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Substituted bicyclic 2-pyridones, termed pilicides, are dipeptide mimetics that prevent pilus assembly in uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Here, we apply rational design to produce four classes of extended peptidomimetics based on two bioactive 2-pyridones. The key intermediate in the synthesis was an amino-functionalised 2-pyridone scaffold, which could be obtained via a mild and selective nitration and subsequent reduction. Procedures were then developed to further derivatize this amino-substituted core and a total of 24 extended peptidomimetics were synthesised and evaluated for chaperone affinity and in vivo antivirulence activity in P pili producing E. coli. Enhanced affinities for the target protein were observed within the generated set of compounds, while the ability to prevent pilus assembly in vivo was significantly decreased compared to the parent lead compounds. The results suggest that the limited in vivo potencies of the analogues are either uptake/distribution related or due to loss in binding specificity.  相似文献   

Many albatross populations are declining and a major cause is believed to be incidental mortality from fishing. We investigated the effect of fishing on southern Buller's albatross Thalassarche bulleri bulleri, using a new approach to seabird population modelling that allows estimation of demographic parameters from multiple data types. Three types of data were used: a 60-year set of mark–recapture observations, four censuses of the breeding population, and estimates of fishing effort and bycatch. The fisheries risk to the viability of this population over the last 60 years appears to have been small, since the adult population is estimated to have increased about five-fold over that time. There is some cause for concern in recent changes (population growth has slowed, and perhaps reversed, and adult survival rates are falling). The most common age at first breeding was 12 years, and about 80% of adults breed each year. Annual survival was estimated to be 0.91 for juveniles, and varied between this value and 1 for adults. Though this population is not in immediate danger from fishing, there is a need for continued monitoring to see whether the recent fall in survival rates persists and causes a decline in abundance. Our analysis showed that when, as is common, mark–recapture data do not provide good estimates of all demographic rates, the assessment of seabird population trends can be improved by the use of other types of data, particularly abundance.  相似文献   
Cobalamin-independent methionine synthase (MetE) catalyzes the direct transfer of a methyl group from methyltetrahydrofolate to l-homocysteine to form methionine. Previous studies have shown that the MetE active site coordinates a zinc atom, which is thought to act as a Lewis acid and plays a role in the activation of thiol. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure studies and mutagenesis experiments identified the zinc-binding site in MetE from Escherichia coli. Further structural investigations of MetE from Thermotoga maritima lead to the proposition of two models: “induced fit” and “dynamic equilibrium”, to account for the catalytic mechanisms of MetE. Here, we present crystal structures of oxidized and zinc-replete MetE from Streptococcus mutans at the physiological pH. The structures reveal that zinc is mobile in the active center and has the possibility to invert even in the absence of homocysteine. These structures provide evidence for the dynamic equilibrium model.  相似文献   


Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases, and prevalence, severity and medication may have an effect on pregnancy. We examined maternal asthma, asthma severity and control in relation to pregnancy complications, labour characteristics and perinatal outcomes.


We retrieved data on all singleton births from July 1, 2006 to December 31, 2009, and prescribed drugs and physician-diagnosed asthma on the same women from multiple Swedish registers. The associations were estimated with logistic regression.


In total, 266 045 women gave birth to 284 214 singletons during the study period. Maternal asthma was noted in 26 586 (9.4%) pregnancies. There was an association between maternal asthma and increased risks of pregnancy complications including preeclampsia or eclampsia (adjusted OR 1.15; 95% CI 1.06–1.24) and premature contractions (adj OR 1.52; 95% CI 1.29–1.80). There was also a significant association between maternal asthma and emergency caesarean section (adj OR 1.29; 95% CI 1.23–1.34), low birth weight, and small for gestational age (adj OR 1.23; 95% CI 1.13–1.33). The risk of adverse outcomes such as low birth weight increased with increasing asthma severity. For women with uncontrolled compared to those with controlled asthma the results for adverse outcomes were inconsistent displaying both increased and decreased OR for some outcomes.


