the scale at which an organism perceives its environment, predicted the community assembly across taxonomic groups, with soil mesofauna assemblages being more stochastic than microbial ones. These results suggest that the relative contribution of neutral processes and environmental selection to community assembly directly depends on body size. Body size is hence an important determinant of community assembly rules at the scale of the ecological community in tropical soils and should be accounted for in spatial models of tropical soil food webs.  相似文献   
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