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Recombinant cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) and a W51A mutant of CcP, in contrast to other classical peroxidases, react with phenylhydrazine to give sigma-bonded phenyl-iron complexes. The conclusion that the heme iron is accessible to substrates is supported by the observation that CcP and W51A CcP oxidize thioanisole to the racemic sulfoxide with quantitative incorporation of oxygen from H2O2. Definitive evidence for an open active site is provided by stereoselective epoxidation by both enzymes of styrene, cis-beta-methylstyrene, and trans-beta-methylstyrene. trans-beta-methylstyrene yields exclusively the trans-epoxide, but styrene yields the epoxide and phenylacetaldehyde, and cis-beta-methylstyrene yields both the cis- and trans-epoxides and 1-phenyl-2-propanone. The sulfoxide, stereoretentive epoxides, and 1-phenyl-2-propanone are formed by ferryl oxygen transfer mechanisms because their oxygen atom derives from H2O2. In contrast, the oxygen in the trans-epoxide from the cis-olefin derives primarily from molecular oxygen and is probably introduced by a protein cooxidation mechanism. cis-[1,2-2H]-1-Phenyl-1-propene is oxidized to [1,1-2H]-1-phenyl-2-propanone without a detectable isotope effect on the epoxide:ketone product ratio. The phenyl-iron complex is not formed and substrate oxidation is not observed when the prosthetic group is replaced by delta-meso-ethylheme. CcP thus has a sufficiently open active site to form a phenyl-iron complex, to oxidize thioanisole to the sulfoxide, and to epoxidize styrene and beta-methylstyrene. The results indicate that a ferryl (Fe(IV) = O)/protein radical pair can be coupled to achieve two-electron oxidations. The unique ability of CcP to catalyze monooxygenation reactions does not conflict with its peroxidase function because cytochrome c is oxidized at a distinct surface site (DePillis, G. D., Sishta, B. P., Mauk, A. G., and Ortiz de Montellano, P. R. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 19334-19341).  相似文献   
We have investigated the interaction of a number of synthetic 20-residue peptides, corresponding to the HA2 N-terminus of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (X31 strain), with phospholipid vesicles and monolayers. Besides the wild-type sequence, two peptides were studied with mutations corresponding to those previously studied in entire HA's expressed in transfected cells [Gething et al., (1986) J. Cell. Biol. 102, 11-23]. These mutations comprised a single Glu replacement for Gly at the N-terminus ("El" mutant) or at position 4 ("E4") of the HA2 subunit and were shown to produce striking alterations in virus-induced hemolysis and syncytia formation, especially for E1. The X31 "wild-type" (wt) peptide and its E4 variant are shown here to have the capacity to insert into phosphatidylcholine (POPC) large unilamellar vesicle (LUV) membranes in a strictly pH-dependent manner, penetration being marginal at pH 7.4 and significant at pH 5.0. Bilayer insertion was evident from a shift in the intrinsic Trp fluorescence of the wt and E4 peptides and from the induction of calcein leakage from POPC LUV and correlated well with the peptides' ability at pH 5.0 to penetrate into POPC monolayers at initial surface pressures higher than 30 mN/m. By contrast, the E1 peptide was found, at pH 5.0, to bind less tightly to vesicles (assessed by a physical separation method) and to cause much less leakage of POPC LUV than the wt, even under conditions where the peptides were bound to approximately the same extent. Consistent with the correlation between leakage and penetration observed for the wt peptide at pH 5 versus 7, the E1 peptide, even at low pH, showed much less lipid-vesicle-induced shift of its Trp fluorescence than wt, caused a much slower rate of leakage of vesicle contents, and did not insert into POPC monolayers at surface pressures beyond 28.5 mN/m. Circular dichroism spectroscopy measurements of peptides in POPC SUV showed that the conformations of all three peptides are sensitive to pH, but only the wt and E4 peptides became predominantly alpha-helical at acid pH.  相似文献   
