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The formation of the nervous system in vertebrate embryos involves extensive morphogenetic movements that include the folding of the neural tube and the migration of neural crest cells. Changes in cell shape and cell movements underlie neural morphogenesis but the molecular mechanisms involved in these processes in vivo are not well understood. Here, we show that a new member of the hepatocyte growth factor family, which we name Livertine, is expressed in frog embryos in neural cells including neural crest and midline neural plate cells which are undergoing pronounced morphogenetic movements. The ectopic expression of Livertine perturbs gastrulation and leads to positional changes in injected cells without apparently changing cell type. These results suggest that one of the normal functions of Livertine is the control of neural morphogenesis in the vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   
Gli proteins and Hedgehog signaling: development and cancer.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have cloned a cDNA encoding the chick HNF-3β gene and have used RNA and antibody probes that detect HNF-3β to monitor the normal and induced expression of the gene in early embryos. HNF-3β is expressed in Koller's sickle, at the onset of primitive streak formation, and later in Hensen's node. At neural plate and neural tube stages, HNF-3 β is expressed transiently in the notochord and is then expressed by floor plate cells. Prospective floor plate cells that are located in the epiblast immediately anterior to Hensen's node prior to its regression do not express HNF-3β, providing evidence that floor plate fate is normally determined only after these cells populate the midline of the neural plate and overlie the notechord. Removal of the notochord in vivo prevents floor plate development and in this condition HNF-3β is not expressed by cells at the ventral midline of the neural tube. Notochord grafts induce ectopic floor plate development and ectopic neural expression of HNF-3 β. In vitro, neural plate explants are induced to express HNF-3β by notochord cells in a contact-dependent but cycloheximide-resistant manner, providing evidence that expression of HNF-3 β is a direct response of neural plate cells to notochord-derived inducing signals.  相似文献   
Several lines of evidence implicate zinc finger proteins of the Gli family in the final steps of Hedgehog signaling in normal development and disease. C-terminally truncated mutant GLI3 proteins are also associated with human syndromes, but it is not clear whether these C-terminally truncated Gli proteins fulfil the same function as full-length ones. Here, structure-function analyses of Gli proteins have been performed using floor plate and neuronal induction assays in frog embryos, as well as induction of alkaline phosphatase (AP) in SHH-responsive mouse C3H10T1/2 (10T1/2) cells. These assays show that C-terminal sequences are required for positive inducing activity and cytoplasmic localization, whereas N-terminal sequences determine dominant negative function and nuclear localization. Analyses of nuclear targeted Gli1 and Gli2 proteins suggest that both activator and dominant negative proteins are modified forms. In embryos and COS cells, tagged Gli cDNAs yield C-terminally deleted forms similar to that of Ci. These results thus provide a molecular basis for the human Polydactyly type A and Pallister-Hall Syndrome phenotypes, derived from the deregulated production of C-terminally truncated GLI3 proteins. Analyses of full-length Gli function in 10T1/2 cells suggest that nuclear localization of activating forms is a regulated event and show that only Gli1 mimics SHH in inducing AP activity. Moreover, full-length Gli3 and all C-terminally truncated forms act antagonistically whereas Gli2 is inactive in this assay. In 10T1/2 cells, protein kinase A (PKA), a known inhibitor of Hh signaling, promotes Gli3 repressor formation and inhibits Gli1 function. Together, these findings suggest a context-dependent functional divergence of Gli protein function, in which a cell represses Gli3 and activates Gli1/2 prevents the formation of repressor Gli forms to respond to Shh. Interpretation of Hh signals by Gli proteins therefore appears to involve a fine balance of divergent functions within each and among different Gli proteins, the misregulation of which has profound biological consequences.  相似文献   
We have identified a novel frog gene, Pintallavis (the Catalan for lipstick), that is related to the fly fork head and rat HNF-3 genes. Pintallavis is expressed in the organizer region of gastrula embryos as a direct zygotic response to dorsal mesodermal induction. Subsequently, Pintallavis is expressed in axial midline cells of all three germ layers. In axial mesoderm expression is graded with highest levels posteriorly. Midline neural plate cells that give rise to the floor plate transiently express Pintallavis, apparently in response to induction by the notochord. Overexpression of Pintallavis perturbs the development of the neural axis, suppressing the differentiation of anterior and dorsal neural cell types but causing an expansion of the posterior neural tube. Our results suggest that Pintallavis functions in the induction and patterning of the neural axis.  相似文献   
The full spectrum of developmental potential includes normal as well as abnormal and disease states. We therefore subscribe to the idea that tumors derive from the operation of paradevelopmental programs that yield consistent and recognizable morphologies. Work in frogs and mice shows that Hedgehog (Hh)-Gli signaling controls stem cell lineages and that its deregulation leads to tumor formation. Moreover, human tumor cells require sustained Hh-Gli signaling for proliferation as cyclopamine, an alkaloid of the lily Veratrum californicum that blocks the Hh pathway, inhibits the growth of different tumor cells in vitro as well as in subcutaneous xenografts. However, the evidence that systemic treatment is an effective anti-cancer therapy is missing. Here we have used Ptc1(+/-); p53(-/-) mice which develop medulloblastoma to test the ability of cyclopamine to inhibit endogenous tumor growth in vivo after tumor initiation through intraperitoneal delivery, which avoids the brain damage associated with direct injection. We find that systemic cyclopamine administration improves the health of Ptc1(+/-);p53(-/-) animals. Analyses of the cerebella of cyclopamine-treated animals show a severe reduction in tumor size and a large decrease in the number of Ptc1-expressing cells, as a readout of cells with an active Hu-Gli pathway, as well as an impairment of their proliferative capacity, always in comparison with vehicle treated mice. Our data demonstrate that systemic treatment with cyclopamine inhibits tumor growth in the brain supporting its therapeutical value for human HH-dependent tumors. They also demonstrate that even the complete loss of the well-known tumor suppressor p53 does not render the tumor independent of Hh pathway function.  相似文献   
Neural cell markers have been used to examine the effect of retinoic acid (RA) on the development of the central nervous system (CNS) of Xenopus embryos. RA treatment of neurula stage embryos resulted in a concentration-dependent perturbation of anterior CNS development leading to a reduction in the size of the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. In addition the overt segmental organization of the hindbrain was abolished by high concentrations of RA. The regional expression of two cell-specific markers, the homeobox protein Xhox3 and the neurotransmitter serotonin was also examined in embryos exposed to RA. Treatment with RA caused a concentration-dependent change in the pattern of expression of Xhox3 and serotonin and resulted in the ectopic appearance of immunoreactive neurons in anterior regions of the CNS, including the forebrain. Collectively, our results extend previous studies by showing that RA treatment of embryos at the neurula stage inhibits the development of anterior regions of the CNS while promoting the differentiation of more posterior cell types. The relevance of these findings to the possible role of endogenous retinoids in the determination of neural cell fate and axial patterning is discussed.  相似文献   
Vertebrate development: an emerging synthesis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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