Maternal asthma is associated with a number of serious pregnancy complications and adverse perinatal outcomes. Some complications are even more likely with increased asthma severity. With greater awareness and proper management, outcomes would most likely improve.  相似文献   
Efforts to differentiate bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) from scrapie in prion infected sheep have resulted in effective methods to decide about the absence of BSE. In rare instances uncertainties remain due to assumptions that BSE, classical scrapie and CH1641–a rare scrapie variant–could occur as mixtures. In field samples including those from fallen stock, triplex Western blotting analyses of variations in the molecular properties of the proteinase K resistant part of the disease‑associated form of prion protein (PrPres) represents a powerful tool for quick discrimination purposes. In this study we examined 7 deviant ovine field cases of scrapie for some typical molecular aspects of PrPres found in CH1641‑scrapie, classical scrapie and BSE. One case was most close to scrapie with respect to molecular mass of its non-glycosylated fraction and N-terminally located 12B2‑epitope content. Two cases were unlike classical scrapie but too weak to differentiate between BSE or CH1641. The other 4 cases appeared intermediate between scrapie and CH1641 with a reduced molecular mass and 12B2‑epitope content, together with the characteristic presence of a second PrPres population. The existence of these 2 PrPres populations was further confirmed through deglycosylation by PNGaseF. The findings indicate that discriminatory diagnosis between classical scrapie, CH1641 and BSE can remain inconclusive with current biochemical methods. Whether such intermediate cases represent mixtures of TSE strains should be further investigated e.g. in bioassays with rodent lines that are varying in their susceptibility or other techniques suitable for strain typing.  相似文献   
We previously reported that some cattle affected by bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) showed distinct molecular features of the protease-resistant prion protein (PrPres) in Western blot, with a 1–2 kDa higher apparent molecular mass of the unglycosylated PrPres associated with labelling by antibodies against the 86–107 region of the bovine PrP protein (H-type BSE). By Western blot analyses of PrPres, we now showed that the essential features initially described in cattle were observed with a panel of different antibodies and were maintained after transmission of the disease in C57Bl/6 mice. In addition, antibodies against the C-terminal region of PrP revealed a second, more C-terminally cleaved, form of PrPres (PrPres #2), which, in unglycosylated form, migrated as a ≈ 14 kDa fragment. Furthermore, a PrPres fragment of ≈7 kDa, which was not labelled by C-terminus-specific antibodies and was thus presumed to be a product of cleavage at both N- and C-terminal sides of PrP protein, was also detected. Both PrPres #2 and ≈7 kDa PrPres were detected in cattle and in C57Bl/6 infected mice. These complex molecular features are reminiscent of findings reported in human prion diseases. This raises questions regarding the respective origins and pathogenic mechanisms in prion diseases of animals and humans.Key Words: prion, BSE, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker, Western blot, amyloid  相似文献   


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in patients with inflammatory polyarthritis (IP), especially in seropositive disease. In established rheumatoid arthritis (RA), insulin resistance (IR) is increased and associated with CVD. We investigated factors associated with IR in an inception cohort of patients with early IP.  相似文献   


We aimed to explore the associations between knee osteoarthritis (OA)-related tissue abnormalities assessed by conventional radiography (CR) and by high-resolution 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as well as biomechanical factors and findings from physical examination in patients with knee OA.


This was an explorative cross-sectional study of 105 patients with knee OA. Index knees were imaged using CR and MRI. Multiple features from CR and MRI (cartilage, osteophytes, bone marrow lesions, effusion and synovitis) were related to biomechanical factors (quadriceps and hamstrings muscle strength, proprioceptive accuracy and varus-valgus laxity) and physical examination findings (bony tenderness, crepitus, bony enlargement and palpable warmth), using multivariable regression analyses.


Quadriceps weakness was associated with cartilage integrity, effusion, synovitis (all detected by MRI) and CR-detected joint space narrowing. Knee joint laxity was associated with MRI-detected cartilage integrity, CR-detected joint space narrowing and osteophyte formation. Multiple tissue abnormalities including cartilage integrity, osteophytes and effusion, but only those detected by MRI, were found to be associated with physical examination findings such as crepitus.


We observed clinically relevant findings, including a significant association between quadriceps weakness and both effusion and synovitis, detected by MRI. Inflammation was detected in over one-third of the participants, emphasizing the inflammatory component of OA and a possible important role for anti-inflammatory therapies in knee OA. In general, OA-related tissue abnormalities of the knee, even those detected by MRI, were found to be discordant with biomechanical and physical examination features.  相似文献   
Amelogenins are enamel matrix proteins with a proven ability to restore tissues in patients with advanced periodontitis and chronic skin wounds. To explore the mechanisms of action of amelogenins in wound inflammation, the in vitro effect on the expression of selected cell mediators involved in inflammation and tissue repair from human monocyte-derived macrophages was studied. Macrophages were treated with amelogenins in serum-enriched medium with simultaneous lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation, for 6, 24 and 72 h, and the conditioned culture medium was analysed for 28 different cytokines. Amelogenin treatment directed the LPS-induced release of both pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines towards an alternatively activated macrophage phenotype. This change in activation was also demonstrated by the amelogenin-induced secretion of alternative macrophage activation-associated CC chemokine-1 (AMAC-1, also known as CCL18; p<0.001), a well-documented marker of alternative activation. Amelogenins were also shown significantly to increase the macrophage expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and, to a lesser but significant extent, insulin-like growth factor-1 after 24h of culture. The results of the present in vitro study show that monocyte-derived macrophages stimulated by inflammatory agonist LPS respond to the treatment with amelogenins by reducing the pro-inflammatory activity and increasing the expression of tissue repair mediators.  相似文献   
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