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This paper presents an analysis of the distributional patterns of blenniids (Pisces: Blenniidae) in the north‐eastern Atlantic. Two peaks of species diversity were found, both in terms of number of species and number of endemics: one in the tropical African coast and another in the Mediterranean Sea. A cluster analysis of similarity values (Jaccard coefficient) among the eastern Atlantic zoogeographical areas, revealed the following groups: a north temperate group, a tropical group formed by the tropical African coast and Mauritania, another group formed by the islands of Cape Verde, a south temperate group (South Africa), and a southern Atlantic group formed by the islands of Ascension and St Helena. Within the north temperate group, the subgroups with higher similarities were: Azores and Madeira, Canary Islands and Morocco, and the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Based on affinity indices, the probable directions of faunal flows were inferred. The tropical coast of Africa and the Mediterranean emerged from this analysis as probable speciation centres of the north‐eastern Atlantic blenniid fauna. The Mediterranean may have also acted as a refuge during glacial periods.  相似文献   
In this study we investigated the relationships between dominance rank and access to shelters in captive groups of Lipophrys pholis and Coryphoblennius galerita, as well as the effects of group size and shelter availability. Dominance rank was strongly correlated with size in juvenile L. pholis and with sex and size in adult C. galerita, males being dominant over females of similar size. Access to shelters was significantly correlated with dominance rank. For both species, most interactions occurred out of shelters. Direct disputes over shelters were always initiated by the dominant fish and the initiator was always the winner. The rate of aggression per fish per unit time decreased with an increase in the number of fish in L. pholis but not in C. galerita. No significant differences were found in groups differing in the number of shelters. C. galerita showed a higher rate of agonistic interactions and a higher proportion of overt aggression than L. pholis. It is suggested that one of the functions of agonistic interactions in these fishes is the control of a set of shelters, in the network of pathways used by each individual within its home range, minimising the time required to hide in case of danger. Received in revised form: 29 January 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to verify the sensitivity of Amblyomma cajennense and Dermacentor nitens larvae to the solvents ethanol, methanol, acetone, xylol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the surfactant Tween 80. The first four solvents were tested at analytical purity while the DMSO and surfactant Tween 80 were tested at a concentration of 1%. The substances tested at analytical purity that caused high mortality were also tested at concentrations of 50%, 25% and 1%. The larval packet test was used, with 10 repetitions for each treatment. A control group was also formed with the same number of repetitions, in which the larvae were only exposed to distilled water. In the first experiment, only xylol was highly toxic at the concentrations tested, causing mortality above 90% for larvae of both species. In the second experiment, xylol at 1% and at 25% showed low toxicity to the A. cajennense and D. nitens larvae, respectively, since the percentage mortality was statistically similar to that of the control group (p>0.05).  相似文献   
Recently admixed populations offer unique opportunities for studying human history and for elucidating the genetic basis of complex traits that differ in prevalence between human populations. Historical records, classical protein markers, and preliminary genetic data indicate that the Cape Verde islands in West Africa are highly admixed and primarily descended from European males and African females. However, little is known about the variation in admixture levels, admixture dynamics and genetic diversity across the islands, or about the potential of Cape Verde for admixture mapping studies. We have performed a detailed analysis of phenotypic and genetic variation in Cape Verde based on objective skin color measurements, socio-economic status (SES) evaluations and data for 50 autosomal, 34 X-chromosome, and 21 non-recombinant Y-chromosome (NRY) markers in 845 individuals from six islands of the archipelago. We find extensive genetic admixture between European and African ancestral populations (mean West African ancestry = 0.57, sd = 0.08), with individual African ancestry proportions varying considerably among the islands. African ancestry proportions calculated with X and Y-chromosome markers confirm that the pattern of admixture has been sex-biased. The high-resolution NRY-STRs reveal additional patterns of variation among the islands that are most consistent with differentiation after admixture. The differences in the autosomal admixture proportions are clearly evident in the skin color distribution across the islands (Pearson r = 0.54, P-value<2e–16). Despite this strong correlation, there are significant interactions between SES and skin color that are independent of the relationship between skin color and genetic ancestry. The observed distributions of admixture, genetic variation and skin color and the relationship of skin color with SES relate to historical and social events taking place during the settlement history of Cape Verde, and have implications for the design of association studies using this population.  相似文献   