Antibody to the carboxyl-terminal of hexose transporter protein GLUT-1 was used to localize this carrier in normal rat kidney (NRK) cells during D-glucose (Glc) deprivation. Glc-deprivation of NRK cells induces increased hexose transport, inhibits the glycosylation of GLUT-1, and increases the content of both native, 55,000 apparent mol wt (Mr) and aglyco, 38,000 Mr GLUT-1 polypeptides. The distribution of GLUT-1 protein in subcellular fractions isolated from Glc-fed NRK cells shows that the 55,000 Mr polypeptide is most abundant in intracellular membrane fractions. Glc-fed cells that have been tunicamycin treated contain principally the 38,000 Mr GLUT-1 polypeptide, which is found predominantly in intracellular membrane fractions. In Glc-deprived cells the 55,000 Mr GLUT-1 polypeptide localizes predominantly in the Golgi and plasma membrane fractions, whereas the more abundant 38,000 Mr GLUT-1 polypeptide is distributed throughout all membrane fractions. In Glc-deprived but fructose-fed cells only the 55,000 Mr GLUT-1 polypeptide is detected, and it is found predominantly in the plasma membrane and Golgi fractions. The localization of GLUT-1 protein was directly and specifically visualized in NRK cells by immunofluorescence microscopy. Glc-fed cells show little labeling of cell borders and a small punctate juxtanuclear pattern suggestive of localization to the Golgi and, perhaps, endoplasmic reticulum. Glc-fed cells that have been tunicamycin treated show large punctate intracellular accumulations suggestive of localization to distended Golgi and perhaps endoplasmic reticulum. Glc-deprived cells exhibited intense labeling of cell borders as well as intracellular accumulations. Glc-deprived but fructose-fed cells show fewer intracellular accumulations, and the labeling is, in general, limited to the cell borders. Our results suggest that Glc deprivation induces the selective accumulation of GLUT-1 in the plasma membrane of NRK cells.  相似文献   
Following i.c.v. (intracerebral ventricular) injections ofd,l-[3H]pipecolic acid (PA), it is reabsorbed from the ventricles and redistributed to various brain regions. The highest accumulation is found in three brain regions ipsilateral to the injection site, hippocampus, neocortex, striatum, and in the diencephalon. Following preloading in vivo, the radioactivity is released from hippocampus slices in the perfusion medium after depolarization induced by high K+. During perfusion with a Ca++ free medium containing EGTA, a significant reduction of release is observed.The radioactivity ofd,l-[3H]PA in the brain shows a more rapid phase of decrease from 0 to 2 hours and a slower phase from 2 to 5 hours. At 5 hours, only 28% radioactivity, represented mainly by PA, is left in the brain. Kidney secretion represents the major route of elimination of the injected PA. The presence of -aminoadipic acid both in brain and urine was observed. Probenecid (200 mg/kg) significantly increases the accumulation of i.c.v. injectedd,l-[3H]PA in brain and kidney. The presence of a regional accumulation of PA in certain brain regions, its metabolism in brain, its enhanced retention following probenecid administration and its Ca++ dependent release following high K+ stimulation, all constitute indirect evidence for a neuronal localization of this brain endogenous iminoacid.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P-450 is destroyed during catalytic oxidation of several 4-substituted 3,5-bis(ethoxycarbonyl)-2,6-dimethyl-1,4-dihydropyridine substrates. A qualitative correlation has been found between the ability to destroy cytochrome P-450 and the stability of the 4-substituent as a radical. Destruction of the enzyme by the 4-ethyl (DDEP), 4-propyl, and 4-isobutyl analogues is due to transfer of the 4-alkyl group from the substrate to a nitrogen of the prosthetic heme, a process which gives rise to isolable N-alkylprotoporphyrin IX derivatives. Little enzyme destruction is observed when the 4-alkyl group is of low radical stability (methyl, phenyl) and good destruction, but no isolable heme adducts when the 4-substituent is of very high radical stability (isopropyl, benzyl). Spin-trapping studies have established that the 4-ethyl group in DDEP is lost as a radical as a result of oxidation by cytochrome P-450. Of three commonly used spin traps, only alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide) N-tert-butylnitrone was found suitable for such studies. The other spin traps, 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide and alpha-phenyl N-tert-butylnitrone, were found to be ineffective, the latter because it strongly inhibits cytochrome P-450. Hydrogen peroxide formed in situ can support a part of the cytochrome P-450-catalyzed ethyl radical formation and DDEP-dependent self-inactivation. The results provide persuasive evidence that oxidation of the nitrogen in DDEP by cytochrome P-450 proceeds in one-electron steps. Cytochrome P-450 may thus function, at least with certain substrates, as a one-electron oxidant.  相似文献   
