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Cilia and flagella are involved in a variety of processes and human diseases, including ciliopathies and sterility. Their motility is often controlled by?a central microtubule (MT) pair localized within the ciliary MT-based skeleton, the axoneme. We characterized the formation of the motility apparatus in detail in Drosophila spermatogenesis. We show that assembly of the central MT pair starts prior to the meiotic divisions, with nucleation of a singlet MT within the basal body of a small cilium, and that the second MT of the pair only assembles much later, upon flagella formation. BLD10/CEP135, a conserved player in centriole and flagella biogenesis, can bind and stabilize MTs and is required for the early steps of central MT pair formation. This work describes a genetically tractable system to study motile cilia formation and provides an explanation for BLD10/CEP135's role in assembling highly stable MT-based structures, such as motile axonemes and centrioles.  相似文献   
Aims:  To compare three methods for DNA extraction from Mycobacterium bovis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium .
Methods and Results:  The DNA was extracted from mycobacterial cultures using enzymatic extraction, combined bead beating and enzymatic extraction and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) extraction. The yield and quality of DNA were compared by spectrophotometry, agarose gel electrophoresis, restriction endonuclease analysis and PCR. The combined bead beating and enzymatic extraction method yielded more DNA. However, that method produced some sheared DNA, visible either by agarose gel electrophoresis or by restriction endonuclease analysis. All methods were appropriate for PCR amplification of a 123 bp fragment of IS 6110 in M. bovis and M. tuberculosis , and of a 1700 bp fragment of FR300 region in M. avium avium .
Conclusions:  Combined bead beating and enzymatic extraction method was the most efficient and easy method for extracting DNA from bacteria of the M. tuberculosis complex.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The results reveal important differences among the DNA extraction methods for mycobacteria, which are relevant for the success of further downstream molecular analysis.  相似文献   
The discus fishes (Symphysodon spp.) are economically important ornamental species. Thirteen microsatellite markers were developed from a CT(12) - and CA(12) -enriched whole genomic DNA library of Symphysodon discus. Allelic variability was tested on 44 individuals of two species (S. discus and S. aequifasciatus). Allelic richness ranged from two to 11 alleles per locus and observed heterozygosities from 0.083 to 0.998. All loci were at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and no pair of loci showed linkage disequilibrium within a species. Cross-species amplification was also successfully performed in the Neotropical cichlids Uaru amphiacanthoides, Hoplarchus psittacus, Hypselecara coryphaenoides, Pterophyllum sp., Mesonauta sp. and Heros sp.  相似文献   
There is an apparent paradox between the benefits of aerobic exercise and the potentially deleterious effects of increased free radicals and decreased circulating antioxidants generated during exercise. To assess the oxidative/antioxidative status in competitive cyclists and ex-cyclists, we measured two markers not well studied in these situations, serum total antioxidant status (TAS) and antibodies against oxidized LDL (AuAb-ox-LDL) in 18 competitive male cyclists, 10 ex-competitive cyclists and 14 healthy males. AuAb-ox-LDL was evaluated by enzyme immunoassay, and serum TAS concentration was analyzed by spectrophotometry. Ex-cyclists had serum TAS levels statistically higher than the control group and cyclists group (p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). Active sportsmen showed significantly less AuAb-ox-LDL than healthy sedentary males, while there was a non-significant trend in the ex-cyclists to have lower AuAb-ox-LDL than the corresponding control group. AuAb-ox-LDL levels were not statistically different between the groups of active and previously active sporting men. There was a positive correlation between TAS and LDL-cholesterol in active cyclists under heavy training. In the ex-cyclist group, there was a negative correlation between serum TAS and the time elapsed since they had ended the competition. Competitive cycling decreases AuAb-ox-LDL levels, suggesting that it may decrease ox-LDL levels. After ending physical training, antioxidative status remains increased for at least one year, but the effect on AuAb-ox-LDL levels is lost.  相似文献   
The interaction between phenolic substances (PS) and alginates (ALG) has been suggested to play a role in the structure of the cell walls of brown seaweeds. However, no clear evidence for this interaction was reported. Vanadium bromoperoxidase (VBPO) has been proposed as a possible catalyst for the binding of PS to ALG. In this work, we studied the interaction between PS and ALG from brown algae using size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and optical tweezers microscopy. The analysis by SEC revealed that ALG forms a high‐molecular‐weight complex with PS. To study the formation of this molecular complex, we investigated the in vitro interaction of purified ALG from Fucus vesiculosus L. with purified PS from Padina gymnospora (Kütz.) Sond., in the presence or absence of VBPO. The interaction between PS and ALG only occurred when VBPO was added, indicating that the enzyme is essential for the binding process. The interaction of these molecules led to a reduction in ALG viscosity. We propose that VBPO promotes the binding of PS molecules to the ALG uronic acids residues, and we also suggest that PS are components of the brown algal cell walls.  相似文献   
The present study evaluated the impact of moderate exercise training on the cardiac tolerance to acute pressure overload. Male Wistar rats were randomly submitted to exercise training or sedentary lifestyle for 14 wk. At the end of this period, the animals were anaesthetized, mechanically ventilated, and submitted to hemodynamic evaluation with biventricular tip pressure manometers. Acute pressure overload was induced by banding the descending aorta to induce a 60% increase of peak systolic left ventricular pressure during 120 min. This resulted in the following experimental groups: 1) sedentary without banding (SED + Sham), 2) sedentary with banding (SED + Band), and 3) exercise trained with banding (EX + Band). In response to aortic banding, SED + Band animals could not sustain the 60% increase of peak systolic pressure for 120 min, even with additional narrowing of the banding. This was accompanied by a reduction of dP/dt(max) and dP/dt(min) and a prolongation of the time constant tau, indicating impaired systolic and diastolic function. This impairment was not observed in EX + Band (P < 0.05 vs. SED + Band). Additionally, compared with SED + Band, EX + Band presented less myocardial damage, exhibited attenuated protein expression of active caspase-3 and NF-κB (P < 0.016), and showed less protein carbonylation and nitration (P < 0.05). These findings support our hypothesis that exercise training has a protective role in the modulation of the early cardiac response to pressure overload.  相似文献   
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