Pérez‐Portela, R., Almada, V. & Turon, X. (2012). Cryptic speciation and genetic structure of widely distributed brittle stars (Ophiuroidea) in Europe. —Zoologica Scripta, 00, 000–000. The development of molecular techniques has led to the detection of numerous cases of cryptic speciation within widely distributed marine invertebrate species and important taxonomic revisions in all the major marine taxa. In this study, we analysed a controversial marine species complex in the genus Ophiothrix, a widespread taxon in European waters traditionally assigned to two nominal species, Ophiothrix fragilis and O. quinquemaculata. These species are important components of the rocky shores and deep marine benthos along the North Atlantic and Mediterranean littoral. Their status (including variants of both species) has remained contentious due to overlapping variability in morphological characters. In this study, we analysed the genetic and morphological differences of Ophiothrix lineages along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. We also assessed population genetic structure in the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins by sequencing two mitochondrial genes, the 16S rRNA gene and COI gene, of 221 specimens from 13 locations. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated the existence of two genetically distinct lineages, attributable to two different species although unrelated to previous taxonomic distinctions. Morphological differences could also be detected between these lineages. Samples from the Northeast Atlantic and one from the deep Mediterranean grouped within Lineage I, whereas Lineage II pooled together the southern Atlantic and rocky shallow Mediterranean samples. In the northern region of the Iberian Peninsula and at a deep locality in the Mediterranean, both lineages overlap. Speciation processes likely happened during the Mio–Pliocene transition (about 4.8–7.5 million years ago), when marine‐level oscillations led to the blockage of major marine corridors in Europe and promoted genetic isolation by vicariance. Secondary contact between lineages following sea‐level increases and recolonization during the refilling of the Mediterranean after the Miocene salinity crisis could explain the present‐day distribution of genetic variability. No barriers to gene flow along the Atlanto‐Mediterranean area were detected for Lineage II, and the lack of genetic structure could be caused by a mixture of several factors, such as wide dispersal potential, recent demographic expansion and large population size.  相似文献   
The two clingfish species studied occupied similar habitats but occurred at different depths. When compared with the subtidal species Lepadogaster candollei , the intertidal species Lepadogaster l. purpurea was less active, spent more time in shelters, visited fewer shelters, showed more site fidelity, and spent less time swimming. Feeding, swimming, and agonistic behaviours were performed mainly in close contact with the substrate in this species. It is hypothesized that these contrasts in behaviour may have evolved under different levels of turbulence.  相似文献   
Male signals are frequently studied in a single behavioral context, but in some cases they may assist multiple functions, namely for both male–male competition and female mate choice. Boatwhistles are known as the mate attraction calls of toadfishes typically produced during the breeding season. However, recent observations with the Lusitanian toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus (Batrachoididae) indicate that the emission of boatwhistles is not restricted to this period, which suggests a function in other behavioral contexts such as agonistic territorial interactions. We experimentally manipulated the social context of toadfish males to investigate whether boatwhistles are produced during territorial defense, by introducing ‘intruders’ in an experimental tank containing nesting ‘resident’ males. Furthermore, we examined whether parental care (eggs in the nest) affected the behavioral responses of resident males during territorial defense. Resident males defended their shelters producing sounds, mostly boatwhistles, towards intruders. Parental males revealed higher aggression levels, exhibiting additional threatening and attack behaviors. Boatwhistles registered during agonistic events were compared with the mate advertising boatwhistles recorded from small aggregations of nesting males in a natural breeding intertidal area. Agonistic boatwhistles were produced in lower and variable calling rates comparing with the advertising ones that were typically emitted in long series of calls. Agonistic boatwhistles were similar in duration and frequency harmonic structure (with a middle tonal phase) to the advertising calls, but presented less amplitude modulation, and lower dominant and fundamental frequencies. These acoustic differences were probably related to differences in calling rates and broadcast demands associated to the distance to the intended receiver. We provide first evidence that, apart from attracting mates, the toadfish boatwhistles also function as active ‘keep‐out’ signals during territorial defense.  相似文献   
Urea cycle (UC) is the main pathway of ammonium removal. A deficiency in any of the five classical enzymes of the pathway causes a urea cycle disorder. Hepatocellular transplantation is one of the techniques applicable to treat this disorder. In the present work, we investigated the activities and the relative expression levels of two of the UC enzymes: Carbamyl phosphate synthetase I (CPSI) and ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC), in isolated hepatocytes preserved up to 120 h in University of Wisconsin (UW) solution at 0 degrees C, and during the rewarming of these suspensions. During preservation, CPSI showed differences in mRNA levels respect to time 0, while ornithine transcarbamylase remained unchanged. At the end of the rewarming, CPSI showed values of enzymatic activity and relative mRNA level comparable with the control, meanwhile, there was an increment in OTC activity. In line with these results, we found that hepatocytes cold preserved up to 120h in UW solution maintained their ability to remove an ammonium load comparable to freshly isolated hepatocytes. These data indicated that our preservation conditions up to 120h in UW solution followed by rewarming, preserves UC enzymes at levels similar to freshly isolated hepatocytes, allowing the use of these cells in bioartificial liver devices or hepatocellular transplantation.  相似文献   
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