By using cloned deoxyribonucleic acid fragments from the hemolysis determinant of the hemolytic plasmid pHly152 as hybridization probes, a deoxyribonucleic acid segment of about 3.8 megadaltons was identified as a common sequence in several hemolytic (Hly) plasmids of Escherichia coli belonging in four different incompatibility groups. This segment contained the genetic information for the synthesis and secretion of the extracellular toxin alpha-hemolysin of E. coli. With the exception of pSU5, representing a composite plasmid, one part of which seems to be very similar to pHly152, the overall sequence homology of these Hly plasmids with pHly152 seems to be rather restricted. However, the Hly plasmid pSU316 showed sequence homology with pHly152 that did not extend beyond the hemolysis determinant. The two other plasmids, pSU233 and pSU105, also shared homology with pHly152 in the hemolysis determinant as well as in various other parts of this plasmid which did not seem to be directly linked to the hemolysis determinant. This suggests that the hemolysis determinant has spread to presumably unrelated plasmids of E. coli.  相似文献   
Primordial germ cells (PGCs) have been removed from their normal migratory route in early embryos of Xenopus laevis, and their behaviour studied in vitro. They adhere to, and move over the upper surface of, layers of outgrowing cells from expiants of adult Xenopus mesentery. They move by the extrusion of single filopodia, elongation, forward streaming of the yolky cytoplasm and retraction of their trailing ends. When the underlying cells are polarized in one direction only, PGCs always elongate and move along the same direction. Furthermore, when PGCs elongate and move over less obviously polarized cells, they always do so in the direction of ‘stress fibres’ (actin bundles) in the underlying cells. A substrate-guidance hypothesis for PGC migration is only tenable if there is some orientation in their natural substrate in vivo. Using the scanning electron microscope, we demonstrate that the coelpmic lining cells, beneath which PGCs migrate up the dorsal mesentery of the gut, are orientated in the direction of travel. Furthermore, this orientation changes at the time of gonadal ridge formation. This raises the intriguing possibility that PGCs are guided for at least part of their migration in Xenopus laevis embryos by a substrate-guidance mechanism.  相似文献   
Termites are major decomposers in terrestrial ecosystems and the second most diverse lineage of social insects. The Kalotermitidae form the second-largest termite family and are distributed across tropical and subtropical ecosystems, where they typically live in small colonies confined to single wood items inhabited by individuals with no foraging abilities. How the Kalotermitidae have acquired their global distribution patterns remains unresolved. Similarly, it is unclear whether foraging is ancestral to Kalotermitidae or was secondarily acquired in a few species. These questions can be addressed in a phylogenetic framework. We inferred time-calibrated phylogenetic trees of Kalotermitidae using mitochondrial genomes of ∼120 species, about 27% of kalotermitid diversity, including representatives of 21 of the 23 kalotermitid genera. Our mitochondrial genome phylogenetic trees were corroborated by phylogenies inferred from nuclear ultraconserved elements derived from a subset of 28 species. We found that extant kalotermitids shared a common ancestor 84 Ma (75–93 Ma 95% highest posterior density), indicating that a few disjunctions among early-diverging kalotermitid lineages may predate Gondwana breakup. However, most of the ∼40 disjunctions among biogeographic realms were dated at <50 Ma, indicating that transoceanic dispersals, and more recently human-mediated dispersals, have been the major drivers of the global distribution of Kalotermitidae. Our phylogeny also revealed that the capacity to forage is often found in early-diverging kalotermitid lineages, implying the ancestors of Kalotermitidae were able to forage among multiple wood pieces. Our phylogenetic estimates provide a platform for critical taxonomic revision and future comparative analyses of Kalotermitidae.  相似文献   
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